That picture is precious!
I understand where you are coming from Sam, I think sometimes that I do not want Caylee to ever see what I had to growing up, I want to shield her from everything, and I know I can't and it bothers me

I always say every parent will do what they feel is right for their own child, but sometimes I feel like my parents didn't think of that, so I am cautious with Caylee, but I still find myself tapping her hand and or butt when she hits and slaps me or her dad. I always feel like the worst mother after I do it, and I do not do it hard at all, but I always tear up

I feel like a terrible mother but it was just how I was raised, how my nieces and nephews were raised and its become something of the norm for me.

I would never abuse or smack my child hard enough to leave welts or bruises or even a red mark though, that I feel is unacceptable, and it angers me
Growing up my dad was a terrible drunk, he would call my mom to say he was picking us up and we would pack our weekend bags and sit on the side of the road until my mom told us to come in and that he forgot us, my mom was in a lot of abusive relationships and we watched her get beat up all the time growing up, punched in the face, pushed down stairs, older sister was my savior because she would cuddle me until it was over and then my mother who no matter how bad she was beat up would tell us girls to never let a man hurt us and that bad people are out there, and she would pack us up and we would start all over, I lived in 11 different towns all over Minnesota until I was was hard..Ross and I fight and like you said Sam, I am guilty of slapping OH across the face or just losing my cool, but I have MAJOR trust issues with men, I always feel like, no matter what I do, they are out to hurt me..

Not a good quality to have.
I make sure we never fight in front of Caylee though, I dont ever want her to think her parents do not love another, or her..I blame myself to this day for my parents divorce and they got a divorce when I was 2!!!! I have been to therapy and everything and I still blame myself
So neat that Bryson will be one tomorrow!! Where does time go?!!?!?!?!? Just seems to fly, and YAY FOR STEPS haha I always get excited when I hear of a little one taking steps, it brings me back to when Caylee did it, and how proud I was as her mommy.
Shiv, I agree with everything you said. I mean when parents ban someone from someones life and or places where they can get together, they will just find another way to be with them and or do the things they were doing still, just in a different place, that's life. I hope to be patient with Caylee and remember I was her age once too, and I would always hope she would know she could come to me for ANYTHING and Everything.
NO luck with my sweep

lol Still waiting to have her, but boooo no luck. He said she is already a 7 pounder and shes head down and ready to go, but the sweep did nothing, not even give me BH! What the crap lol.