--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Haha, a moo moo is a typical night gown for the older woman here in MN. SOOOOO UGLY!
(I dont know who this lady is, but shes rocking the moomoo)


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HAHAHAHA Love the random lady in the moomoo. I have a friend that dressed up like meemee on the drew carey show. :haha: With the big baggy moo moo and the heavy makeup. It's so funny.

Well, we had a long day. We ended up combining all our halloween fun into one day. Parade and carnival this morning, than the pumpkin patch this afternoon. Emma had her first hayride. :haha: She picked out her own pumpkin too. Now we plan on carving them tonight. It's already 5 pm though so I'm tired after squeezing all that in on one day. I feel so old. :blush:
and moomoo's can also be worn during the day and sometimes I've even seen women wearing them while shopping eeek! My DH is a health inspector and he's always called out to a house that he's nicknamed "the moomoo ladies" since it's 3 women that sit on their front porch all day wearing moomoo's :haha:

I love a nice new pair of pajama's and tupperware too! Hmmm.. my xmas list is getting longer :-)

Cleckner- I hope the pumpkin carving goes well. Will Emma get to join in?
Well we put carving on hold. I'm actually glad because I just want to curl up in a ball and hibernate. :lol:

OMG all the fun ways women like to use moomoos. Honestly they seem SO comfy. I should get me a few. Than I'd be a true housewife. :haha:

I forgot to answer the christmas questions.

I want a house back home that is completely paid for so DH can get out of the military and we wouldn't have to worry about having a house. 4 bed, 2 1/2 bath please. A nice yard would be great too for the kids to play in...:pray:

And for my real list, I honestly don't know what I want. I'm horrible with christmas because I never want anything. A pony? :lol: Hmmm... I seriously have to sit and think about it. I'd be happy with some bubble bath from Avon. :haha: There aren't nearly enough hot soaking baths happening in this household.
I really struggle writing Christmas lists as well (in my family we all make a list and swap so we definitely get what we want!) - I stop buying myself anything from about September so that if anything comes up that I fancy I can put it on my list! It is usally only something as exciting as PJ's or a jumper though! i might ask for some anti-aging skincare stuff this year though!

Cleck, hope you got a nice sleep after your busy day!

And i think if I get preggo again I am getting myself a moomoo :haha:
heh, Shiv, I am the same re things I want - I think we have got so used to just going and buying things whenever wereas in the past we'd save up and wait till birthdays, etc.

so, for a Christmas list:

a house with a garden, yep, all paid for so no mortgage, and it's been paid for by some mystery benefactor who has allowed me to keep my own flat and decide in my own time when I am ready to sell :D I'm not greedy, a 3-4 bed detached house with a garden and room for a piano. oh, and the piano is on the list, too.

not utterly unrealistic (but unlikely all the same):
an iPad
a new Cath Kidston bag
driving lessons and time to do them :D

more likely (ie, my real list):
my shampoo & conditioner (Aveda Shampure, 1L bottles, they last me a year each so good value even though they are a lot more expensive in the UK than the US)
a new hairdryer (mine has been playing silly buggers for months)
a new electric toothbrush (mine died)
a new Clinique face wash
the latest Belle & Sebastian album

I'm funny about Christmas, 99% of the time I only want what I've asked for. the very odd time I get something I love that I didn't know I'd love.

as for the moomoo :rofl: - I have some nighties I bought for in the hospital after Adam that are about that size. I'm not a nightie or pj wearer in general, only if I'm somewhere I'd be embarrassed to be seen naked if the fire alarm went off!

bought Adam a winter coat today, since the temp has taken a sudden dip this week. I got it in 18-24 months so I don't have to buy two (that's the theory). unfortunately it is a little big, I struggle to find his hands up the sleeves :lol: oh well, he'll have cosy handies till his arms grow longer.
at least you won't have to buy him any gloves!

David got Sophia a winter coat on the internet in size 12-18 months, unfortunately the 12-18 months at Pumpkin Patch (whatever shop that is!) only goes up to 80cm - Sophia is at least 81cm! So it fits her well now, but i am guessing by next week it wont :dohh:
wow, only 80cm? that's a bit short for up to 18 months - I just looked at Mothercare's sizing thing online and 12-18 months is 86cm. :lol: we got Adam's new coat from Sainsbury's, it was only £15; I think Sainsbury's runs slightly small (there's no way I'd get an 18-24 H&M coat, it'd swamp him - he is still in some 9-12 months footless babygros from there and they are only just getting short in the leg and sleeve) and his 12-18 month tops are getting a bit tight (but that could also be due to me shrinking things inadvertently, I am terrible for that :dohh: ).
I bought Kira a winter coat too just the other week. I got it in a size 2T in Carters (I think thats the same as 24 months) and the sleeves are too long, but it fits good in the body. I just roll up the sleeves and she's good to go! She must have a strange body shape since she generally fits perfect in size 24 months tops, but 24 months bottoms are waaaay too long in the leg although they fit perfect in the butt! She has a very long torso and short little legs and big feet, LOL.

MJ- I would love a mystery benefactor too! Thats one of my many fantasies :haha:
I sometimes watch a program called Heir hunters (don't laugh those of you who know what I am talking about - it's interesting, honest!), it is basically about people who die and don't leave wills, so you get people who hunt down their heirs (usually people who had no idea). I often hope that i have some rich unknown relative who for some reason leaves me a lot of money - can't see it happening though so am gonna have to pin all my hopes on the lottery :haha:

Oh and how big are Kira's feet Spidey? Sophia has giant boat feet too!

She is still being SOOOOOOOOOOO grumpy, I am getting towards the end of my tether and going back to work is seriously crossing my mind! I really hope these teeth poke through soon so i can have my happy little girl back!
christmas list -

like everyone else basically a nice paid for 4bedroom house with a garden and a garage :) (basically mils house but we will have to wait til she pops her clogs :haha: )

realy list -

jesse is buying me a new pauls boutique bag, its our 'tradition' well i decided it is lol, but my bag has got paint on it now and jesse has ripped the charms off it!
i want new pjs, bath stuff, some dvds and xbox games and some stuff for the kitchen and some new makeup im easy

has anybody thought about what the babies are getting for christmas? iv already started buying and i have a rough idea but i need some ideas!

what are the babies wearing for halloween? jesse bat outfit is out of stock now so we decided to dress him up as chucky LOL, iv looked everywhere but they dont make kids chucky outfits for some reason so im gunna get him some blue dungarees and a stripy jumper and gel his hair and paint some cracks on his face and give him a toy knife! i do imagine it would be super creepy to see him running about dressed like that haha

jesse has 2 winter coats, one is a RochaLittleRocha grey parka which is 12-18 and its too big really but not too bad, the other is a paddington bear duffle coat which is 18-24 and its huge on him but i roll the sleeves up and it does haha, he also has a teddy bear snowsuit in 12-18 which fits perfectly, like i said before he still wearing 6-9months pjs though 9-12 trousers are still too long but some are abit tight round his waist now so he wears 12-18 mostly but i have to roll them up a few times, and hes in 9-12 or 12-18 tops now depending on where they are from, he has a long body and really short legs haha x

shiv i watch heir hunters, :haha: i always hope they will come and give me someones fortune haha x
Kara winter coat is a pink checked one from HnM, size 12-18months and it's perfect on the body but the arms are a tad long! I just roll them up too!

I've started the Christmas shopping already :blush: got her frikkin loads in asdas toy event, a pram and crib for her dolly, a new dolly, an easel thingy, tomy whirly washer for the bath, this big activity cube thing, and a few stocking fillers! We decided in a 6v hello kitty car (one of those battery operated ones) and the Disney princess kitchen, as well as the pink bounce and spin zebra, a dancing timmy time timmy, the little peoples farmyard, a tomy pic n pop, tomy musical melody maker, laugh n learn chair and there's others on our list but I can't think lol! We r just gonna get her clothes and shoes etc as well, and I want one of those go glow lights for her too!

Not much really haha!

For me, I've asked for perfume, new jimjams, slippers and a dressing gown, I did ask for a new pair of Uggs but I can't justify £160 for them when the new dining table I want is only £175!! Other than that I just want some more CSI boxsets that I've not got yet! I'm easily pleased! I have to say I'm happy in out house, it's gotrhe big garden and gated driveway, the only thing missing is a 3rd bedroom, but we can easily split ours into two!

When will everyone be putting the tree up? I will try hold off until mid November!

As for Halloween, still not picked kara an outfit, I'll be lazy and asda it probably lol!

ha, Shiv and Boothh, Heir Hunters is one of my many guilty pleasures, it must be amazing to find out that some utterly obscure relative has unknowingly left you thousands. :haha:

(my main guilty pleasure is (all the English-speaking) Next Top Model series, though I am not keen on Britain's strangely, I have watched all the cycles of America's, Canada's, Australia's and New Zealand's :D )

we have been getting kitted out for our (short) visit to Norway in December - we're going for a weekend, for my niece's christening. it's going to be cold... I've been twice at Christmas and it's lovely but brrrrrrrr. if we were going for longer I'd get Adam real proper thick ski clothes for playing out but I doubt there'll be much time for playing out, so we're going for thin layers and a warm coat and trousers for the brief times he will be outside. he can always borrow stuff from his cousins if necessary. we had to get a cheap buggy for the trip, though - total bargain from Amazon, £15 :D

oh and Shiv, the winter jumper he had on in my Facebook pic, that's a proper Norwegian hand-knit - it was made for him by my sister in law's mum for a christening gift (his own christening). obviously (and thankfully) it's been too big over the summer but it is great now, and SO cosy. though my very difficult husband has taken an inexplicable dislike to it. silly man. it's not him who has to wear it and I think it is very cute and Adam looks sweet in it.

Boothh, you are brave having a mini Chucky running around :haha: Adam isn't dressing up this year, it's not something we've ever done, though my nephew and niece now do. when he is bigger then we will, I guess :) I have got Adam a few little things for Christmas, just a jigsaw and some Superman vests and a little backpack/reins that's like a toy monkey - going to try them on him soon, really really hope he will not hate them and will walk nice because at the moment he refuses to walk holding hands (he will just pull away or buckle his legs, he just wants to do it all himself :dohh: ) and it's a shame because when we go out to the shops or anywhere else it's not safe for him to run free, he has to go in the pushchair.

eeeek, just had to rescue Chris from a poo in the bath incident. ooops :lol:
MJ is it a littlelife backpack/reins? we got Kara one of those but the butterfly wings one, and oh god she hated it she was a right witch when we were walking with it on, when i take the reins bit off though she's quite happy! i opted for normal reins after that, as she has a strange habit of 'chasing cars' ........
so far jesse has got some spot books, a chuggington train set, a waybuloo pop up toy tidy and some waybuloo pjs,

his main things from us are a laugh and learn kitchen, laugh and learn piano, waybuloo trike, toddler bed, waybuloo duvet covers and fleecey blanket, waybuloo nightlight (can you tell his room is gunna be waybuloo ha) a farm of some sorts, a mr potato head, megabloks monster set, a toy guitar, some of the my first crayola stuff, aquadraw, magnadoodle, bath toys, little bits, books and clothes,

im in two minds about getting him a bounce and spin, hes got a rocking lion and he goes on that all the time and loves it but i sort of think gettin him the zebra will be a waste as he has something similar!

thats all i can think of so far but im sure that list will get longer and longer cus i said in summer he was only getting a toddler bed and a trike off us :dohh:

ash we put our tree up 1st of december! always have! :D
oo i keep meaning to get some reins jesse loves walking all the time now and today in b&q he ran off and started throwing christmas decs about! ¬_¬ then got annoyed when stuart picked him up and hit an unsuspecting woman around the head!! he hates holding hands he wants to be off on his own! i really need to get around to buying some! x
OMG Ash ar eyou getting Kara EVERYTHING on that list you wrote? what a lucky little girl! Sophia will be getting nowhere near that much. I think i will get her a toy hoover, some books and maybe some muscial instruments but that will be her lot! She has too many toys anyway - poor little might having a tight arse mummy like me!

MJ I love that jumper even more now that i know it is hand knitted.

I think my hubby has caught the grumps off of Sophia - he is being in a right mood!
Yes shiv the list is deffo what she's getting, I was thinking the megablocks play and go table too, but not too sure yet! My brother is getting her this cleaning trolley thing, it comes with a Hoover, I think she's a bit little for it but he insisted! I want to spoil her this year as it will probably (hopefully) be her last one alone, so I feel like I need to go a bit OTT this year! Ur not a tight arse! Everyone keeps saying to me how kara doesn't even know what Christmas is etc so why spoil her, but really I couldn't care less lol!

Boothh that sounds like kara allllllll over! Kicking up a stink in shops lol she will hold our hand, until she decides otherwise! We are going with the hello kitty theme when we decorate, that way she can grow into it too! I'm wondering if mid November is too early gor the tree now haha! We are gonna have to hide allllllll her presents away until Xmas eve, as she'll tear them apart if they're under the tree!

P.s shiv I hate hate haaaaate grumpy men! X
I won't be overloading with the toys either. I think it's a true waste to load them up with a million toys. I'm a mean mommy and hate the clutter though. :lol: So far we have gotten Emma an aquadoodle, barbie magnadoodle, barbie laptop toy, barbie dress up shoes(bc she loves putting on my shoes and walking around with them on..:dohh:), these bath crayon things so she can draw on the walls in the bath and it washes off, an elmo play phone that she picked out in the store, and her cozy coupe. The only other things I plan on getting her is possibly a little chair or one of those couch things and a pop up play thing that I can put her ball pit balls in. We already own the ball pit balls but don't have anything to put them in for her to play in. So most of her toys are quite small and even the pop up thing we plan on buying can be easily broken down and put up. :haha:

We will be doing christmas a month early this year because DH will be gone. So our tree will go up 1st of November and will be taken down before December even hits. :thumbup:

As for jacket sizes. Emma is in an 18 month coat this year. It is too big at the moment but not by too much. She's still in 9 month clothes so it's to be expected. :haha:

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