--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

So glad Jesse had a good day! Ahh that sucks when people have to ruin a day by just having big info that they could have told you the day before or after. :(

I put Caylee in shoes when we go out places where she walks around, we have like 4 pairs and they are all different sizes haha her biggest is 4W lmao leave it my kid to have wide feet :p
Well I just put Emma to sleep in her bed. :( It makes me so sad. I don't ever sleep without her and I like having her there but I know she needs to slowly start being in her own bed because obviously I can't have a 10 year old kid in bed with me. :rofl: But she's still my sweet little baby and it's hard on me to see her grow up. I know she'll cry for me tonight because she never sleeps well when I'm not beside her. So I will probably end up bringing her in with me eventually tonight but for now I'm going to try to sleep. In a big empty bed. :cry::blush:
good luck testing today Boothh - and well done for waiting so long to do it! Your mil sucks ruining Jesse's big day like that.

Cleck - aw, it is so hard watching them grow up. david doesn't understand why i keep crying when Sophia does something smart or funny, but it all just means my little girl is growing up :cry: I hope you got some cuddles last nigh:cry:t, but I hope she lasted a while in her own bed too :hugs:

MJ I just checked your photos out on fb, looks like Adam had a great day :happydance:
sorry about the randomly appearing crying smiley in that lasp post, looks like I must have figured out a shortcut at long last :haha:
cleck - i dont plan to get jesse shoes until he starts to walk outside, he doesnt walok properly yet but when he does it will be a good few weeks when he is alot steadier before i buy him shoes, and he will only wear them outside, im really scared of damaging his feet by putting them in shoes when the bones are so soft, hes never worn shoes lol! xx
Kira had a great birthday and party on Saturday :-) She LOVED the Dora themed stuff and couldn't stop smiling in the morning when she saw the Dora tablecloth. It was cute because DH seemed even more excited than Kira about the party even though DH didn't want to be involved at all in the planning. Kira's favorite toys are her basket of plastic fruits and veggies, pot and pan set, her very own set of real keys (since she loves playing with mine) and a barnyard toy that is magnetic and hangs on the fridge:


I can't believe my baby is 1! I've posted pictures on FB and in our photo album here:

Later today I'll catch up on the other posts since Friday and post again later!
I just read through lots of posts and now I have to remember what I was going to say!

Cleckner- I'm curious on how Emma did in her bed last night. I also love her new big girl bed! The bedspread is so pretty :-) Oh, and I'm envious that Emma can nurse to sleep... Kira has nursed to sleep maybe 3 times in the last 6 months! I'm also curious on whether you plan to continue to bf if you get your bfp. I hear that some people keep going, but other people say their milk dries up so I don't know what to believe. If I could keep nursing Kira I would probably be more likely to TTC by the end of the year. Oh, and one more question (since I think you're the only other one on here still bf??...). How many times does Emma nurse during the night? Kira is still eating full boobs several times at night! She'll go to sleep around 8:30 and then she'll have a full feed around 11pm, and again around 4am. On restless nights (like last night), she'll nurse almost every hour. I wonder when she'll slow down on night feedings... for now I'm just following her lead since its not something I feel needs to be changed quite yet.

ashnbump- I hope your puppy is still on the mend!

Shoes- I haven't even thought about shoes yet, LOL! I guess I'll need to buy shoes for Kira eventually. She's always barefoot, even when we go out.

Also congrats to all the 1 year old babies!!!!

Since Kira doesn't walk yet, she's been transporting things around the house in her mouth like a little puppy dog. It's adorable :-) Any other non-walkers out there? It seems everyone has a walking baby now!

That picture is adorable! Glad she had a great party!!!!

How did Emma do in her big girl bed? Hope it was not that hard for the both of you :hugs:

Jesse and Adam looked like they had a good day on their birthdays haha, super cute. (gotta love facebook :p )

Caylee is no longer on formula anymore, she is drinking whole milk with vitamin drops in it and she is doing really well. We are slowly cutting out the bottles, I give her one bottle of milk at night and it calms her a lot, but she only uses hard cap sippy cups during the day, I want to have her off bottles within the next month, so we will see how this transition goes :p
Spidey - I'm still breastfeeding too and Sophia isn't walking yet either. As for night feeds, I am very lucky in the fact that Sophia doesn't generally feed during the night. maybe once or twice a month she will wake up as we go to bed and sometimes she has a little feed to settle herself a bit, but generally she goes through (just wait, she will be up every hour tonight now!)
That photo is very cute x

Heidi - how are you feeling these days?
Okay. Well last night didn't go well but I didn't really expect it to either. She slept about an hour in her own bed and I even got some sleep by myself so that was kinda nice.Well to start this off, Emma always sleeps naked, in a diaper obviously but she hates having clothes on so she's usually naked. But last night I put her in a little sleepsuit thing. So since she was on her own last night and didn't have my warmth, I dressed her and put a blanket over her. She woke up an hour later and I grabbed her and brought her into bed with me. But I never took the sleepsuit off. She woke up literally like every half hour screaming her head off. And of course I'd just feed her and go back to sleep. Finally I realized she wanted her clothes off so I ripped them off real fast and Emma settled down for the rest of the night. When I woke up this morning I noticed that her skin is covered in a rash. :cry: On her legs and arms and one spot on her belly. :(:( And it's obviously from the stupid sleepsuit I put on her. I'm concerned because it is raised up in areas and looks kind of like a blister. But when I press on it she doesn't even flinch so I don't think it hurts her. I rubbed her down with lotion but if it doesn't go away in a few days I'm gonna have to take her in.

I'm still going to put her in her own room tonight and let her sleep as long as she can and than I'll bring her in with me. Eventually I'll start going in to feed her back to sleep in her own bed instead of bringing her to my bed but for now I'm doing it slowly.

spidey- Emma still eats all night too. She goes through days where she'll sleep all night, than sometimes want to eat once. Other times she wants it basically every hour just like your saying. :shrug: I have no clue why but it's never bothered me since she's always right there anyways and I just sleep through her feeding. I just have to wake up slightly to latch her on. Also, I do plan on still BFing if I get pregnant. I'll BF for as long as Emma wants it really. And she is still having a good 8-10 feeds throughout the day if not more as well. :dohh: She's a snacker and wants me for five minutes here and there and than she runs off and plays again.

Boothh- I'm the same way about being scared to hurt Emma's feet. I plan on going and getting her fitted for shoes when DH gets home in September. She's already steady on her feet and walks more than she crawls now but it's not like I'm taking her to a gravel pit or something and making her walk on rocks so I don't think grass is going to hurt her feet. :haha: QqZaq
Emma added to the end of my last post. :rofl:

spidey- I forgot to say there is an extended BFing group in the groups section. Shiv is in there as well. Since we are a rare breed, it's nice to talk to other women who are still BFing their toddlers. :thumbup: One in there is even pregnant now and still feeding her 18 month old. :D
Shiv- awesome you're still bf too!

I'll check out that group- I am now bf way past when all my "real life" friends have bf, so it'll be nice to chat with other extended breast feeders!

Shiv- I'm assuming you don't co-sleep. I guess having them right near the boobies at night keeps them wanting feeds during the night!

Cleckner- So you have a naked sleeper! Kira will NOT sleep with her feet or arms covered and she HATES covers! I dread winter time because we often need to keep the house at 65F since the heat doesn't work well in the coldest months.

Kira still snacks often throughout the day- much like Emma it seems. Just for short times and then she's off playing again. I don't mind the night feeding either since I sleep thru it all once she latches on. I do have to flip over her about twice a night so she can get a fresh booby.

Heidi- does Caylee manage to drink from the sippy cup herself without spilling it? I'm still trying to get Kira to take water from a sippy cup at meal times, but she insists we hold it for her :-)
Yeah I usually just hug Emma to me and flip her over top of me to switch boobs. Since it's just her and I in bed it's easier. :D When DH comes home, it takes a while for Emma and I to adjust to him taking up half the bed. :dohh:

And yes Emma is definitely a naked sleeper! She hates the covers too. I always try to cover her but I have no idea why I even try because she just whines and kicks them off. :haha: I can't sleep without being covered myself so we are the opposite. So I pretty much just wait until she falls asleep than cover her up. I can never sleep with my feet covered though. Weird I know. Also, I can never fall asleep unless Emma is happily asleep first. But DH just falls right asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow. We've gotten in a few arguments about it because he tells me to just go to sleep and I can't unless Emma is comfy first. :shrug:
Oh yeah. I forgot to say, Emma has a sippy cup too. But a straw sippy cup because I didn't want to go backwards with it. I feel like she's never had a bottle so to move her to a traditional sippy cup, it's kind of like a bottle. So she has a little straw one with handles. She loves it. I only ever give her water, never juice or anything. And it doesn't leak at all. I bought a few different straw styles but this one is her favorite because she can just carry it everywhere with the handles.

Caylee is a naked sleeper as well, I put out a pair of jammies on her floor each night after bath time and if she wants to wear them she will bring them to us and have us put them on and if she doesnt she will just sleep naked. She hates being covered in blankets as well, they always end up in the corner and she won't use them, she sweats A LOT though, she is a big sweater.

She does great from her sippy, she does not need us to hold it at all, she used to for awhile but then I just put it on her tray and if she wanted it, she knew how to get it, I just let her figure it out and she did well, we started with the soft nipple sippys and then we went onto the playtex hard cap ones and she does amazing with them! :)

Im feeling good Shiv, I have a doctor appointment tomorrow so we will see if anything has changed. Which I doubt it has haha :p
Awesome sippy cups.. I might just order some LOL!

Kira tries but just can't figure out how to hold it on her own, so those handles might help. The water gets spilled everywhere in the process.

I tried giving Kira juice but she only likes water. The juice was recommended by the doctor to help soften her poos when we were having those awful hard poops after 10 days of not going!

Cleckner- I might have to try rolling Kira over me tonight instead of me jumping over her :haha:
i cant remember who said what now!

jesse still isnt walking but i really dont think it will be long, he does the odd step now if he cant reach something and he is ace with his walker, and today he kept trying to stand up from sitting down, he nearly did it a few times but couldnt quite balance i think he will master it in the next few days! :)

jesse is having toddler milk now and it smells gorgeous, he still has milk in bottles, 9oz at bedtime and 9oz when he wakes up the first time, (4-6am)

i try to give him juice or water in sippy cups but unless he's in a good mood he just whines and throws it until he gets it in a bottle, though he drinks pretty good from a cup or a glass when he trys to drink my drinks, he rarely spills on himself so im thinking of getting him one of those doidy cup things?

he had his 12month jabs today he was brave but i of crouse hated his little squeel and it nearly set me off in tears! and hes been clingy all day and has a rash on his leg and bum now were the jab was, gave him some calpol before bed though and he went at 7pm bless :)

were going to buy jesse a toddler bed as one of his presents at christmas, he has a million toys so we dont want to add to the huge pile he will undoubtedly get at christmas too lol xx
hope everyones okay xx
That's awesome Jesse is already trying to stand from nothing! That was the last thing Emma did. She would happily walk from one side of the room to another but if she tripped and fell she couldn't get back up without crawling to furniture or the wall. Just in the past week has been when she's figured out she can get back up with nothing.

It's awesome seeing the look of accomplishment on their faces.:cloud9: I'm having trouble keeping up with housework now that Emma is walking though. :blush: She is just everywhere and into everything! And now that she knows how to go down the stairs I need to go out and get a baby gate for upstairs too. Before she would never go near the top of the stairs and now she is off and going down before I even realize it. :dohh:

Emma's rash is almost completely gone now thank god. I'm thinking it must've just been bad heat rash. Tonight I'll just let her sleep naked and make sure I cover her good with a blanket before sneaking to my own room. :D
oh i forgot to mention jesse is a big sweater and more often than not he just sleeps in a nappy or a vest x
Hey girls

Just said I would pop in and say hi but I wont try and update with everyone after being gone all weekend - I'm just too tired sorry.

Big happy birthday to Abbi, Adam & Jessie over the weekend - Looks like ye all had great days from the pics I saw on FB - So happy you all did. xx

Re: Shoes - I dont think I'm going to buy Natasha shoes until she is an accomplished walker too as I know any of the books say that walking in bare feet is best when learning - and she is only crawling so I dont see the point in spending money on shoes that she may have grown out of by the time she gets to wear them.

Re: Sippy Cup - Natasha has juice out of hers with her lunch and dinner - she usually has a bottle first thing and last thing at night - I did hope to just give her water but she wasn't drinking enough and was getting constipated with not having enough fluids and wont touch a bottle during the day - so I tried the juice and she is much better on that and takes about 4 to 5 oz between both the meals - It is a hard spouted tommee tippee one as she didn't do well on the soft spouted ones at all and it has two handles and she is really good with it for a while now - but I do have to watch her as sometimes she decided to tip it over and pour it out to play with - It is non spill when the spout is folded down but not when it is up.

Re: Sleeping at night - Natasha sleeps with PJ's now for the last few weeks and a baby sleeping bag - before that it was a babygrow and sleeping bag.

Booth: glad to know toddler milk smells nice - what brand do you use? We are changing to that as soon as the tin of follow on milk is gone - We use SMA so hope it smells good too - I did try and get her to drink cows milk one night this week in a bottle at night but she only gagged on it - I dont think she is going to be a big milk drinker at all.

Well AFU: I had a great weekend after but missed DH and my baby so so much - It was lovely to catch up and spend time with the girls and I managed to meet up with my cousins also so it was good but I dont think I would be doing it too often - the other two girls dont have kids so it is fine for them but I just dont think it is fair on Natasha to be away from her mammy for that long too often - I do have another weekend away in October for another friends 30th and I think that is enough.

Mind you DH and Natasha had a ball - but she is really clingy today so she definitely missed me and was knocked out a bit.

She is also now standing up on her own - she started to pull herself up on DH legs over the weekend when I was gone so that has made me a bit sad - but she didn't actually pull herself up in her cot until yesterday evening when I was home - well that is what DH says but I dont know if he is only saying that so as not to upset me that I missed her doing it for the first time - so I'm going to believe him and not be upset and even if he is lying - I think it is really sweet of him.

Well we made up the party bags tonight for all the children to take home after the party and I have the hot food and cake finalised so I'm pretty much organised - I just need to give the house a good clean on Thursday and then I'm going to spend all day Friday making buns and rice crispy buns.

Funny how life changes as I'm so much more excited about a childrens party than I was about my weekend away last weekend lol

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