I'm sorry hon. Sometimes men do not understand that when they are stressed out, they take it out on us. It's not fair and its frustrating to us because like you said we try to support them and encourage them and sometimes in the process of them being stressed, we get shit on. Take a few deep breaths and just remember all the reasons you love him. Love him through his faults and his emotions right now, but take time and relax and remember you are doing everything you can. You are not superwoman, no one can expect you to do it all.
I am almost finished with the girls room, my stepmom is making the bedding for the girls, and she picked up a cupcake theme with greens and pinks and white and brown, so I went and picked up some things and I am getting pleased with the way it is turning out!!
https://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs415.snc4/47777_1377372395786_1276140057_30909143_4826452_n.jpg I can't wait for it to be 100% finished!
Caylee is a champ at being a big sister, I never thought it would go so well, she always wants to hold her, but when shes done she just pushes her away lol. I am doing my best at giving them both the attention they deserve, and so far so good..I think
Lily is so beautiful, night and day looking from when Caylee was born though haha. Lily looks a lot like Ross, she is just a peaceful baby, sleeps so well for me, I can not believe it, breast feeding is going great and she is just a relaxed, calm girl. I missed having that newborn smell around me and just having a baby who would lay on me and cuddle and I am so happy to have it back.

Recent picture of Miss.Lily and Miss.Caylee
