Mimi, thanks for the tip about blow-drying my ladyparts... I honestly thought the stitches and everything down there would be better by now, 2 weeks on, and of course it is greatly improved so I'm not REALLY complaining, but from time to time it just hurts! I ended up in the bath at 6am, just to get a bit of relief. I wasn't given any advice on care of my bits when I was in the hospital, they checked them and said they looked ok but as far as I recall they didn't even tell me to keep it clean! (though I do as it's extra sore if it's not washed regularly). One of the visiting midwives has been good, she's seen us twice, an older lady, maybe in her 50s, very no-nonsense, brisk, a little bit "jolly hockey sticks", but lovely with it; she inspected my stitches on Friday and made me look with a mirror as "you need to be familiar with your own body"

She suggested salt baths but none of the others made any suggestions, or looked at them, even when I said they were hurting.
Bun - heheheh... I don't think I'm going to be the first Lion Cub Mummy to get knocked up again, somehow... the health visitor asked us about contraception and I was quite plain - I'd need to be having sex to need contraception!! Sex is not on the cards for us right now... and while my SPD is still bothering me I don't think it's going to be in the near future either. I don't actually know what sort of contraception we'd use, because we never HAVE used it - we've been together nearly 3 years and were TTC from about a year ago, but before then I was on medication that I was pretty sure was inhibiting ovulation, hence me never getting pregnant before. I think I'd be inclined to use natural methods, temping etc, as I did when we wanted to conceive, only going the opposite way, to find non-fertile times of the month. I don't want to go on the Pill anyway or have some sort of device fitted, as I don't know how long we'd want to leave it before TTC again, so I'd rather not mess with things too much. I don't think the amount of breastfeeding I am doing would act as a contraceptive, I read you have to be feeding exclusively with no supplemented formula.
Shadow, I hate night feeds as well. They seem to last forever and it's so boring, especially trying to stay awake when you're exhausted anyway. We didn't have a great night last night, Adam would only sleep for 2 hour stretches and was up from 2am to 4.40am. Poor baby seems to be constipated, he hasn't done a poo since Friday and he seemed to be straining a lot and passing quite a bit of wind. And he was making the strangest noises, which worried me - it was while he was feeding from the bottle after he'd had 45 minutes on my boobs - making a wheezy, whimpering noise, like he had asthma or was channeling an upset puppy

Then he fell asleep and was breathing normally! I was all concerned that he's allergic to Betty - that would really upset me, if I had to get rid of my furry girl (I'd send her to my mum and dad, I'd never get rid of her entirely, she's been my best friend since she was 6 weeks old and she's now 11 and a half).
So we only got a couple of 2-hour periods of sleep last night and are pretty whacked today. Can't have a nap either because we've just had Chris's mum and her boyfriend over for coffee and are off out to my friend's for Sunday lunch (she was meant to come over here but then suggested she could cook us lunch, which sounded like a much better idea!)
Pips, Adam also prefers lying on his side, in fact he is on his side right now, asleep in the moses basket. We always put him down on his back but he rolls straight over. I don't think there's much you can do if that's what they prefer, though I have ordered a thing that will keep him on his back (at least stop him rolling onto his front), for my peace of mind. Adam is a very wriggly baby, he can get across the cot in a few seconds and I want to keep him in range of the movement sensor pad on the monitor.
OK, better get ready to go out for my roast beef and trimmings!!!

Hope you all have good days, mummies and cubs!