--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

hey hey ladies, hope you are all ok,

so sorry to hear your news boothh, have you decided what route you'll be taking with TTC now?

cleck, funny enough Kara has started to do the same with her dodie (dummy) and i love it but david doesnt lol, she hasnt ever really paid much interest in them, but she's not even touched a dummy since she was about 3 months! So its weird that she has it now lol!

Well it was karas birthday party on saturday, and it was perfect!! she got spoilt rotten, and she looked like a princess! she wore a tutu and a princess party dress, sooooooo cute! Shes walking alot now, not quite steady on her feet just yet but she's doing good!

we've decided to start NTNP :happydance: just see what happens, no stress, no pressure, just go with it, im really excited/nervous, it'll be so weird.... but i'd love a bro or sis for kara, so lets see what happens there!

anyone else got any plans for no.2?

huge congrats to u AE, hope you are feeling well!

Karas birthday sounds like it went so well!!!!! She is such a beautiful little girl. Good luck on the letting whatever happens happen with a brother and sister for her. I am so excited for Caylee to have someone to play with and have a little best friend by her side.

And Spidey I hear you on licking everything, Caylee has to put EVERYTHING in her mouth...she digs in the toilet a lot and it does not matter what it is, it goes into her mouth.

Caylee has always been a binky girl, since the day she was born. We use MAM pacis and we love them. We have at least 25 around the house and she needs to have one in her hand and one in her crib most the time. Its going to be hard to cut this from her.
Heidi- Yeah that was always my biggest worry with pacifiers. Thankfully Emma pretty much hated them. She'd rather have mommy's nipple. LOL! The one she's using as a toy isn't for comfort, it's just her thinking she's funny cause she looks at me with a huge grin whenever she digs it out of the toybox. :haha: But I'm going to have a really hard time getting her off the boob because she still uses it to fall asleep for naps, etc. :dohh: I don't mind and I plan on BFing until 2 years old at least but for now I'm a giant human pacifier when she gets hurt, etc. :haha:

ashnbump- I'm so glad her party went well!! :D:D Emma has a tutu outfit for her first birthday too. I'm so excited to put her in it. Congrats on her walking too!! :happydance:
I think i am in denial about Sophia turning one! It is as though I refuse to even think about it, not thought about gifts, party, outfit , nothing! i don't even want a party for her. i want to keep her my little baby forever. Am i really weird?
LoL Shiv- :hugs: Your not weird at all! When people back home ask if Emma's walking yet I am actually pleased to say no because she's still my baby. For me, walking is the end of being a baby. So I have a feeling I will cry and cry when she starts. Her first birthday is a big deal, but as long as she's not walking, she's still my baby. :blush: :haha: I'm sure I'll be thinking differently when everyone in this group has walking babies and Emma still isn't. :rofl: I actually will still cradle Emma like a newborn and kiss her all over calling her my baby. She laughs and laughs and thinks I'm funny. But it feels nice to cradle her like I did the day she was born. :blush:
me too - i think breastfeedng helps with the whole cradling thing as it is a great excuse! David wants a big party for her, but I am just not really entering into conversation with him and hoping that if I leave him to organise it, then it won't get done. I kinda just want to spend her birthday,just the three of us- i am too selfish to want to share her. i am weird, I know it. But I just don't want a big party :shrug: But then if you don't have a party how do you make the day any different to any other day?

Cleck - is Corey back on shore for Emma's birthday? I do hope so!

Aunty E - how are you feeling?

Ash - photos of Kira's party please! Glad it went well - another baby walking - clever Kira!

Boothh and nutty - you horror fans you ! Can't say I'm a big fan, I don't mind them but I am not a film fan in general, I have a really small attention span (unless it is playing minesweeper - sad!) so I need short films, anything over 90 minutes and I get fidgety and bored!

Busy weekend here, frinds over tonight for takeaway. BBQ tommorow afternoon at a friends, my parents are babysitting tomorrow night, so David and I are gonna do something , dinner or cinema (for a short film :haha:). Sunday I want to go swimming and then have David's brother coming round to see Sophia for the first time since Christmas. He only lives 10 miles away, we saw him at a wedding 2 weeks ago, and he was bragging to everyone about what a great uncle he is cos he got her a growth chart for Christmas. I just "great uncle my arse, you haven't seen her since then"! hurumph.

OK so who is still trying to lose weight (MJ where are you, I saw on FB that you had a bad start to your holiday, I hope it got better :hugs:)

I am now 9stone 4lbs (which is 5lbs under pre-preg weight) so I am really happy. Although I still have such a big flobbity belly. ANd my hips are so wide now. I know I can't do anything about that but I just look SOOOO wide!

My aim is to be 9 stone for Sophia's birthday (which is just under 6 weeks away). I am not really doing anything to lose the weight, and now that Sophia is breastfeeding less i think I may have to watch what I eat a bit more. I have it in my head that if I am 9 stone I will be happy with my appearance. We'll see

have great weekends everyone :hugs:
i just wrote a massive post and jesse deleted it and im really pissed off now so i cba writing it again :(
Shiv, I understand 100% about wanting to keep them as babies. I feel sad a lot because Caylee doesn't really need me for anything other than putting food on her highchair and changing her pants and giving her a bath. She walks and runs now, so I don't need to help her with any of that, she LOVES to play by herself in her room, when I walk by her door, she seriously shuts it on me! :cry: The first time she did it, I laughed, but now that its all the time, it breaks my heart that she does not want me in her room at all, if I knock at her door, she pulls it open and smiles but goes right back to playing, she does not let me cuddle her at all. She hates it. She does not want me to feed her, even in the bath, she sits in there by herself, sometimes I will get in the tub with her, but she cries and tries to get away from me if I am in there with her, she is so independent that it breaks my heart. She will kiss me and hug me at random times, but my baby stopped being a baby a few months ago, and I am just coming to terms with that now. :nope: Even though I don't want to.

It's even gotten to the point when she is ready for a nap, she takes mine or ross hand, leads us into her bedroom and stand by her crib and puts her arms up...I can't even put her to bed..she does it now :cry: I am blessed to have a baby who is so advanced and smart...but heartbroken because...she just does not need me like she did when she was younger..and shes only 11 months! Where did time go girls....when did our babies start growing up
shiv come and join fatbusters! i have 13lbs to lose to get to pre preg, i fit in my clothes im just soo untoned its untrue, and my hips are massive now and my stomach is awful,
i have anoth 2st id like to lose though to be happy with myself lol, i lost nearly 2st since i started trying in january x
i cannot believe they have been around for a year a whole year i didnt realise jesse turning one also meant hes been around for a full year,
i was 35weeks pregnant this time last year on stuarts birthday, huge, and i remember ash, looking at the pictures of kara on your FB and being jealous cus i wanted jesse to arrive!! we were all counting down the days wernt we, and now they are nearly toddlers! this year has gone soo unbelievably fast its scary!!
i love it when jesse cuddles up to me and lets me feed him his bottle which is rare cus he wants to do everything himself! i want him to stay my baby!! in 5weeks he will be a toddler and im so sad hes growing up!!
i look at him my perfect little boy and just think how the hell did i make something soo cool!! x
Oh yeah...I got yelled at by a HOMELESS couple today because I would not give them money...as they were drinking Miller Lite Beer.....Shut up and get a job..Idiots
hi, feeling ok, the odd wave of nausea, but it's pretty faint, like a hangover almost. Just very very very tired, not helped by OH having been away for the last few weeks, so single parenting which is a bit more tiring than having someone else to share the early mornings with (Mog was awake at 5.30 today). Early pregnancy made me exhausted last time too, and bad tempered and slightly depressed, all of which has landed on me again. Oh well, at least I'm not actually throwing up - that would be very very very bad!

Imogen still wants to be cuddled, she's got this cute habit now of crawling over to me and wanting to be picked up for a minute and hugged, and then climbing back down again. Super cute! She falls over SO much at the moment though, she's covered in bruises. I bought a really thick rug in the Ikea sale for #20 which is really helping with falling backwards, but she falls into things too. She's moved up into Large nappy covers now, which makes me wonder how far the sizes go up...I expect that imse vimse do an extra large, but as they tend to last about four months that means I'll be looking at no more pants by 16 months. I'm not expecting to have her potty trained by then really. Hang on, just checked and they do an X large and an S large. I like to think that means SUPER LARGE :) We'll be alright then.

Imogen sat on my knee and watched Shrek quite happily, with just a bit of grumpiness at the end cos she was tired. But yay for well-behaved cinema baby. I can trust her in Eclipse now!
glad your not getting proper sickness AE i really was not looking forward to dealing with sickness as i had it pretty bad last time!
and so good she will sit through a movie, i dont think id dare take jesse cus hes soo fidgety and i think he'd get bored, we take the oppertunity when hes at my mums to go to see whatever we wanna see, we used to go a few times a week to the cinema its alot less often now,
i saw eclipse last sunday and it was great really great ;) xxx
Shiv- Nope Corey won't be here for her birthday. :( But he is here the weekend before so we will just have a little party than. My parents are coming! :happydance: They are driving 2000 miles to come for Emma's birthday. :cloud9: I can't wait to see them.

Heidi- :(:( That's so horrible. It's great that she is so advanced, but I couldn't imagine Emma not wanting to cuddle. She's a cuddle monster and would prefer for me to hold her over anything else. Although sometimes I would kill to have her just play on her own without having me right there with her. She will play on her own, but not without me in the room with her. We are almost never in opposite rooms.

AE- I'm glad your sickness is just minimal right now but I still bet it's super hard. :hugs::hugs: Sorry your hubby isn't around to help. I know the feeling all too well.

I'm going on a cleaning rampage today. The puppy keeps peeing on the floor and it's driving me nuts so I just threw him outside and went crazy on the house. I refuse to have a house that smells like puppy pee. :growlmad: So both dogs got a bath, my house got a scrub down, and now I feel like sleeping but it's only 7 PM. :haha: But I feel much better!!
I'm glad to hear that Kira isn't freakishly mouthy :haha:

Cleckner- I'm on a cleaning rampage today too!

We decided to accept the truth that Kira will never use her crib so I moved it out of her room into the office and we got a mattress for the floor. I'm going to start getting her to nap on her new mattress and one day when she moves from our bed, she'll already have a bed she likes. I also started working on moving all the baby stuff to storage- clothes, swings, car seats... so many things!!

Oooh, a super cute thing that Kira started is if I say 'give it to mommy' and hold out my hand, she will place whatever object she's holding in my hand!

Any birthday pictures of Kara??

Shiv- we're not planning on a big party for Kira. We're having the grandparents and 1 uncle over to eat cake and ice cream and to watch Kira with her gifts. It'll be a short party, but just a nice simple way to recognize the day. Kira is the 1st grandchild on both sides so I know the grandparents are excited to be involved. Plus it'll be the 1st time she gets cake!
we are having not a massive party but i have alot of family and were all close so there will be quite a few people there, were having it at my mum and dads new house cus theyve just decided to get back together lol,
going to get some of jesses gifts next weekend and im about to get his decorations and stuff, i want to have a party cus we dont get to see some family often so its nice for them to see how big jesse is getting!
That's so cute, I wish I could get Caylee to give me anything haha.

Caylee now loves to brush her own hair, she walks around with a brush and brushes her hair, and then gets a pony tail and tries to put it in her own hair, so cute!

We bought toddler bed mattress and plan on putting it on the floor as well in about a month to get her to convert into a toddler bed. She is not that big on her crib and we want her out of a crib by 13 months since she is pretty much ready to jump ship now haha
aww iv been thinking of getting jess a toddler bed soon cus hes never taken to his cot,
i am sat up at 3.40am because jess has thrown up mega twice tonight and has a fever, and screams if his daddy goes out the room, so he is in bed with his daddy and im on the sofa!! xx
spidey I was thinking of doing the same thing for Emma! I thought maybe I'd start off her mattress in our room and than slowly move it to her own room. If that doesn't sound stupid. :rofl: I'm thinking we'll get her a full or twin mattress and than she can have it her whole life in our house. I had the same mattress the whole time I lived at home so I can't really see spending money all the time on mattresses. :thumbup:

Emma had her first playdate today! There was another 10 month old there. A 6 month old. And a 7 month old. Emma is a huge bully though and by far the most active. Emma was into EVERYTHING at this girl's house. I had to chase her everywhere and she'd climb up on the other babies and smack them in the head. :dohh: Than she went around kissing them all and they all cried. :rofl: They were all going on and on about how active she is and how hard it must be for me. The whole time they are talking I'm thinking 'could you PLEASE tell my husband this because he doesnt understand why I just hand her off every day'. :rofl: So we plan on getting together more often now. I hope to goodness Emma learns to be nicer. I don't think she realized what she was doing because she just laughed about it all. I hope they don't kick me out of the group because my kid is unruly. :shock:
I'm sorry Jesse is sick :( Poor baby, hope he feels better soon. A sick baby is just a terrible time!

I know what you mean Cleck about Emma being a bully haha. Our family and friends call Caylee "Crusher Cameron" She will tackle kids older and younger than her and lay ontop of them till they start crying and then she will laugh, she is a MASSIVE bully. It's good shes doing play dates, its important for kids to interact with other kids :-)

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