i get pissy about that kinda stuff too cleck dont worry lol!
hope adam and jesse had the most perfect bdays! I loved the cake that nutty made for you boothh! u are very talented nutty!
Boothh - we have aptamil toddler milk and it smells lush!! although we are more on cows milk now, so dont use much toddler milk anymore! Have you tested yet? I really hope this month is the month for us, i will be a lil disappointed if not cos i have a feeling it is *crosses fingers* although we are having a lot of fun trying lol!
Kara is a big big sweater in bed, she wears a variety of things right down to just a nappy too!
she's been sleeping great in her toddler bed, and when she wakes up she just gets out and walks over to our bed and says "mama .. ..... . Mama?" and i just scoop her up and put her in with us, i like her snuggles in bed! its usually around 4am she does that, so its not bad really!
Im not getting karas shoes JUST yet, shes 90% there with her walking, but to be fair when she does most of her walking she is at home, and bare foot, when we are out she stays in her buggy and just wears 'standard' baby shoesies!
kara has a ton of sippy cups and starter cups, none of which she likes very much lol, she's fine drinking from them but she doesnt like it very much! She likes fruit shoot juice, so we give her those instead, less mess and she likes drinking from it!
right girls, i need a bit of advice, its a bit hard for me to talk about this but i cant stop thinking about it, and i know you girls wont judge or take offence etc, so you can pass a bit of help my way,
my friend has an 8month old son, and he's lovely

but he doesnt support his head at all

and he never seems to focus his eyes on anything, kinda just head back eyes up to the sky

i thought that there was something a little strange a while back, but just thought maybe he is a lazy baby? but i had a doctors appointment yesterday, and i asked him (in confidence) about it, and he said, he would be VERY concerned about this, and she needs to take him to her doctor asap. Now i do not want to say anything to her as she is really guarded and she will take offence, he's her son, and she will feel like im attacking her, i just know it! She is such a great friend to me and i dont want to lose her, but i hate just standing by and not doing anything

im really worried about him, i just want to make sure they are both ok

(btw he was 9lb 12oz at birth and she had to have an emergency c section as he couldnt fit through her pelvis, he was a bit stuck! if that means anything i dont know?)
heidi - thanks haha she is a bit of a fashionista, i cant help dressing her up and buying her clothes lol! i love having a girl that i can pick and choose clothes for! i must say though, i will always make sure her comfort comes first, id never put her in clothes that werent comfy!