--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Thank you Boothh and MJ she's an amazing woman, she gave birth too 8 children so she can kick cancers a**e!! :P
Sam_star- I'm so glad it was good news!! I hope she beats the big C for good. :hugs::hugs:

Boothh- Yeah I've already seen all the episodes available even into season 3 so now I just have to open up the books. I am in the middle of another book right now though so I have to finish that one first. I'm the opposite with the twilight books. I LOVED the books but think the movies are so poorly done and have horrible actors. It doesn't stop me from buying the movies though. :haha:

Aunty E- The puppy bites Emma on a regular basis. :dohh: Nothing has ever broken skin and he's just playing but it still worries me at times. They get along so well but sometimes Emma gets him hyper and he just loves biting. Thankfully she hasn't once cried from it so I don't think it's really hurting her. pregnancy related-
I'm so glad your boss knows! I often wonder how fast I'll show with the next baby but I still look about 5 months pregnant because I'm fat now and most of my fat is right at the front on my belly. :dohh: So I'm sure it will take longer to show. :rofl:

nutty- oh my goodness abbi is so cute. :D So I guess gaps are normal as babies. :haha: I'm fairly certain Emma will always have a gap though but now I have hope that she gets her daddy's teeth instead.

With spelling I always worry because you girls spell some words differently so it looks like I'm stupid but really I'm just spelling it the way we spell it. Like color and labor, etc. :shrug: If I spell it colour it gets autocorrected on my computer. :rofl:

I also noticed the august mommies for 2010 are in here now. It's so weird to see. I was reading a bit in there yesterday to see if anyone had a baby on Emma's birthday. :D
Holy crap ladies!! I haven't been on here since about 10 pm last night and I come back and there are 5 pages to read through! :dohh: Chatty chatty ladies! :haha:

Cleck: :rofl: at your never ending spoiler boxes. That was cute!

Wow...I cant believe the rest of your babies are either wiping themselves or jumping or starting potty training. I am certain that if I tried any of that with Bry it wouldn't go well. :nope: I hope my little guy isn't getting behind. :wacko: From what I've read he's doing everything that 12 month olds are supposed to do. :shrug: Do you all think he's ok?? His older brother (Zach) is autistic so I'm extremely paranoid and constantly analyzing everything. Another problem I'm having with him is when it comes to chewing his food. Have any of you had trouble getting your LO's to go from puree to lumpy chunky food? Every time I try to feed him something like that he cries and pitches a fit and does everything he can to keep me from getting the spoon into his mouth. But he loves to chew his toys, his blankey, etc. Anyone have any thoughts or ideas for me? I'd welcome any of them!
Bryson also loves his bath time! He especially loves to splash the water and get daddy all wet haha! :haha: I swear he does it on purpose as he always grins when he does it hehe!
Bryson also has a bad habit of grabbing his little twinkie lol! Every time I change the diaper his hand goes straight down there and the other day daddy was changing him and I was standing there with them as we were talking and Bryson suddenly grabs his balls and squeezes them and I about freaked out and I grabbed his hand and told him no no, gentle! :rofl: I do want grandkids someday afterall! :haha:

AE: I'm so glad you don't have that hanging over your head anymore.

Sam: I'm so glad it was good news! What a huge relief that must be. :hugs:

Anyone else I missed, I'm sorry! I'm in such a rush and have so much to do today it's not even funny. Matter of fact I gotta get going here and get my errands ran and back again before Zach gets home from school.
And it's my turn to try out the spoiler button! I'll prolly screw it up though haha.

Testing 1,2,3...

Have a good day ladies! :wave:
Kimberly- Kira is far from wiping herself too! I don't think you should worry about Bryson. Kira grabs at herself really roughly too and I have to take her hands and say "gentle gentle". A nosey question- with your older son, when did you realize something was different about him?

Yah SamStar!!! I'm so glad you got some good news!
aww so glad things are looking good sam! xxx

boothh - how weird that there is a new august mummy thread, we're the originals lol! saying that there was probably an august mummies before us! :rofl:

cleck - i have a Macbook, and for some reason it corrects my 'labour' 'colour' to the US way, but its all the same, Tomato, tomato etc lol!

AE - glad uve come clean lol! Im sure life will be easier now!

kim - i wouldnt worry about the eating thing, all babies do things at different times, kara doesnt wipe herself lol, she grabs her lady bits HARD, and it makes me cringe, but whatever floats her boat i guess lol!

AFU - kara did THE FUNNIEST thing before i swear to god it was hilarious, those of you who are on my facebook can see it, its on there (some of you have seen it already)! She was pushing her swing in the garden, walked underneath it and when she turned round to look at it - BAM smacks her right in the face :rofl: i swear it was a proper you've been framed clip! She was ok straight after, so its ok to laugh, shes not hurt, an she only whinged for about 30 seconds and then she was back at it again lol! :rofl: aaahhhhhhaaaa it was so funny lol!

Spidey: Yes. At about 1.5 yrs of age he started missing milestones here and there and then by age 2-3 he lost everything. :( All he could do was walk, say mama, and ball and the only thing he'd eat was mac and cheese. It was heart breaking and scary as hell. After many doctors, many tests, many evaluations and blood work and a muscle biopsy they diagnosed him with Autism. Now he has what's known as Aspergers Syndrome. It's the mildest one on the spectrum of disorders but I only credit that to the many years and hours upon hours we had him in therapies since his diagnosis. The thing is that he was born normal and I know it sounds cliche' but I seriously and truly believe it's due to the vaccines. They hadn't phased out the ones with mercury in them when he was a baby. And he was getting a few jabs a month so I'm certain that is what caused it. With Bryson we had insisted on mercury free ones and to space them out over the course of a few years but after his first one at 3 months of age he immediately within 24 hrs of getting his jab, he quit making eye contact and quit rolling over and I got scared and immediately went down to the local health food store and bought the baby detox drops and started him on them immediately. Thank goodness he got better after that. But as I'm sure you can understand my fear and paranoia. Every month it seems I am online checking the developmental milestones charts and checking to make sure Bryson seems on track. It scares the stew outta me. :( To this day, my oldest, Zach, is still in special ed and on a specialized individual education plan (IEP) to help him learn at his own pace. But it seems like he will have to keep having that for the rest of his school years as he seems no where near where other 13 yr olds are even though he does continue to make progress. Sigh. I just hope and pray that Bryson will be ok and wont have the same problems and be as "normal" as his peers.

Kimberly- That is so scary what you've been thru :hugs: I can't blame you for being paranoid about Bryson developing normally. I have a cousin who is autistic and my BIL has aspergers- both of them are 21 years old now. Naturally I've been worried about Kira due to the autism in both sides and I do believe all those vaccines with mercury couldn't have been good. I delayed all Kiras vaccines for a year and now she's getting them spaced apart. I know the current research shows that vaccines are safe, but when a study is done by the same company who makes the vaccines, how can you trust it?? I've worked in a research lab for the past 9 years and I've seen first hand the pressure scientists have on them to get results and the $$ behind it all. So I don't trust a thing! Its a great thing you caught it early and got specialized therapy for Zach.
OMG that is the cutest picture i have ever seen!!! how adorable is he!! and i love that vest i wish we had cool stuff like that here!!

but now for some news....


i didnt see it but his daddy did and im sooo happy his dad saw his first steps!
stuart has been really worried that he would miss his first steps and felt guilty about working all the time so i am super glad he did it for his daddy first! we tried to get him to do it again and he did one step for me but he wasnt interested so we wont push him!

im soooo god damn proud!! xxx
Woo hoo! I said it on facebook but I'll say it again. GO JESSE!! :happydance::happydance: I was the same way with DH I'm so glad he was here for the first real steps. :D

Okay Emma is throwing a horrible tantrum so I gotta go. :(
OMG that is the cutest picture i have ever seen!!! how adorable is he!! and i love that vest i wish we had cool stuff like that here!!

but now for some news....


i didnt see it but his daddy did and im sooo happy his dad saw his first steps!
stuart has been really worried that he would miss his first steps and felt guilty about working all the time so i am super glad he did it for his daddy first! we tried to get him to do it again and he did one step for me but he wasnt interested so we wont push him!

im soooo god damn proud!! xxx

Hehe Thanks Boothh! He's my little prince and he brings me so much joy!

YAY FOR JESSE!!!! What a big boy!! Congrats on the new milestone!!! :happydance: Now the fun begins and time to buy a baby gate! Haha. :haha:

Spidey: Oh wow. I didn't know that Autism ran in your family as well. I guess you can understand my fear and paranoia then. :wacko: I'm glad Kira seems to be doing well though. Hopefully both Bryson and Kira will do just fine and not end up having it. I guess it's a good thing that you have the lab experience that you have. I agree with you on the lab studies by the pharmaceutical companies. How can the very same people who are profiting off of it possibly be honest about their products' effects? Of course they aren't going to or they'd go outta business! We're going to wait to vaccinate Bryson until he's 2 or 3 and then do it slowly. We want to allow adequate time for his little brain to fully develop as well as the rest of his little systems before we hit it. Basically going to wait until he is much less vulnerable than he is now. I guess if we make it to 4 or 5 years of age with still no signs of autism then I will begin to relax. Until then I guess I will keep over analyzing every little thing and hold my breath and hope for the best. Even his whole not wanting to eat chunky foods thing makes me fearful that it's a sign of an issue since Zach is a texture eater too. :( Let's hope I don't drive myself insane over the coming years and he begins to cooperate with me taking him off of the puree stuff. :dohh:
kimberly i didnt read your post properly :dohh: i have 2cousins who are autistic, they are brother and sister, i really dont know how i would cope, i can see how worrying it must be for you, my aunty has said looking back that there were signs from them being tiny and they were always behind with milestones etc, they really are lovely kids though they are 10 and 12 now, it does make me sad though they are both very happy in their own worlds so to speak, as its becoming more obvious now as the other children in the family are out growing them in a way growing up and becoming more mature and they are still the same, the oldest one goes to a mainstream highschool and then 10year old goes to a mainstream school with a big special needs department, i spend alot of time with them and it makes me sad to think other people (even in the family) treat them differently because of how they are, dont get me wrong they can both be hard to manage at times but for the most part they are really good kids x
:hi: There are so many new post!! I have no chance of remembering it all :nope: but here goes

:hi: Jelr and Spidey thanks for making me feel welcome:flower: think im gona keep posting from now on and im sure i will end up addicted lol im already addicted to reading so it only seems natural :blush:

SAM-STAR :happydance: Great news about your mum i hope she continues to get good news like that xx

BOOTH- Congratulations on Jesse walking :happydance:

As for teeth- Kiera has 4 teeth two at the top and two at the bottom she has had them since about 8months but no sign of anymore yet so she is still quite gummy too and the gap between her top teeth is mammoth lol u could get a steam train through there:haha: its cute tho.

Talking about cutesie names for private parts my family always called it a flower which i dont know why but it still makes me cringe lol

I cant remember who mentioned it but someone said their family called a boys bits a tail which made me laugh out loud :haha: because the other day my wee niece who is two came home from nursary and was ever so excited to tell her mummy that a boy at her nursary has a tail:haha: and now she wont pee in her potty without insisting on standing up like the boy with the tail pmsl

AFU - Dont really know what to say or where to begin since ive not really posted lol...... so ill just say a bit about today...... Kiera has been a wee grump today Which isnt too unusual lol as she is quite prone to being grumpy(:shrug: i have no idea who she takes that trait from:haha:) but she has a rotten cold and just does not seem her normal wee self so she has been crying a lot :cry: the upside is that i have had lots of cuddles which is never a bad thing lol It hasnt hindered her too much right enough as she is still in at everything and like a few of you have said about your lo she is fond of climbing everything and anything... i think the more dangerous the better in her opinion lol my heart is roasted teehee

My Eldest daughter started school a fortnight ago and im having major seperation anxiety issues:blush: i thought i would be fine by now but i still have butterflys all day long I know its silly but i miss her so much i hate the fact that a complete stranger has her for six whole hours a day and ive lost my wee buddy :cry: i so think the school day is too long lol I am sure it gets easier???

Well think ive rabbled on enough so ill stop here :kiss:
Hey girls

Shiv: I hope you have recovered from your 3 night bender of food and drink lol - I would die, I'm dead now for a week after a night out lol

Heidi: pregnancy
Hope you are feeling better, saw your FB status this morning about the pains, how did you get on at docs? I hope this is Lily on the move

Cleck: Yeah it must be really hard getting a shower when Corey is away, I always hop in when DH is home or when N is asleep and I bring the baby monitor into the bathroom with me. yeah I always forget you are so far behind also - it was nearly between 11.30 and 12 last night when I posted last - imagine and it was only 3.30 with you, mad.

Nutty: Those pics of Abi are gorgeous, she is so cute.

Samstar: I'm so happy for you honey that you got good news on your mam today - I will say a little prayer that all goes well for the rest of the chemo and surgery - Yep I reckon she is a strong woman if she raised 8 kids lol

AE: Natasha is the same - she is not walking, or standing either or even crusing that much and she only feeds herself finger food - not off the spoon. Pregnancy
So glad you told your boss and it went okay, at least that is a worry off your mind

MJ: Good to see you :-)

Booth: Yay for Jessie walking - you must be so proud - he will be flying around now - Good on him and I'm delighted that he did it for his daddy too.

Kimberly: I definitely wouldn't worry about Bryson - Natasha doesn't wipe herself either, but she does poke her hand down when changing her nappy and I have loads of books here on foods for babies and it says some babies just dont like lumps when being spoon fed even though they may love finger food - Natasha does well with lumps and then every now and again, she will just totally refuse them - She is now taking lumps again but if there are peas or sweetcorn that is anyway whole she will actually fish them out of her mouth. I can totally understand why you would always be scared if he is not doing something - It must be so worrying after what you have been through. it sounds like Zach is doing well and is getting fantastic help. That picture of Bryson is gorgeous.

Ash: Oh poor Kara - glad she didn't hurt herself. They are so resiliant aren't they. Windows does the same and changes colour to color and so on - it is software is american made. I have gone to the stage where I have to think which is the correct spelling lol

Well AFU - Well Natasha slept far better last night except I didn't for some strange reason, so I am shattered today and spent all day doing paperwork but at least I am sorted now and have everything organised for all the learners starting back next week. I meant to tell you all, we painted with Natasha on Sunday, we just intended doing her foot and hand prints and letting her stick her fingers in the paint and doodle on a sheet of paper, but I put too much on the tray and she decided to paint herself ha ha. it was a good job I had put an old sheet down on the floor and DH and I both had on old tracksuit bottoms and she was just in her nappy because it was everywhere and she was covered from head to toe, but we had so much fun. No other news here really - am wracking my brains trying to thinki of a present for DH for his birthday which is less than 2 weeks away, he is so hard to buy for as he is the type that just picks up what he wants, he has every tool and gadget under the sun. I have gotten him a zippo lighter from Natasha with To Daddy Love Natasha engraved on it and it already had a design on the front of it with and celtic love knot that says eternal love - I know that is more for couples but I thought it was fitting as his love for her and vice versa is eternal. But I'm totally stuck on what to get from me this year. I wanted to get him a BBQ but he says he doesn't want one as its the wrong time of year. Any ideas greatly welcome.
Sorry Andie we posted at the same time.

Ah I'm glad you are going to post more.

It was me with the tail except it wasn't just for boys - it was for us girls too and it still makes me cringe.

I hope Kiera's cold is better soon and that you are missing your older daughter going to school - I hope it gets easier for you. I miss Natasha like mad when I'm working.
Update about Lily. :blush:

so, went to the doctor today and he checked me and she was breech again :cry: she was head down for 3 weeks. He did an ultrasound and she was breech for sure. So he told me to be at the hospital at 7:15 am tomorrow, he is going to give me medication to relax my cervix and try to flip her himself and then he said "We will probably just induce you tomorrow morning after and let you give birth!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: Hopefully he can turn her and she stays put and is just a trooper for us. So if everything goes according to plan, I will be a mommy to another BEAUTIFUL baby girl tomorrow! :cloud9:

YAY :happydance::happydance::happydance: FOR JESSE! What a smart little man. So glad he walked.

Glad Natasha slept better for you last night hon :hugs:
OMG so she could be here by weekend!?! yaaaay! thats so cool gosh cant believe it has come around soo fast!! good luck for tomorrow! and we will all be thinking of you xxxxx
Omg heidi!!! WOOO! I'm seriously so excited for you. I feel like it's me going in there. :haha: I hope she cooperates and flips around. If she doesn't, are they going to give you a c-section tomorrow? Please try not to be scared if they give you a c-section. It's not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. I hope you don't need one though!! :D:D
OMG Heidi!! I honestly am soooo excited for you!! I cant wait to see your new cherub!!
Omg Heidi that mad I'm so excited for you too. Beat of luck and fingers crossed for you. Xx
boothh- Woohoo to Jesse walking!!

Kimberly- Thats neat that I'm not the only one doing delayed vaccines. Makes me feel less weird. As for the chunky food, probably any other person wouldn't even pay attention to something like that. He just needs to get use to it I bet. Kira has eaten very little bread-like products since I am gluten free, so when I gave her a gluten free cookie she had no idea how to chew something crunchy!

Andie- glad you're still posting! I can't imagine that in 4 years I'll be sending my Kira off to school! I will be having butterflies all day too.

jelr- that sounds like sooo much fun (but so messy too) to paint with Natasha! Did you get any good artwork to frame from it?

Heidi- pregnancy
oh my!!! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow! I can't wait to see Lily!! :happydance:

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