Okay. Well last night didn't go well but I didn't really expect it to either. She slept about an hour in her own bed and I even got some sleep by myself so that was kinda nice.Well to start this off, Emma always sleeps naked, in a diaper obviously but she hates having clothes on so she's usually naked. But last night I put her in a little sleepsuit thing. So since she was on her own last night and didn't have my warmth, I dressed her and put a blanket over her. She woke up an hour later and I grabbed her and brought her into bed with me. But I never took the sleepsuit off. She woke up literally like every half hour screaming her head off. And of course I'd just feed her and go back to sleep. Finally I realized she wanted her clothes off so I ripped them off real fast and Emma settled down for the rest of the night. When I woke up this morning I noticed that her skin is covered in a rash.

On her legs and arms and one spot on her belly.

And it's obviously from the stupid sleepsuit I put on her. I'm concerned because it is raised up in areas and looks kind of like a blister. But when I press on it she doesn't even flinch so I don't think it hurts her. I rubbed her down with lotion but if it doesn't go away in a few days I'm gonna have to take her in.
I'm still going to put her in her own room tonight and let her sleep as long as she can and than I'll bring her in with me. Eventually I'll start going in to feed her back to sleep in her own bed instead of bringing her to my bed but for now I'm doing it slowly.
spidey- Emma still eats all night too. She goes through days where she'll sleep all night, than sometimes want to eat once. Other times she wants it basically every hour just like your saying.

I have no clue why but it's never bothered me since she's always right there anyways and I just sleep through her feeding. I just have to wake up slightly to latch her on. Also, I do plan on still BFing if I get pregnant. I'll BF for as long as Emma wants it really. And she is still having a good 8-10 feeds throughout the day if not more as well.

She's a snacker and wants me for five minutes here and there and than she runs off and plays again.
Boothh- I'm the same way about being scared to hurt Emma's feet. I plan on going and getting her fitted for shoes when DH gets home in September. She's already steady on her feet and walks more than she crawls now but it's not like I'm taking her to a gravel pit or something and making her walk on rocks so I don't think grass is going to hurt her feet.
