happy birthday for yesterday, Lucas

tmr, at least that's all your LO's birthdays done for the year
Adam's birthday is the day before his cousin Emilie, she is the 16th, and 2 years older. funnily enough they were both due on the 11th. we were all glad Adam didn't decide to wait, so they both have their own special day.
thanks for the new photo thread, Boothh, hope everyone posts pics. also thanks for taking over as thread admin, you're doing a sterling job.
am waiting in today for Adam's new car seat. it's coming from Sweden, and was dispached on the 2nd, cannot believe it's only taken 3 days, but according to the tracking website it was in Croydon this morning. it actually says it has been delivered to recipient, at 10.20am, but it has not, am hoping it just means it's on the van! also hoping it arrives after Adam's woken from his nap, because usually when I expect deliveries they arrive when he's asleep and the door buzzer wakes him and that's it, broken nap.
Heidi, I really like Lily as well, and I also remember you wavering over Caylee's name slightly over a year ago! I agree with the others, feet up, Sept 9th will be here before you know it.
Cleck, awww @ Emma sitting in a booster! Adam was in one when we went on holiday and to my mum's, he was really comfy in it, I was surprised. The highchair he has here doesn't have a tray, he's always been pulled up to the table and eats straight off it. It's the sort of highchair that will adjust and turn into a normal chair, when he is confident at climbing up and down off it I will take the safety bar off, but for now he's all harnessed in. Poo on sore throat, I am sure spray wouldn't get far into your system, I presume it's a local anaesthetic, it's not like you are swallowing huge quantities of it anyway!
jelr, agree with the others, if Natasha is taller than she is heavy I don't see how she could be overweight!
Spidey, hope Kira is feeling better and you both got some sleep.
afu... we've finally started doing something for Adam's birthday - not much, granted, but it's a start.

we bought paper plates and paper napkins and plastic cups and a tablecloth, mostly plain but some with a Hungry Caterpillar pattern on. and I have been practising cupcakes, as that is going to be my contribution. I'd like to make a proper cake but C is not keen

since I am working on the Saturday as usual, and he thinks it's too much hassle.

I don't really agree and have half a mind to make a cake anyway, during the week. was going to make the cupcakes Sat night when I get in from work as it's only 8pm, for the party Sunday afternoon.

we looked at cakes in Sainsburys and I didn't like any of them.
also, I need to get MORE cupboard locks, one for the fridge as currently we are keeping it shut with a piece of masking tape. and I need for the chest of drawers in the bedroom. it's not that there is anything in them he cannot have but I am scared he will open them, start climbing and pull the whole lot down, as it's not secured to the wall. we had to get another gate, for the living room door, which had been fine just propped shut, because he worked out how to open it and was away up the stairs himself, pulling Betty's water dish over as he went past. three times he did it but NO MORE. HAHAHAHA.
and he is taking more steps, yesterday he did 5 steps twice; he was doing one or two at a time quite a lot, and standing up by himself a lot, but always sat/fell down. I was amazed he did 5, he looked so excited, I am sure he knew it was a big deal.