--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Hugs booth.

I hear ya on Jesses fits. Gah Caylee has them at least twice a day where she will scream at the top of her lungs and scream No at us and then cry, she kicked Ross in the face the other day because he told her no when we were in bed watching a movie. After I said "We don't kick Caylee" with all her might, she pulled her leg back and WHACK kicked him in the jaw this time. It's very tough to handle and I feel stressed out 50% of my day. We bought a baby gate and put it in the doorway of her room and when she throws fits, I put her in her room so she can't get out with the baby gate up and she sits in there until she calms down, because I do not know what else to do! It seems to be working for us.

Also we are planning Caylees 1st b-day. Money..money..money to which we do not have is getting spent on this. I am trying to keep it small because we need to save all we can right now for Lilys birth, but I want my baby to have a good birthday.

So at 11 months, we started to potty train Miss.Caylee Anne. Everytime one of us has to go to the bathroom, we take her in and show her while she sits on her potty, we have been doing it for about a week and a half, and yesterday she went pee on her potty. I was so excited, she clapped because I was but in all honesty..I am 99% sure she had no clue what she did haha. We keep trying and hoping that she will go when she is ready, she loves to sit on it when we are, its just her learning when to use it now
As you girls know, Emma has been having tantrums for a few months now. Just throwing herself back and going nuts. I didn't know what to do either but I've done a bit of research and read in the toddler section too. They say not to ignore it and not to yell. I guess your supposed to calmly put your hand on their shoulder and say "I know your angry" in a soothing tone of voice and hold them and be there for them until the tantrum passes. It also says that after the tantrum is over you should say "wow you were really angry about not getting ____" They don't know why they feel this way and they have no other way to express themselves except to just explode it all out when they get frustrated. There is an article about it that my cousin sent me in the mail and it basically says the exact same thing. Calm and cool. And always make sure they know you are there for them. Leaving them to it won't solve the problem. Because I did the same thing in the beginning. I didn't know what the hell to do so I just let Emma do it and left her alone. :wacko: But I guess that was wrong. She's had a lot less tantrums since I've taken the calm approach to it. :shrug::thumbup:
omg heidi that sounds like something jesse would do!! he headbutted me the other day when he was throwing one and made my nose bleed! he is starting to understands alot more when we talk to him now and this evening i said to jess 'your going to bed early tonight' and he threw a proper fit!! screaming and threw himself out of his chair!
caylee is super advanced though i cant believe she can pee on the potty already!! i dont think were going to start til about 18months! jesses new thing is pulling his nappy off and weeing on my bed though he does this quite often in the morning now, my mattress is taking a beating and im going through alot of fabreeze lol, i think im gunna have to start putting a towel under him when he gets in my bed cus its horrible getting peed on every morning!

cleck i can see were your coming from, but for us if i try hold jesse while he is screaming he will get even more angry, he prefers to crawl off and sulk away from me which im happy for him to do, i like to think i am quite calm with him but i probably do get annoyed when he is having a fussy day and speak to him a litle sterner than i would normally! i certainly dont shout though, he knows when hes done something naughty by my tone of voice and he will 99% stop doing it when i tell him, but recently he will stop and then throw a fit which he never used to! xx
Boothh- Emma won't let me hold her through a tantrum either but I sit beside her and tell her she'll be all right, etc. I try to rub her back and just let her get through it. I admit I've yelled at Emma to shut up in moments of stress. :blush: I may be a horrible mom for doing so but sometimes all I want to do is scream and have a tantrum with her. :haha: But really since I've done the whole putting my hand on her shoulder thing with her, the tantrums have gotten shorter and there have been less of them. Because I know she understands what I'm saying but just can't talk back IYKWIM. Now if I can just learn to control my own temper with her every time. :haha:

Heidi- I cannot believe you guys are already starting potty training!! I got Emma a potty for her first birthday but I don't plan on starting to try with her until around 18 months!! It's amazing what a big girl Caylee is already! Emma seems like a newborn in comparison. :haha:
(((((Boothh)))) Hope you're not in too much pain now honey, can't be fun, whatever it is that went on in there! I think you got it spot on when you said that your body probably needs to have a bit of quiet time and rest before you guys really go for it and try again. :flower:

I am so lucky that Vincent really isn't a tantrumy kid... yet!!! He only gets fussy if he is tired or really bored, but he never throws a fit like you guys are mentioning... I hope we get lucky and just have a really placid boy! Otherwise I guess it's a treat that I'll be experiencing soon enough :wacko:

Who mentioned Edwards Scissorhands?? Nutty?? Check this guy out! ...


WOW Heidi, whether it was an accident or not that's sooo cool that Caylee peed on the potty!!! She's such a genius!! I think vince is quite far behind with that... Though Lee says that Finlay went from nappies to fully potty trained in one week, just after she turned 1! I think girls are often a bit quicker than boys...

Do you guys think your little ones understand a fair bit of what you're saying to them then? I don't think Vincent does!! lol... He knows certain words, and when I say "where's the tree?" or "Where's your juice?" nice and clearly, he looks for it, but that's about it...

I've sewn 10 naked mice today! So proud! :D
Yeah, Caylee has an attitude and I also have yelled Shut up once or twice so you are not alone there Cleck. I always feel so terrible after and try to cuddle and explain why I was angry but she usually by that time is more into her toys than what I am saying.

Ahh at Jesse haha thats so funny. Caylee hasnt peed on our bed yet, but usually she does it on the bathroom floor, before a bath, thats like her spot. Drives me bonkers!!!!!
Both my nieces were potty trained by 14 months so I am just following what I know, if she isnt ready yet, she won't do it..but she seems to enjoy her potty and gets excited when she sits on it. I am hoping we have luck with her. She is an advanced baby, and it's odd for me because I always see kids her age and the parents are like "How old is she, 16 months?" And I'm like 10 months and they are amazed, I feel like its normal for me since she is all I see, so I know nothing else. But I am proud of her.

Super cute Shadow!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want one haha.

I think Caylee understand some, she seems to get alot more than I think she does though. She knows what no means, and she knows what nap means, but when I talk to her she usually responds in some way that always shocks me. I told Ross we need to watch what we say now because she is starting to say a lot of words...and sometimes we let an F bomb spill out and I am so scared she will walk around swearing... :/
I have a hard time watching my language too Heidi. Honestly I don't even realize I'm doing it half the time. I'm sure Emma will be going to kindergarten saying F off to the kids. LOL! I say bad words just to be funny and always have so it's a nasty habit to break. DH is always yelling at me so than I am childish and say "Fuck, fuck, fuck" just to rub it in. :rofl::rofl:

I very much think Emma understands what I'm saying. She isn't nearly as advanced as some of the babies in here as far as speech though. She only says mama and dada and bye bye. But she points to what she wants and grunts at me. :haha: That's how I know what she wants. I can always tell when she's excited or loves something. As I type this she just pulled the lid off our magazine holder and is pulling them all out. :dohh: She is very curious but cautious. She won't touch something new right away. She checks it out from every angle first before reaching out to it. It's quite interesting to watch.
Mog can't say anything! She burbles away, and I don't think she understands a word of what I'm saying. Her childminder insists she can speak bulgarian though :haha:

She doesn't tantrum, although she does cry for effect sometimes if I take something away from her or stop feeding her to do something else. I won't even consider potty training for a while (although in other toileting related news, she peeed on the back seat of my car last night as I was changing her. Thanks baby) but I think she might walk soon. She likes to dance hanging on to stuff, so I think she might walk while we're on holiday at the end of July.

Had a nasty moment with a non-rising CB digi conception indicator this morning (nasty= weeping hysterically all the way to work) but SMU gave me the result I wanted! Phew. Stupid CB digis.
jesse says mama, daddeee, nanny, yea, no, what (OT!!), byebye, clapclap, and iyerrrr, he spends alot of time copying what i say, i swear all the time, stuart hardly ever swears and hes always telling me off for it!!
jesse will say these words in context, but then he will be babbling away to himself and say them then too so i dunno, i think he understands what they mean and he practices when hes just crawling around lmao,

he is always saying byebye and waving at every oppertunity, if he even hears anyone saying bye he starts waving and bahbah ing haha,

i want a mouse shadow!!

AE i hate cb digis haha :p your pregnant!! stop taking tests!! xxx
Well I take it back because last night I said bubbles and emma yelled BUBBLES! :rofl: It was so cute. DH and I got a super shocked look on our face and looked at eachother real fast. It's not much different from bye bye but still a new word! :haha:

DH is gone for a few weeks. :( Which really isn't so bad so I'm actually not that upset but now I have to take care of a puppy and the baby alone. :haha:
i think im gunna have to nutty but i really cba! have a million and 1 things to do for this party and its stuarts 21st on monday!
obviously he wants a tattoo, so i have to find £250 from somewere!! :dohh:

i have such a bad headache today i never get headaches but damn this hurts, and jesse has decided he's having a vocal day today lol! x
stuart has loads, he is half way through his sleeve but he wants a chest peice for his birthday ha!

i have 6, 5 of them are on my arms so im gunna look a bugger in my wedding dress then :p hahah xx
i just wrote a huge post and jesse deleted it :dohh:

this is my hedgehog OH has one too cus we call jesse our little hedgehog, mine needs re touching cus its patchy


swallow is same as my grandads and i got the hearts a few days before i found out i was pregnant with jesse cus i was in a bad mood n got them to cheer me up haha


horeshoe i got on a whim haha


i have a butterfly on my stomach but its full of stretch marks so not putting that up lol

OH will kill me for putting these up but you can see his hedgehog on this pic


my favourite is this gypsy on his arm best pic i could find

he has loads though he has swallows on his stomach he even has one in his mouth lol! xx
I've wanted one for a couple of years on my lower back, the white horse at uffington, like this, but not on my ankle!


OH is very very very unkeen, and of course I can't do anything about it when I'm pregnant.
im lucky cus stuart is really into tattoos so he doesnt mind were i have them haha xx
aww thats nice that stuart would never get my name, he has a thing about writing, thats why we got hedgehogs instead of jesses name cus we dont wanna end up with a list of names all round us if we have loadsa kids :p

he has BLINK as in blink182 written inside his lip, hes had it done twice now cus they fade out after a while and its fading again so i keep saying he should get becki there next time :p

its a weird sort of pain, i have my lip pierced and my nose, i dunno its hard to explain it doesnt 'hurt' its more irritating than anything, with the odd sharp bit, the outline hurts more than the colouring in!

im a complete wimp when it comes to pain and i can handle it easily lol, im having a caterpillar on my foot next x
and also im plannin on getting a cupcake with like a skull and cross bones coming out of the frosting bit :p haha dunno were to get it though! xx
Kira doesn't have tantrums yet, but she does get fussy when she's tired or hungry. I feel pretty lucky because if I take something away from her she doesn't cry... she just moves on to the next bad thing to stick in her mouth :haha:

The last few days have been big learning days for Kira! She waved for the first time and clapped her hands for the first time! Sooooo cute!! No words yet, but she also just learned to click her tongue :-)

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