--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Vici hon I'm so sorry she is poorly hang on in there she's a little fighter and will be well before you know it :hugs:
Hi everyone - so good to see so many familliar faces in here and to find out how you are all doing.

Sorry for everyone whois having issues feeding / winding / sleeping etc - I think we all have our own battles don't we - things are never perfect!

As for me - well Sophia is an angel really - she sleeps a lot and feeds well. She generally goes to sleep in her moses basket at 11pm when we go up to bed, and then wakes at about 4.30 pm for an hour long feed then back down fro another 3 - 4 hours - so absolutely amazing - I think I am actually getting more sleep than when I was pregnant. So for my battle it is my left nipple. It is SO sore and scabby - basically an open wound now. I have had to chaneg her feeding position as she had taken a ridge out of teh top of my nipple - it now means that I have to feed her sat on the sofa with her on the arm of the sofa facing towards me and it does REALLY hurt when she latches on but gets better when she is settled into it. Unfortunately save for takign my sofa everywhere with meit does make every other feed quite inconvenient! But as she feeds so well of my right boob (it is a real pleasure) I am loathe to stop feeding her off me left - I just pray that my nipple heals. i am using lashing lansinoh to try to help, but if anyone has any ideas then please let me know!

Does anyone else feel like they alreday don't want their babies to chaneg or grow up? Sophia is just so tiny and perfect - I don't want her to grow!! It is sad that she will grow up!! Maybe it is just me who thinks like that!

Anyway i hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend (in the uk) and that babies are all behavimg themselves xx
Shiv - my midwife gave me these weird plasters for my nipples, they were thin & felt foamy (I think they re made of silicone but i could be wrong) and could be put on and taken off and then replaced. Can't remeber the name but they were really good, I had a nasty wound in my right nipple. but it helped it heal in days. I'm not sure if they do them in the UK but I'll dig out the name and let you know. The packaging is in my underwear drawer but I've just put George in his moses basket and it blocks the drawer so I'll do it tomorrow.

I also hear you on the not growing up bit - I'd like to keep G as he is, but sleeping thru! but then when I think of the little boy he is going to grow into I get a bit excitied about watching him grow and change - I can't picture anything above about 3 tho'!

Vici - sorry to hear Imi has been poorly - hope she gets better quickly and that you recover well from your Csection.
Joey Jo - if you could let me know the name that would be great as they sound ideal - I don't want to go onto full blown nipple guards (the hard plastic ones) as I have heard they can casue nipple confusion.

Thanks hon x
Hi Shiv, sorry you have a sore nipple. Mine are a bit sore too but cream is helping, Lansinoh. My SIL had really bad nipples to the extent that the baby was swallowing her blood but she went through it and came out fine. I know it's painful, like electric shocks but that first bit is the worst. Hang on in there. I find the rugby ball position is a nice change and that sounds like the arm of the chair thing you say. I find I can do it anywhere with a pillow or cushion tucked down the side of me. xxx
Sam... so glad to hear that Elinor's surgery has gone well... big hugs to you... I know it feels like forever ehen you have a little on in the hospital and babies at home... when I had Luke he was in there for 2.5 weeks and I felt like a bad mom at home because I wasn't there all the time... and a bad mom for the new baby because you can't be there for them all the time... but it will get better and soon enough you will have a lovely little baby home with you and the boys... and all that time will feel like just the blink of an eye...:hugs:

Vici... sorry about your little one... will send some prayers your way... here is to a speedy quick recovery and home with you and her dad soon.... :hugs:

In regards to the epidural... I have had one with all my boys... they were wonderful... I was just more of an observer then a participant in the birth process... but with this last baby the epidural quit working as I hit 10cm and transition... and can I just say:

IT HURT LIKE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock:

Then the dr. went to stitch me and just got to work b/c she thought I had a working epidural..forgetting apparently me yelling out as I pushed "This god damn hurts... get it out!!!"

So again I jump and scream as she tries to stitch... and she calmly says "oh... you can feel that ....???"


So then I got the shots of litocain as she worked...

I wish it had worked... I was exhausted this time... all that pain tuckered me out...:rofl:
Sorry for updating so late evryone i've had such a hell of a day :(
Thank you all for your well wishes they mean the world to me :cloud9:
I am home at the moment as the hospital could not get e any accomodation so i am missing my precious angel so much at the minute :(
Well Elinors doctor is feeling really confident at the moment they have taken her off the vecuronium which keeps her sedated so she will be waking up within the next day or so and she is also talking of starting her on a little feed through her feeding tube tomorrow and then weening her off the ventilator!! When she told me all this i cried as soon i will have a very brave and strong awake little girl who breathes for herself and digests food YAY!!!
I have one pic up on facebook it was taken the day before her surgery when she was awake i will post the link hope it works as i have it set so only my friends can see it x
Sam - glad Elinor's on the mend. You must be so relieved.

Vici - Hope Imi picks up very soon and makes a quick recovery. She sounds like a little fighter.

MJ - I had stitches for a 3rd degree tear and they still bother me 3 weeks on, especially if I've been standing or walking for a bit. The advice I was given was to keep them clean and dry - I'm not quite sure how you're supposed to keep them clean without using water though!

I have visitors coming round in 40 mins and Harvey is feeding so I can't have a quick tidy up. The house is a tip!
:D that's great news, Sam, hope Elinor continues to do well and you have her home sooner rather than later. Sorry you can't stay with her, I can't imagine how hard that must be for you.

Shiv, I also can't imagine Adam any bigger/older than he is right now, I am really trying to appreciate every moment with him and not look too far ahead and wish his life away! He's such a little cutie and on the one hand I can't wait to see how he'll grow up but on the other I'd love to keep him this small and adorable - but my wishes won't change anything anyway, he'll grow up too fast all by himself...

We had a pretty good night - and afternoon yesterday; we visited my friend but left just a teeny bit too late to avoid AE doing a major meltdown in the car on the way home. I had fed him a little bit before we left but definitely didn't give him enough time and I knew he'd be cross, just hoped we could time it well enough to avoid tears... see, he takes one boob and feeds for about 20 mins then falls asleep, and if we'd left as soon as he'd finished we'd have made it home ok but we didn't... he was completely outraged by this unexpected disruption to normal services and screamed so much I was almost in tears myself feeling like the worst mother on the planet. But as soon as we were home and he had his second boob, peace was restored.

After that he had some formula and then an hour or so later, at bedtime, he wanted more. And then he wouldn't sleep so I had to stay up an extra hour and give him some boob... but then I stuck him in the cot and he slept till after 5am (so about 5 hours)! He wanted a bit of boob but only 20 mins worth and then fell asleep in my arms - and I fell asleep as well, bad MJ, but I really thought he was just having a 5 min nap in between bouts of suck... we slept till about 7.45am, and then fed an hour and a half! So I feel pretty well rested and happy with my boy. He managed the whole night without any extra top-ups till 9.30am - this is good because today is Chris's last day off so if we can manage without needing bottles in the night that'll hopefully mean I won't have to give him any for the next couple of weeks. My mum is coming down tomorrow and she can give AE his formula top-ups during the day but we want to keep his night-time routine as it is, rather than have her get up and bring him downstairs, but if Chris can get a fairly long stretch of sleep that would be great. I want AE only to associate me with the boobs, not the bottle; even though he's not had trouble switching between the two (three?), I don't want him to decide he can get "easier" milk from me as well and so forget about the boobs.

We need to set up the thing that keeps one bottle cold at night and then warms it in a few mins, Chris has been getting up and making a bottle fresh at night but with this thing we can have one in the bedroom all ready to be warmed. I really hope we won't need it and he'll be happy with just boob, but babies are unpredictable and what worked one night mightn't ever work again!

Oh and he weed so much last night that it saturated his nappy and soaked his babygro and went through my bed sheets as well. No idea why he didn't yell and let us know... we're still using disposables as he's a bit too small (he's very long and skinny) to fit the cloth ones I have; am hoping to introduce them in the next week or so. We got some newborn nappies from Boots (own brand) and they are not great, never had any leaking from the Pampers. Meh. I don't like disposables, convenient though they are...
Kiddo - thanks :) I find it hard to keep them dry, it's not exactly an area that stays dry all by itself, is it! And after a bath or going to the loo, it's hard to dry with a towel/toilet paper because it's so delicate. Guess I need to use the hairdryer like Mimi said...

I read somewhere to put witch hazel on the maternity pad, which I did do, and it felt soothing and cool, but then thought it was not really helping, plus I hate hate hate the smell, especially combined with the lochia smell (yuck).

I finally plucked up the courage to examine my tear with my finger and it doesn't feel right at all, got Chris to look and he wasn't sure it was healing, despite what the mw said on Friday. I might call the midwives' office tomorrow and ask for someone to have a look if it's not feeling better.
bun - i would happily start ttc now haha im broody already but, i had to have an mmr jab after jesse was born because of my low imunity, so we have to wait at least three months for it to be safe, plus i had a 3rd degree tear and i dont really want OH going near me at the moment im still abit tender haha,

i hear you all on the peeing and pooing thing though every time we take jesses nappy off he does one or the other, it gets quite annoying last night he peed all over our bed then sicked all over it so it was a midnight change of sheets which OH didnt appriciate cus he had to be up at 6 for his first day back at work,

normally jess has his last feed about 11 before we go to bed then he wakes up about 2 and normally has just 1oz and goes back to sleep until 6 when he wakes for his proper feed, which im really happy with,
hes taking 6oz every feed which he likes to have in stages he normally takes 2oz then has a 5minutes rest then takes the rest of the bottle,

he hasnt been well the last few days the poor thing he has a cold i think, keeps coughing and sneezing with a runny nose and very mucousy,

he wont settle bless and when he cries he just sounds so sorry for himself it really upsets me hearing him its made me cry a couple of times,
he seems a little better today though but still very grizzly, iv just put him in his rocker chair while he was asleep but hes keeps fretting now so im tryna rock him and type at the same time,

OH went back to work today so imjust finding it all abit weird being on my own, and the house looks a complete state its getting me down, and i cant properly clean up because jess wont settle for more than half an hour at a time im struggling to even make up his bottles and do the washing in that time, :/

hopefully he will be better tomorrow, hes normally such a good baby never cries and is so easily settled, and hes learnt how to hold his dummy now and take it out, he hasnt mastered putting it in yet though lol he likes someone to hold it in for him,
i better go anyway and make a feed up for him before we wakes, hope everyones well xx
Any news on Imogen yet?? Poor Vici thinking of you both xx
Elinor is doing well again today her ventilator has been turned down and she is holding up on the new settings :yipee:
I have a little personal question for those who had a Csection. How long did you wait to :sex: ????
hello everyone! just a quicky as madam is fussing a bit, but I used up my sleepy time posting an incredibly long birth story!

Imogen is a nice laid back baby at the moment. We're trying to get into the swing of breastfeeding. At the moment I have enough milk to feed all of London, and Imogen isn't great at sending out the feed me signal, and often sleeps until she's actually too hungry to latch on properly. I think we're getting there and I haven't had any trouble with sorely boobs or cracks so hurrah. She sleeps for six hours at night, which is blissful, and even if it doesn't last (everyone keeps saying it won't) it's been fabulous to catch up on the lost sleep from hospital. Still not suffering from the stitches (maybe because I purposefully didn't ask how many there were) and apart from rotten posture, I feel significantly returned to normal. Looking forward to getting back to pilates in a week or two to sort out this silly curve in my low spine from hawking that bump around.
Any news on Imogen yet?? Poor Vici thinking of you both xx
Elinor is doing well again today her ventilator has been turned down and she is holding up on the new settings :yipee:
I have a little personal question for those who had a Csection. How long did you wait to :sex: ????

:rofl: One week :winkwink: And we've been at it about once a week since, which for us is a lot, and I'm getting signals that we may be on for it again tonight!!! :haha: I'm a lucky lady! Hehe...

It's getting so chatty in here now, I love it! But I don't have time to catch up on everyone just now cos Vince is being a little pain today, refuses to settle anywhere apart from in my arms!! He seems to be growing at a rate of knots, we're wondering whether he may have some growing pains today! He is now fitting into his 3-month old clothes :shock: Although his weight is apparently bang on average for his age, he is reeeeally tall! Just looking at him now I can see how much he has grown recently, it's a little scary!!

Had a pretty terrible night last night, hoping for a better one tonight and then maybe tomorrow I can catch up in here a bit and update the list: My inbox is full of messages!!

Love to all :kiss:

Shadow xx
how long are you supposed to wait to :sex: ?
we just did it for the first time this evening i had a 3rd degree tear but it hasnt caused me any pain or problems,

and it didnt hurt when we :sex: so is this acceptable do you guys think?
yup, sounds fine. It's whatever is comfortable for you really, whether that be a week or six months :)
Thanks ladies lol! I ask because i've felt like it since the day after lol! I dont know whats wrong with me hehe!!
Hi ladies blimey we are all chatty. I haven't got a lot to add but I know :sex: is out of the question for a while. My tear is healing I think but I'm also having salt baths which is helping clean and heal. I don't need pain killers now and it's okay sitting on hard surfaces. The mw told me to air it too an hour or so a day by sitting with my kegs open but seeing as I've had family over everyday I haven't don't this. I'm on my own tomorrow for a short while so I'll give it a go.

I've change routine tonight so hope it works. Sam was out for the count at 9 so put him and me to bed at 10 and he woke up for his feed at 11:30 so got a bit of kip in which was good. Now feeding him so hopefully hell go round till 4/5 am even longer if I'm lucky. Dh is working tomorrow so want to give him a good sleep. But he has 2 weeks paternity week after so that'll be nice.

Have now perfected hands free feeding so I'm on my iPhone during feeds so I can catch up. He feeds for a good hour now so need something to do. My milk has come in and seems to have regulated itself already as that heavy hot feeling has gone today and the cream has stopped some of the pain. I have however found lentils give him wind :blush: me too!!! Think I'll step away from lentils for a while.

It's nice Reading all about each others experiences isn't it. Makes you realise we are all very similar which is nice as I keep asking myself if I'm doing things right.

Please excuse all typos as it's difficult on the phone. Ta.
Shiv - the plaster things my midwife recommended were called "Mepilex Lite" they are moe like a surgical dressing than anything else - we can get them from a pharmacist here but not sure where you'd get them in the UK

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