that's great news, Sam, hope Elinor continues to do well and you have her home sooner rather than later. Sorry you can't stay with her, I can't imagine how hard that must be for you.
Shiv, I also can't imagine Adam any bigger/older than he is right now, I am really trying to appreciate every moment with him and not look too far ahead and wish his life away! He's such a little cutie and on the one hand I can't wait to see how he'll grow up but on the other I'd love to keep him this small and adorable - but my wishes won't change anything anyway, he'll grow up too fast all by himself...
We had a pretty good night - and afternoon yesterday; we visited my friend but left just a teeny bit too late to avoid AE doing a major meltdown in the car on the way home. I had fed him a little bit before we left but definitely didn't give him enough time and I knew he'd be cross, just hoped we could time it well enough to avoid tears... see, he takes one boob and feeds for about 20 mins then falls asleep, and if we'd left as soon as he'd finished we'd have made it home ok but we didn't... he was completely outraged by this unexpected disruption to normal services and screamed so much I was almost in tears myself feeling like the worst mother on the planet. But as soon as we were home and he had his second boob, peace was restored.
After that he had some formula and then an hour or so later, at bedtime, he wanted more. And then he wouldn't sleep so I had to stay up an extra hour and give him some boob... but then I stuck him in the cot and he slept till after 5am (so about 5 hours)! He wanted a bit of boob but only 20 mins worth and then fell asleep in my arms - and I fell asleep as well, bad MJ, but I really thought he was just having a 5 min nap in between bouts of suck... we slept till about 7.45am, and then fed an hour and a half! So I feel pretty well rested and happy with my boy. He managed the whole night without any extra top-ups till 9.30am - this is good because today is Chris's last day off so if we can manage without needing bottles in the night that'll hopefully mean I won't have to give him any for the next couple of weeks. My mum is coming down tomorrow and she can give AE his formula top-ups during the day but we want to keep his night-time routine as it is, rather than have her get up and bring him downstairs, but if Chris can get a fairly long stretch of sleep that would be great. I want AE only to associate me with the boobs, not the bottle; even though he's not had trouble switching between the two (three?), I don't want him to decide he can get "easier" milk from me as well and so forget about the boobs.
We need to set up the thing that keeps one bottle cold at night and then warms it in a few mins, Chris has been getting up and making a bottle fresh at night but with this thing we can have one in the bedroom all ready to be warmed. I really hope we won't need it and he'll be happy with just boob, but babies are unpredictable and what worked one night mightn't ever work again!
Oh and he weed so much last night that it saturated his nappy and soaked his babygro and went through my bed sheets as well. No idea why he didn't yell and let us know... we're still using disposables as he's a bit too small (he's very long and skinny) to fit the cloth ones I have; am hoping to introduce them in the next week or so. We got some newborn nappies from Boots (own brand) and they are not great, never had any leaking from the Pampers. Meh. I don't like disposables, convenient though they are...