--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Kira had formula for the 1st week after she was born so I guess it destroyed her virgin gut too :dohh:

The most important thing for a baby is to have a happy momma! So in the end I don't think it matters if a baby is formula fed or breast fed. I enjoy breast feeding very much, but if for some reason I couldn't do it, I would be feeding Kira formula right now. I consider myself very lucky that I didn't have any pain or supply issues when I started bf... there is enough stuff to deal with after having a baby such as recovery and learning how to change a diaper :blush: that having problems trying to feed the baby is the last thing any new mom needs!

Poop update: no poop yet, but I think she will have to go soon! She had more prunes and raisins at my moms today!
Virgin gut - im not convinced seems a bit like scaremongering! x
I actually got really upset a few weeks ago because a virgin gut thread was in the BFing section. :dohh: It's ridiculous really. There is a woman in there that comments on threads and she is VERY forceful about BFing and how it's all or nothing basically. She made this poor girl feel so bad because her baby didn't have a 'virgin gut'. :roll: And I felt bad because I'm reading it and than I googled it and felt even worse. It's so dumb.

I'm very proud to breastfeed and I know I'm very lucky to still be going and I definitely promote it, etc. As you can tell by my tickers. ;) But I really hope I never come across as high and mighty. Which I'm sure I have though. :blush: I'm really the only one in my family that breastfeeds so I always had to fight against that bc I was the odd one out. So I do tend to get aggressive when talking about BFing. It's rough no matter what way you feed I think and that's sad. Our babies have to eat one way or the other. :haha:
Cleck, it is reallyhard to breastfeed for so long and not "bang on about it" , I find myself doing it all the time, especially if youahve a rough start with it. I have never find you high and mighty, but then i don't suppose Iwould from up here on my high horse :haha::haha::haha:

Hope Kira Poo's soon!
i think youve both done AMAZING (and anybody else still BF) and i would be proud of myself if i were you i hope i can do it properly next time im really determined to try,
cleck dont feel bad you did what was right for emma and you stuck with it and you should be very proud of yourself i am :hugs:

and i dont think anybody in here is high and mighty though i have read a few things in BF that have made me want to swing for people haha x
Hey girls

Just said I would pop in and say hi - I have been reading on my phone but work is just hectic at the minute and I'm shattered in the evenings and DH and I try and get all the stuff we need to do around the house in the evenings also so as we can spend the time with Natasha at the weekends.

But I have missed posting but am enjoying keeping up with what every one is up to. I'm not going to try and catch up as I have there is just too much over the last few weeks.

Natasha is doing well, she is getting cuter by the day. Still no steps here but she is flying along holding onto the furniture and crawling and is into absolutely everything. She is copying more and more that we do and her latest things are putting her finger up to her lips and saying shhh and if you say hot, she will put her fingers up to her mouth and blow or if she has food put that up to her mouth and blow - She rocks from side to side like dancing for every bit of music she hears now and if you ask her to sing, she will hum and do her little dance too lol.

Regarding the Virgin guts - I honestly think it is more scare mongering. Cleck you have done fantastic with the BF and I love that this thread we all have our own ways and nobody is high and mighty because if they were I would have never come in here tbh.

I think any of you who have breast fed are brill and like you Booth felt really guilty that I couldn't - but I dont anymore I have to say. I had to make the choice to go back on the steriods when Natasha was born so as I wouldn't have a flare up of my arthritis and I think I definitely made the right decision for us - I was much more use to my baby by being mobile and able to care for her than to be BF and end up not able to even hold her and I honestly dont think it has done her any harm. She is now over 13 months and apart from the thrush in her mouth that she was born with and from the antibiotics they pumped into me in labour, she has only had 1 cold when she was 3 months old and it only lasted 2 days and she has had one viral throat thing that she had when she was about 8 months and the doc reckoned it was due to her teeth. (mind you I shouldn't speak too soon as she is very off the last few days and pulling at her ear, so she could be coming down with something now) - so all in all she is really really healthy and is thriving and she was definitely doesn't have a virginal gut as she was never breastfed. I did want to do the first few feeds myself before I had to go back on the meds but she didn't latch on at all and I dont know if you remember but I brought her to have cranial osteopathy when she was smaller due to the compression at the back of her head from being face out and stuck in my pelvis for 3 hours of pushing and then vacuum and forceps and the osteopath reckons she would have had an awful time trying to suck because of this anyway, we even had to change up the teeths in her bottles long before the time as she had trouble sucking on them too.

Sorry I dont remember everything to catch up on. The one thing I do remember is the discussion on what LO's eat. A typical day for us is.

Breakfast between 9 and 10 which is either 1 wheetabix, 3 tblsp of baby museli or readybrek with cows milk and then some fruit as finger food.

Dinner between 1 and 2 which is usually some sort of protein (chicken, beef, lentils, lamb, pork, fish) with potatoes or pasta and veg - if I can I chop it into bitsize pieces and she feeds herself or if it is fish or lentils I usually mash it up and spoon feed it to her. Then she has dessert which is usually a yogurt, an innocent smoothie stick, or some homemade rice pudding or custard with stewed fruit.

Tea between 5 and 6 which is something like homemade veggie burger or sardines with pasta or roasted veg or sweet potato which she feeds herself or it could be something like scrambled egg or beans that I spoon feed her and some toast which she feeds herself or else it could be a risotto or pot and veg dish which is spoon fed or sometimes I make breaded fish or chicken to get the protein into her if she is having a fussy day and hasn't ate much dinner.

Her dinner and tea are usually about 8 oz dishes full.

She doesn't have much snacks as she has big meals but if she does it is usually rice cakes, cheese, fruit, or she loves ellas kitchen bakey bites.

Drinks are cows milk in her beaker at breakfast (which she drinks very little of) and water or juice with her dinner and tea (which she drinks about half a beaker full with each meal) and she has a few sips during the day also and then a bottle before bed, which could range from 1oz to 8oz depending on her humour - I also give her a bottle if she wakes during the night and wont settle.

She is doing really well on feeding herself with her fingers and gets the majority of it in now and not everywhere else - she doesn't manage a spoon well at all though so we always feed her that and I try and get as much variety in as possible and so far apart from avocado there isn't anything that she doesn't like and has a good appetite, she does have some fussy days alright when her teeth are at her and she wont eat much.

Well other than work and housework and playing with little miss, we haven't been up to much - we are getting new wardrobes in our bedroom so have been sleeping in the spare room for the last two weeks and I can't wait to get back into our own bed. We were planning on doing the wardrobes next year but when I did my first aid course for work we got a dvd on child safety and it said that the biggest cause of poisoning in children was toiletries so we decided to get them done as our toiletries were on small open shelves that went from floor to ceiling and we didn't have anywhere up high to put them - so that scared the life out of me - these ones are all built in with sliding doors so Natasha wont be able to get near anything until she is old enought to understand it is not for drinking lol

Well I may run and get to bed as we had a very sleepless night last night so I should have been asleep hours ago. Glad you are all well. Xx
I Breast fed DS2 for just 5 weeks and was advised by my midwife to give supplements as i seemed to have too much foremilk and not enough hind milk or something! And i felt soooo guilty that i had to give him a bottle that i cried and couldnt go through with it Darren had to do it for me! I feel so strongly that women should not be bullied into BFing, because of this! For the first 5 weeks Dj took to it like a duck to water but he would just get so worked up because he was ALWAYS hungry after the first few weeks!
As you all know i had to express for Elin and it went really well in the beginning (i would pump 250mls after 2 days) but after i went home on the fifth day i found it hard to do because she was after all in a different country!! Im proud to say though that i pumped a 2 month supply in the 9 days that i was pumping (she was only talikng at most 30 mls)!!
So there are my BFing stories and i will definately try again if we have anymore babies there is no question of that but i wont be so hard on myself if it doent work out because both of my babies are healthy and happy and thats all that matters!!!
Blimey that is some good Pumping Sam-Star :thumbup:
Shiv it bloomin well was haha!! The midwives called my room the milk room :P
It was the only thing i could physically do for her so i tried my best xx
P.S. :bunny::cake: HAPPY BIRTHDAY HEIDI!! :cake::bunny:

Hope your having a lovely day!!
Happy Birthday Heidi! Have a great trip away :happydance:
Thanks!! I sure am going to try lol. I will miss the girls, I worked my butt off at pumping so my sister didn't have to give Lily formula, I pumped 30 ounces in the past two days so I feel much better haha
Thanks!! I sure am going to try lol. I will miss the girls, I worked my butt off at pumping so my sister didn't have to give Lily formula, I pumped 30 ounces in the past two days so I feel much better haha

Wow well done on the pumping - make sure you take your pump with you and try to pump when Lily would feed to keep your supply up. I know it's a drag but it is REALLY important in the first couple of months to keep your supply up :hugs:
Happy Birthday Heidi!!!

Please don't forget your pump!! It made me shudder thinking about being engorged and having to try to hand express the whole time, LOL.

jelr- Natasha sounds so smart! Thats adorable she's copying you. Kira's doing the same as Natasha in regards to cruising along the furniture really well but not walking yet. Soon they will be off and running!

Kira has alot of chunky wooden puzzles and today she actually started understanding that the pieces go back into the puzzle! If she's holding a piece and I point to where it goes, she will try and stick it back in. She looked so proud of herself when she actually got a few to go in today :happydance:

Still no poop... eeeek! I can't believe that she can hold it so well with all the prunes I've been shoveling in there, LOL.
Poor girl. Caylee and Lily both have had constipation issues :( Lily didn't poop for 8 days and our doctor was like "It's ok with a breastfed baby" but she was screaming in pain, so I gave her half of a childs suppository and 10 minutes later, full diaper :) and she fell asleep right after haha.
Aww. Emma took after her father in the poop area. :dohh: Poops every time she eats. :rofl::rofl: And sometimes taking care of her is a shitty job....:laugh2:
We just went to get Sophia's first shoes (at DH's instigation i was more than happy to wait a few weeks) These are the ones we got, she was a 4.5 F.
Bless her she didn't know what to do at first, she has never worn any sort of shoes (not even the soft baby ones) and just couldn't get to grips with even stading in them never mind walking! But she got there in the end, she does take these massive steps now instead of normal ones, I guess it muct feel really strange to have heavy things on your feet when you aren't used to it!

Any poo yet?
I'm SO proud of my little Bryson!! He is FINALLY chewing food!! :happydance: Thirteen months old and onto real solid food! I am so excited!! :happydance: Feeding him is about to be more fun hehe. He still isn't quite doing the full pincer grasp but that can take time according to the doc. But I started out by having him eating those yogurt meltaways which dissolve in baby's mouth and encourages chewing at the same time. He began chewing those pretty well and regularly so then I got him a jar of Gerber graduates diced carrots in water and tried those and he chewed those too. Now this morning he had the apples and cinnamon puffs cereal looking things. He ate a bunch of those. He really likes them a lot. :thumbup: I tried him on the jar of Gerber graduates diced apples too but he didn't like those and made a face and cried so I didn't force him to eat it and fed him a container of apples and peaches (puree) instead. And then he ate/chewed some of the banana flavored puffs (cereal) too. He also likes the baggie of freeze dried bananas and strawberry bites. :happydance: I'm so excited he's in the process of coming off of the jarred foods and onto real foods! WOOOHOOOO!!! I can finally try to share a small piece of a soft french fry with him. :haha: I just cant tell you ladies how proud I am of him that he is chewing like a big boy!! :D :yipee:

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