--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

I agree- they really should see Jesse sooner. It's great that you ruled out a food problem. Now it's their job to figure out the rest!
I looked it up a little boothh, but didn't you say that Stu has bad asthma? Is Jesse coughing and than throwing up? I know on one of the things I read online it was a mother whose baby kept coughing and throwing up throughout the day and after all kinds of trouble they realized it was from asthma. It's a complete stab in the dark but there is obviously something else wrong besides reflux and these doctors need to listen to you. :hugs:
Boothh: I am so sorry you're going through this with Jesse. :( It sounds awful and miserable. You need to take him back and demand that they listen to you! I know that I would and I wouldn't rest until I got the answers and help that is needed. After all, you're his strongest advocate. Tell them you are not leaving there without them listening to you and giving you answers. The poor little guy. It's gotta be so miserable for him. :( I hope he gets better soon! Stupid doctors!! :growlmad: Hopefully maybe this is just a virus he's caught and once it runs it's course he will get better. Meanwhile, try to keep him hydrated. That's the most important thing. If he refuses food then don't force him to eat. Right now keeping fluids in him is the most important thing. If he vomits, wait about 20-30 mins and give him 1/2 tsp of diluted (1/2 juice, 1/2 water) baby juice or Pedialyte (electrolyte stabilizing fluid, it usually comes in different flavors such as grape, fruit, and plain which can be mixed with juice) if you have that there like we do here. Heck even diluted gatorade or something similar will work too. If his mouth or lips start looking dry, then it means dehydration is setting in. Oh you can also try melted down popsicles (I think they are called ice lollies in the UK). If he does get dehydrated though, then you need to take him to the ER/A&E for IV fluids. Good luck hun and I really hope he gets feeling better very soon. Big :hugs: and hang in there. I know how miserable it is. It sucks when they're sick. :( I've been through it too. :kiss:

Heidi: I am so glad that Lily is such a peaceful easy going baby and sleeps so well for you already. What a blessing that must be! It's especially darling that Caylee loves her little sister already. Hopefully they will both grow up and be very close and best of friends. :thumbup:

Cleck: Is there anything that Emma does that isn't absolutely adorable? Hehe! She is so darn precious! I could just eat her with a spoon. Haha! :haha: As her mommy I bet you love on her alot and I don't blame you! I hope to have the same thing this time next year only smaller and younger of course hehe. :winkwink:
As soon as this upcoming AF comes and goes it's time for DH and I to TTC! We plan on using the Shettles Method (google it) to ensure a girl. :happydance: Even though I am still a bit nervous about it due to the mmc back in June. :wacko:

Spidey: Hope you had a nice day today and work went well. :thumbup:

AE: How are you feeling these days?


Bry is such a toddler now hehe. :haha: He's walking and climbing and getting into things and being quite the rascal now and keeping me very busy haha. But I'm loving it and I still find myself in awe and amazement of him every single day. He can get up onto mine and hubby's bed now without help and get down off of it again safely on his own too. He's no longer just dropping toys to see what happens, he's throwing them now too. :-S I keep worrying that he will break the ones that make sounds or whatnot. :haha: He's even walking while carrying something in his hands now which is a new step for him since before he'd only walk with empty hands and have them in the air to stabilize himself and now he's carrying things hehe. It's so amazing to watch him. He had daddy's plastic water bottle (empty) out tonight throwing it around and playing with it in the kitchen (the only cabinet he's allowed in since he cant hurt himself with plastic bottles). He found daddy's blue one and while holding it in front of him came walking over to me with the biggest proudest grin on his face and did his little happy squeal that he does lol! It was so cute!! :haha: I just cant believe how fast he's growing and how big he's getting and part of me wishes he could be like this forever. I especially love his little random hugs and occasional kisses. :cloud9: I admit, he's very much a mama's boy! :blush: I find that my heart still melts over him just as it did the very day I gave birth to him. :cloud9: I cant wait and look forward to adding our little princess to our family and being complete. I'll be the happiest gal around! :D

And as for my hubby, his work schedule changed this week to 7 am to 3:30pm. It seems to have greatly helped things. He doesn't have to see or be around his boss as much as before and has time in the afternoons once home to be with us and do things and it not be fully dinner time and bed time. Which is great. His overall mood is better too when I pick him up from work. I just hate the fact that I have to get up at 5 am to take him to work and drag us outta bed so early but I'll get used to it. Luckily I get back home around 8 am and Bry usually falls back to sleep again on the way home so I'm able to put him into bed upon arrival and have him sleep an addition 2-3 hours which usually lets me nap too. And Zach's bus arrives between 8:15 and 8:20 am. Once he's off I then go back to bed myself which is nice. Goodness knows with tomorrow being Saturday I am looking forward to sleeping in which Bryson is good at these days. :thumbup: So anyhoo, that's us! :)
Kimberly- Aww :cloud9: Bry sounds just as cute. I love those proud grins. Sounds like you'll have your hands full with him. :D I am very lovey on Emma all the time. I can't help it. I will open my arms up wide and ask her for a hug and she walks over and slams her body into me to give me a hug. :cloud9: It's so great. I am so in love with this age. I hate that these babies have to grow up.TTC-
My AF should be here sunday and than after that we plan on trying..:happydance::happydance: We only have 3 months to try so I'm not getting my hopes up but it will definitely be fun practicing! :D:D I've heard of the Shettles method. I hope it works for you and is a sticky bean!! I don't want to make you upset but sometimes I wonder if I'm incapable of carrying a boy. I MCed the first time and I keep thinking it was a boy and I worry I'll never get a boy. So I guess I'm the opposite of you in that regard. :blush: How long are your cycles? Do you have a TTC journal I can stalk? :D
My AF should be here sunday and than after that we plan on trying..:happydance::happydance: We only have 3 months to try so I'm not getting my hopes up but it will definitely be fun practicing! :D:D I've heard of the Shettles method. I hope it works for you and is a sticky bean!! I don't want to make you upset but sometimes I wonder if I'm incapable of carrying a boy. I MCed the first time and I keep thinking it was a boy and I worry I'll never get a boy. So I guess I'm the opposite of you in that regard. :blush: How long are your cycles? Do you have a TTC journal I can stalk? :D

Not yet Cleck but I'm about to create one just as soon as AF arrives so I'll have it ready to go when AF leaves and we start trying. I'll let you know when it's there and ready for you to stalk! :winkwink: Big :hugs: and I hope we can also be TTC buddies! :happydance:
hiya ladys sorry it has been a long time agane i just dnt seem to have time to get on here and when i do i read then have to run.
Any way

hidi congrats on your little lady she is lovely you are a very brave woman having 2 kids so close.

On the clothe sizing Lucas is just gone in to 18-24 months the top fit him good but the pants are a bit long.

Good luck all thows ttc i would love another 1 but with the wedding coming up and allready having my hands full i think i would go mad with 1 more lol


Lucas is doing really good he isnt walking yet but he is at the point of leaving go of things he is holding for a min or 2. Rueben was walking at 14 months so iam hoping lucas is the same i just want him to walk now but at the same time want my little baby back.

He is saying mummy, daddy, nanny, gangan, dodo (dummy),No No No, ruba (rueben), Drink, tatar, hiya, baby, he gives you a snuggle and goes awwwww, He is saying more but cant think at the min.

Iam still trying to lose my weight i got another wedding dress after my red dress being to short and i will add a pic to see what you think there not very good pics thow and the hoop is the right 1 iam going to use. The wedding id really starting to get to me now iam ment to be really happy about it but iam not looking 4wd t it at all my mum and dad are trying to chang every think i want as it is not norm (from there day) my dad wants my oh to wear a suit i cant not stand them and i have seid no so he had a big go at me about it and my mum wants my to invite my cusions that my oh can not stand but i am really cloes to how do i chang oh mind or my mums arrr can i just run off.

Sorry for the rant any way pics of my dress....


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Morning ladies!

Sorry I've not posted in a while, I've been reading but Kara won't give me a minute alone to type lol! So I'm doing this post from my phone in work :rofl:

Boothh- hope Jesse is a bit better, doctors can be so useless at times! My friends baby girl was admitted to hospital a couple weeks ago, after her doctor said nothing was wrong! They just don't care anymore! U are his mum and it's you who knows best!

Heidi- u lucky thing having such gorgeous girls! I'm glad lily is settling in ok, it's so so so cute that caylee loves her already! I love love lovvvvvve the nursery! I'm hoping our next baby is a girl (although I really don't mind as long as it's healthy!) so I can do their room all pink and White themed!

Kim- awww bry sounds adorable!! I know what you mean about being a 'proper' toddler lol! Kara walks to the shops and back with me now, she loves walking everywhere! She can walk holding things, and at night we give her a 'bedtime' bottle and she'll walk round drinking it until she's ready to cuddle, she is so independent it breaks my heart lol! Glad things are looking up for ur hubby!

Nutty- hahahah I have a 'friend' like that, they are hard work at the best of times!

Tmr- what a lively dress! I know its naughty but i'll wear white when we tie the knot! I don't think I could cope
With wedding plans! Me and OH have been together 7 years and engaged 3 (as of the 15th of next month, my birthday!) but we are not even thinking of wedding plans yet! We WILL get married but maybe in 10 or so years! I only want to get married once, so I want to make sure he can stand me that long lol!

Cleck -
yyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy your TTC :happydance: oh I am so pleased! I wondered when u'd be joining the rest if us lol! I'm going to set up a TTC journal next week so feel free to stalk that too lol!

This is out 2nd cycle of official trying, our 3rd of ntnp iykwim?lol!! But originally we said we wouldn't even start trying till now (September) so we are a little ahead! I say it every month but I hope this months our month! I can't wait to have another little kara growing in my tummy!haha! I forgot what those kicks and punches felt like :'(

So that's how many of us TTC now?? I'd really like another summer baby, due date June(ish), so I'm not too hot and baby won't suffer too much in the heat! But then again karas bday is the 6th July so have to time it before or after that lol! Knowing my luck that'll be my due date on the next one lol!!

Afu - well my baby goes to nursery tomorrow :( but I know she will love playing with all the other toddlers! Her group name is 'The Busy Badgers' how cuteeeee! She's going three half days a week 1.30pm - 6pm so it'll be nice to have some me time again although I'll miss her millions!

Other news ...... I passed my theory test in Monday woooooooooooooohoooooooooooo! So hopefully I'll be on the road in no time, as I'm test ready now! I'll have to drive our family car (new zafira) as insurance on my own will be too too expensive! Its a bit bigger than id like as a first car, but we'll make do with sharing for now! anyway I can be a 'soccer mom' hahahaha! Xxx
Hi everyone - I'm back, what've I missed?

So I read while i was on holiday but can't remember much so have only been back over last couple of pages so forgive me if I mis anyone

Kim = hope things are looking up for your other half at work, it is not fair that he takes it out on you hugs as for TTC, I have never used OPK's etc so can't help you, sorry.

Heidi - how are thigns with you. Glad breastfeeding is going well, if you ever have any questions concerns, then I'm happy to try to help any way I can. Is it really tough having two LO's? It scares me a bit just thinking about it, is it as hard as I think it will be? Did you ever get the pen stains out?

I feel REALLY old reading all you posts about turning 21 etc! I am 30! eek and David turns 30 on Thursday. We're officially ancient it seems!

Sophia is in 12-18 month tops but she can still get away with some 6-9 month trousers, yet she is really tall - go figure!

Spidey - Kira is so cute with her sheep - Sophia has got drastically attached to an eeyore teddy that she can't sleep without, I fear we will have trouble with it!

Andie - I hope Keira is better now, if I remember correctly Boothh's Jesse had a similar reaction to his last set of jabs. Sophia has hers on Thursday and i am now very nervous!

Boothh - sorry the doctors are being so flipping slack, not sure what to suggest, is there a more senior doctor at the practice? Or like others have said you could go to A&E, jsut ask Jesse to save up all his days puking for when you are there!

AE - great tip about the chewing gum! How you feeling?

Nutty - your friend sounds like a complete nutcase!

Cleck - I hope you are enjoying having Corey home (nudge nudge wink wink!)
tmr - love the new dress.

Ash - good luck with Kara going to nursery. Are you going back to work or just getting some time to yourself? I have wondered about putting Sophia in nursery one day a week as I think she would benefit from the interaction with other babies., not sure I can justify the cost though.

AFU - well the holiday was ok - to be honest it didn't feel like too much of a holiday. The cottage we stayed in was gorgeous and perfect for Sophia as there was no clutter for her to get into! The problem is that when on holiday with a baby you still have to do all teh stuff you do at home! You still have to cook, clean up, bath them, etcetc except everything is a bit more tricky than at home! Sophia HATES her travel cot so refused to nap, so we had to base everyday around driving for an hour or so in the mornign and afternoon so she actually slept and wasnt cranky as hell. Then at night we had to let her stay up late so she was exhausted and then I'd feed her to sleep! It felt like she was a newborn again, trying to put her in her cot without her waking up! Still she is ok now we are home thank goodness! We did have abreakthrough with swimming whilst there though. Sophia has never been keen, but we got her in the pool every day and she loved it! We also did lot so of cool stuff, sealife, farms, model villages, beaches etc


we will start ttc after October 19th i think. I have a big weekend planned up in Nottingham where I went to uni with some of my uni friends so I want to be able to have a few drinks. But after that we should start I think, i say think becauseI still get very scared at the thought of having two children!

Anyway, I hope everyone has had a nice weekend x
Kimberly- Bryson sounds so grown up. I still can see Kira as a baby and not a toddler because she's crawling still. As soon as she walks I know she'll seem more toddler to me. I'm glad your DH is having a better time at his job this week. I hope his better work schedule is permanent!

Nuttymummy- I would be a little annoyed if my friend kept copying. I would probably try to just find humor in it all rather than get mad though. Perhaps tell her something really outrageous and see if she does it :haha:

tmr- thats a very pretty dress! :thumbup:

ash- good luck to Kara at nursery! Let us know how her 1st day goes! Will she get a nap there?

Shiv- I thought of taking a vacation somewhere with Kira and decided not too since it sounded like more work than staying home, LOL. In a few more years it will be much easier I think

I haven't heard of the Shettles method so I googled it. Very interesting. I'm pretty certain the sperm that made Kira hung around for atleast 4 days and thats how she was made. I was on team yellow and thought for sure I was having a boy by the way I was carrying, but according to this method, I should have guessed girl!

Shiv- I'm scared of having 2 children too so I know exactly what you mean! I'm NTNP and I'm not even sure if I'm ovulating anyway, so I really don't think it's going to happen anytime soon. Right now my attitude is- if I'm meant to get pregnant, it will happen. So no stress and no early testing. If I did miss my period I won't test right away since I have no clue how long my cycles are anyway, LOL. Plus I don't want to know if I have an early loss so I probably won't test until I'm atleast 2 weeks past my expected visit from AF. So I'm going to be no fun in regards to TTC with all you other girls :haha:
Well I read but I'm too tired to post a lengthy response to everyone but :rofl: nutty you got me. :haha:

That is all. LOL! I should have more time to get on tomorrow while DH is working. :winkwink:
I would be amazed if anyone is un-nosey (sooooooo not a word!) enough to not look at the spoilers! :haha:

morning everyone - I forgot to tell you the biggest news of the holiday, Sophia took her first, incredibly wobbly steps! The most she has done is 4 in a row, and i can't see her perfecting the art for quite some time!
I've been browsing on etsy and had to show this to nutty before I go off to bed. :haha:


I'm SOOO considering getting this with Emma's name on it for a christmas gift. :D
aw congrats Nutty, i LOVE being an Aunty, you get to be the cool Aunty and don't have to worry about discipline or whether they sleep that night etc :haha:

And i love that bedding set. When is it ok for the LO's to have a duvet? When they go into a proper bed?
spidey...thats such a cool idea LOL
if ur anything like me youll still be expecting AF 2 weeks later than u think LOL:haha: i swear i thought i was the only one to have a weird body! LOL:dohh:

made u look!! :flasher: :rofl:

I'm glad to know that I'm also not the only one with a wacko body.

And re: the spoiler....you got me nutty!! :rofl: :haha: I'm such a sucker! LOL!!!
Just saw all the cupcake stuff, cute. My step mom came over yesterday and she always makes her grandkids blankets, and she made Caylee and Lily Cupcake ones, :cloud9: So we are cupcaking the room up.


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Annnd lets do a catch up here haha :)

Kimberly: I agree with you on how amazing it is to watch the babies we made just grow up like that, everything they do just amazes us, I love that feeling! Glad the hubbys schedule change has helped. I would hate getting out of bed that early, I am not a morning person!

Cleck: Wooohoo! You make that baby, and even if you do not make that baby have fun trying!!! I really hope you guys get pregnant very quickly! *fingers crossed*

Nutty: I have a friend like that, and people have told me to be happy that she wants to be like me, and it's like "Uh no, I hate it!" Gahh I would be annoyed. We go through it weekly, we moved into our apartment, she moved in RIGHT BELOW us, I mean its everything, the towels I buy,shampoo, handsoap..gah I am not THAT cool, in fact I am actually the biggest nerd...and kind of an airhead...so she is dumb to want to follow this hot mess. :haha: I've learned its better to ignore it then start a huge fight though, but still naming the kids the names you wanted..Booooo on her.

TMR: Love the dress, its darling.

Ash: Thank you :) I love having two girls, they are my little princess and diva haha. Saw that Kara went to nursery today, hope it went well!!!! And wooohoo for passing the test! :happydance: :happydance: I am 22 and drive a mini van......I am a total soccer mom haha

Shiv: It really is not hard having two little ones. I find it to be simple and fun. Caylee is so interested in Lily and she wants to touch her and hold her and then goes on her merry way haha. Lily only wakes up once a night though, so we got lucky on that, But I love it, I couldnt imagine it any other way. I love that they are close. Pen stains are all still there, CRAP-OLA lol.
Glad you guys had a good holiday. Woohoo for ttc, I get so excited for you
all :) Glad she loved the pool!!!! Its so cute to see them go swimming.
Shiv~ Having 2 kids for me is really easy but Rueben is 5 yrs older than Lucas he helps with every thing at 1st i was running around like a headless chicken but as soon as i got in to it it is really good fun waching them have fun together. If i could turn back time i would of had them 2yrs apart coz i worry that Rueben wont want to play with him when he is older.

i love all the cupcake things i wish i had a little girl so could have it my self.

Has any 1 else LO saterd hitting out?
Lucas keeps hitting every 1 and i dnt know how to stop him Rueben was never like him he is in to every thing the new thing is climing on to the wido sill holding on to the blinds and windo handle. And it is a high windo.

Any way thank you for all the coms about my dress
take care
thanks girls, cleck he doesnt cough whe hes sick its almost like it just pours out like tipping a jug, weird, he doesnt act like he is sick at all he just seems surprised hes been sick, the gaviscon just curdles his sick and makes it lumpy lol then he chokes on it and gets upset, most times his sick is just like a mouthful or so but the last few days hes been bringing everything back up, i spoke to a really good doctor on friday about my back and i have a appointment for jesse with him this friday so hopefully something will be done sooner rather than later, he never seems as though he feels sick, he is just sick but he seems to get tummy ache alot and has runny appies almost always even though he has proper meals now and not a mostly liquid diet, i just dont get it,

sorry i cant remember much its too early for me, but on the duvet subject jesse has had a duvet and pillow for a few months now, which was because he was always in our bed and we wanted his cot to feel the same to him and its worked he sleeps through til 6 or 7 now most nights xx
Boothh have you tryed just giving a little bit then after a bit if he has kept it down a bit more? My mates lo was the same every time she had food it would come back up and they found out the cant think of what it is called like a door that opens when food gose in and then closes sorry very dum mo well that wasnt closing and every thing just came back up so my mate was told very little bits of food ofttern untill she can handle more she is 7 now and eats every thing but if it carryed on with her they was gunna use botox (sp) on the door part
i hope that makes some sens

Nutty i think if i staerd buying it for my self my oh will think i have gone mad lol i told him i want a pink bedroom and he wanted to ring the nut house lol i have never been a pink person

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