Hi ladies! Hope you're all having a lovely weekend!
Cleck: Those are adorable!

Hope you and DH are having a lovely time together and Emma is enjoying her daddy being home.
Boothh: Ohhh! You lucky lady you! Have a fab time and take lots of pics!
Pippin: I am so sorry you're going through such a time hun. I'm sure it will be ok and you'll see the heartbeat soon. Sending positive vibes your way and keep us posted! Big
Nutty: Please be careful hun. I'd hate for anything to happen to you. Heck I'd hate for anything to happen to any of us on here. I adore all of you too darn much!
Sam: Those are darling shoes too! You should get them bronzed and keep them forever hehe.
Andie: Oh my goodness about your bambino! I hate to tell you but it only gets worse. My 13 yr old got a "boo boo" (a gym floor burn) on his back recently and boy did he act like a sissy about it. Then just a few weeks ago he had scraped up a knee. So I think as they get more and more active as they get older they just have to go through the injuries. I know myself and my sibs did when we were kids. And awww poor Kiera. I'm sure she will be ok. It probably is just a phase. Hang in there hun.
Shiv: Have a great time!!
AFU: Well so far it seems as though my trick that I tried to get Bry to eat lumpy food worked.

I fed him turkey with rice, sweet potatoes, carrots, and apples, along with puree baby applesauce. He did get upset a few times and gagged a few times but after that he seemed to do alright and I managed to get all of it in him. Now as I was watching his mouth with each bite carefully to try to determine if I saw chewing or still mushing with the tongue against the roof of his mouth, and I THINK I saw him chew a little bit here and there just a couple times but I'm not 100% certain. So I guess I will keep trying this trick and at the least help him practice learning to chew and hopefully it wont be long until I can start shoving other yummy foods into his mouth other than baby food. Does that sound like a good idea to you all? How did you get your LO's to learn to chew food and come off of the pureed stuff? I'm sure he'd love french fries and spaghetti and such. I hope it wont be much longer before I get to introduce him to real food.
Have a great weekend everyone.

I gotta get Bryson his bath here soon and get him headed off to bed. Bye for now. :wave: