--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Shiv- hmmm.. not sure if it would sting. Kira was actually never spoon fed either until a couple weeks ago. She started acted up at meal times and it seemed like she couldn't get the food in fast enough so after she has a go at her meal, I started putting some food on a spoon and shoveling it in that way. She actually thinks its funny when I'm spoon feeding her, but she seems to enjoy it. A few times she's bitten the spoon and not let go, and a few times grabbed it from me and tried feeding herself. :haha: And now I've been spooning in baby prune puree. You could try something that doesn't require much mouth action, like warm oatmeal or a piece a fruit mashed up. Poor Sophia :cry: I bet tomorrow she'll be feeling much better :hugs:
mine isn't interesting, it is just the shortened version of my name that people call me, Siobhan (pronounced shivorn) is my full name. boooooooooooring! I hope others have better ones!
Nutty- I'm hoping that DH passes his love of reading on to Kira. He has a bedroom in our house filled floor to ceiling with books. Thankfully he has a Kindle now :haha:

My username Spidey is actually the nickname of my pet rat "Spider" :haha: Spider the rat is no longer with us, but her name lives on thru my bnb account! My current rodent pet is "beefcake" the guineapig, so that would have been a good username too :haha:
Oh shiv! :(:( I'm so sorry she's still not bfing. I think spidey's oragel idea is a good one. I'm glad you managed to get her to sleep. I wish I could be more helpful but it sounds like you are doing what you can. Keep pumping to keep that supply up. :hugs: I'm sure she'll bf again when she heals a bit more.

So Emma and I both have colds. Weren't we just talking about this? I get a cold every time the seasons change and it seems like emma takes after me bc this is her 4th cold. :wacko: I wonder though bc Corey never gets sick when we do and he was breastfed but I wasn't. I wonder if it really has anything to do with that. :p
My username is my last name and 04' is the year I graduated highschool and also the year we got married. :haha:
Spidey - Beefcake is what my husband and my old flatmate called Patrick Swayze (cos of dirty dancing!):haha:

Nutty - my name is Irish, bh is pronounced "v" as mh I believe as in niamh (pronounced neeve) - not that i have any irish blood in me, my parents just liked the name!

Cleck - hope you and emma feel better soon :hugs:
Spidey - Beefcake is what my husband and my old flatmate called Patrick Swayze (cos of dirty dancing!):haha:

Nutty - my name is Irish, bh is pronounced "v" as mh I believe as in niamh (pronounced neeve) - not that i have any irish blood in me, my parents just liked the name!

Cleck - hope you and emma feel better soon :hugs:

I always wondered how that name was pronounced. I see it a lot on here but had no clue how to say it. :blush:
Oh shiv I'm so sorry that Sophia is still not able to nurse. Maybe bongela might work as it does numb their little mouths when teething and maybe like nutty said a yogurt or something cold and soft. If the yogurt works maybe custard or rice pudding made on ebm and left go cold. Not sure if it can be made on ebm but I have definitely made it on formula in the past and natasha loves them both put of the fridge when she ia teething.

Isn't it funny how names differ in counties. I just presumed everybody would know your name, because of it being Irish I knew what it was and didn't realise that it wasn't common in the UK or US and that others wouldn't know the prenonciation.

Kim: Glad Bryson is okay too, I am also terrified of doors and Natasha is always trying to play with them.

Nutty: congrats on your little brain box. He is clever. My user name ia made up of all my initials including maiden name so boring from me I'm afraid.

Spidey: so glad kira pooped, once when Natasha was constipated the chemist suggested 1 tsp of brown sugar in 4oz of boiled water and then let it cool as she said it is more gentle and natural than suppostries, so it might be a suggestion if it happens again. it definitely worked for us.

Cleck: I hope your colds are better soon. Natasha has one too, I knew I spoke to soon the other day when I was on here and I think dh and i are coming down with it too. She was doing so well too as my mam minds her while I'm in work and my four brothers have all had it over the past three weeks and she had escaped until now. This is only her second cold and the last one was when she was two months old and the poor might doesn't understand what is happening her so I feel your pain and it ia not nice when you feel awful too. We have a sudofed plug in in her bedroom and it seems to be helping her breathe at night.

Well Natasha is starting to walk along with her fisher price pushchair walker the last few days, although she tries to run rather than walk so we have to stay behind her as she keeps falling.

No other news here, apologies if this post is all over the place as I'm on my phone and it has a mind of it's own and keeps changing things.
wow lots of chat in here i cant remember it all!

aww poor babies! i hope sophia is feeling better soon shiv, your not a bad mummy these kids are so fast accidents are only going to get more common! jesse has a scar under his chin from when he fell out of the door a few weeks ago! im hoping it fades with time but if not he has a cool scar to impress the girls at nursery LOL,

my username is because my nickname is boothy, because..

me and my ex had sex in a photobooth and my friend told everyone and that was my nickname for ages, nobody calls it me anymore but they did when i joined this site :blush:

jesse seems to be getting all his back teeth at once, his back gums are all swollen into teeth shapes and there are random spikey bits sticking out everywhere, so he is being topped up with calpol quite alot recently, :( not long and they will all be through hopefully!

when are they meant to start putting words together into sentences etc? jesse will quite often say 2 or 3 words together now that are actually in context like to ask a question or something, i didnt think they started talking properly for ages!

he likes to call me becki now and not mummy lol and his favourite thing to say at the moment is 'becki, whats this?' so funny but i keep trying to get him to say mummy instead,

he can say quite a few words i wouldnt expect him to be saying yet, (and he learnt to say dickhead!!) he will copy ANYTHING we say now so were having to be very careful,
and try not to swear which im bad for!

he picks the phone up and has a conversation with pauses and everything,

'hiyer nanny' 'yeah' 'no' 'sorry' 'byebye'

soo sweet hahaha xx
hey ladies... been quite a while since I posted properly in here; have read from time to time and mean to reply but then there seems like loads and loads to catch up on, eeeek. maybe I will just jump back in.

anyway... Shiv, glad Sophia seems ok, really hope she decides to feed again in the next couple of days. I was sad when Adam refused to latch anymore when he was about 3.5 months old, and we weren't exclusively bf, I just remember he was fussier and fussier and then outright refused :cry: I expressed for a few more weeks but it was like a switch was flipped and nothing more than drops would come out. :( you can only do your very best, I guess.

Boothh :rofl: at your nickname, that's hilarious! poor little Jesse and his teeths, hope they don't give him too much bother. Adam seems to be getting more through, he's been very cry-ey and not sleeping so well the past few days and randomly sticks his fingers in his mouth and sobs.

spidey, SO CUTE about Kira and the sheep! she is a girl after my own heart. not that I carry sheep around but I have quite a lot of sheep at home, they are my favourite. Adam is very fond of my biggest sheep, whose name is Shaun but we call Sheepie more than anything. :lol: he picks him up and cuddles him and rests his head on his back. sort of similar to how he is with Betty (cat) these days, affectionate and sweet (though he does not attempt to lift her). he is always going over and snuggling her back, sometimes blowing raspberries on her and getting a mouthful of fur... happy for Kira and you that the prunes have worked! poor girl, that's not a comfortable issue to have.

Heidi, happy birthday for last week! I LOVE the pics of Caylee and Lily, such gorgeous girls :D

re breastfeeding, I knew I would have problems before Adam was born, so I was prepared, and as it turned out I was just extremely grateful to be able to give Adam anything at all - he had SOME bm every day till he was 4 months old, some days a really small amount, but hey, I tried my best. C and my mum didn't understand why I persevered through the pain in the beginning, when he was doing fine on tops up from formula, but it was really important to me not to give up on my own account, I just didn't feel I could. I don't know what I could do differently next time, probably nothing, but I would at least know what to expect. Adam hasn't been a sickly child, touch wood, he did get gastroenteritis once, not long after he quit bf, but that's all. he's been on antibiotics this last week but for a cyst on his ear, nothing major (in fact the cure has definitely been a worse trial than the illness).

I stay out of the bf section, though, because I feel so riled up at some people. I have never explained my stuff outside "our" threads (I think I wrote a bit in 2nd or 3rd tri), but sometimes I have wanted to, to give another point of view, but I won't, because it'd just stress and upset me and there's no point.

jelr, hi :D Natasha sounds utterly adorable, copying you! we have just noticed Adam do this (he has done at times for a while but it seems like it's something new every day now) today he was shaking his head NO at me when I did it to me, and saying Mmmmmm! MMMMM! when I was saying it (re something I was eating). She will be off walking by herself in no time if she is getting her confidence up with the walker :D

Aunty E, congrats on the surprising boy! boys are totally awesome, I wouldn't be without mine. SO much fun.

Shiv, yay for new shoes! we got Adam's this weekend, too, finally. I was also ok to wait a little longer but I felt bad on Saturday because C usually takes AE to the park when I go to work and he didn't this week because it was raining. so I thought, ok, he needs proper shoes and waterproof clothes because it's often his only day out with Daddy by himself and it's a shame to miss out for the weather. I was not surprised to fimd out AE has quite big feet (5G) because they have just looked so much bigger lately. we were wondering if him walking aorund so much would make them grow fast, or it that a crazy theory? just seems since his birthday, when he really took off with walking, his feet have taken off as well.

Adam got these Clark's shoes - so cute (so expensive for something that will last a month or two!)

nutty, yay for Kai, what a clever little boy! what was that I saw on FB about him being chosen to be a councillor?!

cleck, really hope you are feeling better soon, colds are no fun :(

as for usernames... mine is nothing to do with my real name, it's the name of one of the tracks from Belle & Sebastian's first album, Tigermilk. I used to identify very much with the Mary Jo of the song... looking on You Tube I found this cute little video someone made to illustrate it:


for some reason when I joined BnB I didn't register with the name I usually use elsewhere online (Ariel); maybe there already was one, more likely I was trying to make sure I was less googleable by anyone who might decide to hunt me out!

other stuff... I found out on the day after Adam's birthday that I am married to one of the stupidest men in the ENTIRE BLOODY WORLD, but hey ho. we have survived, just about. guess we all have our stupid moments of utter stupidity, I like to think I got mine out of the way before I was married and had a child but seems C is not quite so organised as me! (he hasn't cheated on me or anything remotely like that, it's a money thing, grrrrrrr.)

so upsetting though, both for what he did and because I couldn't tell the people I'd usually tell everything (my mum and my best friend). I did tell some other friends, and mine and Adam's psychotherapist, and I am not quite so utterly livid about it... but it hurts. it really hurts to have secrets from important people.

on a not-really related note (but kinda, since it's also a money thing) we are planning to put my flat on the market in the next few weeks. this is necessary but heartbreaking for me (it's mine, I have lived here for nearly 11 years). we have to get somewhere bigger now, with a garden. which we should be able to once we can get a mortgage (from end of Oct, fx, C has a CCJ that finally comes off then). prices have dropped but nowt we can do about that, and hopefully we can get something better than we'd otherwise have been able to, of course the downside is that we will get less for this place, too. I should have a nice chunk of equity, whatever happens. we considered buying the flat downstairs but there's lots wrong with it so while it'd be a bargain (no estate agent fees or moving costs) I don't *really* want to live there. plus it'd be too weird to live downstairs from MY flat.

the other thing - I kind of made a friend and have been going to toddler groups. Adam loves it. I don't love it when this friend is not there, I find it to be some of the longer 90 minute periods of my life, but it is so sweet to see Adam running around having a whale of a time. :D
MJ- Good to see you in here!! :D That is so cute about Adam and Betty! Emma is the exact same way with our puppy. She hugs his back and rubs her face all over his fur. She also has an unnatural fascination with his male bits but that's another story. :dohh::rofl: I wish I was smart enough to choose a username that wouldn't be easily found with google. I've considered asking the mods to change it because my dad accidentally found me on this site when he was trying to find my blog. :wacko: I have no clue what name I'd choose though. I hope to see you around here more!! :hugs:
Oh crap, I meant to respond to you too boothh. :dohh: I'm not really thinking today. It sounds to me like Jesse is VERY advanced in the language area. You should get a video so we can see him chatter!!! No one has posted videos lately of our babies. If I could find my camera I'd post one of Emma spinning in circles but she hid the camera and I haven't found it yet. :wacko: I'm hoping she didn't throw it in the trash.
When I put videos onto my netbook it can't read them so I can't sort them out :( annoying, jess keeps putting things in the bin too, dish towels, the dustpan and brush and toys are the main things hecalso finds it hilarious to stand at the front door if it's open and throw all the shoes outside in a pile LOL really annoying! Haha xx
My username is what I use most places - when I met my OH he had a bunch of friends from university who used to call him Uncle D (his name is Duncan) so when we got married, I became Aunty E. Then one forum I tried to join, my real name was already taken, so I used Aunty E and that was that. I haven't ever tried to google it, but I expect it would come up A LOT! I've been using forums for a long time now.

Mog can't talk, not sure she really understands anything I say frankly, although 'No' is starting to make a bit of an impression. All she says is 'oh dear' and 'hiya'. She also has some molars coming through and boy is she grumpy about it and has swollen glands and everything. We put off her vaccinations today as I didn't want her having them when she had such swollen glands. She's taking two or three steps at a time now, sort of falling rather than proper balanced walking, but it's very exciting. And worrying!
I love it when it is chatty in here!

MJ - good to see ou back, sorry Chris has been a numpty about something. glad you had someone to talk things through with, even if it wasn't your nearest and dearest. Adam is the only baby I have heard of with bigger feet than Sophia. Sophia also loves giving kisses to our cat, it's very sweet.

Boothh - Jesse sounds like a right chatter box, how cute!

jelr - hop eyou aren't workign too hard, hope the colds dissappear soon.

Cleck - lmao at Emma hiding the camera!

well we've been back to A&E this morning. Sophia hadn't eaten or drunk anything for ages and this morning she was not her usual self at all, and when we brought her downstairs she refused breakfast and just lay on the floor, very lethargic. So I panicked and took her to A&E again. They kept her in for 3 hours to watch her, and sent her home, saying that they thought her lethargy was unrelated to her fall. SO we'r at home now, she seemed to perk up a bit and actually had a little bit of lunch (hallelulah) and is now having a nap. phew! And as for breastfeeding, she looks at my boob as if it is the devil, I don't like our chances of resuming feeding. But I am coming to terms with it. Although it is sad, I guess it was always going to happen at some point right?
oh and congratualtions on imogen's steps Aunty E - watch her like a hawk!
Shiv :( im so sorry your having an awful time of it xxxx
Sam-Star - thank you, i see Elin had a heartscan this morning, how did it go?
Ahhh dont ask!!
The doctor says that she needs another intervention sooner than first anticipated as the narrowing in her PA's has got alot worse but the way she fought that poor doctor i cant see that its affecting her! That poor doctor has bruising all up his arm because she just flipped out kicking and screaming so her actual Cardiologist (who could not be bothered to make an appearance) has said that she will need sedating in future until she is old enough to understand :cry:
Now im gonna get selfish :cry: i was there all by myself DH had forgotton the pushchair so i was carrying her everywhere and everything just all vecome a bit too much for me so i sat outside the hospital in tears waiting for DH to come and get us with Elin crying and throwing her soother everywhere!!
So when DH came he basically told me that i was a drama queen and that"i should be used to medical shit with my mum and my daughter" now my mum is halfway through treatment for breast cancer this was in my opinion a bit of a pricky thing to say :cry:

Sorry for the rant i will shut up now haha!!
That was a totally pricky thing to say. I'm not surprised you were upset, they're big enough now that it's impossible to physically control them sometimes and when you have to be out, there's nothing you can do and it's horrid. And it's not like you had had good news or anything. Your cardiologist sounds like a pig too. My consultant didn't even stick his head in at my first appointment, just sent instructions via a junior doctor. Boy did I feel uncared for.

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