--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

:rofl: Heidi at caylee climbing. I have a picture of Emma on the shelf too. She got up there and just laid there on her belly looking around.

Emma is also a jumper. She climbs up onto things and loves jumping down onto pillows. :dohh: I very nearly had a heart attack one day when she jumped off her jungle gym thing. I was quick enough and caught her but that coulda been really bad.
hahaha too cute jesse is obsessed with his willy and balls he always shoved his hand down his nappy and plays with his balls hahaha just like his dad :dohh: has anybody else with a boy noticed that their willys go 'hard' sometimes, jesses does sometimes not for any particular reason i just didnt think it happened so early!!

I've heard about this! I never knew babies could get hard like that but I guess it's completely normal. So weird! :haha:
hahaha too cute jesse is obsessed with his willy and balls he always shoved his hand down his nappy and plays with his balls hahaha just like his dad :dohh: has anybody else with a boy noticed that their willys go 'hard' sometimes, jesses does sometimes not for any particular reason i just didnt think it happened so early!!

I've heard about this! I never knew babies could get hard like that but I guess it's completely normal. So weird! :haha:

it happens at all different times so its not something he can control, just weird cus it never crosses your mind does it!
What did you do when he got hard for the first time? I'd probably freak out a bit. :haha:
Oh boothh my Dj is the same still and he is nearly 3!! His little winky woo still goes hard to but only when he is playing with it :blush: - not something a mummy wants to see!!
I call Elins parts her flower but mainly too Dj who constantly asks where her winky is!! haha little boys are so funny xx
Elin wipes herself now i give her the wet wipe and let her if she has had a pee but i go a little insane if she trys minus the wet wipe and plus the poop!!
Emma is constantly putting her hand in her poop. :dohh: As soon as the diaper comes off her hand is in that area so when she poops she thinks it's okay to shove her hand in it. She's learning early how to use soap and wash her hands properly at the sink. :haha:
My mom always called ours "Ba-gina" So instead of Va, we replace it with Ba lol Family thing I guess lol.

So I feel terrible, my friend made birthday cakes for her nieces...and she is one of those "I am perfect, I can do anything" people...and she posted the pics on facebook and I cant help but laugh my ass off....do you see anything wrong with the cakes?


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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Heidi i dont even know your friend but i hate people like that so haha!!
She spelt birthday wrong :haha:
Hahahahaha! ON BOTH! ahhhh people are so stupid lol

I told her, and she said "Oh didnt even know" but its like...really? on two cakes
Hi girls posting this from memory as I have been reading on my phone during the day and am too lazy to go back over everything again - hard to keep up tonight lol

Andie: Your welcome - hope you will be in to see us again.

Spidey: My mam watches Natasha when I'm at work so Its great as I can phone 50 times if I need too lol

Regarding the TTC and Pregnancy talk - I can also see both sides even though I'm not thinking about it until next year when Natasha is nearly two, I do like reading what every ones else is doing as I'm nosey too lol and I do think the girls who are TTC and are Pregnant need to be able to talk about what is going on with them too as this is all of our safe places, but I totally understand where you are coming from too Booth, when I MMC before Natasha two of my best friends were pregnant and it was really hard, there were some days when I would come home from meeting them and would just cry my eyes out - you did right for saying it and you certainly haven't made me uncomfortable - this is your safe place too, so I hope the spoilers will work for all - I will just have to learn how to do them - mind you I definitely know how to open them now - thanks cleck - I opened them all ha ha

Regarding Teeth: Natasha has 6 - she got 4 in the one week back in June and nothing since, but she may be getting more at the moment as she is a little off colour, she also has a huge gap between the top two and you are all dashing DH's hopes now as he reckons that she is going to be a great singer with the gap, I had said that I reckoned it wouldn't be as prominant once the back ones come in, ha ha he will be ragin when I tell him that it seems like all babies have it. My mam reckons that Natasha's top ones are really big though as her next door neighbours grandchild is the same age and she says that 1 of Natasha's would make two of hers - but I dont know as I have nothing to compare really.

Regarding Bottles: Natasha has 2 a day - It used to be 1 first thing and 1 at bedtime and then it went to 3 as for the last month she has been walking in the middle of thing night and wont settle until she has another one - if I dont give it too her, she tends to cry in her sleep every half an hour where as when I give her one - she goes back out cold until 9 or 9.30 the next morning so at least we both get sleep - but now it is back to 2 this week as I have dropped the one first thing as she was starting to be not hungry for her breakfast so I just give her a beaker of cows milk with her breakfast now but she only drinks a few sups. She does have the toddler milk but I am thinking I might wean her onto cows milk as her diet is good and somebody said to me lately that they left it too late to give cows milk and now the child wont drink it at all and she has never been a big fan of bottles ever and I have the beginning stage of osteoporosis because of the steriods I was on over the years for my arthritis so I really want her to always drink plenty of milk for the calcium.

Regarding True Blood: Myself and DH watched the first two but couldn't get into it at all and I thought I definitely would as I love most supernatural programs and loved the harry potter books and the twilight series and even the program supernatural, but I just couldn't get into it at all.

Samstar: Dont ever feel like you are bringing the thread down as you are not - you and Elin have been through so much and this is your safe place too, I love hearing how she is getting on. I do know what you mean though as I found it hard to see everyones babies nearly walking and standing when N was not even crawling and when I was worried after our visit to the PHN and she said she was worried that there might be something wrong - now that she is crawling and into everything I wonder why I was wishing for her to crawl all the time lol

Cleck: N always grabs her private parts too, when she is getting her nappy changed lol

Booth: a friend of mine was telling me her 3 year old is always getting hard when he is in the bath - I didn't know until then that it would happen that early.

We havn't really decided on a name for private parts yet, My family always called it al tail when we were small and I hated it as it was like we were dogs or cats lol - DH's family call it a totty so I think we are going to go with that, but for the moment it just ends up getting called her bum which is silly really.

Well hope I hope I haven't missed anything.

AFU: Our little lady is a bit out of sorts today and didnt' sleep last night so I dont know whether it is teeth or her mmr jab as the nurse said she may get mini measles or a temp about 7 to 10 days after - but on the upside she was full of cuddles and just wanted to lie into me all day which was lovely, for a baby who didn't like cuddles, she is getting so affectionate and wants to kiss all day now and sometimes cuddles in and hums in my shoulder, she also now hums and rocks top of her body from side to side when you say to her to sing a song which is so cute.

Well back to work again tomorrow so we just had a lazy day today and I went over to see my friend yesterday and her girls are 5, 3 and 2 and N loves crawling around their feet and we brought them all out for a walk which was lovely.

We are no where near walking but she is pulling up onto everything now, as for potty training I think we are way off that one too, but I think we are going to buy a potty to have it in the bathroom to get her used to it, she hates the toilet being flushed though, so I'm trying to get her used to that so we dont run into any problems later.

Well here goes for the spoilers
bet this wont work

Cleck I can't find the one in the advanced section which might be easier than trying to remember the other one as my memory is sh*ite these days lol

Heidi: LMAO - I can't believe she did that on the two cakes - she must not know how to spell it lol
It's funny because it's not even the same mistake on both though. :rofl: Same word but different letters missing. :haha:
jelr- underneath where you type your response it says 'post quick reply' and 'go advanced'. Like two little bubble things that are clickable. :D And than when it goes advanced there are tons of options you can do with the posts.
I can say I get upset about people misspelling things but I make stupid typos myself quite often. I started a pet group in the pets section for people to show off and talk about their animals. Well I spelled german shepherd wrong and this woman totally went off on me saying it's shepHERD and I need to get a book to educate myself on them. Because our puppy is a german shepherd/rotti mix. She was REAL bitchy. I was spelling it 'shepard' for anyone interested. :rofl: I can't even believe the manners some women have on here. :dohh: I write the same as I speak in real life. So I just type out things the way they sound in my head. I'm not here to get grammar and spelling corrected. :roll:
Ah I see it now cleck I was going into go advanced but I was clicking on more smileys and looking there.

God the things people get upset about, I sometimes read over my posts and see a zillion typos as I touch type and could be talking to dh or watching tele at the same time and I never proof read ha ha so she would have a field day with me lol
Yeah I'm usually doing a few things at once while on here. Right now i'm watching Emma play with a box. :rofl: My computer spell checks for me but sometimes i'm much to lazy to even worry about it.

I hate being on my phone and it corrects the word into something I didn't even want it to be. :growlmad: I always joke with DH that they should make phones for full figured girls. :rofl: Cause I try to hit one letter and accidentally hit something completely different. :haha:
And the box Emma is playing with is from my true blood books!! :happydance: :happydance: And I bought the first 2 seasons so DH and I can watch them on the big TV instead of my computer. So they are all here and I'm all set for him to be home now. :D
Ha ha lmfao at the full figured girls, phones would drive u mad, that's why I rarely write on here on phone as it totally changes words to something stupid or hits the wrong bloody keys and I forget when I'm on the phone and end up using short text like u for you and stuff.

I only have spell check on in word and that so I never see the mistakes only if I read back.

Well enjoy the books and dvds, Id say you can't wait for dh to be back.

Well I'm gonna run, should have been in bed about two hours ago in case missy has us up again tonight and I'm up for work tomorrow. Night all. Xx

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