Heidi- Kira says "ba pa" for backpack and when they say "Say Map!" Kira says "Ma" It's sooo cute!
Kimberly- I bet you were shocked when Bryson suddenly decided to walk so far! I have a feeling that Kira will give me a shock like that one day. She has no interest in walking, but yesterday I stood her up in the middle of the floor and she stood there forever with perfect balance! I have to trick her though otherwise she buckles her knees and doesn't let me stand her up, LOL. It sounds like the party went great too.
Cleckner- I am LOL about Emma waking up at 10:30 to stack blocks for the first time. Maybe she dreamt about them and had to get up and do it herself. I hope you got her back to sleep eventually!
Kira has 5 teeth- perhaps 6 because yesterday the 6th was almost thru the skin. 4 on top and 2 on the bottom. Cleckner- Kira's front teeth are gapped too, but don't most babies have gapped front teeth?? Opposite of you- I'm actually happy Kira has spaces between her teeth because mine are sooo crowded that it caused them to go all crooked.
Regarding TTC/pregnancy talk- I love hearing what everyone is doing and it would be a shame to lose that. Even though I'm not planning to TTC anytime soon (unless DH can convince me otherwise!) I really enjoy knowing what everyone else is up to in that department- probably because I'm really nosey!! I know it can be a sensitive subject though if you've just been thru a loss
But I'm afraid if we have one subject off limit, next thing we won't be able to talk about vampire sex either (not that vampires offend me- they just creep me out, LOL)