--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Hi all, how is everyone??

I am glad to hear im not the only one who struggled with the breast... at the mo they are so painful its unreal so archie is on sma gold. He doesn't take as much as some of the babies on here tho!! He takes around 70 - 90ml of it per feed every 3 - 4 hours but he does seem satisfied tho his very windy at the mo. Not to sure I like the infacol i think it constipates him... think i might try some gripe water!
Aww TTC lady, sorry you've joined my "bad nights" club!! It's wind for us too, isn't it frustrating?! I feel so helpless when he is in pain with trapped wind and is relying on me to bring it up and I can't! We may ask the doc at his 6 week check up whether she can recommend / prescribe anything, cos we've tried almost everything now I think!!
ALTHOUGH the Dr Brown bottles get a massive :thumbup: from me, his feeds are SO much less stressful with them and although he still needs to be burped afterwards, I think the amount of air he is gulping down during feeds is dramatically reduced with Dr Brown bottles :) I really like the soft teat they have, he can get a really good latch on them and there are no corners of his mouth open to gulping in air! Has anyone else tried Dr Browns yet??
Ruby, Archie is still ickle yet, I'll bet he catches up with the big guys soon in how much he's feeding! Vince started on something very similar to that but it seemed to go up really fast hehe.

So Jai_Jai had a girl eh?! SO exciting, can't wait to hear her news!!
Sam, I just looked at your ticker and I couldn't BELIEVE that Elinor is already 2 weeks old!!! :shock: that has flown by!! Has she had her heart surgery yet sweetie? Hope it all goes swimmingly for her, I'm sure she will be fine, she is such a strong little lass! :hugs:

We're off out to the cinema tonight to see District 9, OH's parents are babysitting (it'll be the first time I've been apart from Vince except for his brief stay in SCBU at the hospital :wacko: )

Hope you're all not-too-tired!
Hi girls,

It's been a few days - have just had a read through and I'm glad that everyone seems to be muddling through OK. This mummy thing is really hard. I'm considering myself lucky that Owen has been great so far apart from a couple of hours of real grizzlyness a few times where nothing seems to settle him. At those times I feel powerless and like the worlds worst mummy. It has actually had me in tears a couple of times. :(

So we are going OK apart from the feeding. I'm really proud that I am expressing easily at the moment and that Owen has had my breastmilk since birth apart from his first night on SCBU whan he had to be tube fed formula as my milk hadn't come in and he was dehydrated. Some feeds in the day he will latch on to the boob, but most of the time, iving him a bottle is so much easier! The cycle of expressing, trying to BF and bottle feeding is exhausting, and I can't see us keeping it up once DH is back at work a week today. We either need to do better on the boob, or switch to formula. I really never thought I would have a problem BFing and it upsets me so much to even think about formula - however, even with expressed milk I love the fact that daddy can share the feeding .... then I feel guilty for even thinking about formula feeding when I am able to express just fine.... aaargh!! Guilt issues!! Noone warned me about those........

On the good news front, Owen was weighed tody, and we are back past birthweight and at 8lb 2oz! :) I am so chuffed that the boobie juice is doing some good, even if it has been a struggle.

Our nighttimes thankfully have been good. We have started a bedtime routine - feed, bath, more feeding, settle down swaddled. This has worked the last 3 nights, and we've settled him at 7.30 - he's then woken at 11.00, 3.30 and 7.30 for feeds. I hope it continues! I think the swaddling has really made a difference - he was constantly waking himself up with jerky arm movements, and he can't do that when he's swaddled! :)

We have NO daytime routine or pattern emerging at the moment though.

Anyway, it's turned into a long one ...... Hope you girls are OK, will pop in again soon.
Yeah the past 2 weeks have just flown by!! She hasnt had her heart surgery yet she is pencilled in for monday but that can all change fingers crossed it doesnt as i cant bare the waiting :cry:
Thanks Shadow :hugs:

Vici posted in your announcement thread :hugs:

Good luck for Monday Sam :hugs:

One handed so can't write much :hug: to you all.
Hi ladies.

My thoughts are with Sam for Monday!

:hugs: to everyone!

Thanks again as to your support regarding the formula feeding as I still can't seem to BF. I think I'm going to be sticking with the formula.

He's now eating about 3-4 oz at a time and sometimes more than that! Mom has been suggesting to keep feeding him while he's hungry (aka filling up the tank).

Night time has been a bit rough here and there. He doesn't like to be swaddled much right now (maybe it was too warm when I tried last night). In addition, the waking up seems to be without a pattern. Sometimes he'll sleep for 3 hrs at a time, sometimes longer and others at about 1-2 hrs. I feel like I'm going insane.
Hi girls thanks for all the well wishes.

Shadow you definitely have me bet at the posting now lol and tonight is only a short one again, still not finding much time.

Sam star: Best of luck for Monday.

Shadow: Didn't start the steriods yet, as my iron was so low I reckoned I would only hit the wall altogher if I took the steriods too as I usually have a high dose for only a short course of time and they really knock the stuffing out of me for a couple of weeks, so I'm holding off but will be flying them into me at the first sign of a flare up, so far so good, just my knees still playing up and my wrist is in a support all the time, I think its playing up for holding Natasha.

MJ: Thanks for the lovely comment about the facebook pics, her daddy thinks she is his little model and takes pics everyday, I think we have over 300 now and she is only 2 and a half weeks old lmao.

Well girls AFM, was back for my scan today and thank god none of the placenta was left behind, but it did show some white dots which is a sign that the infection is still there, but doc is not too worried as I still have a few more days of antibiotics, so hopefully that should shift the rest and I am starting to feel a bit human again and stitches are starting to ease finally too.

We went on our first outing today without daddy, although nana came along for the ride just in case, but I did all the fiddling with car seats and prams as I need to get used to them and it all went well. I went for my scan and Natasha stayed in the car with my mam as I didn't want to bring her into the hospital and then we did a load of bits and pieces in town stopping for lunch so as Natasha could get her feed. so all in all it was a good day.

Poor little baby has thrush in her mouth though, anybody had any experience with this, the doc prescribed microstatin (sp?) and I had to cut down the dosage as I think it was irritating her little mouth - she started it on Sunday and before this was drinking 3 to 4 oz every 3 to 4 hours, but she went right down to 2 oz all day yesterday and was starving but it was like the bottle and soother were hurting her mouth so I only gave her one 1ml dose today instead of 4 .5 ml doses of the medicine and she is feeding properly again but was still fierce upset tonight and her daddy had to walk her for hours to settle her (he had to do this last night too and am terrified of her getting used to it, but the poor thing was so upset). Anybody any suggestions??

Also does anybody know if there are any guidelines on how much formula they should be taking?

Well so much for a short post eh lol - off to feed Natasha now before I head to bed as her daddy is doing the middle of the night tonight and hopefully I will get to catch up again with you all soon. :hugs: to everyone. Xx
sam hope the op goes as well as the last thinking of u and ur famly

ttc lady hope u had a better night

elly lucas cant stand to be swaddled hed rather kick about much more happy now hes in a sleep bag

jelr on the guidelines on how much formula they should be taking i just go with what baby wants it dont really matter how much and how offten coz every baby is diff but i normally give a oz more than he is taking he leaves what he dnt want and if he finshs the full thing i up it a oz next time

as for us
night time is just as good as every bottel at 9:30pm down at 10 wakes at 3am back down at 3:30am he only takes 2 oz and awake agane at 6:30am for 6 oz.
Put both boys in the bath last night lucas was in hes bath seat he seemd to like it but was a bit like what the hell are u doing to me now lol rueben loved it thow.

gotta go lucas has a full nappy the joys of mother hood dot u just love it

:hugs: to every 1 hope all babys settle soon
Hi i am attempting to combine breast and bottle, anyone else doing this?

I express about 50 - 60mls from the boob then hubby finishes him off with a 30ml formula top up. I hope my boobs keep providing cause he guzzles the breast milk he seems to like it a lot more than the formula and i find he only pooed once aday pure on formula but i get a few pooey nappies a day with the breast milk!
rubyrose i was told only give brest milk when u have anof for a full feed never give both at the same time aas the formaler will blot the belly to much just pump and put it in the frig untill u have pumped agane and add to it untill there is a full feed then give it. i was only getting 1oz every pump untill about day 7 then i was getting 6-12 oz 8 times aday but make sure u pump 8 times a day and when the milk is only a drip from 1 boob go to the next untill thats a drip and go back to the 1st for 20min keep swoping
Took Riya to the doctors yesterday and indeed she is very winded, so we've changed the teat on the bottle to a medium flow as she's probably drinking too fast and taking in too much air. He also prescribed some suppositories to help relieve the wind.

I ended up cradling her over the shoulder for most of the night, as each time we put her on her back she ended up screaming the house down. poor baby - its awful seeing her in so much distress and not being able to help her.

I've also just ordered some Dr Brown bottles from Amazon - Thanks for the advice Shadow. Hopefully that will settle her down. She also ended up bringing up all the milk this morning and is so unsettled.
Hi i am attempting to combine breast and bottle, anyone else doing this?

I express about 50 - 60mls from the boob then hubby finishes him off with a 30ml formula top up. I hope my boobs keep providing cause he guzzles the breast milk he seems to like it a lot more than the formula and i find he only pooed once aday pure on formula but i get a few pooey nappies a day with the breast milk!

We're combining bottle and breast feeds but not at the same time. ie breast milk during the day, either direct or expressed via bottle and then formula during the night. I do wonder whether this is a good method though, as the formula milk seems to leave her more winded than breast.
TTC- I cannot praise the doc browns enough, after two days of using them Vince is a different baby!!!! They make the feeds SO much calmer, he doesn't spit it out everywhere or gulp down loads of air, it's just wonderful. We're gonna buy more of them today cos even though they're expensive, I think they are well worth it for a calm and happy baby!!

We had a WONDERFUL evening at the cinema (District 9 is an awesome movie!) and Vince behaved beautifully for the grandparents. We got home at about 10, he had been down since just after 9 and so we went to bed and he didn't wake until 4 am!!!! He's never done that before!! So we fed him and changed him and winded him then, and he went another 4 hours :shock:
Then this morning he had the most adorable session of cuddles in our bed and lots of smiling and cooing noises, he seems to have really turned a corner and his cuteness level is going through the roof! His big brown eyes are getting so curious and he is just SO cute these days! He was also looking at his hands a lot and then touching my face with them and looked impressed that he had figured that one out! So I can officially say he has "found his hands" properly now hehe! "Ohhh, I'm actually CONTROLLING these things? Cool!"
Also guys, be proud of me: We've been trying a couple of cloth nappies during the day, and so far so good! Vince seems very happy and comfortable in them, and OH was excited to give them a try and folded one into his favourite fold just now and put it on Vince himself :D So we'll keep using the bio nappies at night and to go out, but we are gonna try to use a few cloth ones during the day: That way we won't be overwhelmed by laundry, but equally we will be saving a bit on waste and money :thumbup: Although we're taking it very easy, and if it gets stressful then we have the bio nappies just sat there for quick and easy changes :D He looks so cute a silly with his huge bum though :haha: hehehe

Sam, fingers crossed that Monday is a goer for Elinor's surgery, and that it goes well for you guys. Will be thinking of you :) xx

Elly, stick with it honey, the night feeds will settle in time... Do you stick to a routine for feeds during the day? We used the daytime feeds to get Vince into a pattern of how long he'd go between feeds etc. and it spilled over into the night quite quickly really.

jelr, so glad your appointment went well in terms of your infection etc. and that you managed well going out with Natasha! I love taking Vince out, cos he is almost never upset when we're out and about, and everyone coos over him sooo much its lush hehe! Hope you avoid a joint flare-up :flower:

tmr, cuuuute that both your boys were in the bath together!!!! That's lovely hehe :)

ruby, I think MJ is the one to talk to about combining breast and bottle, I believe she's doing a similar thing to you with a bit of formula for "topping up" and as far as I know it's going pretty well for them, am I right MJ?

Ok, so we're off to get him weighed today (didn't have time yesterday in the end!)
I'm loving the sunshine today, anyone else got some lovely sunshine?? :D

Shadow xxx
I can't wait for the Dr Browns' bottles to arrive now, as this site seems to be highly praising of them for reducing wind.
jelr, I was looking up how much formula a baby needs earlier on today and I found something that said (and it's just a guideline, of course all babies are different, some are hungrier than others and their appetite can vary day to day) 2.5oz per pound of body weight. with that, an 8lb baby would take five 4oz bottles in 24 hours.

ruby, shadow is right in that I'm also combining breast and formula and it's going ok. I started supplementing because Adam was feeding for hours yet never coming off looking and behaving satisfied, he lost 10% of his birth weight and wasn't regaining well, and he had a touch of jaundice. I had suspected before I had him that I'd have trouble breastfeeding and was resigned to not being able to at all, but it's not been as bad as that - I CAN feed him and he's getting a fair proportion of his milk from me, so I am happy and grateful and ok about adding formula. He is fine about switching between the two, though he does spit up quite a bit of formula (he rarely spits up boob milk). Since we added the formula, though, he's regained and surpassed his birth weight, jaundice is gone, he looks satisfied and he sleeps for up to 4 hours at a time. I still let him breastfeed on demand and he can feed for an hour or more. There are times when I know he's getting a reasonable amount because I feel the tingling of the let down (and my other boob usually starts leaking) and I hear him gulping, and then he pulls off and passes out for a little while - but more often he nibbles away, dozing.

I figure he will only take the formula he needs, though, and he does take a fair bit - we offer him 120ml (4oz) bottles usually 4 times a day and he usually leaves some (30ml, sometimes as much as 90ml; a couple of times he's refused it altogether). I breastfeed up to 8 times a day and I'm sure my supply has increased quite a bit, if the tingling and the gulping and leaking are anything to go by anyway. But I don't express (I did but found it demoralising, depressing and painful) so I don't know for sure the exact quantity he is getting. I reckon he weighs 8.75lb or so now and so calculating on the figures I found earlier, at 2.5oz per pound of body weight, he'd need about 22oz per day; I think he gets about 12oz of formula, based on an average feed of 3oz four times a day, so the rest is breastmilk - it might be less than half, but I don't know - it's all good stuff. :) I'd like to keep the formula amount constant now or even reduce it a little and hope that I can feed more breastmilk to suit hs needs, but if I can't I can't. It's been almost a month and I am so happy I have been able to do it at all. It's tiring and takes up so much time feeding him both ways - 20-30 mins on each breast, then another 15 or so to take the bottle plus time for winding/cleaning up spit, not to mention the hassle of having to sterilise bottles etc - but one way or another it'll settle down in due course!

he has loads of heavy, wet nappies; he has been pooing every day the last few days but sometimes it's ot every day, other times it's more than once (yesterday was 3 times) and the poo looks like bf poo (bright, sweet smelling mustard with grainy bits).

as for feeding breastmilk only when you have enough for a full feed - well, as I am not expressing there is no way I can know if I have enough for a full feed - I assume when he only takes a small amount of formula after that I had nearly enough. and sometimes I feed him in the night and he goes back to sleep for a few hours, so then I assume he was satisfied as well... and I do think he has less wind when I feed him... but - ack, I am just doing what I have to! maybe if I didn't hate expressing I'd be able to give him exclusive formula feeds and exclusive breast feeds but I do.

shadow, great to hear V is getting on better with the new bottles! and that you've had a go with the cloth nappies - I put one on Adam the other day but it was too big for him - he couldn't sit up in it properly, poor baby, it was all stiff round his waist! Also, he did a massive poo in it and though it didn't leak onto his clothes, it leaked into the wrap, so I think his little thighs are still too thin to get a snug fit. I've put them away for a couple more weeks, hopefully next time I try them they'll fit better. They washe great anyway, though I have to say it was a daunting sight that first cloth nappy filled with a big runny yellow poo! I rinsed it into a bucket with the shower head to get most of it off then stuck it in the machine and it came up perfect (though some staining on the wrap - might need something a bit more heavy duty to get that out).

one thing I never realised - how long it takes to get things done now... like, I plan to go out then Adam needs feeding and that takes over an hour, then there's a nappy and a change and then I have to get ready, then into the car seat... and before I know it it's 2 hours after I thought I'd be leaving!

oh and Shadow, I went to a big Mothercare yesterday and bought a Close baby carrier! haven't tried it on AE yet (he was just post-feed and I was worried he'd do a sick on it when I had a go) but I will later. :D
one thing I never realised - how long it takes to get things done now... like, I plan to go out then Adam needs feeding and that takes over an hour, then there's a nappy and a change and then I have to get ready, then into the car seat... and before I know it it's 2 hours after I thought I'd be leaving!

I know exactly what you mean, it does my head in, I dread the day i have an important appointment cos no way will i be on time!!!
one thing I never realised - how long it takes to get things done now... like, I plan to go out then Adam needs feeding and that takes over an hour, then there's a nappy and a change and then I have to get ready, then into the car seat... and before I know it it's 2 hours after I thought I'd be leaving!

I know exactly what you mean, it does my head in, I dread the day i have an important appointment cos no way will i be on time!!!

Yep I hear ye on that too girls and the days just seem to go no where, me and DH haven't sat down together and just relaxed any evening since Natasha was born as by the time the dinner is over and we have cleaned up and then feed the little lady and wash her it is time to go to bed.

Shadow: We also use the Dr Brown bottles and Natasha has no problem with wind, they are brill.

TMR: Yeah we have been doing the same we make up 4 oz bottles and she usually takes between the 3 and 4 oz.

MJ: Thanks for the guidelines on the formula feeding, by that she would need around 21 to 22 oz which she was taking but she has dropped down to between 17 and 19 in the last week and I really think it is the drops for the thrush as I stopped them yesterday and she fed fine and I started them again today and she was fine on the first two feeds and then would only take 2.5 oz on the 3rd one. So I am going to try and give her 1 ml of the drops in the morning and 1 ml in the evening to give her little mouth a rest in between.

Ruby: I'm afraid I can't help as I'm only bottle feeding.

I'm so raging they gave me antibiotics during labour for my temp as I reckon that is why she has it, although I guess they had no choice as my temp going up was distressing Natasha. It is just terrible seeing her upset when her mouth is sore though.

Well we went our for a walk today with my friend as the weather is beautiful here and am going to venture into meet my friend for lunch tomorrow on my own so we will see how I get on with car seats and so on all by myself. Am looking forward to seeing my friend as she is heading to Lanzorote next week to get married and we can't go of course as Natasha is too small to bring yet and I couldn't bear to leave her with anyone for that long yet.

Well hope you all have good weather also, it makes such a difference to get out and about and enjoy it. Xx
Hi ladies,

Shadow - glad to hear that Vince had a good night last night - hope it is a sign of things to come!

Sam star - will be thinking of you and little Elinor on Monday - what a courageous lady you are x

jelr - glad that your infection has nearly cleared up - hope it goes completely for you honey

Hope that everyone's babies are starting to be a little more contented.

Sophia is still really good but my nipple is really getting me down (sorry to bang on about it!) but it is the only thing that is wrong at the moment. i need about 5 pillows to get her in position on my bad nipple which means I can't feed her out of the house which is really inconvenient!

I am also a really bad napper! So I am surviving off about 5 hours a night (which I realsie is actually not too bad for having a new born!). i am fine for a few days but then it catches up with me and I get quite stressed! (but again only when feeding on bad side)

Anyway - that is my moan over - I have managed to get out and about each day which I am quite impressed with now David is back at work - and i am meetingup with some ladies and babies frommy NCT class tomorrow which will be nice.

Anyway - keep going ladies you are all doing a great job x
Hey ladies!

Shadow, I'm going to try my best to hang in there with the night time feedings although I broke down crying early this morning as I felt I was going mental.

As for daytime feedings, we generally feed on demand and today it's been about every 2-4 hrs. I'm also wondering if he's napping too much during the day and as a result, not resting well at night. Maybe he has daytime and night time mixed up?

Mary Jo, thanks for the information as to how much a little one should be having, etc. I was curious about that too as Christian seems to be going through between 90 mL and 120 mL per feeding! Due to this, it looks like we'll be going through one can of powdered formula a week.

Mom and I took Christian out for a walk this afternoon and he seemed to enjoy it. By the time we got home, he was fast asleep. This gave me a chance to catch up on some z's too.
hi ladies, im reading that your LO's sleep for hours at a time, brandon-li constantly wants to be next to us the only time he sleeps solid is after his bath for 2 hours im really beginning to think im doing something wrong :shrug:.
i just wish sometimes he would actually sleep solid sometimes i dont know what to do :cry: ive read instructions on swaddling but no good :cry:

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