Boothh: I am very sorry you are feeling that way.

I hope that time can continue to help you heal. I know how hard it is. I know you remember me from the MC section not that long ago. So I do understand how hard it is.

But I must remember every day that holding onto my sadness will not help any me nor bring my angel back and my little angel wouldn't want me to. We must muster up the strength to carry on. Even though I know how scary that can be.

Please don't think that I'm taking sides with anyone here. I love you and everyone equally and I really enjoy the dynamics of this group and how well we all get along.
Heidi: Please do not feel bad about your pregnancy with Lily! I personally suffered a mmc in June of this year and while for the first 30-60 days after it was hard to see preg people and deal with others' pregnancies. But I have let myself heal since then as I think my little angel would want me to be happy (and I continue to heal more every day). Since then I have a few pregnant friends and I cannot just avoid them for 9 months and then another few months while they rightfully post up new baby pics. I am happy for them as I should be just as I am happy for you! But now I am coming out of the major mourning phase and I'm almost ready to try again and I find that your successful pregnancy is an inspiration to me. I was worried at first that I had mc because of having been preg less than a year before that. But obviously that is not the case. I know that my little angel will return to me when the time is right. Not when I think it is. And I for one, look forward to the birth announcement of your precious little Lily.
Cleck: Awwww! What an adorable pic!! I hope to someday have a cute pic to show of little Bryson playing nicely with his baby sister.
Ash: I hope your bfp comes soon for you.
Spidey: Awww what a good girl Kira is. Even if she is already eyeballing the boys haha. Bryson already makes eyes and gives big grins to any pretty lady he sees! Haha!

I think I'm going to have my hands full with him.
And about the favorite things topic, Bryson LOVES The Wiggles!! Unfortunately though, finding any wiggles merchandise here in the states is damn near impossible.

I'd love to get him a little shirt/outfit and maybe the musical big red car toy but the only one I can find is online on amazon and they want over $100 for it!!

I am NOT about to pay THAT much for it! I've seen UK sites have it for like 15 pounds though. SO NOT FAIR!!!
AFU: Last weekend we took Bryson and Zachary (my oldest son) over to my bro and SIL's house and he normally only walks a little bit here and there and crawls in between and suddenly he got up on his little feet and walked all the way across their living room by himself!!

I couldn't believe it! I was SO proud of him!!

I think any day now the crawling will be coming to an end all together. Which I feel bittersweet about.

I love my baby so much but he's not much of a "baby" anymore but more of a toddler. *sigh* Oh well, at least I have valued every moment of the past year so I got to enjoy it.

His birthday went pretty well. We held it at my in laws' house. He got lots of love and attention and spoiling. He was so cute with his little cake. He put his fingers in the icing and then kinda looked at it and examined it and then put the tips of his fingers into his mouth and kinda considered for a minute if he liked it or not and then would switch fingers and ponder some more. Hehe! Then he'd get more of it and do the same thing again haha. He didn't really go bonkers with the cake he just kinda was cute and sweet and even mannerly about it meanwhile my 13 year old is almost literally inhaling his piece.

I find myself having to tell him all the time that "When eating your food, remember to chew. It's not just good manners it's healthy for you." He hates that rhyme haha!

Then he opened his presents. He didn't really have much interest in tearing the paper off of things but wandered off while I unwrapped his things and once he saw that something was inside of it then that got his attention lol! He was very cute playing with his new toys all over the floor at grandma and grandpa's. It was a very small gathering really. Just myself, hubby, Bryson, Zachary, my hubby's parents (hubby is an only child). But it was still nice and we had a nice time and I think Bryson did too, especially since he passed out in the car just 5 minutes after leaving their house that evening hehe. Bless him.
Well that's about it for now I guess. I better get going here and prepare for my meeting this evening so I don't forget anything this afternoon when I leave here. Have a great day ladies!

for all and I'm sorry if I forgot to mention or reply to anyone.