--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Don't get me wrong - I had a great childhood, just a few rocky years when I was a bit older - i would love for Sophia to be able to tell me anything!
oh, my DH nearly teared up when he saw this picture... it's him working on installing cable, and Kira was right by his side the whole time. This just shows how much she loves him- Daddy's girl!

Awww I do this with Bryson too. :cloud9: Zach wont let me anymore haha. :haha: Guess that's part of teen-hood.

Shiv: No, BFN and AF got me but I'm fine with it as this is the last cycle before we TTC. :happydance: CD 4 today.
That picture is precious! :cloud9:

I understand where you are coming from Sam, I think sometimes that I do not want Caylee to ever see what I had to growing up, I want to shield her from everything, and I know I can't and it bothers me :nope: I always say every parent will do what they feel is right for their own child, but sometimes I feel like my parents didn't think of that, so I am cautious with Caylee, but I still find myself tapping her hand and or butt when she hits and slaps me or her dad. I always feel like the worst mother after I do it, and I do not do it hard at all, but I always tear up :cry: I feel like a terrible mother but it was just how I was raised, how my nieces and nephews were raised and its become something of the norm for me. :nope: I would never abuse or smack my child hard enough to leave welts or bruises or even a red mark though, that I feel is unacceptable, and it angers me :growlmad:

Growing up my dad was a terrible drunk, he would call my mom to say he was picking us up and we would pack our weekend bags and sit on the side of the road until my mom told us to come in and that he forgot us, my mom was in a lot of abusive relationships and we watched her get beat up all the time growing up, punched in the face, pushed down stairs, etc..my older sister was my savior because she would cuddle me until it was over and then my mother who no matter how bad she was beat up would tell us girls to never let a man hurt us and that bad people are out there, and she would pack us up and we would start all over, I lived in 11 different towns all over Minnesota until I was 16..it was hard..Ross and I fight and like you said Sam, I am guilty of slapping OH across the face or just losing my cool, but I have MAJOR trust issues with men, I always feel like, no matter what I do, they are out to hurt me..:shrug: Not a good quality to have.

I make sure we never fight in front of Caylee though, I dont ever want her to think her parents do not love another, or her..I blame myself to this day for my parents divorce and they got a divorce when I was 2!!!! I have been to therapy and everything and I still blame myself :cry:

So neat that Bryson will be one tomorrow!! Where does time go?!!?!?!?!? Just seems to fly, and YAY FOR STEPS haha I always get excited when I hear of a little one taking steps, it brings me back to when Caylee did it, and how proud I was as her mommy. <3

Shiv, I agree with everything you said. I mean when parents ban someone from someones life and or places where they can get together, they will just find another way to be with them and or do the things they were doing still, just in a different place, that's life. I hope to be patient with Caylee and remember I was her age once too, and I would always hope she would know she could come to me for ANYTHING and Everything.

NO luck with my sweep :( lol Still waiting to have her, but boooo no luck. He said she is already a 7 pounder and shes head down and ready to go, but the sweep did nothing, not even give me BH! What the crap lol.
I have read everyones posts and im apologising in advance if i miss anyone out xx

AE - I didnt know you were pregnant again congratulations xx and happy birthday Imogen xx

Shiv - the main thing i am desperately trying to do differently to my parents is (kinda hard to put in words) my mum used to just "let" my dad treat us crappy and not say or do anything i mean if we did the tiniest thing wrong we would have full blown punches but always on the tops of our arms or our thighs so that no one could see :cry:
and my mum would just allow this to happen for basically all of my young life and that really hurt more than the punches in fact, we didnt know at the time but she would tell him when we slept she just didnt want to belittle him infront of us!
As i grew older i felt really resentful to her so i vowed that if i ever had children i would defend them no matter what if i believed that ANYONE was treating my child unfairly i would defend tham no matter what!!
Spidey that picture is adorable xx xx xx
Heidi- I've lightly smacked Emma on the hand too and than I felt like a complete monster for doing it. :( She looked up at me and her little face just crumbled and she started screaming. So I won't be doing that again if I can help it. I know it's hard having a kid that likes to hit though. My nephew is really bad with the hitting. And his mom just smacks him back but to me that is just making it worse. It's hard to figure out what to do to make them understand. I don't think badly of you at all and I think your a great mother. You were blessed with a highly advanced child that can be hard to deal with. I honestly don't know what I'd do if Emma started hitting all the time. :shrug: DH and I have always been physical with eachother by wrestling and playfully smacking eachother, etc. But we are now trying to stop doing that and it's so hard! It's like a habit that we have with eachother but we'd hate for Emma to learn it and think it's okay. Because we are only doing it for fun but she might not see it that way. This parenting business is tough work. :D
Hey girls

ha I can't keep away - I really should be going to bed as my first day back has shattered me, but sure feck it. I'm only in two days this week so its not so bad.

Ash: I love the bag and shoes, yeah it is a pain going back to work - I did go back last Feb, but have been off for the summer and I think it is actually harder this time as I'm terrified that I'm going to miss some of her first words or steps and i will be devastated if I do.

I know what you mean about a MC crushing you - I felt the same when we had the MMC and was really just existing for the 3 months until I got pregnant with Natasha and even then I felt sad our angel for being happy for being pregnant again and sad for the baby in my belly (Natasha) for being sad over the angel baby for a couple of weeks. I think it was because I terrified with PCOD that I would never get pregnant and also that I would keep on MC'ing and also because we had gotten to the 16 weeks I really thought we were over the danger part so it was a big blow and for DH too as even though we are not together 9 years it was the first time I saw him cry and he cried 4 or 5 times over the weekend when we were waiting on another scan to make sure. Even lately we were discussing if we were going to have another child next year and he is in two minds as he is terrified that we would have a MC again and doesn't want Natasha to have that kind of hurt and pain that was in the house. I dont feel so upset about it now as we have our little princess and she wouldn't be here if that LO had survived and I couldn't give her up for anything in the world - even though our angel is still our baby too, it is a baby that we never met where as we have met and loved Natasha more and more each day IYKWIM - but every now again the pain I remember the pain I felt back then and It is horrible. Booth: I know you are feeling pain for this still too and I hope the balloon gives you some closure.

Cleck: Natasha pretty much poos where ever she is but a friend of mines LO used to hide behind the couch when she was little. That is so cute Emma waking you up and kissing you. Natasha is full of kisses at the moment but she puts on her kissing face and when anyone goes in for a kiss she turns her head away except for me and DH which is lovely cause it means that she knows who her mammy and daddy are and that we are special kind of.

AuntyE: Sounds like you are going to have a musician on your hands - Happy Birthday Imogen - Hope you had a great day.

Spidey: Lol at Kira giving herself Hickeys - I agree I love listening to Natasha in the morning - Even though she is in her own room - I have the monitor in our room which is activated by noise so I will hear her if she crys and in the morning she tends to just talk and sing away to herself for a while before calling me (giving out lol) and I just love lying there and listening to her - it really is the best start to the day. That picture of Kira and your DH is absolutely adorable - definitely daddys girl.

Kimberely: ha ha I know what you mean - when I was away for the weekend all I wanted to do was talk about Natasha and had to restrain myself as the other two girls dont have children and would be bored to death lol - Happy 1st Birthday to Bryson tomorrow.

Shiv: I totally know what you mean - I even said that to DH - I hate the fact that now I have to tell Natasha she can't do things and teach her right from wrong as up to this - she has just been my baby and no telling off or having to be cross with her and I hate that things are going to change in the next while as I'm the same I'm terrified that she wont think that I love her. I also had an awful relationship with my mam in my teens and even though she is brilliant now with Natasha I still find our relationship is tense. My dad is an recovering alcoholic - well I think he is still not drinking anyway as since Natasha was born I stopped asking as when I was pregnant he had to have major surgery if some of you remember and I reckon if that doesn't stop him I can't so I'm not putting myself through the stress of trying to anymore as I have my own family to think of now - but I know I will never let Natasha see him drunk as she loves him to bits and I dont ever want her to see him in that light as he is a mean drunk and I dont ever want her to go what I did. I think part of the problem with me and my mam is that partly she allowed my dad to beat me too when he was drunk and she hid away a lot and put a lot of the respsibility of my brothers and sisters on me and also since my parents have seperated she became very bitter towards my dad and tends to forget that he is still my dad - Well I dont know if that is the problem or what it is but we just tend to rub each other up the wrong way sometimes. I do feel like I have forgiven both of them for everything but our relationship is not the same these days - sometimes I think it is because they are here everyday and I just see too much of them and I feel bad for feeling like this as they have been very good to me since Natasha was born. But I dont ever want Natasha to feel like that about me and also like your parents mine were very strict and I did hide a lot from them and I dont ever want that either. It actually breaks my heart to think that she would ever not be able to tell me something or feel like I'm annoying her. DH has also had issues with his parents too as they dont ever tell one another that they love each other or hug or kiss in his house and he loves a cuddle - so we both tell her a million times a day that we love her and constantly kiss her and get cuddles when we can as she is not into them much lol. We also try and not fight in front of her as that is something we both agree we saw too much of when we were little and I hope to always be there for her no matter what as my mam was hard by times and lived by the motto you have to get up and get on with it - It is so hard to know what to do as I know that because of this I have become very independant and have gone through a lot with my arthritis but have coped with it and I am very driven because of what I went through and DH is the same, we both have good jobs and have had to work for every bit of what we have by ourselves where as a friend of mine's parents have spoiled her rotten and she has no coping skills at all and will mope around at the slightest little thing - she even took to the bed and wouldn't eat around the time I had the MC because she had broken up with a guy she had just met and it was me trying to make sure she was okay. So I dont want that for her either but I know we wont be able to help ourselves and will spoil her rotten because we both want different for her than what we had even though it has made us what we are today. This parenting job is definitely very confusing.

I definitely know what you mean though, when they are babies there is no need for rules or telling off and I hate that we will have to do that as I dont want her to turn into a spoilt rip either.

Heidi: I can't belive Lily is 7lbs now already she is growing so quick - It was only two weeks ago or so you were worried that she was only 5lbs - I hope she does move soon before she gets any bigger lol I'm so glad she is progressing well though - Have you spoken to your friends since the other night? Do they realise what they did?

Samstar: so glad you had a lovely day - Your little woman has come so far this year - It must be even more emotional for you - she is a little fighter and you should be so proud - Happy Birthdy Elinor.

Happy Birthday to Sam today too. Hope all those babies had a great day.

Well there is a bloated post if I ever saw one and I wasn't even going to post tonight - but was reading online and felt in the mood to share ha ha - although I think I rambled more than shared lol

Well I best get to bed as Natasha isn't sleeping great the last few days and I'm working again tomorrow and need to get lots done as I'm finishing early as we have her jabs tomorrow - Lucky I rang the doctors as I got my letter for my smear test and said I would check the time and its a good job I did as I thought the appointment for her jabs were Friday - Oh the thoughts of them :(
Morning. We had a bit of a sucky birthday in the end. My sister was supposed to come round and didn't, and I was tired and grumpy and shouted at Imogen because my stupid MiL wanted me to take a picture of her with this stupid biscuit that she sent her (which she nearly choked to death on five minutes later) and she wouldn't sit still with it. And then I couldn't stop crying for like half an hour when I was putting her to bed, so I think we're just going to write off yesterday and have a proper birthday when my OH is home next week.

I didn't have a c section with Imogen, they were all geared up for one, but managed to get her out after half an hour with the ventouse and then forceps. Phew. Very keen to avoid a section this time, but I'm pretty confident it will be easier this time round. She had her head twisted round which is why she was stuck, with her back along my right hand side, so not back to back thankfully. I feel very fortunate that I had no real discomfort afterwards, it could have been very different!

Trying to find girl names that work with Imogen. If it was my choice, I'd call her Maud, but my OH hates it. We're toying with Dinah, Meredith, Edith and Isobel at the moment (we like old lady names).
Here's newbaby from Tuesday, she was a lot quieter during the scan than Mog, wonder if that will carry on after she's born (and yes, she is 'she' until proven otherwise).

I didn't have a c section with Imogen, they were all geared up for one, but managed to get her out after half an hour with the ventouse and then forceps. Phew. Very keen to avoid a section this time, but I'm pretty confident it will be easier this time round. She had her head twisted round which is why she was stuck, with her back along my right hand side, so not back to back thankfully. I feel very fortunate that I had no real discomfort afterwards, it could have been very different!

Trying to find girl names that work with Imogen. If it was my choice, I'd call her Maud, but my OH hates it. We're toying with Dinah, Meredith, Edith and Isobel at the moment (we like old lady names).[/QUOTE]

I love Isobel - that is how I would spell it too. have you considered Mabel? imogen and Mabel?

sorry you had a rubbish day - i am sure you will have a better one with OH around :hugs:
I do like Mabel, but all names mentioned in Gilbert and Sullivan are banned :( This isn't normally a problem for me (aside from wanting Imogen to have Iolanthe as a middle name), but I am annoyed at missing out on Mabel.
Bryson is 1 today! :happydance: :headspin:
I'm so proud of my little guy! :D Makes me broody all over again though haha. :haha: I cant believe how fast the time has gone by! Time to add Bryson to our list of birthday babies on our thread here! :winkwink: I love my little guy SO much!!! :cloud9:
Happy Birthday Bryson!!! :D

Love the scan picture, is darling. I like Isobel ;)
Happy birthday to Bryson!

Hi Jesse! Kira likes typing too... well, it's more like smacking :dohh:

AE- what a cutie pie in your tummy!

I know someone posted about it here, but AF has been back since Kira turned 10 months and I have much shorter cycles now. I use to be every 36 days (sometimes up to 42 days) but now I'm at 28! Also they have been much lighter with almost no cramping whereas before I would be taking loads of Advil all day and be so miserable. Plus the only sign of pms is sore nipples- my lucky DH hasn't been yelled at in almost 2 years!! I use to be so horrible the week before my period, but since I've gotten pregnant I've been so un-moody. I'm sure I just jinxed myself by talking about it! I do wonder if I'm ovulating though- perhaps thats why AF is so light :shrug:
are you getting EWCM Spidey - sure sign you are ovulating if you are! Mine are much heavier now, but my cycle has reduced from 31 days to 28 days.

Happy birthday Bryson x
LOL Nuttymummy- my cycles were the same as yours. It would be neat if I stayed in this 28 day pattern like a normal person :haha:

Shiv- hmmmm....I didn't notice any EWCM this cycle, but the previous 2 cycles I did. Thats why AF really caught me off guard this month- I actually thought I was going to skip a month.
Hi ladies

Sorry gonna go totally off topic here but what do u girls think of ear piercing on LO's? I've been toying with the idea for a while but I've always been unsure! I don't want to put her thru the pain but I would hate it when she's older if she ends up having one done and being too scared to have the last one done :( I would wait as she might not ever want them done but I guess she could let them heal if she chose to! Oh I don't know?? Any advice appreciated girls! Xx
Ash - you asked for an opinion so here is mine (not trying to start an argument and I think we are all grown up in here enough not to have one!) I wouldn't get Sophia's done. I don't see the point in putting her through unneccesary pain. When she is old enough (say 35 :haha:) is she asks then i will let her. but each to their own and all that jazz :hugs:

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