--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Thanks Heidi! The anniversary would be much better if my DH was home. :haha: He said he'd call today so that is a bit better. He's not actually supposed to call me but he knows the code to call out so he sneaks to the phone and calls anyway. :D

I hope Lily comes soon! I want to see her. I wonder if she'll look like Caylee. I have a hard time deciding who caylee even looks like between you and Ross. Just a mixture of both I think.
Hey girls

AE: I think Isobel is lovely - Your scan pic is gorgeous - so sorry to hear Imogens birthday didn't go as planned - hope you enjoy the celebrations when DH comes home.

Kimberely: Happy Belated Birthday to Bryson - Hope you all had a great day.

Ash: I think its a personal opinion to get ears pierced so its up to you honey - I personally wouldn't get Natashas done because I had mine done when I was 7 and reacted to the metal and it came up in a huge lump and I can still remember the pain and after all that I didn't get to wear earings for years, although the funny thing is they never closed up and now I can any type of earings even costume jewellery and they dont react - So I would just hate for Natasha to feel that pain when she is so small if she did have a reaction.

Spidey: My AF was always all over the place too - but they usually came somewhere between 5 to 7 weeks apart and this continued after I had Natasha - but for the last two months they have been 30 days so here is hoping they are getting back to normal - I never had any pain either but now I get an awful pain down below on the first day so I dont know if that is anything to do with my episiotomy - I am going to check when I go for my smear on the 6th of next month. mind you hormones done seem as bad as like you DH got shouted at more than once and I would be like a demon about 10 days beforehand lol. so glad Kiras playdate went so well.

Andie: Happy Belated birthday to Kiera - Good to see you and glad you are well.

Pippin: Happy Belated Birthday to Samual - your pictures on FB look like you all had a lovely day - and I bet nobody noticed any dust - I definitely didn't see any in the photos lol - good luck with the scan next week.

Booth: I know we were discussing MC when you were last on so I really hope it was nothing i said to upset you, if it is please let me know as I would hate to think I did as if so it was definitely not intentional. Hope your feeling better soon.

Cleckner: Happy Anniversary - Hope you get that call soon. yay for Emmas play date - I would love to see Natasha around babies her own age but all my the children we know are either new babies or 2 to 3 years or older.

Heidi: Sounds like your nesting with all that cleaning lol - I hope Lily comes soon too - I can't wait to see her either.

AFU: Well I survived my first week back in work lol and it wasn't too bad and Natasha survived her jabs on Thursday. I really hated these ones though - she did only cryy for a few mintues and was very brave but her little face just looked up at us as if to say what the hell are you doing to me. I really hate the thoughts of the 13 month ones as I reckon she will remember these ones. I didn't realise though they can actually get a dose of mini measles or mumps about a week to 10 tens after the mmr so I'm hoping she will escape that.

Well we went down to the nearest city today which is about an hour away to look at wardrobes in B&Q and Natasha loved going around in the trolley but at one stage DH was talking to a staff member about prices and Natasha and I were browsing and she spotted DH and started roaring across the shop DAAA at the top of her lungs - I thought it was very funny and cute and so did DH but I dont think some of the other customers thought much of it - I mean if she was 2 or 3 I would say to her you can't go around shouting like that but she is only a baby and doesn't understand and was excited to see her Daddy. She is also now pulling herself up onto everything and has started cruising ever so slightly as it is only a couple of steps, but all the same it is so amazing seeing her move those feet while holding onto the furniture. She is also completely full of chat the last couple of days and is babbling away to everything and anything making all sorts of sounds which is so cute.

Well I hope you all have a lovely weekend. xx
no nobody has said anything to upset me im just being over sensitive x
no nobody has said anything to upset me im just being over sensitive x

I have times like that too drives DH mad but we get through it eventually, hope it's short lived. x
Hiya ladys sorry i have not been in for so long had a lot on with the 2 boys and wedding planing hopefully next week when rueben is back at school i will have more time to come in and have a chat to you all.

I havnt really read back as there is so much i have missed but happy birthday to all the babys i have missed.

lucas is now climing up every thing and any thing not walking yet but i really dnt think it will be to long. He is saying a lot more words wich i didnt think he would yet as he is the 2nd child and they normaly are very slowe at talking. He is a hand full and any thing that is not fix down he is in to my dad had him for 10min last weekend and by the time i got back he was almost dead on his feet with him lol

Any way i will try and get back in more take care

wow two posts from me in as many days i am getting brave:haha: Thanks for bday wishes jelr ditto to Natasha hope she had a lovely time on her birthday! and big hugs to the wee mite getting her jabs:hugs: its never nice to see them in pain even when its needed...and how cute that she shouted on her daddy in B&Q i love this age they are so innocent and totally oblivious to social expectations they can get away with anything lol almost makes me wish i was a baby teehee xxxx
Cleckner- I'm glad your playdate went well too! I'm glad I'm not the only one with a little monkey baby at play dates :haha: I love your new avatar picture too- it's soooo adorable.

Heidi- it sounds like you are nesting with all that cleaning you're doing!! I remember nesting so badly the entire week before Kira came.

Jelr- Natasha sounds so sweet. Thats adorable she yelled to her Daddy in the store and pooey on those people who didn't think it was cute! Who watches Natasha while you're at work?

tmr- yah for Lucas talking! What words does he say now?

Hi Andie- I use to only read and not post, but now I'm addicted, LOL.

I take Kira in for a lead test today- eeeek! She does not like strangers even looking at her so I know she'll scream the place down! Luckily DH is taking an hour off work to join me. I get so flustered when she screams and I don't think straight, so when the doctor asks me questions I just can't get the words out! Plus I can hardly hear since she's so loud!

Kira's playdate friend had sooo many toys and overall Kira has very few toys. So DH was feeling a little guilty I think and we all went to the toystore yesterday and bought Kira a few things :happydance: She loves the little Fisher Price barn and carries the plastic sheep everywhere! :cloud9:
I just love pictures of little babies/ toddlers playing with each other so I'll share this one from Kira's playdate. They were all so gentle with each other and had a great time. They are playing with crayons!

Sorry I've been missing a few days it feels like. I started watching that show True Blood online and I got so hooked it's pretty much all I've been doing when I get a break. :haha::blush: And now I keep having sex dreams about vampires. :rofl:

Spidey- Aww I love seeing pictures of kids playing together too! It's so cool watching them interact. I keep telling DH he needs to be here for a playdate so he can see how Emma is. She studies everyone around her in the beginning and than finally dives in and plays.

Heidi- How you been feeling? Any sign of Lily yet? I'm sure your sick of that question. LOL!
No signs of Lily Marie :shrug: She just does not want to be born yet haha. All the doctors said "You will not make it to the induction date" ..Ok doctors I get induced on the 9th..and she is not coming so you are all wrong lol :haha: Shows what they know.

I seriously sit down every night and I'm like "THIS IS IT!" and nothing haha. I am so uncomfy though, I cant take a bath, I can't do anything without going "OOooooohhh, AHHHHHHH, Oooowwww" Lol so annoying, Plus I would LOVE one nights sleep! :sleep: But only 10 more days and I get to meet my baby girl :cloud9:
Heidi- Does Caylee love Dora? Kira loves anything with Dora's head on it :haha:

I took Kira to her appointment to get blood taken for a lead test. The doctor said it was just a finger prick, but it ended up being a needle in her vein :growlmad: They also made us wait an hour even though we had an appointment. I was so mad when we left because whats the point of having appointments if they don't keep them, especially with a LO. Despite the long wait Kira did soooo good. She was flirting with all the old men in the waiting room and luckily I thought to bring some of her books, so she flipped through the pages in between making eyes at everyone, LOL.
Our girls are alike haha. She LOVES Dora and Barney, its a tie between those two lol. She has a lot of Dora dolls and a lunch box and just a crap ton of Dora stuff, lol its so funny she will walk up to you and say "DADADADOOOOORA" Its hilarious!
ha cleck were waiting on the 3rd series over here me and stuart love it we have the boxsets haha, and then i bought and read all of the books haha, we tried to watch series 3 on youtube but we couldnt enjoy it as much so we decided to wait XD
im with you on the true blood front, i cannot wait for season 3! i too had vampire sex dreams cleck :rofl: not that im complaining at all! haha!

Thanks for all the advice/opinions on ear piercing, we are going to wait, and if she decides on the day that it does hurt and she doesnt want the second one done, then so be it, i'll just take the 1st one out lol!

boothh - hope you are feeling better hun :) xxxx

Heidi - get that baby out! she's like a mini celeb lol! i think all the cleaning you have been doing is nesting, and lily is on her way!xx

spidey - glad Kira behaved for you, kara would most deffo have kicked up a fuss! xx

AFU - well i caved and tested early this morning, :bfn: i should have known better seen as though af isnt even due until the 3rd(ish) i wasnt going to test until the 5th anyway! But now im convinced that its not happened this month! I hope it doesnt take us too long, my next door neighbor is 12 weeks along with her 2nd, and she's got a little bump now, i feel a bit jealous lol! She's only 19 too, but so so so so mature, and a brilliant mummy! anyway, i guess we are doing all we can do, and it'll happen when it happens ay!

got Kara's 1st shoes from Clarks the otherday, no one told me that they would cost me so much lol! she loves them, and i can see a difference in her walking too, so they are doing there job! x
so a few people have said some stuff to me about all the ttc/pregnancy talk making them feel abit awkward, and to be honest i feel like that too, one person has even said its made them think about leaving the group, and i dont want that!,
i know there are others in here that have suffered mc/mmc since our lion cubs have been born not just me, and i dont want people to feel uncomfortable in here, we can avoid the pregnancy and ttc sections but we cant avoid posts in here,
i dont want to sound bitter, because i am happy for all of you and im sure others feel the same way too, but can we please from now on stick pregnancy/ttc talk in spoilers.

thankyou x

i hope iv not offended anybody :flower: x
nobody has said anything to upset anyone, its just i know myself, and a couple of other girls have just found some of the ttc and pregnancy conversations abit awkward, (i know its not intentional)
for myself i have the ttc and pregnancy sections hidden because i dont want to look at them because they upset me, but how can i avoid it when i come in here? iv felt like this for while and not said anything because i dont want to upset or offend anybody, but after a few other people voicing the same concerns, i am just trying to think of a middle ground for all of us, x
I kind of feel at a loss for words. :shrug:
I never wanted to upset anyone or make anyone feel bad with talking about my pregnancy with Lily, I guess I just thought that this was the one place where I was comfortable with talking about it, since I never got involved in another group and I tend to stay out of 3rd tri really. I guess I was just comfortable with all of you. :shrug: To whomever has been bothered by it I am sorry, that was never my intentions, but if it is becoming that big of an issue where someone wants to leave, then I will just not talk about it on this page anymore. I think most of you are friends on Facebook and I can just update everyone through that. I am not angry in anyway, I just kind of feel a little blah about it. I guess I am not sure what my feelings are at the moment. Sorry.
Boothh: I am very sorry you are feeling that way. :( I hope that time can continue to help you heal. I know how hard it is. I know you remember me from the MC section not that long ago. So I do understand how hard it is. :hugs: But I must remember every day that holding onto my sadness will not help any me nor bring my angel back and my little angel wouldn't want me to. We must muster up the strength to carry on. Even though I know how scary that can be. :hugs: Please don't think that I'm taking sides with anyone here. I love you and everyone equally and I really enjoy the dynamics of this group and how well we all get along. :thumbup:

Heidi: Please do not feel bad about your pregnancy with Lily! I personally suffered a mmc in June of this year and while for the first 30-60 days after it was hard to see preg people and deal with others' pregnancies. But I have let myself heal since then as I think my little angel would want me to be happy (and I continue to heal more every day). Since then I have a few pregnant friends and I cannot just avoid them for 9 months and then another few months while they rightfully post up new baby pics. I am happy for them as I should be just as I am happy for you! But now I am coming out of the major mourning phase and I'm almost ready to try again and I find that your successful pregnancy is an inspiration to me. I was worried at first that I had mc because of having been preg less than a year before that. But obviously that is not the case. I know that my little angel will return to me when the time is right. Not when I think it is. And I for one, look forward to the birth announcement of your precious little Lily. :hugs:

Cleck: Awwww! What an adorable pic!! I hope to someday have a cute pic to show of little Bryson playing nicely with his baby sister. :winkwink:

Ash: I hope your bfp comes soon for you. :flower:

Spidey: Awww what a good girl Kira is. Even if she is already eyeballing the boys haha. Bryson already makes eyes and gives big grins to any pretty lady he sees! Haha! :haha: I think I'm going to have my hands full with him. :dohh:

And about the favorite things topic, Bryson LOVES The Wiggles!! Unfortunately though, finding any wiggles merchandise here in the states is damn near impossible. :( I'd love to get him a little shirt/outfit and maybe the musical big red car toy but the only one I can find is online on amazon and they want over $100 for it!! :shock: :saywhat: I am NOT about to pay THAT much for it! I've seen UK sites have it for like 15 pounds though. SO NOT FAIR!!! :grr:

AFU: Last weekend we took Bryson and Zachary (my oldest son) over to my bro and SIL's house and he normally only walks a little bit here and there and crawls in between and suddenly he got up on his little feet and walked all the way across their living room by himself!! :happydance: I couldn't believe it! I was SO proud of him!! :D I think any day now the crawling will be coming to an end all together. Which I feel bittersweet about. :cry: :haha: I love my baby so much but he's not much of a "baby" anymore but more of a toddler. *sigh* Oh well, at least I have valued every moment of the past year so I got to enjoy it. :)
His birthday went pretty well. We held it at my in laws' house. He got lots of love and attention and spoiling. He was so cute with his little cake. He put his fingers in the icing and then kinda looked at it and examined it and then put the tips of his fingers into his mouth and kinda considered for a minute if he liked it or not and then would switch fingers and ponder some more. Hehe! Then he'd get more of it and do the same thing again haha. He didn't really go bonkers with the cake he just kinda was cute and sweet and even mannerly about it meanwhile my 13 year old is almost literally inhaling his piece. :dohh: I find myself having to tell him all the time that "When eating your food, remember to chew. It's not just good manners it's healthy for you." He hates that rhyme haha! :haha: Then he opened his presents. He didn't really have much interest in tearing the paper off of things but wandered off while I unwrapped his things and once he saw that something was inside of it then that got his attention lol! He was very cute playing with his new toys all over the floor at grandma and grandpa's. It was a very small gathering really. Just myself, hubby, Bryson, Zachary, my hubby's parents (hubby is an only child). But it was still nice and we had a nice time and I think Bryson did too, especially since he passed out in the car just 5 minutes after leaving their house that evening hehe. Bless him. :cloud9:

Well that's about it for now I guess. I better get going here and prepare for my meeting this evening so I don't forget anything this afternoon when I leave here. Have a great day ladies! :hugs: for all and I'm sorry if I forgot to mention or reply to anyone. :flower:

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