--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

OMG im soo annoyed!

me and stuart just went out to buy subway and we were driving back when the car in front of us threw a firework out of their window at a house! i mean seriously WTF there were people walking past and everything,
how incredibly stupid! :dohh:
We weighed Emma at Petsmart today. :rofl: It's a pet store for you UK girls. (I'm not sure if there are Petsmarts there)..Anyways I weighed her on the dog scale and she is 20 lbs. even. :shock: I thought she was more than that but I think those scales are pretty accurate usually. :shrug:

We finally got Emma's costume. It's a ladybug costume. And we bought Diesel a bee costume so Emma and her dog can be bugs together. :rofl:

Emma's costume

Diesel's costume
aww thats soo cute! i bought jesse a bib today that has pumpkins on it and says 'too cute to spook' lol while waiting for stuart to let me get his bat outfit (i have t wait a week incase we see anything better apparantly!)
LOL!!! :rofl: Booth, I LOVE that "barfing" pumpkin!! LOL!! Hubby and I both laughed at it. I had to show it to him, I knew he'd love it. Haha. That is sooo funny!! I might have to do one of those myself haha! And OMG :shock: about the firework. That is REALLY dangerous! What if it caused the house to catch fire?! NOT COOL!!!

Cleck: Don't feel too worried about Emma's weight. Bryson also weighs 20 lbs. I'm sure it's alright. Our doc isn't too worried about it. Frankly, I'm surprised that Bryson doesn't weigh more as he eats like a pig!! He just got done eating dinner a little bit ago and he's been hogging down on cheerios. I mean seriously, he's had about 2 cups worth (maybe more) of them already on top of already having had dinner too! :shock: I truly don't know where he is putting them all!
BTW, I LOVE that tee shirt!! I want one! I wish I was preggers now so I could wear it and look all cute haha!
jelr- Kira does the same as Natasha and stands up next to DH's desk and bangs on his keyboard. She really puts up a fuss when we take her away so DH decided to buy himself a new keyboard and give Kira his old one. So now she has a computer keyboard in her toy pile.

Cleckner- Now Kira and Emma have the same number of teeth :-) Kira's had 6 teeth for over a month now, so Emma might get a break from teething for awhile. I didn't know they have scales at petsmart!

I love all the pictures of our LO's from Halloween last year. I looked back in my pictures to see what Kira looked like last year. It's amazing how much our babies change in a year. I was at a Fall festival today and a few moms had newborns and I can't remember Kira ever being that tiny. It really made me realize how much she's grown.

I don't have a costume for Kira and not sure if I will since she'll only get 1 use of out it and we're trying to be tight with money since I'm losing my job soon. Kira does have a cute t-shirt with a cat and pumpkin on it, so I might dress her in that for the day. It's not like we can go trick or treating yet since she screams her head off whenever she sees a stranger. I went to my parents neighbors house today to pick up a package and Kira screamed at her :dohh:

That picture is sooo cute!

I love the costumes Cleck :lol: So adorable. 20 seems like a good weight, Caylee is 24 1/2 pounds. ;)
Nutty!!!! OMG I LOVE that. It's seriously so cute. :thumbup:

Spidey- Aww Kira is so cute! She hardly even looks like herself in that picture though! It's so cool seeing how they are all growing up! And yes go to petsmart if you want to weigh Kira! :haha: I'm pretty sure they all have scales. Who needs a doctors office? :lol:

Halloween is definitely something that everyone does here. There are quite a few neighbors that have decorated their yards in my neighborhood. But I do live in apartments so some don't have the space to do all of that. We have decorated our place but I'm slowly buying stuff each year when everything is on sale after halloween so we don't have too many things yet. :haha: I noticed someone did a thread in the baby club last week about trick or treating and apparently women in the UK think it's 'glorified begging'?:shrug: That's just weird. :haha: Everyone does it here. It's fun! I really love Halloween. It's a close 2nd to Christmas for my favorite holiday. :D
Nutty- awesome tattoo!

Like Cleckner said- Halloween is pretty big here. Halloween is rated up there with Christmas as my favorite holiday :thumbup: The only crappy thing is I moved on a small dead end street thats off of a highway, so nobody comes to my house! The first year I had my bucket of candy and my decorations out, and not a single kid. I was soooo disappointed. In my parents neighborhood they get close to 100 kids coming by and I know other people who get almost 200 kids coming by. When I was in my early 20's I only thought about having children around Halloween since it would be a good reason to go out trick or treating again, LOL. I think next year Kira will be old enough to go out to collect candy- I can't wait!! I went out grocery shopping today and picked up a large back of chocolate bars and told my DH it was for the trick-or-treaters.. :haha: and since we don't get any I guess I'll be eating the whole bag!
That's crazy people give out money!! It's just candy here and some people make homemade popcorn balls or candied apples. mmm And it's always little kids. I've never had issues with older kids acting up. By the time your like 13 you start to think your too cool for trick or treating. My brother is 4 years older so I remember him sulking because he didn't want to come while I was still young enough to love it. :D
aw we used to get chavs doing the scream mask thing too they knock on for about 2weeks before though my mum would always be like no come back on halloween and we always give sweets,
jesse is goin trick or treating with my sister and my cousins and auntie last year we had a huge halloween party so thats why we had most of the decs,
its our first year in our own house though last year i just bullied my mum into letting me decorate haha, i soo cant wait though we live round the back of a main road and i doubt many people will know theres houses round the back so we probably wont get alot of trick or treaters,

and when i used to take my sister trick or treating id never knock on houses that didnt have decorations or at least a pumpkin in the window so i like to decorate ours to say trick or treaters are welcome iykwim?

and jesse learnt how to use a straw today! soo cute! :D so i went and bought him some cartons of ribena instead of having a bottle of juice now,

he will either have a cup or a bottle he wont use a sippy cup but now he will drink through a straw i feel better giving him a carton than just a full cup he can tip everywhere lol x
oh i forgot to say LOVE your tattoo nutty its my kind of tattoo haha

and also me and stuart were talking about doing an oogie boogie pumpkin this year cus we saw someone elses on facebook lol x
no it was my friend daves ha its not as good as yours though, i bought pumpkin carving sets last year for like a pound from asda and they were really good, i cant wait to do pumpkin carving haha, think we need 3 at least this year one each haha
its the same near were we used to live they come running if they think they can get anything out of you but my brother is abit chavvy so he friends with all the teenagers brothers lol and they knew not to take the piss haha x
I've never really been into Halloween, my mum didn't believe in it so we were never allowed to go trick or treating,so we don't decorate or anything. i do always make sure we have some sweets in for if we get any kids come round. I HATE it when older teenagers come round, they can look really manacing and I feel really sorry for old people who I bet get scared silly. I can see why they wouldn't open their door!

We had an amazing weekend. The Orient Express was brilliant, 7 course lunch loads of wine (everyone was quite pissed (in a merry way) by the end of it. We were the youngest on the train, most were couples in their 60's, but i love watcing older peopkle let their hair daow, i find that they can be more otrageous than people my age! The Ritz was GORGEOUS! so beautiful, it was very special and David loved it. he didn't know where we were staying so when we pulled up in the taxi he was really shocked!
Bryson is sitting here as we speak and stuffing handfuls of cheerios into his mouth while watching tv! :yipee: Hehe, it's not the pincer grasp but he's managing to get food to his mouth now! :happydance: Mind you most of it is falling out of the bottom of his little hand and landing in his seat but hey, it's a start and I'll take it! :thumbup:
When we lived in Hackney we went out or didn't answer the door. I'll buy a bag of sweets because I know there's a lot of children here and it's a nicer area, but we're on a cul de sac, so I don't anticipate many visitors.
Glad the trip was great Shiv :hugs:

YAY for Bryson :D He will get it hands down soon!!

We took the girls to the park yesterday and took some fun fall pictures <3
and because it was her first day with braids :lol:
aww those pics are lovely! is that you in the photo? you look great!
Yup thats me. Thank you doll. I put on my jeans and my belly seriously hung over my jeans, I was like ahhhhh I need to work out, and then went to McDonalds....I am a sad sad woman haha
youve just spent the best part of 2 years pregnant girl give yourself a break!

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