--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Oh pips!! Im so so sorry!! If you EVER need a chat im here, Love to you, Sam and DH xxxx
I am so so sorry again pip. :hugs: I know what you are going through. :( It's not fun, that's for sure. :nope: I'm here and you can pm me anytime you'd like if you need to cry or rant or anything at all. :flow: I know how hard it is, but you'll get through it and time will help you heal. Take care of yourself hun. big :hugs:
Pippin- I'm so sorry :cry: I hope you can heal quickly from this :hugs: I love your new avatar picture.

Nuttymummy- awww for tiny feet. I don't think we can compare shoes sizes, so I won't even try, but Kira has big feet! Her 2 older playdate friends share the same shoe size as her! It seems Abbi and Kira are the same in being able to free stand, but not really wanting too.

Boothh- that is soooo cute. I can just imagine Jesse's shocked face :haha: Who in your family is he mimicking?

I don't think I mentioned it on here yet, but Kira's obsession over sheep has gotten worse, LOL. She carries a little plastic sheep everywhere! Atleast she doesn't cry when I take it away for meal time or bedtime, but it stays clutched in her left hand the rest of the day. I don't let her take it to my moms when she is babysat (for fear of losing it!), but my mom also has a toy sheep at her house too, and although they are both sheep, they look very different. At my moms, Kira will carry around the other plastic sheep :haha:

She's carrying it in all the recent pictures.. here's one!

Pippin- so sad to see ur recent post i dont have any words to help or that would have any meaning for you at this time just lots of:hugs::hugs::hugs: take care xxx
spidey he is copying his little friend from our playday brooklyn, she is such a little character and shes always doing the hands up shocked face thing haha and he suddenly started doing it too so i think its off her hahah xx
:hugs: pip I am so sorry honey. Massive hugs to you, you are in my thoughts!

So cute her with her sheep!!!! lol. She is a doll!!!!
Pip- Again I'm so sorry. :hugs:

Boothh- Aww I bet that's so cute!! It's great when they learn such cute things. I swear these babies are getting cuter and cuter by the day.

Spidey- Aww Emma has a little lego sheep but doesn't have any major attachment to it. That's so cute! :D

Heidi- :wave: How ya doin mama? Did you end up breastfeeding like you wanted? How's Caylee taking the new arrival?

AFU- Nothing too new to report here. I'm finally starting to put Emma into her 12 month clothes. Not because she's outgrown her 9 month clothes, but because I still have a ton of summery 12 month clothes that haven't been worn so I want her to wear them before it cools down. :dohh: My birthday is tomorrow and I keep forgetting how old I am. :rofl: I'll be 24 but I have to really think about it to remember that. Emma pee'd in the potty a little over the weekend. DH and I gave her big hugs and cheered and clapped. Which made her get a proud look on her face. :rofl: Although I'm sure she had no clue what she did.
Yay for Emma going potty in the big girl potty!! That is so exciting. Happy birthday tomorrow, I love birthdays haha.

I am breastfeeding, it's going great. She is a champ at it. :) I love it so far.
Caylee is doing SO well, always wants to hold her and kiss her and she says "LILLLLLL" and will try to hold her, its beautiful. I am feeling good, my mom stayed for a few days and just left and I have been crying ever since, its so hard. Lily slept from 2 am till 10 am last night, it was amazing
aww well done emma, we arnt even starting until around 18months, im in no rush to potty train :shrug:

heidi so cute caylee is lovely with lily its one less thing to worry about i bet! :)

and happy birthday sam xxx
(I've already said it on facebook but I'll say it here too just so you don't miss it hehe!) Happy Birthday Cleck!!! :happydance: May it be the happiest brightest one yet full of fun memories and lots of grins and laughter!! Have an awesome day and hope you and the DH have a great time celebrating!! :cake: :hugs:

As for everyone else, I hope you all have a very nice day today. Forgive me for not replying to everyone individually by name. I've been up since 5:30 (thanks to hubby's new work schedule they changed him to) and I'm not used to it yet. :coffee:
Soon as Zach's bus arrives, I'm going back to bed for a while since little Bryson went back to sleep for me in his bed, too. :sleep: I'll prolly be back later today. Bye for now sweet ladies. :hugs:
Cleckner- I hope you're having a good birthday! You are too busy with Emma to remember how old you are! I can't believe Emma is still in 9 months and is just now wearing 12 months. I know Emma wears alot of Carters brand so I know the cut, so it's just amazing she is such a smaller size. Kira was in 18 months all summer and for fall I've been buying 24 months since 18 is getting a little tight for the shirts. I know Emma isn't that far off in weight... I wonder if Kira has a freakishly long torso! What size is the "I love Dad" pink onsie that Emma has? Kira has that same one in 18 months. After her nap I will dress her in it and take her picture! (I just realized how stalkerish I seem since I remember what outfits Emma has, LOL)

Heidi- I'm glad to hear that bf is going well and Lily is a good sleeper! I've really been enjoying looking at her pictures on FB- she is too adorable!

Potty training hasn't even entered my head yet. I just cannot imagine potty training Kira... but really, it's not that far off!
Heidi- Aww I'm glad you are BFing! Also that is SO cute about Caylee trying to say Lily's name. Are you glad you stuck with Lily for a name? :haha:

Spidey- Now I'm trying to figure out what onesie your talking about. :lol: Emma is wearing a daddy loves me onesie today and its 9 months. You'll have to post a piccie to show which one your talking about. :D It's funny because yesterday I had 3 people ask how old Emma is and all of them gasped and said 'she's big for her age isnt she?!'...:dohh: I'm like 'uhhh shes actually small for her age'. People are so dumb. :rofl: Emma is really solid. That's the only way I can describe it I guess. The other baby in my playgroup that is the same age as Emma only weighs 13 pounds! :shock: But she was a preemie and was born two months early. But Emma and this baby are the exact same size when you look at them beside eachother. It's weird. She must take after me because I look normal sized but weigh a lot normally. Before Emma anyways. Now I really am big. :blush::rofl:

With the potty training, I'm not potty training per se. I just sit her on the potty occasionally when I am going so she can sit with me and if she goes than thats fine if not thats fine too. I don't force her to sit if she doesn't want to and more times than not she just climbs off and walks off instead. But I'm still gonna praise her a ton when she does go into it. :haha: I know she's not ready.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes!! SO far I haven't done anything special because DH is at work. :dohh: But Emma has been so good all day and took and extra long nap so I'm happy. :D
Cleckner- Kira wasn't cooperating, so these are the only pictures :-) Thats really interesting about her 13 pound friend and how they are the same size. I don't think most people know what size babies and toddlers are supposed to be. I get asked Kira's age too and sometimes I hear how small she is, and other times how big she is :shrug: And everyone expects her to talk to them :dohh:


Hey that is a popular onsie :haha:
https://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs511.snc3/26853_1259951020325_1276140057_30622426_2252778_n.jpg can't see it well but its the same one :p
I'm at my wits end right now. I'm just trying to keep from crying. DH had a bad day at work again today and since we got home from the store afterward at about 6:30 he's had to be on the computer tacking care of work crap. Now it's 8:30pm and dinner isn't done, the house is a mess, I've been busy taking care of Bryson (feeding him, changing his diaper, etc.) and DH is yelling at me for all of it and bitching me out acting like I'm a lazy ass. I told him I don't need him taking his frustrations out on me like this. To make matters worse, my poor ovaries have been trying to release an egg for 3 days now (3 pos opk in a row, which is unusual) and him doing this isn't gonna help things any. I'm so upset and angry and frustrated. :hissy: This isn't like him! He's never been this way before so that tells me how bad things are at work. I try to do what I can to help out and make things easier but it's obviously not enough. I've always been his biggest fan and encouraged him when things are rough but now I just feel like crying. Is this all OV time hormones? I'm so worried that now I'm gonna wind up having an an-ovulatory cycle (no ov cycle) because of it and who knows when it will finally end. I'm even considering putting TTC off longer if that happens as I know DH wants another baby but I am considering making his ass wait longer because of all of this unless he learns to chill out and not behave this way. I'm just so confused and frustrated. :cry: ](*,) I'm also scared becuase if this kinda crap continues, his job is going to put a big strain on our marriage and I'm terrified of that. :cry: I dunno what to do. :shrug:

Thanks for listening to me vent. I think I'm gonna got sit outside with a drink and a cig (for the first time in a long time) and try to de-stress before ovulation is ruined for this cycle. :( :grr:
:hugs: I'm sorry hon. Sometimes men do not understand that when they are stressed out, they take it out on us. It's not fair and its frustrating to us because like you said we try to support them and encourage them and sometimes in the process of them being stressed, we get shit on. Take a few deep breaths and just remember all the reasons you love him. Love him through his faults and his emotions right now, but take time and relax and remember you are doing everything you can. You are not superwoman, no one can expect you to do it all. :hugs:

I am almost finished with the girls room, my stepmom is making the bedding for the girls, and she picked up a cupcake theme with greens and pinks and white and brown, so I went and picked up some things and I am getting pleased with the way it is turning out!!
https://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs415.snc4/47777_1377372395786_1276140057_30909143_4826452_n.jpg I can't wait for it to be 100% finished!

Caylee is a champ at being a big sister, I never thought it would go so well, she always wants to hold her, but when shes done she just pushes her away lol. I am doing my best at giving them both the attention they deserve, and so far so good..I think :haha:

Lily is so beautiful, night and day looking from when Caylee was born though haha. Lily looks a lot like Ross, she is just a peaceful baby, sleeps so well for me, I can not believe it, breast feeding is going great and she is just a relaxed, calm girl. I missed having that newborn smell around me and just having a baby who would lay on me and cuddle and I am so happy to have it back. :cloud9:
Recent picture of Miss.Lily and Miss.Caylee :thumbup:
Heidi- OMG I have that same toy box for Emma. I'll have to post piccies of Emma's room cause I finished it last week but haven't had a chance to load it on here yet. :dohh: Lily is so cute!! Caylee too of course :winkwink: But lily steals the show now. :haha: All that newborn yumminess. :D

Kimberly- :(:hugs: I really think he should start looking for a new job. There is no reason to spend every moment stressed out and let it tear a perfectly good family apart. I know the economy is bad right now but maybe he can find something. It just doesn't seem right for him to be treated badly and it REALLY doesn't seem right for him to treat you badly in the process. You don't deserve that stress. :hugs:

Spidey- I just dug Emma's onesie out and it was a 6 month onesie. :thumbup: Kira is so stinking cute! That little sheep fetish cracks me up. :haha: DH had a guy ask him while at work how old his daughter is and when he said 12 months the guy was like 'oh so she's talking now right?' DH was like 'uhh no' and this guy went on to say how his 12 month old talked by that age. :roll: I think parents easily confuse babbling as words. If I counted the amount of noises Emma has made that sounded like real words, she'd have a long list but I don't count them because I know it's just random and she has no clue what she's saying. :haha:

Well I can't believe next year I'll be a quarter of a century old. :dohh: My birthday was decent. We just laid around watching true blood. DH ran out and got some pizza and ice cream cake from dairy queen. Mmmmm! Just the kinda birthday I like to have. :haha:
heidi i love their bedroom its soo sweet! we still havnt done jesse room, he has all jungle stuff in there but we havnt stuck anything on the walls or painted yet, we really need to set some time aside and do it!

cleck its my birthday on the 26th 2 weeks on sunday and im going to be 21!! thats the last big birthday before 30 :(
When I turned 21 I was like...now what age do I look forward too :haha: 40? but I suppose 30 is the new 20 :p

Sam that sounds like the perfect b-day to me :D
Thank you ladies for your replies. I spoke to him this morning and I basically told him that he either needs to look for a new job, stand up for himself, or or find someway to take out his frustration that isn't related to any of us or any other human or anything. I told him I'm scared of seeing our marriage fall apart because of this and that it isn't fair to me to have to deal with this when my plate is full enough as it is. I also told him how mad I was that I was trying to ovulate for 3 days and his timing to explode couldn't of been worse. (By the way, small BBT rise this morning. Praying for another rise tomorrow morning.) ( https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/22f221 Do you think I have ovulated?) He apologized and said that he will try harder to leave work at work and to stand up to his boss. He's fed up with him anyways. Prime example, DH was ten mins late for work this morning (not intentional) and today his boss JUST arrived at work (it's now noon here). So we will see if he has to gall to open his mouth to my hubby about being late. You all see that this is just one example of the crap he puts up with. Not to mention, I can guarantee you he wont be allowed his one hour lunch break and will wind up eating at his desk while continuing to work, as usual. I think it's more the politics of the place that are being thrown around than anything else. It's still ridiculous though and they don't need to treat him like they do. I even suggested speaking to his boss privately and openly about what's going on to see if that will help and he said it wont because his boss will basically deny anything is wrong and "reassure" him that everything is fine only for the same crap to continue. ](*,) He's one of these high strung wishy washy ppl. So frustrating so I can understand why hubby gets how he does. But as long as he will learn to leave it at work when he comes home then things will get better and if not I WILL tell him to find new employment! So here's hoping...

Omgosh! Now I really feel old! :dohh: I'm 30 right now! Will be 31 in March 2011. :wacko: ENJOY your 20s ladies!! It goes by TOO fast!! In just 9 yrs I'll be 40! YIKES!!!! I am not ready to be this old!! Makes me wanna get this last baby made and here all the quicker haha! :haha:

Heidi: Darling pics! The girls are just beautiful! And lovely room too! I'm jealous haha.

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