--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Aww. :hugs: I'm sorry I brought it up. :( I'm glad you are feeling better now though. 2 months is an AMAZING milestone! You should be super proud. :D Your health and happiness is more important than anything else. Those girlies need you. :flower:

Ross just sounds like he's a giant kid that throws a bit of a fit when things aren't exactly the way he wants them to be. :haha: You definitely don't deserve to keep going through that with him. I hope it's better for good now. :hugs:
Aw Heidi - well done for BFing for over 2 months - i think it is amazing that you breastfed with a toddler to look after as well (I can't imagine how difficult that must be) - I am glad you are feeling much better on the meds - Cleck is right, it is SO much more important that you are well than how you feed Lily. And YAY for sleeping through the night - woo hoo that is GREAT!

You just keep Ross in line or else us BnB girls will have to have words with him :gun: :hugs:

Right I'm off to bed, Sophia may have slept well whilst we were away but I got about 3 hours a night (thanks to my insomnia and paranoia that Sophia woudl wake up and wake their baby!) I hope I sleep tonight!

David is back from uni tomorrow and I can't wait to see him, Sophia is gonna go mental!

Oh and Sophia has started to try to say thank you - for months now we have been saying "say thankyou" after we give her anything,a nd she never even made a sound. Then yesterday she said "tank too" - so cute, this age is brilliant isn't it (except when they are teething then it is a nightmare :haha:)

night night all :kiss:
Shiv- Sophia is such a sweetheart! Imagine how bad her teeth must have hurt a few weeks back because you know she's normally such a good girl. It's babies like Sophia that inspire childless couples to start baby making!

Cleckner- Are you still trying Emma in her own bed at night? (I'm nosey too!)

Heidi- I agree with the other girls. A happy momma is the most important thing a baby needs, so it's good you're feeling better now. :hugs: I hope the girls feel better soon. Once I post this I'll check out that FB page!

Kira finally enjoys practicing walking while holding our hands now! For the longest time she would buckle her knees if we stood her up. So it's only a matter of time now before I have a little toddler!!
Spidey- Nope! :rofl: When DH leaves in a week and a half, than I plan on getting on it and moving her again. Hopefully by the time he gets back it will be a solid routine than. I gotta keep consistent so you girls keep on me about it! I'm so weak! :haha:
Thanks ladies. I tried my hardest to BF as long as I could.

Cleck..bah I so hear it. Its so hard to see them in as big girl bed. I co slept until Caylee was 6 months old, and then started putting her in her crib, and now her toddler bed. Its still so hard. But stick to it momma, you can do it!!!
Does Caylee go to sleep i her bed without an problems now Heidi?

Hi everyone else!
Hi shiv!! :wave: :D

Yeah I couldn't even stand seeing Emma in a crib. It looked like she was a caged animal. Lmao! I have no clue why I felt like that because every baby I've ever babysat was in a crib and it never bothered me. But with Emma it does. Same with those play yard things.. :wacko:
Caylee goes into her bed but when I leave she will cry for 30 seconds and then go sit on her Dora couch and she usually falls asleep on that, no matter how many times I put her back in bed she gets out because she can. Its hard, but it is getting better. Going on 2 weeks now and it's a tough transition, especially when I have to take care of Lily and Ross is at work until midnight.

I felt that way in the beginning with Caylee, thats why she slept with me until 6 months, but Ross made me put her in her own bed and I hated it but finally got to enjoy my bed again haha
Does ross even see the babies very often than? That's rough with him working that late. I definitely feel your pain on that. I'm already getting nervous about switching Emma but I know it has to be done. I still feed her to sleep so I'll just feed her and ease out but I know she won't go all night because once she realizes I'm not there she screams her head off. :( I just hope I don't damage her too much. :haha:
Emma's 7th tooth finally popped through! :happydance: I've been checking every day because it was right under the skin. Woo! So she now has 4 on top and 3 on the bottom. :haha:
Hi everyone. Sorry I've been so quiet lately. I've had my plate a bit full. For starters, my body is playing up on me and I've been put on Provera and stuck in a 10 day limbo land. Blah! Also my mother is still pulling her crap. Now she suddenly emails me trying to invite us to Thanksgiving dinner. After speaking to my brother about it (the seemingly only sane member of my family) he tells me that he had spoke to mother and told her that all of this was out of hand and that she should drop the law suit against me and invite us to Thanksgiving dinner. He just wanted to try to open up lines of communication, bless him. I am grateful to him but I hate it that he has to be in the middle as I've tried so hard over the years to not put him in the middle, unlike her. I hate that there is a middle! Anyways, so after a few email exchanges last night with the mother, she says she is open to dropping the suit. The only way we will agree to coming for dinner is if she does drop it and shows us proof of it. We've told her that she has until Monday night to drop it. Otherwise on Tuesday morning we send our answer to her complaint to the court and the judge will not be pleased with her when he sees the evidence we have against her of the crap she has pulled and that she filed a false claim with the court. She could go to jail for that so if she is wise she will drop it and address her issues with me directly as I will be much easier to deal with than compared with the court.
But anyhoo!! I also found out that the baby I lost to miscarriage in June was a baby girl. :cry: So that's been hard and I kinda crawled into a hole so to speak for a few days. :wacko:
Now I'm just trying to prepare for the upcoming holidays which is starting to keep me busy so I guess that's a good thing. My in laws also want to have us over for Thanksgiving so now I'm being pulled in 2 directions. The thing is that I told Cary (mother) we'd come IF she drops her suit (we didn't think she would be willing to). But truth is, I really don't want to go over there. I don't want to see her or be near her. She has stabbed me in the back too many times over the years and brought too much pain into my life and I've tried so many times to make amends and she never changes and now I just want nothing to do with her at all. Being away from her and not dealing with her is easiest. Also, being with my in laws is far more calm and pleasant. What I will likely do is show up at Cary's for only 2 hours and eat lightly (to be polite) and then leave to drive over to my in laws and spend the rest of Thanksgiving with them. Do any of you have any advice for me? Dealing with this really sucks! :(
Also, I am dreading putting Bry into a toddler bed. He is all over his crib when he sleeps. He never stays in one part. I'm afraid I'd find him curled up at the end of his bed without his blanket over him and him be too cool because of it and because he doesn't stay on the part of his bed with his blanket and pillow. :wacko: Do any of your LO's sleep all over the bed like this too?

Cleck, yay for Emma's 7th tooth! :happydance:

Heidi, Awww poor little Caylee. Give her time, I'm sure she will figure it out and go to sleep in her bed and stay there. It's just gonna take some time and getting used to for her. Hang in there. :hugs:

Shiv, I hope you and David are enjoying your time together. :flower:

Spidey, Yay for holding hands and walking! :happydance: You just wait! Any day now she will suddenly just up and walk across the room! Hehe! Then the fun begins of her getting into everything!! :haha: Haha. Better get baby locks on the cabinet doors, safety plastic covers on wall sockets, etc. :winkwink:

Hi everyone else! :hi:
Kim - quite frankly , screw being polite to your mum, the cowbag pulled a law suit against you, she doesn't desrve the time of day from you let alone you spending thanksgiving with her! If you would rather go to the in-laws thenbe honest, tell her the past few months have really upset you and you don't feel that you can happily spend time with her just yet. :hugs:
Here here shiv! I second what your post to Kim says!! (even tho im a total wimp when it comes to me dealing with similar things lol) Hugs to you Kim hope you can work something out for the best!.. for you and your family :shrug:xx

Shiv- aww well done Sophia...saying "tan too" so cute:thumbup: xx

Spidey- How cool that Kira is walking holding hands!! you must be so excited:happydance:!

Hiedi- Sorry to hear you've been having a crapy time with anxiety!!... Im glad your on the mend!! :hugs:

Cleck- Yehay for 7th tooth!! Im waiting patiently for Kiera to get another she still just got 4 at the top and 2 at the bottom! im eagerly counting them off she is a cranky wee madame when teething lol

Just out of curiosity how many of you girls go to a parent and toddler group?
:hugs: Kim that just sounds terrible. I feel for you, all of it sounds like such a giant mess :(
I agree with Shiv though. I would just say you are not comfortable being around her yet.
I'm also terribly sorry about the baby girl :(
Well, when it rains it pours I guess....DH was in a bad accident this morning. He was getting off the highway on the ramp and slid and went into the ditch and rolled the car a few times. He had 2 guys with him. Thankfully they were all wearing seatbelts. DH is beat up the most. He was pretty bloody. But the other two came out with just a few minor scratches. Our car is obviously totaled. I saw the car on the tow truck on my way to pick Corey up and I started bawling. I couldn't even tell it was my car except for the Indiana license plates. :(:( And DH leaves in a week. So we have no car, no carseat, no stroller..And he'll be gone. :cry::cry: I am just thankful everyone was fine and Emma wasn't in the car at the time. The guys in the accident with DH said our car is awesome because they are all perfectly fine after rolling a few times. :dohh: All the side impact airbags went off.

Emma has been crying all day. I think she senses that something is wrong. Our puppy knocked Emma down the small flight of stairs today too. So she was screaming. :wacko: I told DH can I just go to sleep and wake up to a new day? Because this day is horrible.
My poor car. :cry::(

OMG CLeck - thanks god everyone is "ok", iam so sorry you having to deal with all this, you musthave been so scared when you saw the car. Is there no way you can get in touch with the car insurance and get them to pay for new stroller and car seat etc? I really hope you can. Give Emma lot sof cuddles. Is Corey home or are they keeping him at the hospital? Massive massive hugs :hugs:
:hugs::hugs:OMG!!..thats so awful cleck your nerves must be shattered after a day like that! Those pics of the car sent shivers up my spine.:hugs: It sucks that your without a car and stuff especially since Corey leaves so soon will you be able to get all your insurance and everything sorted before or while hes away so that you can get a new one? You must be so thankful that Corey is ok! How is Emma after her fall? big:hugs: to you all xxxx
DH is home. An ambulance came and treated him right there on scene so he didn't have to go to the hospital. He said the ambulance came, two fire trucks came, and a camera crew came for the local news. :rofl: So all this was going on while I'm snuggly in bed with Emma. :wacko: As for our stuff, we plan on going to the tow company to try to get what we can out of the car. But obviously the carseat will need replaced no matter what. In the last picture you can see my stroller wheel sticking up. :haha: I'm hoping it isn't too damaged but I wanted a new stroller anyways. Insurance won't do anything until tomorrow because it's sunday. :growlmad: And they won't give us a check for months probably. I know they have to check out the car and do whatever before deciding what it's all worth. So I'm basically carless for 7 months now. :( We have my jeep but it's not exactly safe for Emma. I hope to buy at least a new stroller so I can walk a few blocks to get groceries every week.
That sucks! HOWEVER, the walking will defo help with your weightloss plan!

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