There are so many new post!! I have no chance of remembering it all

but here goes

Jelr and Spidey thanks for making me feel welcome

think im gona keep posting from now on and im sure i will end up addicted lol im already addicted to reading so it only seems natural

Great news about your mum i hope she continues to get good news like that xx
BOOTH- Congratulations on Jesse walking
As for teeth- Kiera has 4 teeth two at the top and two at the bottom she has had them since about 8months but no sign of anymore yet so she is still quite gummy too and the gap between her top teeth is mammoth lol u could get a steam train through there

its cute tho.
Talking about cutesie names for private parts my family always called it a flower which i dont know why but it still makes me cringe lol
I cant remember who mentioned it but someone said their family called a boys bits a tail which made me laugh out loud

because the other day my wee niece who is two came home from nursary and was ever so excited to tell her mummy that a boy at her nursary has a tail

and now she wont pee in her potty without insisting on standing up like the boy with the tail pmsl
AFU - Dont really know what to say or where to begin since ive not really posted lol...... so ill just say a bit about today...... Kiera has been a wee grump today Which isnt too unusual lol as she is quite prone to being grumpy

shrug: i have no idea who she takes that trait from

) but she has a rotten cold and just does not seem her normal wee self so she has been crying a lot

the upside is that i have had lots of cuddles which is never a bad thing lol It hasnt hindered her too much right enough as she is still in at everything and like a few of you have said about your lo she is fond of climbing everything and anything... i think the more dangerous the better in her opinion lol my heart is roasted teehee
My Eldest daughter started school a fortnight ago and im having major seperation anxiety issues

i thought i would be fine by now but i still have butterflys all day long I know its silly but i miss her so much i hate the fact that a complete stranger has her for six whole hours a day and ive lost my wee buddy

i so think the school day is too long lol I am sure it gets easier???
Well think ive rabbled on enough so ill stop here