--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

thanks for all the b'day wishes ladys lucas had a good day yesterday i think by the end of the day when ppl where singing to him he was getting a bit p'd off with it thinking why do ppl keep signing at me bless. he has got a lot of toys and they are all big so with his and ruebens my living room is full its a good job we have got a big house we really need to get rid of some toys befor christmas.

tmr- I can't believe I forgot to wish Lucas a happy birthday!!!! I think its neat that Rueben has his birthday so close to Lucas's. Do you think you'll do joint b-days one day? The weird thing is my brother and I are 2 days apart and DH and his brother are 2 days apart too.

i dnt think rueben would be to happy having his b'day took over by lucas he is set in his ways and likes his own day but he may change his mind when lucas is older i wish anyway as 2 b'days 2 daysapart is so much hard work.
https://www.babyandbump.com/photo-gallery/385666-lion-cubs-1st-birthday-album.html#post6389887 :flower:
:D happy birthday for yesterday, Lucas :D tmr, at least that's all your LO's birthdays done for the year :lol:

Adam's birthday is the day before his cousin Emilie, she is the 16th, and 2 years older. funnily enough they were both due on the 11th. we were all glad Adam didn't decide to wait, so they both have their own special day.

thanks for the new photo thread, Boothh, hope everyone posts pics. also thanks for taking over as thread admin, you're doing a sterling job. :D

am waiting in today for Adam's new car seat. it's coming from Sweden, and was dispached on the 2nd, cannot believe it's only taken 3 days, but according to the tracking website it was in Croydon this morning. it actually says it has been delivered to recipient, at 10.20am, but it has not, am hoping it just means it's on the van! also hoping it arrives after Adam's woken from his nap, because usually when I expect deliveries they arrive when he's asleep and the door buzzer wakes him and that's it, broken nap.

Heidi, I really like Lily as well, and I also remember you wavering over Caylee's name slightly over a year ago! I agree with the others, feet up, Sept 9th will be here before you know it.

Cleck, awww @ Emma sitting in a booster! Adam was in one when we went on holiday and to my mum's, he was really comfy in it, I was surprised. The highchair he has here doesn't have a tray, he's always been pulled up to the table and eats straight off it. It's the sort of highchair that will adjust and turn into a normal chair, when he is confident at climbing up and down off it I will take the safety bar off, but for now he's all harnessed in. Poo on sore throat, I am sure spray wouldn't get far into your system, I presume it's a local anaesthetic, it's not like you are swallowing huge quantities of it anyway!

jelr, agree with the others, if Natasha is taller than she is heavy I don't see how she could be overweight!

Spidey, hope Kira is feeling better and you both got some sleep. :hug:

afu... we've finally started doing something for Adam's birthday - not much, granted, but it's a start. :D we bought paper plates and paper napkins and plastic cups and a tablecloth, mostly plain but some with a Hungry Caterpillar pattern on. and I have been practising cupcakes, as that is going to be my contribution. I'd like to make a proper cake but C is not keen :cry: since I am working on the Saturday as usual, and he thinks it's too much hassle. :( I don't really agree and have half a mind to make a cake anyway, during the week. was going to make the cupcakes Sat night when I get in from work as it's only 8pm, for the party Sunday afternoon. :D we looked at cakes in Sainsburys and I didn't like any of them.

also, I need to get MORE cupboard locks, one for the fridge as currently we are keeping it shut with a piece of masking tape. and I need for the chest of drawers in the bedroom. it's not that there is anything in them he cannot have but I am scared he will open them, start climbing and pull the whole lot down, as it's not secured to the wall. we had to get another gate, for the living room door, which had been fine just propped shut, because he worked out how to open it and was away up the stairs himself, pulling Betty's water dish over as he went past. three times he did it but NO MORE. HAHAHAHA.

and he is taking more steps, yesterday he did 5 steps twice; he was doing one or two at a time quite a lot, and standing up by himself a lot, but always sat/fell down. I was amazed he did 5, he looked so excited, I am sure he knew it was a big deal. :D
nutty you try and sell that hungry caterpillar thing to everyone ;) lmao jesse has bought abbi a little birthday card to bring when he comes to get his cake lol, x
oooooooooh!! Nutty, THANKS! that looks awesome! I reckon I could do that, here is one of my cakes that I did the other day... (it was cream cheese icing so a bit soft, I need to use butter I think):


I have been poking through your cake-making group thread and saw the awesome Hungry Caterpillar cake someone made and thought, oh I wish... but no time to learn how to make something like that in 10 days. :rofl:
cupcake is great! im doing jesses, but with everything i have to do that weekend i think im just gunna buy and ice some, and just make different flavour/color buttercreams to go on top :)
spidey: I hope Kira is feeling a bit better today too, I think Natasha is getting another one also as we had a bad night.

Cleck: Thanks for that - good to know I'm reading it right - hope your throat is properly better now. i'm sure Emma wont absorb any of the spray and she is not a tiny newborn, so she will be just fine, you have done brilliantly not taking anything for the last year.

Shiv: Thanks for that - good to know I'm reading it right - nope neither of us are tall - I'm only 5ft 2 and DH is either 5ft 6 or 8 - I can't remember now, we are both the shortarses of our families though as some of his sisters are tall and all of my brothers are, so the tall gene just skipped us too and went to her which is good as I would love to be taller ha ha.

Booth: That is a great idea for the album

Heidi: I love Lily to be honest - I would stay stick with it as you have loved it for so long now, you are only having a last minute wobble like the last time I think. I hope you can get some rest honey, It sounds like a nightmare what you are going through and you will need your strength for after with two babies to look after.

TMR: So glad Lucas had a great day and hope you can find room for all those toys.

Nutty: Have a great time in York - That is a great idea with the caterpiller cupcakes. you are so talented.

MJ: Your cupcakes look amazing - I'm hoping to do some for Natasha's birthday also but I wont be as adventurous as most of you and they will be more like buns than cupcakes with just plain icing and sprinkes on top and not the lovely swirls ha ha. Yay for Adam taking some steps.

Well AFU - we had a bit of a rough night as I think Natasha is teething again as she is normally a great sleeper but last night she woke at night and wouldn't go back down until 11.30, then woke again at 2, then 3.30, then 4.30 and then 6.30 and then went off until 11.30. I actually didn't mind being up at all as we had a lovely special moment at 2.30 when i gave her a bottle - she hasn't fallen asleep in anybody's arms since she was about 2 months old - when she is tired she just wants to be put down and she also was never a really cuddly baby which I hate as I would love to spend the day cuddling her, but last night she was so tired after that bottle that she just put her head down on my chest and fell asleep and I just sat there for about an a half hour and sang to her and cherished that moment - Anybody else's baby not into cuddles, now when I say she is not into them, when you ask her for a hug now, she will put her cheek to your cheek if she is in the humour, but she never liked just cuddling in and falling asleep on anybody.

She is now finally army crawling forwards instead of backwards, so we had a great day yesterday and I spent most of the day on the floor with her, having races and playing - said I may as well make the most of the last few weeks I have before heading back to work.

Well I may run now and change a stinky nappy - talk to you all soon xx
jelr- oh, it will be no time now until she's a speedy crawler!! I hope Natasha sleeps better tonight, but its good that you were able to have her sleep in your arms :-) It's something that I take for granted since many naps Kira needs to be held the whole time to stay asleep.

nuttymummy- I LOVE that catepillar cake! If my cake fails and I need to do cupcakes at the last minute, I'll try something like that :thumbup:

MJ- You made a great looking cupcake! Cupcakes are faster than cakes, but not by too much I think. You should make whatever you want! My OH rolls his eyes when I try and talk about Kira's party. At first I wanted to involve him on the decisions, but it became obvious that he's really not into party planning. I know he'll have a great time at her party but he's just not into the work and planning :shrug: And congrats to Adam for walking!!

Heidi- Sept 9th will be here so soon! Is your blood pressure why you're being induced early?

Today Kira's teeth aren't bothering her as much. It's good too since I worked this morning so my Mom didn't have to watch a cranky girl.
Yup with the dropping blood pressure they are going to induce me on the 9th. The want to make sure I am okay, it sucks, I can not lay on my back at all now, I have to sleep sitting up due to when I lay on my back I get very faint and my blood pressure drops super low. :(

Glad Kiras teeth are not bothering her that bad today, teething can be terrible to go through!

Yay for army scooting haha. Before you know it she will be everywhere!!!!! Keeping you super busy :p

Cleck I saw your parents were only 3 hours away, EEEK. Have so much fun with them, and hope you get in all the family time you wanted :hugs:

MJ that cupcake just made my mouth water to the extreme haha I need to start baking, holy wow it looks amazing.

I love the cupcake caterpillar, so adorable!!!

I think we will stick with Lily haha, I did go through this with Caylee huh? Jeepers....I have no mind anymore :p I do love Lily though, so I will order the girls wall decals now with the names so I can't change it haha
MJ- Yay for his steps!!!! It's so exciting! Emma has been walking more and more everyday now and it's just crazy to see. :D:D Your cupcake looks amazing! I plan on making Emma's but I have no clue how to make frosting look pretty so it will be an experience I'm sure. If they look bad I figure Emma won't care. A hungry caterpillar theme would be so cute!

jelr- I hope her teeth come in quickly. Cuddle time is always so nice. :cloud9: Emma has always been a major cuddler but I still get all gooey inside when she climbs into my lap just to lean against me. :D

Well my house is as clean as I feel like making it. My parents should be here in a few hours. But the little tornado called Emma has Legos spread all across my living room after I just got done cleaning it. :dohh: So I officially give up. My parents won't care but I always try to clean to perfection before anyone comes to visit. I suppose the days of having a perfect house is over. :haha: I've started decorating our dining room for Emma's party already! I know I won't have the time to do it when I still have to bake all the cupcakes and figure out what food we plan on having and cooking all that up. So far it looks cute. The little party is saturday. It's really not much of a party with just four of us there but I still hope it's fun for her. :D
Heidi- Glad your sticking with Lily! If you didn't, I might've had to snag the name for myself. :winkwink::rofl: I'm so sorry your having such issues with BP! :( Not long now though. Just keep telling yourself soon you'll be holding her and it will all be worth it. :hugs:
well we have had a major milestone week!! my little lion cub Mylo is 1 on monday and hes just started walking and today i noticed his first two teeth.. at the top!! awwwww
yaay lots of walkers at the moment, jesse has been walkin holdin just one of my hands alot recently and standing up without holding on for longer and longer though he cant just stand up from sitting down without holding onto something yet, hes climbing more and more its scary some of the places he can get to now! hes still not very steady on his own, he uses with giraffe sit n stand thing as a makeshift walker lol so i cant wait til he gets his to use properly,
hes figured out how to open our living room door and he got upstairs into his room without me noticing the other day it was so scary, we really need some baby gates/cupboard locks etc cus e dont have anything and he is getting more adventurous by the day lol x
lol I hear ya about Jesse. We have a baby gate..and I forgot to put it up on the bathroom door today...and lost my tv remote, so I went to go pee....opened the lid and wow there my remote was sunk to the bottom of the toillet haha :)
heh, strangely Adam refuses to walk holding hands, sometimes he will with both hands, but never wants to go far, and he never manages with just one, he pulls over to one side and falls onto hands and knees! because of that I thought it'd be ages till he was standing/walking unaided but it seems he prefers doing it himself. he's so funny, he'll get up now without holding on, like if he is in the middle of the floor, from a crouching position, and stand and wave his arms round as though he is balancing and trying to walk a tightrope, and then set off!

the new carseat arrived! as I could have predicted, C was difficult about installing it. stupid idiot took me at my word when I said it was very easy to install, just click it in, sit the seat in, etc, and of course when we went outside to do it he wouldn't just look at the instructions (on my laptop as the instruction booklet was in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and Finnish, and the English booklet had to be downloaded and we don't have a printer at home), and he kept grabbing pieces of the carseat and yelling "what does this do" and asking how to adjust the position of the harness, when I was going through the PDF logically from step 1 and trying to explain each step and I kept on having to say "WE'LL GET TO THAT BIT, FFS!!!" Why would you not read the instructions before you start, especially when it is something as important as fitting a seat that would hopefully save the life of your child if god forbid there was an accident! you wouldn't want to take any chances, surely?

we must have looked like a right bunch out in the street - him ranting with pieces of this car seat all around, me trying to remain calm while holding my laptop and Adam in the sling on my front trying his best to wriggle out of it/push the laptop on the ground...

and C was getting narky and arsey (as he always does, it's ridiculous) and whining on that the front passenger seat has to be really far forward for the carseat to fit in the back and how we now basically have a 3-door (WHAT??) - he can be way OTT. the front passenger seat has to be a little bit forward, but since it's me in that seat most of the time, what's the problem if I don't have a problem with it! it's a FAMILY car, ie for our FAMILY, not for the very very odd occasions we might be giving someone taller a ride in the car!

I knew he'd be difficult. :cry: he just wants the easy life and it's always when I make a decision about something. he's now asking me to look up reviews about this carseat, and why? because he wants to read that other people have felt the front seat has to move too far forward and they are upset about it, too. I told him I wasn't looking to find that because, guess what the problem is here, we have a very SMALL car. there are just 2 extended rear-facing car seats that would fit in it and we got one of them. we should be grateful there are ANY that fit it! gah, he really annoys me. he leaves me to do the research and then makes my life hard when I've done it and made the choices. I've had to say about 5 times now, ok, then I'll pack it up and send it back to Sweden, and he said he didn't want me to do that, so I said he needs to shut up and quit making things more difficult than they already are. GAH.

fortunately Adam seems to love the new seat. :D (even though he looks rather grumpy here)


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Hi :wave: again!! Sorry my visits will be few and far between, I have just read about 60 pages so will try and catch up – how weird that I came in and said hi and explained myself when you were literally just talking about me disappearing!! I have been told a lot that I am psychic so maybe I am lol.

Aunty E – That is rubbish they turned you down, when did you apply? It is very very competitive and I thank my lucky stars that I can do what I have always wanted to do, I feel like I fit now! Also congrats on your preg too yay!! :happydance: when are you due?

Hiedi – wow congrats on your preg – when are you due?? Glad Caylee is doing so well!

Cleck – wow still BF – you are truly amazing well done!! I am in awe of you, it is my biggest regret still stopping when I did but we just could not carry on, I am hoping things will be different with No2.

Nuttymummy – Helloooooo!!! How are you doing?? I am not sure why it said disappointed in my status thing it muct have been from aaaages ago haha – says lonely now :sad: pooor lonely old me! Haha Adriana has that teapot set and LOVES IT. She also has that vibrating pig thing haha!

Boothh – sorry jesse has been poorly – what is the latest is he ok?

Crying – I put Adriana to bed/nap and she mostly cries now, she never used to but she does when I put her down, but only when I turn away and go out the door then she sucks her fingers and goes to sleep…guess she would prefer Mummy to cuddle her but she won’t go to sleep on me anymore so it is the only way for me – but wouldn’t let her cry and cry – I agree they do not understand.

Eating – wow!! That is mental to say that if they don’t eat what you give them then don’t give them anything! Adriana was poorly and ate nothing but rice cakes, they don’t understand and she is now eating everything again. Silly reasons!


Wake up between 7am – 8.30am
Nap go down between 9.30-10.30 and will sleep for about 1-2hrs…but it varies she is not a clockwork baby!
Sometimes she will have another afternoon nap but not always!

Adriana is great, she is walking EVERYWHERE and has done so for about 3 weeks now, it is so much fun, she likes to carry something and walks from one side of the hosue to the other – very amusing!

Car Seat – We have moved up tp the 2nd stage car seat but it is still a rear facing one – it is better in a crash for a baby’s legs to get broken, because they are touching the car, than for their poor undeveloped neck to be thrashed forward and break..! That is the big reasoning behind it.
Birthday presents: We have got Adriana a smart trike and some books, which I think is more than enough. She wont’d understand particularly, and the party/christening on the 5th sept is enough!! Shame we cant all go to eachothers babies birthday parties! I cant believe they are all one – it was so exciting this time last yr waiting for everyone to pop!!

I haven’t replied to the most recent stuff as I have to go now, so sorry guys :hugs: We are doing really well and Adriana is still an angel, so happy all the time – she really is a cracker, she has 8 teeth, is walking and trying to talk and say cat and darcey. Mum, Dady and Nana. She seems to be quite advanced for 10 1/2 months….but always has been early in doing things – intelligent little thing. She loves dancing which I am so happy about haha! I hope you are all well and well done to all those who BF and still are!

What has happened to everyone, there is hardly anyone left (just the best ones :lol:)
Where is shadowrat? xx

Hi Shiv!! MJ! everyone! and happy birthday to all those turning one at the moment xxx
Hello! Its Birthday Day here although we are celebrating tomorrow.

Not walking yet, lots of cruising round the furniture and letting go to practice her balance. But I'm not in any rush for her to walk, shes wild enough crawling.

I realised yesterday that she can say 'Dada, mummum, yeah, break (for breakfast) and her favourite... BAAAAAAAHHHHHDDDD! She goes and does something, like emptying a box of tissues and looks at us, yells bahd! and giggles.

I couldn't get a rear facing carseat to fit both our cars, so we ended up with the best of the 5 that would. Forward facing, but I reckon its safer for it to fit correctly in both cars, especially as mine is due breaking down, gear box is going grrrr....

I think I should update my avy... shes not 14 weeks anymore....
yaaay we would love to see an updated pic :)
Hi ladies long time no see but just wanted to tell you
We're pregnant!!!! :bfp:

Please don't say anything on fb as waiting till 12 weeks. Really faint surprise bfp today and yesterday. I'm on holiday so but of a shock and not planned but we knew what we were doing and we're really thrilled. Hoping for a pink bump but anything will be wonderful.

Hope you are all doing well. Will catch up on your posts soon, just wanted to share my news with you first. Xxxx
wow pippin!!! :happydance: That is amaaaazing!! Congrats!! I will think :pink: for you then xxx

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