--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Heidi do your pre-preg jeans already fit you?!! If so, I freaking hate you. :rofl: I am still wearing maternity jeans. :rofl: Aren't I sad? I seriously refuse to buy bigger sizes so I wear my maternity clothes still. :blush::rofl::rofl:
OMG I just saw my ticker and realized Emma is 14 months old today. :shock: Where does the time go?
i fit in all but one pair now but i still wear maternity jeans hald the time haha much more comfy!
I don't think I'll ever fit my prepregnancy jeans again honestly. I have weight gain from my MC as well that I've never lost. :( I used to a be a size 8. That's what all my jeans are. And now I am probably like a 20. :wacko: It's depressing. :haha:
Boothh- yah for Jesse using a straw! :happydance: I've been trying to get Kira to use a straw and she still doesn't get it.

Kimberly- congrats to Bryson for shoveling in the cheerios!

I really loved looking at all your pictures on FB Heidi. You have such a beautiful family. None of the leaves here in Maryland have fallen off the trees yet, so it was neat seeing your Fall weather.

Today I bought Kira her 1st pair of shoes! She's far from walking, but I needed something to strap to her feet to keep them warm. She's too good at removing socks and I've been feeling like a bad mommy taking her out barefoot in the cooler weather. I didn't have her feet measured but the size 5 shoes fit her good so I got her purple ones for $15. I'll take a picture later!
Yeah I am back into my jeans. But don't hate me :hugs: Haha.
I still wear my maternity jeans too though haha, SOOOO comfy. I still wear a lot of my maternity shirts too. Why not? :shrug: They fit so well.
I am in a size 12 now which is what I was after I had Caylee in jeans but I still have all my 8 and 9 sized jeans from before I got pregnant with Caylee sitting out so I can have the motivation to get back into them..that will take awhile though haha. I only gained 7 pounds total with Lily and with Caylee I gained 49..so I am hoping it will be easier to squeeze into my skinny jeans soon. I hav already lost 12 pounds, so I lost 5 more pounds than I wanted to right away, so that made me feel a bit better..but Ross is on of those guys thats like "WORK OUT" "RUN" "BE HEALTHY" "IM AN ARMY TOOL" :rofl:
I get so pissed, its like Dude..I have the stature of a damn garden gnome.

I wish Caylee would drink out of a straw!! Did he just figure it out, or did you have to teach him, if so...HELP! :haha:

Most of the trees here hav NO leaves, I love it..I am not looking forward to terrible winters with 4 feet of snow again..boo Thats Minnesota for ya though.

Can not wait to see her shoes!!
The leaves here are all still green. :wacko: it's seriously awful. We went to the beach and spent the day there yesterday. :rofl: It's fun but I really miss the season changes already.

Heidi- I'd go nuts if DH was really fitness oriented. I've chubbed him up over the years. :haha: Although he has a weigh in soon so he has to start working out again bc he's a bit over the weight limit for the navy. :lol:
It sucks. Ross is 6'3 and 190. Hes just thin..always has been except when he got back from Iraq..but his mom always says " You Need to feed my son Heidi" ALWAYS..it pisses me off because he eats!!!! Next time she says it I am going to ask her "What would you prefer I feed him with, a spoon or my tit?" ...dumb lady
I was down to pre-pregnancy weight when I had my booking in appointment, but it's definitely in the wrong places! My bum is still mahoosive compared to pre-Mog, and my bbs never really shrank back down. I didn't make much of an effort to lose it though, as I knew I wanted to be pregnant again fairly soon. I will say that a lot dropped off when I stopped BFing. I couldn't fit into quite a lot of my clothes though, especially work stuff.
Yeah I keep seeing on here about BFing making women retain the weight. It's good to know I'm not the only one that has retained the weight from breastfeeding. But it's just as good to hear it will probably start dropping off a bit once I stop. But, I'm in no hurry to stop BFing. Especially for something as selfish as weight loss. :haha: DH will leave for 7 months soon so if I don't end up pregnant before than, it'll be my chance to lose it all. Because when he's home, we eat out all the time and I just gain. :dohh:
with straw thing we were in the car with my friend last week and she let her kid have her mcdonalds cup with coke in.. and then jesse got annoyed so i gave him mine to hold but it just frustrated him cus he couldnt do it, then on sunday we were in a cafe and i had nicked a straw off the cutlery stand and he just stuck it in my cup of coke and did it, (so i redirected it into a bottle of water haha) i got him some ribena cartons though which he likes though he doesnt understand that you dont need to tip a carton like a bottle so it all pours out after a certain point lol :dohh:

i was a 12-14 before jesse im 5'9 though so thats nice for me, then after i had him i wore 16s but i think i was more 18-20 as id put like 4stone on i just didnt wanna buy that size,

i lost some weight after him but not that much but i started to diet in january and ive lost over 2stone now, think i have just over a stone to get back to pre preg but i fit in my clothes now but my body is different my boobs are alot bigger and iv never had a bum before, or hips i just wasnt very womanly looking really and now im curvy which is weird cus i dont know how to dress for it so i look a divv if i try haha

i love it being autumn our garden is just full of leaves though, and MILs is huge and completly covered and theres always squirrels running about right upto the house its nice,

and nutty i think you should design me a tattoo haha x
Nutty- I have no clue if we get a winter here. So far the weather is still in the 80s. I don't know what that is in Celsius though so you'll have to figure that one out on your own. :rofl: I don't think it ever snows here. :( But I am literally like a 10 minute drive from Mexico so I'm about as south as you can get. :haha:
It's been 84 degrees here as well, this fall is so odd. Last year by this time we had 4 inches of snow on the ground. I can't wait to let Caylee play in the snow this winter, we get to make our first snow man! :D I am just not excited to drive in that crap with my mini van that we got..I swear if I get stuck in another snow bank, I will freak. So embarrassing I am always getting stuck in giant piles of snow
I can just picture you in a minivan. :haha: I have gotten stuck in the snow a few times myself but I always got myself back out. I was in a jeep wrangler with 4WD though so it's a bit different than a minivan. :lol:
Nuttymummy- nosey question, but how do you manage to make cakes while looking after Abbi? Do you have to wait till nap times? Kira would be saying "mamamama" and hanging off my legs if I did anything besides stare at her :haha:

LOL about getting stuck in snow. Last year is when we got storm after storm and several feet of total snow. I refused to leave the house for weeks since I hate driving in it!
While living in VA, people would freak out when it snows and traffic was absolutely crazy because no one knew what to do. DH and I would go out and drift our car on the ice and spin around freaking people out. :rofl: We are so immature. I wouldn't do it now that we have Emma obviously but it was fun at the time.

So there is a park right behind our place and I was in the back yard playing with Emma today and you could see a few kids over there that couldn't have been much older than 10. Well I very clearly heard one tell another to 'shut the F up'. :shock::saywhat: I very nearly yelled over there but that'd just make me the mean old woman that I hated as a kid. :rofl: I really need to watch what I say more because I really don't want that to be Emma some day.

Shit..gotta go Emma is digging in the trash. :dohh:
Cleckner- I would find it a little depressing not having a season change because I have way too much fun buying new baby clothes for the next season. For the past couple of weeks I've been shopping for Fall clothes for Kira. So basically I get to go on 4 shopping sprees each year :haha: You might get some cooler weather though- I guess you'll find out soon enough!

Kira loves digging in trash cans too :dohh:
Well I think it gets down in the 60s here during the days and even cooler at night for the winter weather. I have bought a few long sleeve outfits for her and will probably get more given half the chance..:blush: I go through phases and sometimes I can't even go to target without buying an outfit. :haha:
nutty get some long sleeved vests and stick her summer dresses over the top with tights underneath thats what id do,
jesse has mountains of clothes much much more than me or even stuart (who basically owns topman) has, i cant help myself though lol :dohh:
hes still wearing 6-9 pjs though, hes been in them since 5months and he's still wearing the same 5sets of pjs lol, he wasnt even sitting up when i got them, they are abit short now but his trousers ride up anyway when hes crawling or mainly walking now so it doesnt matter too much im cheap arnt i hah, though he does have a few babygrows that i replace as his legs get longer but the pjs jus seem to grow with him lol

iv had to stop my cake making hobby because jesse is terrorfied of the whisk lol and its not worth him screaming while i do it,

well im worrying because were off to harrogate tomorrow night for a wedding and jesse is staying at MILs for 2nights!!! he's stayed there once before and i worried all night and couldnt enjoy myself i hate leaving him with anyone other than my mum, and im so worried at how he's gunna be! and MILs face when i get all his crap out the car hahaha, i suppose 2nights is a practice run for next month when were gunna be away for 5nights!!
Cleck- I'm the same way. I can't pass through target without stopping in the baby section to "look" at clothes :blush:

I can just imagine Abbi playing with egg cartons :-) I have several play areas in the kitchen so Kira will entertain herself for about 5 minutes at a time before she needs mommy attention. My fridge has loads of magnets on the bottom for her to play with, and now she has her own cabinet and own drawer for Kira safe things. Plus theres all my regular cabinets that she likes to empty. It's a real tripping hazard by the time Kira is done. Boothh- Kira is afraid of the electric mixer too. I can't do any mixing until DH is home and he takes her into another room.

Boothh- have fun on your trip! Thats amazing that Jesse still fits in his pjs! He's grown so much so the pj's must be stretching?? I wish Kira's pj's did that, LOL. She's already in 24 months pj's since she has a very long torso and can't even fit in the 18 months size anymore. Her legs are normal length though, LOL.

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