--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

:hugs: Sam, I am thinking of you and Eli!!!

I am so sorry about Sophia :( poor baby girl.

Caylee got 5 shots at the clinic today :( poor girl, those vaccines get her good. She screamed bloody murder. It broke my heart, thank god Ross was there, I could not watch. They also said her legs have a curve in them from how she sits, she sits with her legs out to the side and if we dont correct it all the time now, she will be pigeon toed!!!

Lily is now on meds, they think she has colic and acid reflux, she screams all day and night, we get maybe 2 hours of peace from her :( Hope this helps her though.
How was your trip away Heidi? Hope the meds help Lily be more settled. Sophia sits on her knees with her legs outto the side as well.

Well no dinner eaten here, and no milk taken from me or the cup :cry: Sophia just bit my nipple then laughed and moved away. i am feeling quite sad about it all now.

Do you know if they NEED milk, as in cows milk if they aren't taking formula or breast milk? Because Sophia has never drunk cows milk (no need to before) she won't really take it. Do I need to keep working at it, or can i just let her refuse it if she doesn't want it as long as she is having yoghurt and cheese etc in her diet?
I think as long as she is getting some dairy, she should be okay, but I don't know. My doctor recommends 16 to 24 oz a day, so thats what we do :( so sorry for you :hugs:

I had a great time!! Some guy gave Ross and I tickets to a club, so we went, and the bouncer saw it was my bday the day before, and asked if I wanted what I thought he said a birthday pass.....so I said YAHHHH!! Walked inside, it was a STRIP CLUB, he said BIRTHDAY DANCE, I got pulled onstage had boobs smacked in my face, one stripper grabbed my boobs and milk shot out!!!!!!!!!!!!!, after that I got off, looked at Ross who could not stop laughing, took my purse and left haha. It was nasty
Nutty- I've had 3 guinea pigs so far and they like to squeak when they hear any noise that might indicate food. I always keep them in the kitchen and they learn quick all the noises associated with food, like rattling bags or opening the fridge door. Beefcake also knows my routine so right as I'm bouncing Kira to sleep at night he will squeak since he knows he can get food out of me because I need him to hush! Smart piggy. Kira loves him though and she likes when he squeaks :-)

Cleckner- I hope you and Emma feel better soon.

jelr- thanks for the suggestion of boiled water with brown sugar. It sounds really yummy too! I'll keep that in mind!

Boothh- I love your user name! LOL. Poor Jesse and his teeth. I think Jesse is really advanced with talking because stringing words together is something they do closer to 2 I think. Smart boy!

MJ- Kira just started to snuggle in that way too, and I have a large stuffed sheep that she will lay her head on. It's soo cute. Adam sounds like such a loving boy. I hope you can find an even better place than your current flat! Having a garden will be really nice for Adam. Good luck on sorting out the money troubles and I hope your DH can mature up a bit so things get better.

AE- I bet Mog can understand more than you think! Poor baby and her teeth. I'm really not looking forward to Kira getting her molars.

Shiv- that is so scary that Sophia was acting lethargic. I would have done the same thing and gone to the emergency room. I don't think babies need to take cows milk or any milk after the age of 1 especially if they're eating dairy from yogurt and cheeses. But I'm not an expert! I know my mom bf me and my brother and once we weaned we didn't get any bottles of cow milk. I was almost 15 months and my brother was 12 months when we weaned. If I weaned Kira right now I know that she would refuse milk since she doesn't even drink EBM from a cup or bottle. Do you think Sophia bit you because she was being active and not super sleepy and needing some booby comfort? You might beable to get her half asleep and then try nursing her and she might remember that the booby is nice and isn't what caused her lip pain.

Sam- I'm sorry to hear about Elin needing surgery sooner than later. She sounds like such a determined girl for fighting off the doctor! Having to watch your baby fight the doctor and be told bad news, plus having to carry her around would make me in tears too.

Heidi- Poor Lily and Caylee! Isn't at 6 weeks when colic is supposed to be at its worst? I don't know how old Lily is, but she might be close. Just keep reminding yourself that things can only get better- and they will!

As for me- Kira is napping now so I have lots of computer time! Kira's been a little sweet heart for the past few days since she has no constipation and no teething issues right now.
I just saw your last post Heidi- I would have been sooooo embarrassed to be pulled on stage like that! And to have my boobs squeezed too- eeeek!
Hey girls

MJ: Good to see you, Adam also sounds adorable - I love the way he hugs Betty, Natasha is only starting to really throw her arms around us and hug us in the last few weeks and I love it. ha ha Natasha says Mmmm if anybody is eating now and she wants some it is so funny and if she doesn't want anymore of her food and it is being spoon fed she shakes her head to say no, they really are getting little minds of their own. Sorry to hear that you and Chris have had stuff going on and I'm so glad you got through it and hope he has learned his lesson. Love the song for your username by the way.

Booth: Jessie does sound very advanced with his talking. Natasha only really says hiya and something that sounds like daddy but other than than the normal da ma na babbles, we only have random words like cat and dog once in a while but then she doesn't say them again. She spent one day copying me saying all gone and putting her hands in the air but now she doesn't do it anymore. He is very clever. LMAO at your user name lol

Aunty E: Yay for Imogens steps. Natasha is also now understanding no and now when we say no thats bold, she will cry - I feel terrible when she gets upset, but it has to be done sometimes ie. when she slaps me in the face or upends her dinner all over the place in temper lol

Samstar: So sorry to hear Elin has to have another op so soon, that definitely was a pricky thing for DH to say, I dont think you can ever get used to your child being in pain or that upset or what your mum is going through. God I find it hard to manage Natasha on my own when she wont take neurofen when she is screaming in pain with her teeth, I couldn't imagine managing her on my own in hospital getting needles stuck in her and with no buggy. That is definitely not being a drama queen, you would be made of stone if it didn't get to you.

Heidi: Oh poor Caylee, 5 shots in one is horrible - the most they give here together is three and I think that is even cruel and too much and poor Lilly that is hard going that she you are only getting 2 hours peace a day when you have toddler to look after too. Natasha actually sits like that too. How can you stop them though when they are comfy? OMG I would die if I was dragged up like that and especially if my boobs were grabbed.

Shiv: Poor Sophia, I really hoped she would be feeling a bit better by now the poor mite. You were right to bring her to A&E. I would have too. Not sure about the milk, most of the books I have say 12oz a day of either breast, formula or Cows milk after 1, but Natasha doesn't drink that amount and she is doing well, I try and give her lots of cheese and yogurts and use milk in cooking as much as possilbe. I give her cows milk in her beaker in the morning with her breakfast, but she drinks only a few sups of it and wont take it in a bottle and am thinking I might try and mix it with her toddler milk soon and wean her off of the toddler milk as it seems very sweet towards cows milk and I really want her to drink plenty of milk over the years as I have the beginning stage of osteoporosis from all the steriods I was on so am very wary of her not getting enough calcium. But then again my brother never drank milk and he is now 19 and perfectly healthy, so its not the end of the world if they dont drink it either. Could you try and mix the EBM with cows milk and reduce the EBM over a few days so she gets a taste for the cows milk. Hopefully she will go back to BF in the next few days and you wont need to do this at all.

Spidey: So glad Kira is in better form and doesn't have nasty poop or teeth bothering her, they really are like different children when they are not well aren't they. I hope the brown sugar does work the next time if she gets really bunged up. Your piggy is definitely really smart lol

Cleckner: How are the colds today? I seemed to have escaped *knocks on wood* and just had a few sniffles, but DH is smothering which is strange as he is never sick, but funnily enough he was quiet a few colds last year after Natasha had her last one so her germs seem to have overpowered her daddys super immune system. I really hope you are both feeling better.

Well I am shattered as we have been getting 2 to 5 hours sleep a night for the past week and a half due to Natasha teething and this cold she has, the poor little thing. I dont do too good with lack of sleep, so am fairly sore with my arthritis at the moment, but then again I just keep thinking of how Natasha must be feeling with those teeth.

I'm finally starting to get on top of work and have all my classes set up and eventually I am getting to the bottom of the pile of start up paperwork, so hopefully it will just be the day to day running of the groups for the next while (well at least until Nov when it is assessment time again) - mind you I shouldnt speak to soon as you can guarantee as soon as I get to the last thing on the list - it will be as long as my arm again lol

My mam had Natasha in with her friend the other day and her friends grandchild is a couple of days older and they played away my mams said. But at one stage, Natasha wanted one of the other girls toys and she wasn't giving it over so mammy was watching her closely as she thought sure Natasha would hit her, but she didn't instead she gave her a kiss as if to bribe her into giving her the toy, she is doing a lot of that lately bribing us all with kisses when she wants something lol
Thank you everyone you have made me feel so much better! Elin forgot about it by the time we got in the car but i think i will have nightmares!!
DH has not said 2 words too me since :( Urgh why do i feel like im the one in the wrong!!!
Heidi i think i would have pee'd my pants if i was there sorry xxx once i was hand expressing and DH was sat next to me and my booby milk shot out at an angle and hit him right in the eye!!
Awww I'm so sorry about the bad stuff going on with everyone.

Shiv: Poor little Sophia. I hope she gets better soon.

Cleck: I'm sorry you're sick. I am too it seems. My nose will not unblock and it's causing me sinus headaches and I'm miserable too. :(

MJ: Welcome back! Don't be a stranger and hope to see more of you around here.

Jelr: Hey girl. Glad to see more of you again as well. Natasha sounds like a very clever little girl hehe.

Spidey: I'm so glad that Kira's constipation is doing better. That must be a relief to both of you.

Heidi: Omgosh I would of been mortified! Bless your heart! I'd definitely of slapped the OH for laughing.

AE: Hi. How are you feeling these days?

Sam: Awwww gosh. What an ordeal. Poor Elin. :( I am so sorry it was such a rough time and that OH was a prick about it. You needed him to support you and be understanding and not act so dickly.


Bry is doing great. He's walking and getting into everything! Driving me nuts haha. His appetite lately has gone through the roof and he's getting more demanding for more food. Must be a growth spurt. He's addicted to these fruit flavored puffs cereal bits haha. He constantly wants them. I cant believe how much food this child is putting away. I thought that once he went on more solids his appetite would even out and he'd seem a little more full more often. He and his big brother are both bottomless pits it seems. :wacko:
I sure hope the next baby is the girl we are praying for as I don't think I could afford a 3rd boy! My boys are big time piggies! :rofl:
And me, I've got a head cold. I'm blocked up in the sinuses and sneezing and it sucks. Blah!
It was gross haha.
I also FORGOT my pump......even after talking about it!!! We got to the hotel and my boobs were massive and hurt so bad, I was in tears and tried to hand express and nothing. So..as sick as it may seem Ross offered to do the deed. He sucked my boobs and spit it into a cup :lol: I felt terrible but he said he didn't want to see me cry in pain, it was Sooooooooooo much better after lol. He must really love me haha.

That is so sweet about Natasha!!!! I wish Caylee did that haha

Glad Bry is doing great with walking!!! I can imagine how much those boys eat lol
^^ :rofl: I couldn't NOT post on this. Have you ever seen Weeds? Her BIL did the same thing in the bathroom because she was engorged and the pump wasn't bringing any of the milk out so her brother-in-law did the job instead. :shock: My DH would do the same thing if we were in that situation. He's very comfortable with my milkers. :haha:
Haha, It was so odd, I tried not to look at him, but I did and he started laughing and was like "Do not tell anyone even your BNB clan" Thats what he calls us, oh well. :lol:
:rofl::rofl: And you listened to him well. LOL! How could you NOT share that?! It's good stuff. :haha:
Also, why did he even bother spitting it into a cup? He already had it in his mouth, he might as well swallow like a good boy. :winkwink::rofl:
Heidi: LMAO!!! :rofl: Omg I'm dying over here! LOL!!! That is SOOOOO funny!! The poor guy!

LOL Cleck! You naughty girl you! LOL!!! :rofl: By the way Cleck, I LOVE the new pics of Emma!! She is SO precious!!! :hugs: her for me!
He was swallowing for awhile lmao but he said he could not handle it anymore :rofl: He did ask if he was going to be safe from colds now hahaha
OMG Heidi :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

How could he do that without laughing the whole time?!! The first thing that popped in my head was that episode of weeds :haha:
:rofl: Im weak!! :rofl: Heidi you have just made my whole year! I think i will be laughing still at christmas!!
Ahhh well least we found a situation for the new smiley!!

:holly: :rofl:
thank you so much Heidi - you REALLY cheered me up with that story - how very selfless of your OH!!

I can't remember what anyone else said (heidi's story is all the stuck in my mind funnily enough!)

I hope all those with colds etc perk up soon, and that Natasha's teeth stop giving her jip soon

as for us, a terrible night here, I started feeling sick at about 5pm yesterday, and started vomitting at about 7pm. Sophia refused dinner and EBM and boob and was up from 12am - 3am screaming and nothign we could do to help her. We ended up bringing her ownstairs in the hopr of trying to tire her out completely. I stopped being sick about midnight (good timing hey!) but am still feeling pretty crap (i reckon I picked something up at the hospital)

some good news in that Sophia had some breakfast this morning and is now down for a nap. Still not interested in boob, so I think that is all done with :cry: Did any of you get hormonal when you stopped breastfeeding?
If she was happy then I wouldn't mind but she was inconsolable last night. Maybe it's her teeth

For those of you who say your LO's are getting their back teeth, how on earth can you see? I can never get a good enough look to see into the back of Sophia's gob!
aw sam your OH was totally out of line saying that stuart would got a slap if he said that to me!! :hugs:

i cant remember anything else except LOL at heidi and the stripper and OH doing the milk thing, it reminds me of when me and stuart first :sex: after we had jesse and he sucked my boobs and had a fit cus milk went in his mouth (duhhh dont know what he thought would happen lmao) he said it tasted like melted butter :/ have any of you tasted your own ? what does it taste like im curious LOL

jesse had his mmr jab today cus i forgot to take him a few weeks ago, he is being a grouch now but hes had some calpol and hes just falling asleep with his juice now,

iv been craving hotdogs so decided to make them tonight for dinner and give jesse his first ever hotdog woo!

oh and on the milk thing shiv, i dont really know either, jesse has a 7oz bottle before bed and a 7oz bottle when he wakes up of toddler milk, skimmed milk on his weetabix in the morning (he doesnt like whole and i normally buy skimmed anyway) he will have at least 1 but normally 2 pots of fromage frais a day and he usually will have cheese somewere along the line (so even though he doesnt get as much milk as they recomend he gets quite a few portions of dairy a day :/

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