--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

LOL!!! Now that's some positive thinking. :thumbup: I'm already shopping online for new strollers. :rofl: I want to wait until the 2011 version of the baby jogger city select stroller comes out in January. I was already looking to buy a new one, but this just speeds up my process a bit. And I plan on buying a cheap smaller stroller that will get me by until the one I want comes out in January. :lol: So at least I get to shop a bit now. :muaha:
oh goodness, Cleck, so glad Corey is ok. what a terrible thing to have happened. :kiss:
thats awful Cleckner. Thats amazing your DH and his friends are pretty much okay- the car is totaled! You'll have to get another one like it since it did so well in this crash. Perhaps this could delay Corey's departure a few more weeks so he could fully recover?? :hugs: :hugs:

regarding insurance- my friend recently had her car totaled and in her amazement, they sent her a check for the value of the car in less than a week! I hope your insurance will do the same because you'll need a safe car for Emma to ride in.

Did you watch the news to see if Corey made it on there?
spidey- Yeah we watched but he didn't make it on. :haha: Must not have been horrific enough. I've been trying to search online for even a small article but can't find it and DH can't remember the station that was there so it makes my search harder. :dohh:
Just wrote you a message on facebook Cleck because it was not letting me respond and now it is but ahhh :hugs: thank god you guys are okay, that is TERRIBLE
OMG Our car just made the news. :wacko: It's on the 10 pm news right now. I'm trying to find it online on their website now. :haha: Our car is famous!
Cleck that is terrible I'm so sorry this happened but I'm so glad corey is okay big hugs :hugs:
Oh yeah and I nearly forgot to tell you all as I got such a shock when I saw your news cleck but Natasha walked half ways across the room yesterday a
Well, when it rains it pours I guess....DH was in a bad accident this morning. He was getting off the highway on the ramp and slid and went into the ditch and rolled the car a few times. He had 2 guys with him. Thankfully they were all wearing seatbelts. DH is beat up the most. He was pretty bloody. But the other two came out with just a few minor scratches. Our car is obviously totaled. I saw the car on the tow truck on my way to pick Corey up and I started bawling. I couldn't even tell it was my car except for the Indiana license plates. :(:( And DH leaves in a week. So we have no car, no carseat, no stroller..And he'll be gone. :cry::cry: I am just thankful everyone was fine and Emma wasn't in the car at the time. The guys in the accident with DH said our car is awesome because they are all perfectly fine after rolling a few times. :dohh: All the side impact airbags went off.

Emma has been crying all day. I think she senses that something is wrong. Our puppy knocked Emma down the small flight of stairs today too. So she was screaming. :wacko: I told DH can I just go to sleep and wake up to a new day? Because this day is horrible.

Oh gosh! Bad accident, but very glad everyone is okay.

Pity you didn't live closer, I have a spare loola :flower: or a joolz. Must sell one.

Day for getting into the PJ's and watching DVD's I think.
Well done for toddlers!

Did you cry? I cried because as soon as she walked she stopped being a baby :(

How is everyone?
Don't worry, Imogen doesn't say anything meaningful yet either! Just lots of burbling.

Wow, that's such a shocking set of pictures, they must have been seriously lucky! Someone was watching over that car.

I picked up my icandy peach on Sunday, I lurve it so much. LOVE. I'm sad that we can't have them facing each other, like in the BJ City Select, but the peach is just SO compact it makes up for it. Mogling loves it too - she fell asleep on her test drive in minutes.
awww cleck how scary!! i would have been a mess! soo glad no-one is seriously hurt!!
huge :hugs: xxxxx

i love all these milestones our lion cubs are hitting....though im really really sad...abbi wont say anything!!! im still waiting for her first proper words!!
she will say mamma, nanna, dadda...but those are amongst the usual baby ramblings....she has only ever said 'dirty' twice when we have said it to her, but ever since then, there have been no more words.....she just wont say anything and im starting to worry!!! im dying to hear her say something!!

we only have the basic words here. Mumma, Daddeee, something that sounds like brother, yeah and bad (also Boys!!! Calm down/be quiet!!! is screached a lot, obviously I have no idea where she could have learned that :blush:). Mostly we have sounds that mean words. I pick them up because I'm used to deciphering DS2. She also uses a few signs that she has picked up. Though, she is number 3 and mostly she doesn't have to ask for things, someone is already getting her juice etc. That I think hinders speech also.

Sounds are good, lots of noises and gurgling is normal for this age.
jelr- OMG yay for steps across the room!!! :happydance: Now you're really in for it. :winkwink:

nutty- I wouldn't worry a bit about lack of words. Emma's words are very limited. Lately she's been saying yeah to us. And moma, dadda, doggie, bye bye. Typical easy words. These are the only ones she says with meaning behind it IYKWIM. And her other friend that is just 2 days younger than her, has the same basic vocabulary right now. :flower:

Aunty E- Our next stroller is the BJ city select! For the sole reason that later on down the road I want to be able to double it. I wanted to look at an icandy peach but I can't find a place that carries them. :( They aren't as popular here I don't think because it's the only brand this main stroller place doesn't carry and they have EVERYTHING. I really like the looks of the icandy though! I'm all for the colors. I plan on dressing my black BJ up with a pretty liner or something to make up for the bland color. :haha:

No news really from me really. Which is a good thing. A no news day is a good day lately. DH still had to go to work. :wacko: We plan on searching for a really cheap car that I can use for the next 7 months because there isn't enough time to buy something new when we won't be able to pay off the first without the check from insurance yet. So hopefully I'll have a fairly safe car to get us by. And preferably one that doesn't break down lots. :lol: I ordered a new car seat already. Our car seat I guess is still in perfect shape according to the towtruck driver. But obviously can't use it since it's been in an accident. But the fact that it is still in awesome shape, was enough to convince me to buy the same kind again. :haha:

As for DH, I'm not really sure how he's feeling today because he leaves before I wake up for work and I haven't heard from him since. He was pretty sore last night but not too bad. I'm probably horrible but I hope this changes him for the good. He's always been a horrible driver and I always have to get on him about the speeding and he likes to weave in and out of traffic to fly around everyone. He's always gotten so mad at me for nagging but I do it with good intentions. I also used to nag him to wear a seatbelt because he never wore one and he finally started doing it for me. I hate to think what would have happened to him if he wasn't wearing a seatbelt. :(
OMG Cleckner!!! Those pics are frightening! I'd of been beside myself with worry if it was my DH! Thank G-d that everyone is ok! That really sucks that you will be without a car though. :( But it does help with the weight loss. Hehe. ;) I'd get in touch with the insurance company today if at all possible and they just may be able to get you a check sooner than you think. I hope something can be done before Corey deploys. Any chance they can delay his deployment to verify he is fully recovered from the accident first?

As for the babies talking subject, Bryson doesn't really say anything meaningful either. He says mama, dadda, bubba, za (his brother's name is zach so he is trying to say that), and nana (even tho that's not a title name, it's one of his ramblings). Now if we tell him to go get his ball, he goes and gets it and brings it back. If we tell him to sit down, he sits. If we ask him for a kiss (and if he feels like giving you one) then he will kiss us (open mouth kiss) on the cheek or on my nose which is hilarious but he loves doing that hehe. If we tell him "good job!" then he grins very proudly, claps, and makes this sound that sounds like "yay" but isn't quite "yay". Haha. Other than that, the rest of his sounds are still baby babble. For the longest time, he wouldn't say mama, only dadda, I'd say "mama" to him every day in hopes that he'd repeat me. Finally after a couple of months, he did it and now he says that more than dadda haha. :haha: So don't worry/fret or despair yet ladies, I think right now our cubs are little sponges and are absorbing everything that they see and hear and once they are ready and feel confident they will speak it and then you will have trouble getting them to hush up haha. :haha: So keep talking to them and reading to them and pointing to things and naming them. Even if your LO doesn't repeat you right away, one day they will surprise you and will see a dog (for example) and will suddenly out of the blue say "dog". ;) Be patient. From my understanding anyways, they don't really start talking understandable words until they are 2 anyways. That's why I'm not quite worried about Bryson yet. He shows that even though he cant say a lot of words, he does understand them anyways. :thumbup: I hope I have helped set your minds at ease. :flower:

I'm looking at pulling my large 46 gallon tank out of my storage room next year and get it set up into a nice community tropicals tank. I think Bryson will really enjoy the colorful fishies swimming about. I'm going to use glofish, platys, white cloud, and maybe something else too. It will be a very colorful combination. Children love to watch colorful fishies and I think it will be another good way of introducing him to more words and concepts. :thumbsup: I cant wait to have a fun fish tank again. I haven't done that in such a long time. The last time I did, I kept a bunch of large goldfish. Such dirty fish they are haha. :haha:

Oh and btw, I'm setting up our holiday tree next weekend. While I'm looking forward to Bryson seeing it, I'm also dreading fighting with him over leaving the ornaments alone. :haha: However, I have bought some shatterproof ones just in case he does get grabby. :winkwink: I'll make sure to take pics of it for you all. :)
Kim- No that's not really how the navy works. There are 6,000 men and women on his ship. DH is insignificant. He would have to break a leg to get out of the deployment and they don't care if he is sore or sick with pneumonia or if his family is having an emergency. He was lucky to make it home for the birth of Emma. :wacko: They seriously don't care about any of their workers. They work no matter what. Corey doesn't get sick days or anything like that. This ship is worse than any of the other places he's been. I just keep telling myself only 1.5 more years and he's done with that ship and possibly the navy altogether. [-o<

We have a fish tank too! Emma loves it. We have two tanks now. One is an 80 gallon and one is a little 5 gallon tank. Emma loves feeding her 'fishies'. And if I say the word fishies she runs over to the tank and points. :haha: I do think fish are a good thing to have because they are relaxing to look at for us, and kids love them too! :thumbup:
Kim - we had to get rid of all our breakable tree ornaments a few years ago when we got cats as they used to bash off the glass baubles and chase them round until they smashed. So now we have lots of wooden, woollen, and other non-breakable ornaments, it looks really traditional and i actually like it. Although I do stilllust after the pretty glass baubles in the shops!

Sophia doesn't say a lot, and hasn't attempted Thank youa gain since we got back from my friends house. She seems to know a lot though. She has learnt a few new parts of the body recently, so we can add

tongue, knee and chin

to her list! random body parts really!

She also knows quite a lot of clothing terms, trousers, shirt, belt, socks, jumper, button.

god help us when she does learn to talk we won't be able to shut her up :haha:

My mum is still in hospital, but has been allowed to eat something for the first time since Thursday so hopefully she is on the mend.

Cleck - I really hope you can persuade Corey to leave the Navy after this ships stint is up - you and Emma deserve to have him around full time :hugs:
hi girls and back and we had the most fantastic time!!

im super tired right now though so im not going to do a huge update!

:hugs: to cleck and sorry to hear about your car and glad DH is okay!

and yaay for all the new milestones!

loads of jesses back teeth have popped through the week we were away he only has about 4 or 5 more teeth to come through now, so i think that explains the super grouchiness he had before we left him!

he has learnt loads more words recently but he has also started to call certain things gibberish words and speak to me in absolute double dutch which im slightly worried about as it seems a step backwards to me, or could it be him just experimenting with language? for instance my mums dog he has called Daisy (her name) for months now and all of a sudden she is gab-gab-doo ya (LMAO!) but he will say the same 'word' consistently when talking to the dog and point at it so i dont understand whats going on

he keeps coming over to me and shrugging his hands and doing all sorts of hand gestures while talking complete rubbish to me and then he seems to get frustrated that im not reacting in the way he wants me too! though he does lots and lots now pretty much everything i ask him to do or talk to him about and he replys consistently 99% of the time,

he is putting 2 or 3 words together quite alot of the time now and asking me questions too he basically chatters away constantly,

he likes to run alot now and his favourite is running around in circles til he falls over and then he says OOPS DAISY! lol iv missed him so much its so nice to be back with him again :D

hope everybody is doing good! xxx
Glad you are back booth!!! YAY for Jesse teeth and putting more words together, he is such a champ!

Hope your mom gets better quick Shiv :hugs:

And my tree is already up haha! I put it up last night.

I also started a little blog to blog about the girls, and I am super excited about it..if you guys get bored you can read it here..

We're having an outdoor tree this year, as we haven't had the indoor tree up since we got cats a few years ago. I'm not sure I can face an indoor tree with Imogen, so as we have power outside, it just makes more sense to buy a tree in a big pot and chuck some nice outdoor lights on it and we'll be able to see it through the window.
Hi girls, time for a post catch up seeing as Imi is in bed, DH is at football and I am finally over my horrendous sicky bug!!

OMGG Cleck, your poor OH - so glad he and the other guys are OK. Big hugs from me xx Must be so hard for you to have him away so much :( Hope he's home quickly for you :hugs: Woo hoo for Emmas 7th tooth :D

Heidi - your tree is up? :haha: I think i've just about pursuaded my DH that 1st December is acceptable :rofl:

Boothh - hope you had a absolutely fantastic time hunni - you deserved it :D Yay for Jesse's teeth :D Sounds like he's gone from words to trying to do sentences to me hence the gibberish :D Least he knows what he's talking about :D

Shiv - glad to hear your mum is on the mend hun, hope she's allowed home soon :D Sounds like Sophia is doing really well with her body parts - the only one we get is hair!! :dohh:

Kim - sounds like Bryson is doing really well too - Isn't it so cute when you ask for a kiss and they lean in with a big slobbery mouth open :D I agree with Shiv about your mum, just tell her the truth :hugs:

AuntyE - oooo, a peach, i'm so jealous. Thats what i'd want although not sure we could afford it. I love the look of the apple with the pip converter and the pear too. So clever how the fit together yet remain so compact :D How you feeling? Hope pregnancy is looking after you? xx

Nutty - don't worry, Abbi sounds like she's at a similar stage to Imi - still looooads of time yet :D

jelr - yay for Natasha, thats fabulous news :D

Andie - we don't go to any toddler groups, mainly because I work 3 days a week and look after my friends little boy on one other day so that effectively only leave sus with 1 day (we don't count weekends as thats family time!!) Would love to but we need the money so i need to go to work!

And a little update from us :) Imi has been walking very solidly for about 3 months now and we're up to lots of running :dohh: She has 11 teeth and 1 just about to pop through. She's doing really well with her eating and is still having 2 bottles (1x 4oz and 1x 6oz) in the morning and evening. We've got her completely off the dummy apart from naps and bedtime for which I am happy for her to have it! Her sleeping is still going well although we've had some rough times through illness and teething!! We have mum, dad, hello and hiya and today for the first time she said grandma (well, mam ma but it was close enough!! :happydance:) She's great company now as she has her own little personality. Its also weird to think back to when I used to wonder what her voice was going to be like - and now, here she is talking at every given moment. She is so funny in the morning - if she wakes you can hear her very quietly mumuring but the second she hears someone else get up all you hear is "hello" "hello" "HELLO" :rofl: Bless our little lions :D

As for me, i'm OK - hating being at work so much but busy trying to pay off the wedding bills etc! Plus we also have DHs tax bill in January :dohh: TTC again althuogh not really working out yet as i don't have a cycle! Need to lose some weight before I stand a chance of getting Clomid again - anyone know where i can buy some? :rofl: Also having to be referred to an eye specialist and i consistently failed some tests during a routine eye exam (even doing it 3 times on 2 different machines!!) Seems I have an enhance blind spot and loss of peripheral (sp) vision!! Hoping its nothing too serious! Anyway - time for bed so love to you all xxx

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