--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

You looked great Shiv. :D

I hope you get a positive this month Ash :) :D :)

Caylee is now in her big girl bed. I put it up this morning, for the second time haha..and we are trying our first nap in it, and so far she is banging on her bedroom door going "Ma..MA...MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAA" no tears just trying to get me attention, lol little stinker, I am not going to open her door though until she lays down in her bed,..she was laying in her bed all morning on and off and then when it was nap time it was no thanks..I am going to play with all my toys and make a HUGE mess haha. Typical Caylee.

We have been having huge issues with her slapping people. When you say no to her she slaps you across the face a few times and screams, its terrible. She knows what she is doing is wrong and I do not know where she learned it from but it is just terrible..so she started to get time outs :( breaks my heart but Ross is sticking to it because she gets really mean and throws huge fits and he says its unacceptable..so :shrug:

Had my doctor appt, still dilated to 3 and 50% effaced..36 weeks today and Lily is 6 pounds 9 oz...SAYYYY WHHAAA?!?! haha I told my doctor she needs to slow it down because I am not having my natural delivery to a 10 pounder haha. Next week we will strip my membranes and HOPE she comes...
Caylee in her big girl bed, and then went I went to check on her...she was hanging out not in bed haha
:rofl: about caylee climbing out of her bed. little stinker. :haha: And aww. I bet time outs are hard to see. :( But I guess stopping the bad behavior from the start will be better than just allowing it to happen. :hugs::hugs:
Just went in to check on her and she is all curled up in bed asleep :D YAY haha
Cleckner- nope, I haven't tried Kira in her own bed at night. Just naps so far, and even for naps I lay next to her and play on my computer. Right now its just easier to have her in bed with me... I have a feeling that at some point I will know when the right time is and make that transition.

nuttymummy- out of curiosity, what is the stork packet? I hope the cakes turned out okay in the end!

Shiv- that is sooooooo cute about her favorite bunny. She's really smart to shout no at the Spot book :-) Awesome bump picture too! You were all belly!

Boothh- Pizza hut sounds yummy :-) Thats neat Jesse will eat a variety of foods when out.

Jelr- wow, thats a BIG party you're having. I had enough work to prepare for 5 guests, I can't imagine more than 40!

Heidi- Oh my! Little Caylee has entered her terrible twos already!!

Kira is napping as I type this. My silly MIL lives next to me (ugh, I know!) and I tell her to pop over whenever she wants to visit with Kira. I work Tues, Thurs and Fri so if she wants to see Kira she must visit Monday or Wednesday as I can't guarantee we'll be home on the weekends. I have told her a million times that Kira naps from 2-4:30, and guess what time she always comes to ring the bell???? 2pm! She doesn't work and is home ALL day! Part of me thinks she does it on purpose since she really doesn't want to see Kira. I don't think I complain too much about her on here, but she also scheduled cosmetic foot surgery on Kira's due date so she was off her feet for 3 months and didn't hobble over here to see Kira at all! Sure, I could have taken Kira to see her, but her house is filthy and there is no where to sit, and I'm a tad stubborn at times, LOL.
That would drive me nuts!!! Sometimes MILs can be so rude and not understanding at all.
How hard would it be to wait a couple hours and then come see her? geesh!!

Caylee is for sure in her terrible ones/twos/threes haha. She gets very mean and I seriously have no clue where it came from. But the slapping and biting and kicking is just too much. I am hoping she stops this soon before Lily gets here!
spidey- I understand completely about being ready to move her. The only reason I'm trying to transition Emma to her own bed, is because we want to try for another and I plan on cosleeping with that baby too so I need to get the first one out of the nest. :haha:

Heidi- That sound so frustrating because she's young so doesn't understand everything yet but at the same time, she needs to learn so she doesn't smack her baby sister. :( I hope it all works out for you guys and she just falls in love with her new sister. :hugs:
I lost this section for a while, :cry: I got all worried then realised they renamed it right at the bottom :blush: feel stupid as I emailed them too :blush:

Heidi Sam is going through a destructive phase so I understands, he throws things and bangs things really hard and finds it very funny. He's also very strong! Not sure how to stop it. Love her bed by the way cool!

Shiv, you look fab, can't believe I'll do that again in 8 months :shock: still in shock really.

Cleckner and Spidey, good luck getting them in her own bed. Didn't realise you were still sharing but I'm a bit slow on these things and haven't keep up with the news.

As for me super pregnancy tired right now :sleep: could sleep for years and husband is giving me plenty of sleep in at the moment as we are both on summer hols. I have an early pregnancy scan booked for the 4th so fingers crossed we get a heartbeat then. Can't wait. Still peeing on sticks and lines are super strong now so I am relaxing a bit.

Oh oh oh and a week till Sam's birthday :yipee: we have decorations, part bags and a cake sorted. Good old waitrose is providing the food too. Small affair so looking forward to it. :yipee:
ash - i tested a few days ago and got a bfn, well a squinty smash the case open squinty hold up in the light line, so i am classing as bfn as i dont want to get excited after everything thats happened, i am 7days late now on cd46 though i am not too sure when i OVd im waiting until next week to test as i cba with it all, if i am i am will find out in 8months lol,

heidi that pic is soo cute aha,

jesse learnt to clap today, we went to a huge indoor play area place and jesse loved it! he was flirting with a baby girl around his age, and he kept trying to kiss her! then she started clapping and he did too! i think he was trying to impress her LOL, cus he has never clapped before for us! hes been doing it all night though now so i think hes mastered it!

i was abit annoyed too because this other kid mustve been around 18months or so, came up to jesse and jess was smiling at him and held a ball to him and the other kid smacked jesse right on the head and pulled his hair! poor baby looked so bewildered, so i did an air punch behind the kids head to stuart but the kids mum mustve seen me lol and she came over and started apoligising saying he has to defend himself to his big brother blah blah crap, but defending yourself isnt IMO just smacking a baby in the face who is smiling at you? he wasnt hurt but still if i didnt know the mum was behind me probaby wouldve whacked that stupid kid hitting my baby!! xx
Cleckner- I have that thought in mind too- about having a 2nd one and needing the nest clear :-) We're going to stop using protection- DH finally convinced me (for now) so baby #2 may happen any time if I'm actually ovulating. But getting pregnant with another baby gives an entire 9 month notice, so I'll still have plenty of time to work on getting Kira out, LOL. The first step is getting her comfortable napping in her room, and so far thats going well. Last pregnancy m/s was so bad that I had to sleep in a different bed than DH since his wiggling would make me puke, so I'm really hoping m/s won't be nearly as bad for #2. DH keeps saying "I am 99% sure your m/s will be much better this time". If it's just as bad I have no clue how I'll survive with wiggly Kira next to me. Uh oh, I'm starting to have doubts about TTC again, LOL!

Heidi- do you think Caylee will understand time out? I'm not so sure Kira would get it... but Caylee seems much more advanced so it might work for her.

Pippin- woohoo for darker and darker lines!!

Boothh- Thats so cute that Jesse learned to clap from a girl he likes.. awww!!
Aww yay on everyone TTC!! We'll have a whole other batch of newborns to oo and ahh over. :D:D I do think each pregnancy is different. My first pregnancy I felt sick but not to the point of throwing up. Which I guess could've been the first sign that something was wrong. But I was SO happy to have MS with Emma. :haha: Odd as that sounds. Too bad it lasted the entire pregnancy though. I was always waiting for the first trimester sickness to go away but it never did. :wacko:
Oh yeah. Forgot to say, GO JESSE! With the clapping. :D That's so cute. Emma has been clapping for a while now but it is still one of the cutest things. She walks all over the house and just claps. For no reason but it makes me laugh every time. :haha: And the bully kid, I can't say much because Emma was the bully at my old playgroup. :blush:
jesse will poke and grab other kids faces but this kid did it deliberatly he really yanked his head back and proper punched him in the head! :whacko: if he was just being over friendly i wouldnt mind so much but he really seemed to do it on purpose iykwim? xx
it was more his sad little face wondering why he had just been pushed around that upset me, he looked so confused and i hated it! :( i dont want to see him like that!
So I'm gonna beg you wonderful ladies who have charted before to have a gander at my chart. :blush: I think I'm going to test on a FRER tomorrow am. I think somehow condoms failed and I might be prego. I have the fatigue, thirst, peeing much more, had another cold very recently (as i did when i got bfp with bry), increased appetite, cravings, facial skin breakout (also had this with bry), a seemingly implant dip and 2 days of brown spotting only when i wipe. :wacko: I was going to wait until Oct to start TTC but I wonder if somehow we screwed up and I'm prego now. :shrug: Could you ladies take a peek and see what you think? :blush: I'd really appreciate it! :flower:

Oops! Forgot the link! :dohh: Prego brain?? EEEeee gads!!! https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/22f221
heidi - how do time outs work? Is it like the naughty step? There is no way sophia would stay put in one place, she just wouldn't get it! but as Spidy said, Caylee is super advanced! She looks so cute in her big girl bed!

boothh - i hat eit when people's kids "bully" Sophia - i never know what to say! Yay for the clapping!

AE - hope your nausea dies down soon for you

Pip - yay for stronger lines - hope the scan goes well. I remember when we were both pregnant before and you recommended i go for an early scan - definitely was a good thing for me

Spidey - grrrrrrrrrrrrr MiL suck!

Cleck - are you gonna try Emma in her own bed at night again?

As for us, well the presents are wrapped, cakes are baked, balloons ar eblown up. I am really sad that when iwake up in the morning Sophia will no longer be my "baby". i cried when I put her to bed tonight :cry: If the weather is nice tomorrow we are going to a wildlife park, it is a small one but you can feed some of teh animals, birds and goats and deer so it is up close and personal. sophia loves animals so i hope she enjoys it.

more cute things from Sophia, OH does "round and round the garden" on her palm, well she has started doing it back to us. She gently grabs our hand, turns it over so it is palm up and starts tracing a circle with her fingers! Too cute.
aw shiv hope she has a wonderful day tomorrow, jesse loves round the garden and does it back to us too lovely,

he has been doing a new word today too, my sisters dog is called daisy, and when we were at my mums today the dog was barking and he kept looking around and going dayyeey dayyeey and then when she was let in the room he squeeled and held his hands out and went daaaaaayeee!! soo sweet pity hes allergic to her lol xx
Shiv- Yeah last night I put Emma in her bed again but she only went an hour again before screaming for me. So I grabbed her and brought her into bed with me. So I'll just keep doing that every night and hopefully she'll naturally start sleeping longer and longer without me there. Fingers X'ed!! :D:D

Boothh- Awww my brother's dog's name is Daisy too. Common dog name I think! That's so adorable he's saying it.

I don't even know what round the garden is. :shrug::blush:

I've been cleaning and rearranging Emma's room today. I am ALMOST done with her 'big girl' room. I'm waiting for a new wall decal to come in the mail and I should be done. I had tons of totes full of her stuff and I sorted out the stuff I don't want to keep and organized it all better so I'll know where everything is with the next baby. Although most of it is girl stuff so if we have a boy I guess I'll need more closet space. :haha:

I also figured out Emma's rash isn't a rash at all. It's hives! :shock: I googled it and she definitely has hives. So I'm being careful about what I feed her today and hopefully they will disappear tomorrow. :thumbup: I have never seen hives before so I had no clue but the images on google are exactly what is all over her body. Raised up and the coloring is the same too. Weird. It's just on her back today but hopefully it will be completely gone tomorrow. :wacko:

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