--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

My cousin just went out and bought the exact same bedding set for her daughters bed. Her daughter doesn't even have a real bed yet. She's still in a toddler bed. But she saw the pictures I posted on facebook and than went out and bought the exact same set a few hours later. Am I wrong to be thoroughly pissed off about this?! :growlmad: It's like blatant copying. I don't even understand why she'd do that. I spent forever standing in the store trying to pick out something perfect for Emma's room. I made DH so mad because I put 2 different sets in the cart only to switch them a few minutes later. I wanted her room to be perfect. And now my own family member went out and copied. GRR!
i get pissy about that kinda stuff too cleck dont worry lol!

hope adam and jesse had the most perfect bdays! I loved the cake that nutty made for you boothh! u are very talented nutty!

Boothh - we have aptamil toddler milk and it smells lush!! although we are more on cows milk now, so dont use much toddler milk anymore! Have you tested yet? I really hope this month is the month for us, i will be a lil disappointed if not cos i have a feeling it is *crosses fingers* although we are having a lot of fun trying lol!

Kara is a big big sweater in bed, she wears a variety of things right down to just a nappy too!

she's been sleeping great in her toddler bed, and when she wakes up she just gets out and walks over to our bed and says "mama .. ..... . Mama?" and i just scoop her up and put her in with us, i like her snuggles in bed! its usually around 4am she does that, so its not bad really!

Im not getting karas shoes JUST yet, shes 90% there with her walking, but to be fair when she does most of her walking she is at home, and bare foot, when we are out she stays in her buggy and just wears 'standard' baby shoesies!

kara has a ton of sippy cups and starter cups, none of which she likes very much lol, she's fine drinking from them but she doesnt like it very much! She likes fruit shoot juice, so we give her those instead, less mess and she likes drinking from it!

right girls, i need a bit of advice, its a bit hard for me to talk about this but i cant stop thinking about it, and i know you girls wont judge or take offence etc, so you can pass a bit of help my way,

my friend has an 8month old son, and he's lovely :) but he doesnt support his head at all :( and he never seems to focus his eyes on anything, kinda just head back eyes up to the sky :cry: i thought that there was something a little strange a while back, but just thought maybe he is a lazy baby? but i had a doctors appointment yesterday, and i asked him (in confidence) about it, and he said, he would be VERY concerned about this, and she needs to take him to her doctor asap. Now i do not want to say anything to her as she is really guarded and she will take offence, he's her son, and she will feel like im attacking her, i just know it! She is such a great friend to me and i dont want to lose her, but i hate just standing by and not doing anything :cry: im really worried about him, i just want to make sure they are both ok :( (btw he was 9lb 12oz at birth and she had to have an emergency c section as he couldnt fit through her pelvis, he was a bit stuck! if that means anything i dont know?)


heidi - thanks haha she is a bit of a fashionista, i cant help dressing her up and buying her clothes lol! i love having a girl that i can pick and choose clothes for! i must say though, i will always make sure her comfort comes first, id never put her in clothes that werent comfy! :thumbup:
we use SMA toddler milk it smells like vanilla milkshake though i dont think i dare try it haha, formula smelled like sour milk to me but jesse seemed to like it :shrug:
we ended up at the hospital last night, he came out in a meningitis type rash all over his back, so we took him up cus i couldnt find any side effect list of the menC that said anything about rashes, they did reassure me it was just a reaction to the jab but it didnt half scare me!! its gone down now thank god!
cleck i would be annoyed about that too, i always try and get jesse stuff thats abit different not just the same as everyone else thats why i went to all the trouble on his birthday to make it special!
its abit silly after all the bedcovers she couldve chosen! i got annoyed cus my sister has decided to come to uni in the town were iv moved to, its not even a good uni though and there must be hundreds of uni's in the UK and shes picked the one in the town i moved to.. we dont even get on! LOL xx
ash - i think i would just have to bring it up with her, i dont know how i would go about it though, sorry i cant be of any help! :hugs: xx
Mog doesn't walk either, but she cruises around fairly well. I still have a bit of milk even now (and I'm pregnant and haven't breastfed for months) so your milk shouldn't dry up if you get a BFP? I've heard it can change though, but I have nothing to base this on as Mogling won't go near my boobs any more.

I cam see why you're so worried about your friend's baby. Could you maybe try and have a conversation about milestones and when Kara met them and work it round that way? Mog could hold her own head up by the time she was a couple of months old, so at eight months that's really worrying. But then she was a lazy baby and didn't sit until eight months because she couldn't be bothered, so it could be ok. It might just be that he's a lazy baby or he has poor muscle tone. My friend is a physio who works with babies and children and sometimes they can be slow at developing for a variety of non-medical reasons.

Haven't seen Imogen for two and a half weeks. I go to Edinburgh on Friday to pick her up, and I'm still a bit worried she'll have forgotten who I am :(
Ash I would say something, I would just as nicely as possible maybe over coffee or something just say she could possibly have it checked out, and see what the doctors say. Just let her know you love him and you want to make sure he is a healthy baby boy.
At 8 months you would think he could hold is head up :(

Imo won't forget you haha, I bet she will be SUPER excited to see you!!! :D Thats going to be a great feeling.

Thank goodness Jesse is okay! That would have scared me.

Cleck I have someone like that in my life...and its annoying as hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYTHING I purchase...for me or my children its the same way, I hate it because I feel like my children and I have no sense of our own style or anything because when we purchase something, the other person does asap. Drives me BONKERS haha. I think you have every right to be pissed off!
My cousin just went out and bought the exact same bedding set for her daughters bed. Her daughter doesn't even have a real bed yet. She's still in a toddler bed. But she saw the pictures I posted on facebook and than went out and bought the exact same set a few hours later. Am I wrong to be thoroughly pissed off about this?! :growlmad: It's like blatant copying. I don't even understand why she'd do that. I spent forever standing in the store trying to pick out something perfect for Emma's room. I made DH so mad because I put 2 different sets in the cart only to switch them a few minutes later. I wanted her room to be perfect. And now my own family member went out and copied. GRR!

I don't blame you hun, but you know what they say..imitation is the highest form of flattery. :winkwink: But I still don't blame you for being pissed off. I would be too. :hugs:
ash- Maybe you could ask when he sees his doctor for his next checkup. I would hope the doctor will notice too. If she's not planning on taking him to the doctor anytime soon, then I would probably say something, although I have no idea how without possibly offending her. Perhaps he just needs something like tummy time to strengthen those muscles. It's sooo cute that Kara says Mama when she wants into bed with you. What an angel!

Cleckner- I agree with Kimberly! You should take it as a compliment :-)

AE- thats neat you're still making milk even though there is no demand for it. I guess it doesn't dry up afterall LOL. I'm sure Imogen will remember you! Thats such a long time to be away, I bet you're really missing her.

Boothh- I'm glad Jesse is okay!

Jelr- Are you having lots of people at Natasha's party? Yipee for pulling up too!

Nothing much new with us. Kira is napping on her big girl bed and I'm getting some rest LOL.
Ash- I would definitely say something to her. If he needs special attention than the earlier, the better IMO. Maybe there is a way to go about it that doesn't completely offend her. It's a tough situation. I hope you can figure it out. :hugs:

Boothh- I'm glad Jesse is okay. :hugs:

Spidey- Have you tried putting Kira in her bed at night at all yet? I caved in and just put Emma to bed with me last night. So she's only tried it once so far. :dohh:

I've been cleaning up a storm today. I'm SO bored. Emma is only so fun to keep me busy. Today she's been happily playing with the puppies all day so there's nothing to keep me busy. I guess it's good that everything is caught up with around the house. :haha:
Thanks girls, everyone I've asked has said the same, I should say something. I think when I see her next I will just say something about going to the doctors/health visitor to see if they are able to suggest a way to improve his muscle tone? Then maybe they will notice themselves! It's a horrid situation, I want to be the best friend I can be but I would hate myself if I hurt her in anyway! Just makes me realise how lucky I am to have a perfect little girl xxxx
Hiya everyone -
let me see what i can remember
Cleck - i would be a bit miffed too with the whole copying thing - of all the bedding ranges to choose from!
Ash - that is a tough one, but i would say mention it, are there any jabs due (can't remember when Sophia had them).when are you testing?
jelr - glad you had a good weekend, it is hard leaving them but every now and again doesn't hurt
AE - imogen will remember you, although Sophia is often in a mood when she first sees me after i have been away, it is like she suddenly remembers she is angry with me for leaving!
Boothh - so glad Jesse is ok - phew

As for us, well Sophia has started doing the cutest things (well at least i think they are cute). she has really taken to a knitted rabbit teddy (named miss Bunny - we aren't too imaginative :haha:) and she drags it everywhere with her. She cuddles and kisses it and as she does she goes "ahhhhhhhh" because that is the noise we make when she cuddles us, as in "ahhhhhh cuddles". So if we say "can mummy have cuddles with Miss Bunny?" Sophia crawls over to me, opens my hand out flat and puts the bunny in it so I can cuddle it, then we have a group cuddle with bunny - it melts my heart!

She has also started to shout "no" when reading her where is spot book. She looks under flap and shouts "noooooooo"! too cute :cloud9: I just can't believe how much i love this little girl, i mean i can believe it, but it just seems to fill my heart more everyday, i feel so so so lucky. and now iam getting all upset again about her growing up :cry: I am an idiot!
Shiv- Awww. :hugs::hugs: That's so sweet with her little bunny. And I am the exact same way about Emma growing up. It makes me so happy to see her do new things but than I start getting tears in my eyes because I wish she'd stop growing. :(
nutty - hope your cakes turn out okay in the end :hugs: we are gunna watch braindead tonight LOL then ill post it back to you with skinned deep ;) bet your excited lmao x

shiv - aww thats so cute i feel the same when jesse does something new im always crying especially now its sinking in i have a one year old and not a baby anymore :cry:

we took jesse to pizza hut for lunch today he loved it! he had a slice of cheese pizza, breadsticks, tortilla chips, potato salad, tomatos, peppers, sweetcorn and beetroot, and he kept dipping his stuff into my bluecheese dip! (are they allowed that?) he seemed to love it though haha, we are taking him to a big indoor play area near my mums tomorrow cus its stuarts last day off for a while, and he loved it when he went with my mum apparantly, :) xx
Just in for a quick update

Booth: Thank God Jessie is okay - that would also scare me half to death because I think meningitis is all of our worst fears come through, so you were dead right to bring him straight in, better to be safe than sorry - Natasha has her 12 month jabs next week, so far here in Ireland ours seem to be at different times than yours - which one was this one, ours is the mmr and the last dose of pcv - good to know they can have a reaction like that so I wont panic as much but if It did happen I think I would still bring her to be on the safe side even knowing that it can cause a reaction.

Cleck: No that would drive me mad too, there are so many out there why would she even want to go the same as you, I know I would want something different than the rest of my family.

Ash: Yeah I think you have to say something too as early intervention is always best I think, I dont know how you are going to approach it though but hopefully you wont upset her too much, she probably has an idea something is wrong anyways.

AE: No Imogen definitely wont forget her mummy - I bet you can't wait. Natasha does the same to me as Shiv was saying that Sophia does, she wont look at me for a few minutes when I see her after being away and then she is all kisses and cuddles, once she has let me know she was mad with me lol

Kimberly: That is a good one "imitation is the highest form of flattery" - I suppose it is very true really even though it annoys us all when people do copy us.

Spidey: I think we have about 12 to 15 children and 25 to 30 adults so it is going to be a mad house lol - Yay for Kara napping in her big girl bed.

Nutty: I hope your cakes go well for you - Stupid Stork Grrr.

Shiv: That is so cute that Sophia does that with the bunny and the saying no when you are reading her a story. I know I'm happy when Natasha does new things too, but am sad she is turning into a toddler and not a baby anymore.

Well not much news from us, I had hoped to spend the day just playing with Natasha as my days are numbered now really before going back to work, but she slept most of the day, she woke at 9 then went back for a nap at 11 to 1 and then went back again from 3 until 5 and then it was time to get dinner ready - oh well hopefully I will get more time tomorrow - I'm going to miss her so much when I go back, but then I count my blessings that I do have the summer off to spend with her.
the nurse said its a rare reaction but it does happen, x our mmr is at 13months x
Thank God it is rare as it would be frightful to happen, unfortunately you had to go through it though.

Isn't it amazing how the jabs are given at different times in different countries.

Ours is BCG at birth before you leave hospital
6&1 and PCV at 2 months
6&1 and Men C at 4 months
6&1, PCV and Men C at 6 months
6&1 and MMR at 12 months
PCV and Hib at 13 months
and then thankfully no more until school

and they go by months as it Natasha was born on the 22nd so they all had to be past that date and more than 8 weeks after the previous one for the 2, 4 & 6 months.
thought you might appreciate a giggle, this is what i looked like a year ago today!


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    39 weeks[1].jpg
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awwwwww shiv!!! makes me even broodier (if thats at all possible!) lol!! I hope this is the month for me! I'll be testing at the end of the month hopefully, but might just wait, my periods are pretty regular so i guess if i do miss one, it is pretty obvious why lol!xx

Boothh when are you due to test??xxxx
I haven't heard anything about Mog's next lot of jabs, but I'll call the surgery in a week or so if I don't hear anything. I'm not sure what she's getting this time, although I suppose I could look it up in her red book. Which I should really find....

Great bump pic, I was enormous by this point. I was at a party on her due date, so there should be a picture somewhere, I'll have a hunt on facebook!

Feeling pretty bleurgh at the moment, but think that's just my odd problems with eating thanks to nausea. Hoping it gets better once I hit second tri. Baby's heartrate has slowed down to 165 bpm, which is a bit of a relief as three days ago it was still at 176bpm, which is a little high for an 11 week foetus!
shiv- Aww!! You look so amazing pregnant. Did you get away with no stretchies? I have very few naked belly shots from my pregnancy for that reason alone. :haha:

ashnbump- I hope this is your month!! I'm so excited for you. :D:D

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