Hi girls, time for a post catch up seeing as Imi is in bed, DH is at football and I am finally over my horrendous sicky bug!!
OMGG Cleck, your poor OH - so glad he and the other guys are OK. Big hugs from me xx Must be so hard for you to have him away so much

Hope he's home quickly for you

Woo hoo for Emmas 7th tooth
Heidi - your tree is up?

I think i've just about pursuaded my DH that 1st December is acceptable
Boothh - hope you had a absolutely fantastic time hunni - you deserved it

Yay for Jesse's teeth

Sounds like he's gone from words to trying to do sentences to me hence the gibberish

Least he knows what he's talking about
Shiv - glad to hear your mum is on the mend hun, hope she's allowed home soon

Sounds like Sophia is doing really well with her body parts - the only one we get is hair!!
Kim - sounds like Bryson is doing really well too - Isn't it so cute when you ask for a kiss and they lean in with a big slobbery mouth open

I agree with Shiv about your mum, just tell her the truth
AuntyE - oooo, a peach, i'm so jealous. Thats what i'd want although not sure we could afford it. I love the look of the apple with the pip converter and the pear too. So clever how the fit together yet remain so compact

How you feeling? Hope pregnancy is looking after you? xx
Nutty - don't worry, Abbi sounds like she's at a similar stage to Imi - still looooads of time yet
jelr - yay for Natasha, thats fabulous news
Andie - we don't go to any toddler groups, mainly because I work 3 days a week and look after my friends little boy on one other day so that effectively only leave sus with 1 day (we don't count weekends as thats family time!!) Would love to but we need the money so i need to go to work!
And a little update from us

Imi has been walking very solidly for about 3 months now and we're up to lots of running

She has 11 teeth and 1 just about to pop through. She's doing really well with her eating and is still having 2 bottles (1x 4oz and 1x 6oz) in the morning and evening. We've got her completely off the dummy apart from naps and bedtime for which I am happy for her to have it! Her sleeping is still going well although we've had some rough times through illness and teething!! We have mum, dad, hello and hiya and today for the first time she said grandma (well, mam ma but it was close enough!!

) She's great company now as she has her own little personality. Its also weird to think back to when I used to wonder what her voice was going to be like - and now, here she is talking at every given moment. She is so funny in the morning - if she wakes you can hear her very quietly mumuring but the second she hears someone else get up all you hear is "hello" "hello" "HELLO"

Bless our little lions
As for me, i'm OK - hating being at work so much but busy trying to pay off the wedding bills etc! Plus we also have DHs tax bill in January

TTC again althuogh not really working out yet as i don't have a cycle! Need to lose some weight before I stand a chance of getting Clomid again - anyone know where i can buy some?

Also having to be referred to an eye specialist and i consistently failed some tests during a routine eye exam (even doing it 3 times on 2 different machines!!) Seems I have an enhance blind spot and loss of peripheral (sp) vision!! Hoping its nothing too serious! Anyway - time for bed so love to you all xxx