Thanks for the welcome back guys... Will update you on us in a sec
(((((Boothh)))))) Honey, just put your feet up and try not to think too much about it (!!!) It's like you said: Nothing more you can do for now. I really hope it's just too early for the digi yet. Keep your mind busy, do lots of puzzles or something... Fingers tightly crossed honey xxx
Heidi, Caylee is sooooo cute walking about! OMG! She's 3 days younger than Vince, it's scary... She's such a grown up girl!
AE, boooo for MS!

I don't envy you, hope you don't suffer too much xxxx
So here's a little update from us

I will try to keep it short ish!
Vince has 3 teeth! Woop! They're coming through in a weird order though, anyone else had this? He got his top "fangs" first! (I think they're actually his second incisors, not his canines...) and now one of the top front ones has cut too. The bottom ones aren't showing any signs of movement yet... He likes having his teeth brushed hehe
He's JUST started crawling at long last

He's getting pretty qick too, and within 5 days of starting to crawl he pulled himself up to standing in his playpen. He's been pulling up to kneeling for a while. He seems desperate to stand, when I hold his hands only very gently he walks for ages, seems to love it, so I think he'll probably be walking pretty soon too
He keeps learning new words, being so proud of himself for a brief time and then getting lazy and the words melge into different sonds lol... The most recent thing was "light" and he was doing soooo well, had the "L" bit and everything, bt it gradually changed and now it's "Aaaaat" lol... lazy boy...
Swimming is still going great, he can swim through a hoop under water now and we still love it sooo much. He's really good at swimming to the surface and finding the bar on the edge of the pool and "holding on" until I take him off

The new thing is being thrown into the water by the instructor (!!) and finding the bar to hold on. He's just starting to learn to use his arms to pull through the water too

We love to swim!
He points at everything and asks "Ossat?" so we keep feeding him new words, one day I guess they will start to "stick" and he'll just start talking hehe... Exciting stuff
Oh, last I posted in here we were probably still swaddling (!!!!) bt we fiiinally broke it at about 9 1/2 months

and he hasn't loked back

It's such a huge relief, I had visions of him being 10 years old and us wrapping him up for bed!
Hmmm I think that's about it for Vincey lately... DESPERATELY need ideas for first birthday presents, we are flat broke lol so it's going to be special but low-key: Jst family we think, a little cake and some balloons and probably some homemade gifts and some not-too-expensive gifts

We're planning on wrapping up some wrapping paper as he has more fun with paper than with any of his expensive toys!!! Cheap but nice birthday gift ideas anyone?
Other news for me is... Firstly, those of you with FB will probably know that we're about to lose our home (rented: they're selling) and can find nothing else anywhere... so we'll be homeless pretty soon!! But keeping pbeat about it, something is bound to come along right?! (Right??) We're pretty much at the mercy of the council, hoping that they won't let a disabled mummy with a little baby sleep on the streets

None of the private rental places want us because of the disability / wheelchair / dog / baby scenario...
But some really good news: We're finally seeing OH's daughter Finlay regularly, she comes down here to stay now which is great, we get her for a whole weekend at a time

She bonded with Vince so nicely when she was here, theyre so cute together

And finally, I have gone into business with my sister-in-law... https://www.etsy.com/shop/thehouseofmouse
It's so much fun and very exciting, we work beautifully together so that's a real bonus
Gah, I am already exhasted writing this! As I said, I will try very hard to keep up with you guys
Bye for now! xxxx