hiya mummy sorry for the rant the outher day but thank you for ur kind words puting him on FF is much better for me i have had 2 good days and oh and me have had a talk and he is now helping abit. he has lots of props with illness so dose what he can when he can.
on the
thing i wish we could iam still bleeding and its doing my head in now TMI sorry but in the am looks like its stoped by pm its started agane but i think it may be the pill iam on cnt wait to go the docs in 2 weeks and get off them and on to the combo pill on cerazette at the min.
my baby is 4 weeks today omg where has the time gone! i gave him the 2 cown&gate at 9:30pm last night he took 4 oz and sletp till 3:30am then took 3 oz and woke at 6:30am and had 3oz and is now asleep in hes crib. He has started not sleeping or wanting to be put down after hes feed at 5-6pm and falling asleep at 8:30pm and iam waking him for a feed at 9:30pm think i will just try puting him to bed at 10pm if hes not wanting a feed and see what time he wakes.
viki hope ur baby is ok.
sam hope ur lo is better soon it sounds like she on the right side of getting better
on the

my baby is 4 weeks today omg where has the time gone! i gave him the 2 cown&gate at 9:30pm last night he took 4 oz and sletp till 3:30am then took 3 oz and woke at 6:30am and had 3oz and is now asleep in hes crib. He has started not sleeping or wanting to be put down after hes feed at 5-6pm and falling asleep at 8:30pm and iam waking him for a feed at 9:30pm think i will just try puting him to bed at 10pm if hes not wanting a feed and see what time he wakes.
viki hope ur baby is ok.

sam hope ur lo is better soon it sounds like she on the right side of getting better