Hi everyone. Sorry I've been so quiet lately. I've had my plate a bit full. For starters, my body is playing up on me and I've been put on Provera and stuck in a 10 day limbo land. Blah! Also my mother is still pulling her crap. Now she suddenly emails me trying to invite us to Thanksgiving dinner. After speaking to my brother about it (the seemingly only sane member of my family) he tells me that he had spoke to mother and told her that all of this was out of hand and that she should drop the law suit against me and invite us to Thanksgiving dinner. He just wanted to try to open up lines of communication, bless him. I am grateful to him but I hate it that he has to be in the middle as I've tried so hard over the years to not put him in the middle, unlike her. I hate that there is a middle! Anyways, so after a few email exchanges last night with the mother, she says she is open to dropping the suit. The only way we will agree to coming for dinner is if she does drop it and shows us proof of it. We've told her that she has until Monday night to drop it. Otherwise on Tuesday morning we send our answer to her complaint to the court and the judge will not be pleased with her when he sees the evidence we have against her of the crap she has pulled and that she filed a false claim with the court. She could go to jail for that so if she is wise she will drop it and address her issues with me directly as I will be much easier to deal with than compared with the court.
But anyhoo!! I also found out that the baby I lost to miscarriage in June was a baby girl.

So that's been hard and I kinda crawled into a hole so to speak for a few days.

Now I'm just trying to prepare for the upcoming holidays which is starting to keep me busy so I guess that's a good thing. My in laws also want to have us over for Thanksgiving so now I'm being pulled in 2 directions. The thing is that I told Cary (mother) we'd come IF she drops her suit (we didn't think she would be willing to). But truth is, I really don't want to go over there. I don't want to see her or be near her. She has stabbed me in the back too many times over the years and brought too much pain into my life and I've tried so many times to make amends and she never changes and now I just want nothing to do with her at all. Being away from her and not dealing with her is easiest. Also, being with my in laws is far more calm and pleasant. What I will likely do is show up at Cary's for only 2 hours and eat lightly (to be polite) and then leave to drive over to my in laws and spend the rest of Thanksgiving with them. Do any of you have any advice for me? Dealing with this really sucks!

Also, I am dreading putting Bry into a toddler bed. He is all over his crib when he sleeps. He never stays in one part. I'm afraid I'd find him curled up at the end of his bed without his blanket over him and him be too cool because of it and because he doesn't stay on the part of his bed with his blanket and pillow.

Do any of your LO's sleep all over the bed like this too?
Cleck, yay for Emma's 7th tooth!
Heidi, Awww poor little Caylee. Give her time, I'm sure she will figure it out and go to sleep in her bed and stay there. It's just gonna take some time and getting used to for her. Hang in there.
Shiv, I hope you and David are enjoying your time together.
Spidey, Yay for holding hands and walking!

You just wait! Any day now she will suddenly just up and walk across the room! Hehe! Then the fun begins of her getting into everything!!

Haha. Better get baby locks on the cabinet doors, safety plastic covers on wall sockets, etc.
Hi everyone else!