--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Heidi- I just burst out laughing at your description of Caylee. That is basically Emma. She literally climbed up onto the little 6 month old boy and started slapping the back of his head. All with a huge grin on her face. :rofl::rofl: Of course the mom rushes over and I just didn't know what to do. I told her no over and over and kept going over to keep her from hurting them but she'd just crawl right back and do it more. :dohh:
he does seem fine now, his temp was 38.7 is that really hih or just moderatly high? i know its higher than average but i dont know anything about temps haha!
he seems great this morning, weve had no sleep though cus stus mum and dad have just been round to bring his birthday present, and jesse has been up since like 2am, knackered i need to make stuarts birthday cake today too and i cba moving!! x
i gave him calpol and sponged him down abit to keep him cool, i think he might just be off with the heat, he proper excorcist style threw up twice all over me and stuart and our house yesterday, once all over the living room and once all over our bed lol,
i dunno whether its his teeth cus 2 more bottom ones are coming through!! but he had a heat rash last night too and i was panicking cus i dont like rashes, x
Poor Jesse. Teething can be such a pain. I know when Caylee starts to get a new tooth she always gets a rash, a bad fever and she just is lethargic. It's terrible. Boo has been sick so much and in and out of the ER since she was born that now we really only worry and panic if her fever is 101 and higher. If its 101 and below we give her meds and give her a tubby and let her sleep with us, but when she had H1N1 when she was 2 months old...gah, she had a fever of 103 degrees couldnt keep formula, or anything down, they had to give her ivs and try to feed her an ounce every hour and she was in the hospital for 4 days. :-( WORST time of my life
Boothh- I'm so sorry he's feeling so crappy. :( :hugs: I hope it goes quickly and his fever goes down. When you say temps I don't ever know what it is because we go by F here not C. :haha:

Well I'm trying my hardest to not post in this thread in the BFing section so I'm gonna complain about it here instead. A girl is upset because she wanted to BF in the feeding room and there were two formula feeders in there so she left and went home. WTF?! Why does she think she's better and that the formula feeding girls don't deserve to be in there?! I don't get it. It gives other breastfeeders a bad name because she's acting like she's so much better and deserves more. I started to post in that thread a few times but each time I backspaced out because I don't want to start anything.

On a side note still related to breastfeeding though, I felt like a bit of an outcast at the playgroup yesterday. I'm the only one that breastfeeds and they all had such negative things to say about breastfeeding. One didn't even try, one quit after 3 days, and one said she made it to 2 months and quit. They all said how horrible it was and when I said that I planned on feeding till at least 2 years they were like 'hell no, just switch to formula' and than went on and on about people that still breastfed a 5 year old, etc, etc. So I just sat there quietly and didn't voice my opinion because they were being quite ignorant about it and were making me feel like a freak show. :( I just feel completely judged which is just crazy because I'm doing what they say is best so why should I feel so judged?! Errr! Okay rant over.
I saw that thread too Cleck and steered well clear!

As for being made to feel like an outcast - i don't really get why people judge other people for how they feed their baby. breast or bottle, you do whatever you want to do, but no-one has the right to make anyone feel bad about a choice they have made. I for one think you are great for BFing for so long, and i completely understand how brill it is! I thought I might stop whne Sophia turned a year - but now that it is only 5 weeks away i can't imagine not doing it! i do hope i don't end up still BFing her when she is ten though :haha:
Cleck, you are giving Emma one of the best things you possibly can as a mother. I am OOBER proud of anyone who breast feeds longer than 6 weeks which is what I made it to before I stopped...I loved it, but I just felt like I had her on my boob every second and I couldn't handle the pain and I was not producing enough. I do find it a little odd when a 7 year old walks up to the mom and starts to breast feed..because we had a family friend who breast fed until her daughter was 7 and I could not wrap my head around why you wouldn't pump and put it in the fridge if you and the child wanted her to have it?....just was odd seeing a kid..not an infant or toddler walk up and lift the moms shirt and start to suckle.
BE PROUD that you are sticking to what you believe in and what you want, some people do not understand when to not speak about an issue like that, it's a personal choice and it is yours to make, and Emma is super healthy and they should not judge you at all!!!
i just replied to that thread lol! couldnt resist!
i think your great for BFing and you know whats right for your baby and how long it is right to continue, i have lots of respect for anybody that breastfeeds and would never feel awkward if anybody bf around me! your feeding your child same as me!! just because emmas milk comes from a boobie and jesses from a bottle doesnt make abit of difference to me!! i dont know why people have to bitch about one or the other, does it really matter as long as your baby is getting what they need!
thats why i hate this site some times full of whingey opinionated women that get offended too easily!! x
I read what you wrote Booth haha. I agree, one comment made me shiver and think ...really?
stupid cow though, what makes her think someone with a bottle should give up there seat for her!!! some people really are ignorant!!
Hi ladies :hi:, sorry haven't posted much but super busy preparing to go back to work tomorrow :( Still can't complain had a year off :haha: :thumbup:.

Just put in my two pence worth on the thread you are talking about. totally agree with you Booth. I breastfed as you all know for 10 months but would never dream of getting grumpy at someone bottle feeding in a feeding room. My god how rude would that be, we all know babies can have trouble feeding in any situation let alone at that 5 month mark when EVERYTHING becomes wildly more interesting than that teat or nipple!!!! Maybe she's just a little over tired but life must be hard when you get wound up by thing like that!!!!
it wasnt just the OP what pissed me off though some of the replies were ludicrous!, it really annoys me, as if anyone would be that selfish to expect someone to disturb their babies feed just because FF and not BF!! just friggin ridiculous!
you are right cleck it is people like that that give BFers a bad name, likewise though with FF people that react horribly to women that BF, i just dont understand why it matters so much to people!! why not get on with feeding their own child and let others get on with it the way they choose to!! xx
Okay I'm gonna go read your response next boothh. :haha: I had to go get Emma to nap and get some of her 11 month pictures. I wondered if it was just me that was annoyed about the comments girls made in that thread. I'm a breastfeeder but I would never discriminate against someone who isn't. Those girls are acting like they deserve a red carpet and a throne to feed on. :haha:

As for the real life comments I get. Its hard to deal with sometimes. It's hard for me to defend myself without sounding like I'm up on a high horse about it. Because I just want to say I'm doing the best thing I could for Emma but than it makes it seem like they aren't doing the best. You know? I don't think method of feeding should even be discussed at all! But it's hard to not bring it up when you have 3 girls bringing out the bottles and mixing formula while I just cover and feed right there. :haha:
nutty- I plan on trying to feed to 2 years just because that is the WHO guidelines. And I think of it as, why switch Emma to milk from a random animal when I make milk especially made for her? :D
:haha: The WHO is the world health organization. :thumbup: And I haven't ever leaked like that so I never had to deal with breast pads/wet shirts/etc. :D A girl yesterday asked me that actually. I told her I haven't leaked since the very beginning. I leaked only a little bit in the beginning but never anything major. I struggled like hell in the beginning to up my supply though so I'm thinking every bit of milk I'm making is going to Emma so there was never any extra to leak out. :haha:
I'm going to post later about Kira's new big girl bed (once I get pictures) but I'll chime in on the bf conversation now :haha:

I'm planning to bf as long as Kira wants it... probably well past 12 months. She does eat solids quite well on some days, so I know at times she gets good nutrition from meals, but on many days she picks and plays with her food. I couldn't care less on those days because I know a booby afterwards will give her all the nutrition she needs.

At times I do feel I'm judged about my decision to bf after 1 year. This is mostly true about the girls at work- we have a new mommies club and even though most of the girls have breast fed, they all have the attitude that "thank god my baby turned one so I could stop!" It's such a touchy subject! I hate having to defend my decision to continue past a year. I don't want to seem high and mighty either while defending myself (Cleckner, I totally understand!) It will be interesting to see what my boss says when I continue to take my 20 minute pumping breaks once Kira turns one. Like all the other girls at work, she breast fed all her children to 1 year and then cut it off and switched to formula.

Cleckner- its too bad we don't live closer! Emma might have a playmate who would counter her physical attacks :haha:
spidey- I agree! I would love if you and I were close. I think we'd get along really well and the babies are so close in age they could be friends. :D

Emma is SO steady standing by herself now! She will stand there for five minutes or more just looking around! Not even wobbly anymore!! I'm just waiting for her to step now. :D I want to catch it on camera but so far every time she's done it, the camera isn't close. Go figure!

Another random post from me but I've been watching Friends every day since DH left. He bought me the whole series so I'd have something to keep me occupied. Well it's at the point where Ross is going to marry for the 2nd time in London. They make british women seem like stuck up bitches! Like they are so snooty and self-important. This isn't true is it?! LOL! I'm sure none of you are going to admit that your snooty but why do they always make british people seem like this on TV?! :shrug: It makes me scared to ever visit there!
Oh I'm a right snotty cow me :haha: i think it is just a stereotype that is played up on tv to be honest, you know posh English people, stingy Scottish people, Arrogant Aussie men, blah blah blah (i am not saying i believe these stereotypoes btw before i get shot!)
i feel abit looked down on if i go down south tbh, i dont mean by any of you lot but you soon as they hear a northern accent you get 'the look' do any of you think that if you come up here?
and the woman i replied to in that thread has told me shes sorry that some people dont have a sense of humour - sure what a great sense of humour! offending millions of women! how funny!

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