--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Yay well done Bryson - welcome to the world of yummy, non-mushy food :happydance:
Shiv- Aww those shoes are adorable!!! Emma walked funny at first in shoes too. Now she loves slamming her feet down on the floor to make a smacking sound with them. :haha:

Kimbery- Yay!!!! Congrats on Bryson's chewing milestone!!! :happydance::happydance:
Shiv- Those shoes are very pretty and lol at Sophia walking in them i can see in my head her wee walk just by how you described it so cute and funny xx

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Bryson :happydance:xx

Hope poop comes soon for Kira poor wee mite...But a clever wee mite by all accounts lol you must be so proud to see her doing puzzles like that xx

Booth- Im hoping i am wrong and i didnt come across all high and mighty in my bfeeding post:blush::blush: If i did i appologise cause i really didnt mean to offend you I never intend to be upity or offensive but i do tend to have a clumsy way of putting things across:blush::haha: xx
Hi all! Been to Portugal, just got back and lots of lovely chatter to catch up on. Had a nice time, but Mog managed to fall in the pool this morning, ARGH. Fished her out in two seconds flat, but I swear I didn't start breathing again for an hour. She was fine and dandy in a minute but I've lost a couple of years of my life. We are deffo NEVER having a pond. Also, I hate flying with babies. Never done it before, never want to do it again, urgh.

BFing was really easy for me, so I feel bad that I gave up the minute it got difficult. Mog had a cold when she was about four months old and it was easier to bottle feed for a couple of days, and then she didn't want to go back to the breast and I couldn't face making her. End of BFing :( Hoping to keep it up a bit longer this time, as it was easier and cheaper. Mind you, there were great things about moving to formula, like not having to express if I wanted someone else to feed her, and not being the only person to get up early in the morning to do feeds :)

Madam isn't walking yet, but she's SO close. Need to go get her some more shoes. She has some cutesy little cruisers, but I think proper shoes will help.
I have had an awful day. Sophia fell headfirst down the stairs this morning, so we have been to A&E all morning. No broken bones or anything luckily. Her top two teeth went straight through her bottom lip though :cry: She has a massive bottom lip. What makes it worse is that she wants to breastfeed (for comfort i guess) but it hurts her to, so she can't. I don't know what I am going to do, it is gonna take a while (at least a few days) fir her lip to start to heal. I am pumping furiously but barely getting anything. I am also extremely selfish because i keep thinking "what if have breastfed her for the last time without even knowing it at the time". :cry:
Awww hun! No you're not a bad mummy! You're a wonderful mummy! A bad mummy wouldn't feel the way that you do or be nearly so concerned. Poor little Sophie! :( Bless her heart! I'm so glad that she is ok though. It could have been much worse! Can they give her something for the pain so that she can nurse? Or can she take the breastmilk from a bottle. The poor little dear! I'd be heartbroken too and worried sick. IF it is the end of breastfeeding then it definitely isn't your fault. I doubt it is the end of it though. Just hang in there. In a couple of days the swelling will go down and it won't hurt quite so bad. I hope she has a quick recovery and is feeling better soon. Meanwhile some over the counter pain medicine is what I'd suggest if the doc hasn't given her something via prescription. :hugs: to you both!! Feel better soon lil Sophie. :flower:
Oh poor darling! Is there no way she can BF at all? Swelling goes down really quickly in babies, so you might find she can feed sooner than you think. Don't feel bad, these things happen :hugs:
oh no, Shiv :hug: poor little Sophia. what a horrible, horrible shock for you all, too. did she go a full flight? ack :( agree with aunty e, though, you might be surprised at how quickly the swelling goes down though, babies do heal a lot faster than we would.

Still can't breastfeed, so DH is trying to put herto bed with a little EBM in her cup. From the sounds of it, it is not going well. She barely ate any dinner either! She has also been waking in teh night for a feed the last week or so, so that will not be fun.

Other than feeding - she seems her old self, lots of walking around. She has learnt the names of her teddies (to hear not say - she isn't a genius :haha:) and we played a game before bed where we said "where is Miss bunny" and she fetched her from her soft toy pile etc etc with 7 cuddly toys! I was very proud!

Her lip does look a little better, I just hope it doesnt scar underneath where her teeth poked through. I am trying to be positive thet at least she didn't break anything, really bang her head etc - we were very lucky, suffice to say measures have been put in place to stop it happening again.

My DH has been great about it, it was COMPLETLEY my faul:nope:t, but he hasn't shouted at me (and believe me if it has been him iwoudl haev skinned alive) and he even brought me chocolates cause I looked sad. He is a MUCH nicer person than i am :blush:
I only have a minute but I had to post now after reading the last 2 pages... I'll post more later though

Shiv- I'm so sorry to hear about Sophia :cry: I'm sooo happy she's okay minus the busted lip. Keep trying to express and even though you don't get much, it will keep your supply going for when she can bf again. I'm sure in a day or 2 the pain in her lip will subside and she will be happily eating and bf again. When Kira's top teeth came in she wanted the comfort of nursing, but nursing itself hurt so it was really frustrating for her. I know how badly you must feel :hugs:

AE- That is so scary about Mog falling in the pool! Our babies are getting in all sorts of bad situations this weekend!
Oh Shiv!!! :hugs: I read it in the BFing thread but didn't realize it was so bad. Poor thing. Your not a bad mommy. Accidents happen and with a walking baby, the accidents seem to happen with much more force than before. Emma has busted her lip open and it healed over really well by the next day, although not healed completely but enough that she was comfortable feeding. I really hope this is the case for you guys. Babies heal so fast. :hugs::hugs: Just keep pumping and keep that milk flowing and hopefully when she's better she'll take right to it again.
Shiv big hugs to Sophia and you i hope she feels better really soon xxxxxx
Mylo fell down the whole stairs yesterday. I felt sooooo bad. He tumbled down like a ragg doll.. I was at the top of the stairs.. I was chasing him down.. it all happened so fast but I could only get near enough to grab him when he had come to a stop on his face at the bottom step.. he had even fell through the baby stair gate gap!

He was fine luckily! nothing broken, not even a scratch. He didnt cry for long either.. not like the time he sewed his finger when I took my eye off my sewing machine when he was in the room!

GOD.. I am thankful it could have been alot worse.

I so know how you feel Shiv.. dont worry.. babies are very resilient. Glad her lip is better. Mouth area and groin area are very quick healing places on the body so whe wont have it hurting for long. x

got mylo some proper shoes with rubber soles last week.. got him measured in clarks. 4f.. so went online(ebay) and got him some shoes and theyre cool. I wasnt about to pay clarkes prices! lol

his eating and routine is all over the place.. anyone else having this with 14month old?
OMG babies getting up to mischief everywhere this weekend. I'm so glad they are all okay. Big hugs to you Shiv, AuntyE and Tsia. You must have been all so scared. That is unfortunately the dangers that are going to come with these walking babies. It makes me hope that Natasha doesn't walk to quickly.

I hope you all get some sleep tonight after those ordeals and that you feel better tomorrow and I hope Sophias lip is a little better and that she can nurse. Shiv don't you dare think that you are a bad mum as you are definitely not, you are a great mummy.

Big hugs to you all :hugs:
Tsia- I'm sooo glad Mylo is okay!

After reading all the awful things that have happened to the LO's this weekend, I'm feeling relieved that Kira can't walk yet either. I'm going to be a nervous wreck when she starts.

Shiv- let us know how Sophia is doing in the morning.

Kimberly- congrats to Bryson for chewing his food! His food choices are really going to expand now! Kira doesn't do the complete pincher grasp either.

Thanks for all the well wishes for Kira's pooping :-) She finally went Saturday after a suppository and she went a lot and it was nice and easy to pass! I'm still shoveling in the prunes and raisins!

This morning we visited my parents and we all were yawning and making the typical yawn noise as we did it- not on purpose though, LOL. Kira started to mimic us and open her mouth and make a yawn noise. It took me a second to figure out what she was doing, and then I realized she was mimicking us. So cute! She's finally making "D" noises too... so she said "dada" for the first time this weekend!

And I'm finally getting a 4 door car! I have a small 2-door car right now and it's getting really hard to climb in and out of the back with Kira and if the door shuts while I'm in the back seat with her, it's almost impossible to get back out! So the opportunity came up to trade my car for a 4-door one, so soon I'll be cruising around in a much less sporty but much more practical vehicle :happydance:
It looks like my little Bryson didn't come out of this weekend unscathed either. Earlier I was in his bedroom emptying the full diaper pail and I have to keep his door shut or else he gets in there and shuts himself in by playing with the door and then he cant get back out again. So I was coming out of his door and I knew he was at the door and trying to push on it as I was pulling it closed and I was trying to pull him away from the door while juggling a large heavy trash bag full of diapers and I didn't see his little fingers in the side of the door where the hinges are and I thought I had him backed away enough and started to close it when thankfully I looked down and noticed it was starting to squeeze his little finger. He of course screamed and I immediately dropped the bag and stopped and pushed the door back open and scooped him up and checked his little finger which did have a little bit of an indention mark on it but that was all. :( I felt REALLY bad that he got his finger squished a little and he sure yelled about it and I know it had to hurt. :( I made sure he could move it alright and wasn't favoring it for a little while after at which point he was fine but he did cry and scream for about 5 or 10 mins. :( The poor little guy. I cant believe I didn't see that his fingers were still in the door. But I am glad that I noticed it when I did before closing the door any further since I had only begun to close it. *sigh* What are we going to do with our little accident prone toddlers? Trust me, I too felt like a bad mommy at that point. :( Not fun. My poor baby. :(
:holly: Just wondering if you girls have seen the new smiley. :rofl::rofl: It's a dedication to polo_princess on here. I think it's the best smiley yet. :haha:
i hope Mylo and Bryson are ok today :thumbup:

Sophia is ok in herself, but apart from some fruit at breakfast she didn't eat anything today. She still can't nurse, I tired just before bed and she kinda looked at my boob and then put her arms up for her daddy to take her away:cry: he took her upstairs and gave her some milk in a cup (she took about 2 ounces) and now she is crying in her cot :cry: I hate not being able to comfort her with booby. I guess I need to find other ways of comforting her.
Not a great day :nope:
Kimberly- oh gosh- door jams scare me so much! I'm so glad you noticed his little fingers in there.

Nuttymummy- congrats on your little smarty!!! Do you read a lot of books to him at home?

Shiv- it must still hurt her to latch. I would give it a couple more days and then she'll be able to nurse again. Just an idea, but could you put some baby oragel on her lip to numb it and then try spooning some foods in there? It's good she's atleast taking some EBM- 2 ounces from a cup is really good. As for other ways to comfort her- does she take a pacifier? I always wrap Kira up in her favorite blanket and hold her like a little baby, and she sucks on her pacifier and I sing as I walk her around the house. I hope Sophia gets to sleep soon :cry:

Cleckner- haha.. I can't imagine when I would ever use that new smiley! :haha:
Ah Nutty forgive me I forgot to mention your little brainoy, has he aliac, what a clever always been interested in books?

Spidey, Sophia is alseep - for now, I rocked her to sleep in the end after letting her run around for a bit longer to make sure she was exhausted. i can't see it lasting though. the oragel is a good idea, not sure whether it would sting though? She has never been spoon fed so i am unsure how she would take to it. And she never took to a pacifier - awkward child :winkwink:

oh and I'm glad kira's pooped for you, at least the prunes made sure it was easy to pass.

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