--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

How is the feeding going today Heidi?

Boothh - I hope Jesse is feeling better, has he stopped being sick now?

Cleck - I am the same about breastfeeding, i try tobe cool and nochalant about it, but if someone asks for my help then I will happily bombard them with tips and info! I would not have carried on breastfeeding if it wasn't for this site. I cannot believe that midwives, health visitors, doctors etc donot give out any info on growth spurts before you have the baby! I have heard of so many woman giving up after 4 weeks or so because they think there milk is running out - well so did I, it is only beacsue of BnB that I now know anything about growth spurts!

As for us, well I am feeling well again, Sophia isok, apart from being a complete nightmare to get to sleep - we did a bit of controlled last night becasue nothing else was working. So hopefully tonight will be better. She is staying with my parents tomorrow night as me and David are goign up to London for the day and night (we are having lunch on the orient express and then staying at the Ritz for the night - i can't wait!)

My boobs are getting a bit achey now though (maybe David will suck them for me - lmao, no way!!)
:rofl: That's too funny! You gotta love the innocence of this age though. :winkwink: My hubby swears like a sailor and I keep telling him that one day Bry is going to suddenly belt out in public, F**k, or damn, or something. I think I might have to put him on a swear jar policy. I'm not saying I'm 100% innocent myself but I'm not nearly as bad as he is.

Cute story for today. We were on the way home this morning from dropping hubby off at work. We were stopped at this red light and it's a double lane road (2 lanes going one direction, a median, and another 2 lanes going the opposite direction) and because it was early dawn hours Bryson's sunshade was down. He had woken up on the way home. Anyways, at the light we were stopped at there was a school bus stopped to the right of us in the next lane. Bryson could see out the car window so he started trying to play peek a boo with the bus driver next to us hehe. He kept covering his eyes and uncovering them repeatedly and smiling even though she (the bus driver) didn't even notice him. Haha. :haha: It was really cute! Then he kept turning his head to the side and up to take a quick peek at me in front seat right and grinning real big hehe! :haha: I had to keep peeking at him and then turning my head back around real fast so as to not miss when the light turned green haha. Anyways, it was just really cute, him trying to play peek a boo with the bus driver. He is such an attention seeker I swear. Hehe. It's not like he doesn't already get enough attention as it is with daddy and I constantly loving on him, playing with him, and talking to him and stuff. And of course Zach plays with him and loves on him some too. :) He's just a little spoiled hehe.
Haha :lol: that is so cute. He sounds like a total ham, gotta love it.

The feeding is going better :) We are getting back into a routine slowly, still not pumping as much as I want, hope that will increase though.
Glad you are feeling better! You and David are going to have a blast!!! Relax and enjoy it as much as you can. I wish I could go to London, even for a day, I would give anything haha. I have ALWAYS wanted to go there. I think everything about the UK is so posh and perfect haha. I love the way you all talk, manners, etc. I would die to be british!!! :rofl: Ask David for a little nibble on the boobie ;) :lol:

:rofl: Jesse is soooo funny. I would love to hear him say stuff like that lol its so cute when kids say things, you try not to laugh, but how can you not help it!!

Caylee has like not spoken for awhile, kind of worries me a bit. She only says "Hi" "Mom" "Dad" "Eeester" for sister. She will not say anything else at all, I try to get her to talk, by pointing things out and saying what they are...and she just grunts..that's all she does...is grunt. I don't know if I should be worried
Our bedtime routine runs something like dinner at 7.30, then a bath sometimes, but not every day, then into a sleepsuit and clean nappy, a bottle around 8.30 and then upstairs to the nursery. I turn the light out and pat her back gently for a couple of minutes then put her in the cot and tuck her in while saying 'night time'. She normally just rolls over and goes to sleep, especially if she's got her dinosaur toy to cuddle.

I found her new molars by sticking my finger in her mouth - bit risky though!
heidi i wouldnt worry about caylees talking i read lots of stuff that said stuff about the older child goin backwards for a little bit when theres a new baby, and she might just be busy learning other new things, i have noticed when jesse learns something new he seems to 'forget' other things he can do for a while before picking them back up again xx
Kira still only has 6 teeth- 4 top and 2 bottoms. I don't envy you girls who have molars coming in!

Heidi- I'm glad the bf is getting better again. For me I think bf was successful because I took a 3 hour bf class from the most wonderful and caring lactation consultant. This was before I had Kira... and days after I had Kira when she was still in the NICU, a different lactation consultant saw me and wasn't very supportive or helpful and sent me home with lots of formula :dohh:

Re: talking. Kira says mamamama (when she's unhappy), dada, bah (for bath), dun (for all done), duck, and mah (for map). She doesn't really say any full words yet, but I know what she means. I agree with Boothh about Caylee taking a break from talking.

Kimberly- Bryson sounds like such a cutie!

Boothh- poor Jesse and poor you for the mess! I hope he's feeling better soon.

I can't wait for the embarrassing but cute talking stage either. I had a major delay in speech as a kid and didn't make sense until I was almost 5, so I know my parents missed out, so it will be fun for all of us hearing all the cute things that Kira comes up with :-)
Cleck: Yeah we have had to hide ours on Natasha cause it has stopped working a few times from the slobber - I was only saying that to my sister the other day, I hate wishing Natasha's life away, but I can't wait until she is full blown talking and coming out with random funny things. I reckon I am gonna have to run off and hide if I'm telling her somethings are bold as I will probably burst out laughing lol

Booth: Aww poor Jessie - hope he is better soon, I reckon he probably did it 5 mins before he called you as he would have been too uncomfortable to sleep in it and the poor little thing probably got cramps too and definitely wouldn't have slept through that. Ye must have more jabs than we have here cause we only have 2 lots after they turn 1. I have booked Natasha's in again for next Thurs, so I'm hoping she will be better by then as the following weekend I'm away with the girls to Edinburough for my friends 30th birthday and dont want to get them done just before I go as it would be murphys law that she would have some reaction and be sick when I'm not here and I know DH would manage just fine, but I would hate to be away from her if she was sick.

the swear box doesn't work either as we started one when Natasha was about 6 months old to try and get ourselves out of the habit of cursing and it lasted about a week cause we had to just keep putting money in it and never had change so it started then into owing the swear box and now we owe it probably everthing we own at this stage lol

Nutty: Yeah I feel happier about canceling TBH - lol at Kai and the spiders up his bum - Its mad the way their little brains work ha ha

Kim: That is so cute Bryson playing peep with the bus driver lol - Natasha went through a phase of playing peep with everyone when she was about 7 months but only people in our house and not strangers - She doesn't do it at all now.

Heidi: I wouldn't worry about Caylee - Natasha says random words also and then never repeats them or she will have a phase of saying something all day and then wont say it again. The only consistant ones she has is daaye for daddy and hiya and when she is crying she says ma ma ma ma. but the rest is just babble.

Shiv: I'm so glad you are better and that Sophia is getting there - how did tonight go? Did she sleep any better? Has her lip healed anymore?

AuntyE: That was definitely risky. Natasha was holding my hand this morning sitting in her highchair in my mams and I wasn't minding and next minute she had my finger in her mouth and bit down - OMG it was so sore and I gave her a fright then by yelping and she started to cry - I felt so bad as she didn't mean to hurt me, but boy did it hurt and she left a right imprint from her tooth on it.

Spidey: Natasha had the same teeth as Kira all summer, 4 top and two bottom and then then in the last month the two other bottom ones came through and I thought she would get a break but the poor baby is getting a back one straight away. Typical though the last ones she got were just as I was finishing up work for the summer and then we had no sleepless nights when I was off and now since I'm back to work it has been sleepless ever since lol.

Well AFU - I was right on my hunch that Natasha was getting a back tooth, when she was laughing this morning I caught a glimpse of white at the back, but only one corner, so it is only a tiny bit through so I dont know how long it will take until it completely breaks through as she has been unsettled for two weeks now. I really hope she doesn't get this much hardship with all the of rest of the back ones or DH and I will be like the living dead lol - the worst of it is there is nothing we can do to help her. I really wish they were born with teeth - although I doubt any of you Breast feeding mammys will agree as I reckon that would really hurt in the first few weeks if they were ouch. It just seems so cruel that they go through so much pain for the bloody things to fall out in a few years.

Today when I was picking Natasha up from my mams, she was crawling around when I was packing up her stuff and my mam had the computer on and next minute I looked around and she was standing up by the computer desk banging away on the keyboard in a typing motion - it was so funny lol - She wants to be on FB already lol
Do you read a lot of maps spidey?

LOL. I do, but Kira says map because on Dora the Explorer they always check the map to see where to go next, and they say "say MAP!" and Kira says "Mah"
Quiet in here today.
I figured she was appropriate. :winkwink:

I noticed Emma's 6th tooth is in! It popped in yesterday but it was so late at night before I noticed so didn't have a chance to come here and cheer about it. :haha::happydance: I wonder which tooth would be next? She has 4 up top and the 2 bottom ones. Maybe she'll get more bottom ones to even it out a bit. She's top heavy. :lol:

DH got home a day early so he walked in the door last night. Emma got a huge grin on her face and went right up to him. She seriously loves him more than me sometimes. She gave him like 10 kisses in a row last night but when I'd ask for one she'd turn her cheek and grin instead of giving me one. No fair! :dohh:
Yay for Emmas tooth :D

Caylee is like that with Ross as well. I think it's because the girls see our mugs all the time haha, they get excited for daddy!

Getting excited for Halloween!! I still have to pick out a costume for the little bugger. It's so hard to think this time last year she was coloring on pumpkin with a crayola marker and only 3 months old! :(
I've been eyeing up halloween costumes on etsy but I have no clue what to dress Emma as. She won't wear stuff on her head so that makes things a bit harder. :haha: Here is Emma last year. :rofl: We are so mean to her. I remember a thread on here being posted with a baby in a watermelon and women on here flipped out as if it was child abuse. :dohh: But I think it's cute. :smug:
OMG Look at this halloween maternity shirt. Aww I wish I was pregnant.

And these are for nutty. :winkwink:
That T shirt ROCKS! Do you think they'll ship to the UK?

Mog had the cutest cutest bat babygro for halloween last year, I was so sad when she grew out of it.

The molars are making mogling super-unhappy :( I can feel three coming through, and I'm sort of tempted to get her an amber teething necklace, do any of you have one? Do you rate them?

Imogen doesn't speak at all really, she says oh dear quite a bit, but she doesn't use any words and now their meaning. About the most sense she makes is 'hiya' and 'Row row row'...your boat of course.

I've managed to pull a muscle in my back or something, I'm such an idiot. I wasn't even doing anything silly, I'm going to blame the relaxin.
Emma is sooo cute, I love those pictures.

I WANT THAT SHIRT GAHHHH I need to get pregnant asap lol
Omg heidi no. LoL!!

Aunty E- u could probably email the seller and ask!!!
i want that tshirt soo bad haha im gunna have to favourite it and beg them t ship me one when im actually pregnant haha

jesse is better now but me and stuart both caught whatever we had yesterday, my mum had to come pick jesse up at like 6.00am cus we couldnt hardly move let alone look after him :(

this is the outfit jesse is having for halloween this year lol


am i cruel?

here are some of our halloween pics last year, i loveee halloween if you cant tell haha


jesse looks so young on these pics haha x
Abbi is sooo cute :D She was only about as big as the pumpkin! :lol:

Jesse--oh my goodness, what a doll. He has grown so much!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVEEE The bat costume haha :rofl:
and I love all the decor! I seriously want to steal your Halloween taste haha
we were the only people on the street that did anything besides stick a pumpkin in the window! borring! i need to dig out all the decorations and get some new stuff i think, our garden is a good shape to turn it into a proper graveyard this year stuart is going to kill me!
:haha: Boothh I love the decorations!! I keep looking at decorations and DH is like 'whats the point'. Ummm 'because it's fun you shithead!'. :rofl: We have a few cutesie things around like a countdown thing and a light up pumpkin. Jesse is so little! And I love the bat costume.

Nutty- Aww Abbi and the little pumpkin. :cloud9: She's so cute! I love those cupcake costumes but I'm still very undecided on what I want to get. I guess I should make up my mind bc halloween is coming up quick! You need to post up your tattoo piccie!! :winkwink:

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