--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Angelstartdust: yep I did cry lol - I was just so excited for her and proud of her so it was mainly tears of happyness but I was a little sad too that she is growing up so quickly.

Nutty: I wouldn't worry about the talking she will be full of talk in no time and because she also has an older brother, she probably doesn't need to talk. Natasha is saying a bit now with meaning like hiya, ball, bye, bath, bottle and she is trying to call my brothers names and she will make a dog, cat and sheet sound - but being honest only we would understand her as by, bath and ball, bye and bottle all sound like bo or ba and she only calls my brothers names when we ask her too. She will call her daddy dad but she doesn't actually call me, she says mama when she is wants something and is pointing and not even when I am there :doh: I think they concentrate on different things - Most of the babies here are flying around on their feet including abbi before now and Natasha is only taking her first steps.

Aunty: Yay for your new pushchair and yay for Imogen liking it too. I hear you on the tree - We are going to put ours in the the sunroom this year, so we can see if through the french doors in the sitting room, but Natasha wont be able to get at it as the doors are always kept closed as I really couldn't face trying to keep her away from it - She is constantly hanging onto the the TV stand and our tele is 48" so I'm terrified it will affect her eyes being so close and now when she goes up to it she will turn to me and say ah ah and wag her finger just as I do to her - so as you can see that is not working lol

Cleck: That is awful that Corey still has to go to work - the army sound really hard to work for. Thank God Corey had started to wear the seatbelt for you and is okay because of it. I'm always getting onto my DH for weaving as well, they think they have total control and I always say, you may have control but you can't control the weather, the roads, other drivers etc.

Kim: That fish tank sounds cool - I would love something like that, but know I wouldn't have the patience to look after it. I had a goldfish years ago and hated cleaning the bowl - Yuck. I would definitely tell your mam the truth, she has put you through so much hardship, why should you have to spend your holidays with her.

Shiv: I really hope your mum has a speedy recovery - there is nothing as bad as having a parent in hospital, it is such a worry. Sophia is doing brilliant at the body parts, Natasha will point to her belly and sometimes her nose, eyes, mouth but usually she gets mixed up with them. If we mention pretty she will point to her hair as when I started brushing it everyday I always say - your lovely and pretty lol

Booth: I wouldn't worry about Jessie - I think they call that Jargon - I know my friend was talking about it lately that after they start saying words they start talking loads of jibberish and they way she explained what her little fella used to do is exactly what you are describing, she was telling me it was very funny. I think it is there little brains processing all the language and they are trying hard to form sentances and think they are saying stuff. it must be so frustrating for them though as they probably think they are having full blown conversations and we can't understand them. I'm delighted you had such a good time on hols.

Heidi: I wish we had our tree up, we never put it up until the 8th of December and I love when it is up but hate putting it up so I wish I had that job done lol

vici: Best of luck with the TTC - I know what you mean about hating working I also hate going out but like you it is something I have to do. Imi sounds like she is doing really well. Natasha also does that in the mornings she will talk away to her teddies but the minute she hears us, we get hiya hiya - it is so cute.

Andie: We dont go to toddler groups either as with working I dont have time. I always thought they sounded really fun.

MJ: Hi good to see you.

Spidey: I bet Kira will be flying around walking soon too. Natasha had been holding our hands for the two weeks and then she took two steps by herself last week and then went across the room yesterday. I think it is mainly confidence is her problem, she seemed to take the steps and even when she went across the room yesterday, she seemed to not realise she was doing it.

I hope I haven't missed anybody. Natasha is doing great. I think her teeth have stopped annoying her as she is in right form for the last couple of weeks. She only took a few steps today, she is very nervous about it but I guess it will take time. she is getting really chatty and is interacting with her toys a lot more, she will pretend to give her doll a bottle and cuddle it and pat its back and say sh sh which is so cute.

She is still doing really well on the eating and eats nearly everything we put in front of her so hopefully that will continue as I really want her to be better at eating veg than I am. She only has 1 bottle before bedtime and drinks juice or water from her cup during the day and cows milk from her cup in the morning but she really isn't a drinker at all, which always worries me that she will get dehydrated. Some days she will drink loads, but most days she will only sip and has no interest in it. She is sleeping now from 8 at night until anytime from 7.30 to 9.00 in the mornings. She is such a friendly child I love spending my days off playing on the floor with her - although we have had some slapping and hair pulling instances of late and only with me, so I really dont know what that is about.

I'm really looking forward to Christmas now and having 3 weeks off with her. DH will also be off for just over a week and we got some of the christmas shopping done at the weekend, so hopefully the rest will fall into place.

Bit of a worry with my job at the moment as I'm paid out of public funds and basically Ireland is bankrupt - the country has been in talks with the IMF and the EU and they have agreed on a bailout, so the IMF could decide to half all of our pay. We will just have to wait and see. Our budget is the 7th of December so that will tell a lot (just before Christmas too to cheer us up) and we are probably going to have a general election in January as everybody is calling for the goverment to stand down, so worrying times ahead here. But I just keep hoping that it will sort itself.

Well talk to you all soon.
I don't have loads of time to respond to everything even though I have so much I want to say! I have to work tomorrow but its only 1 day this week due to having the rest of the week off for Thanksgiving :happydance: But I need to get to bed soon or I'll be a zombie all day!

Jelr- congrats again for Natasha taking steps! Kira is the same way and if she's thinking of something else, she'll take a step but then realizes she's not holding onto anything and sits down.

Kira's a very careful baby overall and doesn't like to get hurt, so I think thats why she is delaying walking. Same with pooping too, LOL... thats why she refuses to poop on her own too because she's afraid it might hurt. I have to give her a suppository every 3-4 days because she refuses to push. With all the prunes she eats, her poos are nice and soft though :thumbup: She also will cry if there is the slightest possibility she has hurt me by accident. So if she's wrestling with me and I say "ow" she'll cry. This morning she was gently banging her head on the wall because it was making a funny sound and I made an ouchy face and she cried, LOL. :dohh:

regarding words- Kira says "all done", "bath", "duck", "that", "map" and "bye bye" consistently and with meaning. I've noticed that Kira will mouth sounds without actually speaking them too, as if she's practicing. So if I say "say bear", she'll say bear with her lips, but no sounds come out :haha: It seems like the B, M and D words are the easiest for them to get, so I can get Kira to repeat those type of words back to me if she's in the mood.

Kira went to the doctor today and screamed the entire time! She has really bad stranger anxiety. Do any of the other babies have that? She's okay if I take her to the store in her stroller- she'll even give big smiles to strangers, but as soon as she's out of her stroller and people get too close, she'll scream.

Bed time now.. its already too late!!
Ross was upset that I put the tree up haha, he said no one puts it up until after thanksgiving, I am like dude..I ama stay at home mom, I need some Joy and Christmas lights haha, so I put all the decorations up and I already feel so much better haha

Caylee usually runs up to random people and will try to hug and kiss them. She is so used to doing it with her sister that its normal for her, I am always like" Ohh no no no honey" I'm sure people look at us as the "weirdos that let the baby kiss everyone" haha.

Caylee is not big on talking yet, she mumbles every word, due to her Nuk. :( She will say Mom, Dad, Sister, Heidi )which I am usually called) but that's about it. She knows what things are though. I will say "Go to the bathroom" and she runs right there, so in time she will start to talk.
Boooooo..up at 3:00 am and Caylee has the flu. She has been throwing up and is just so weak. :( Gave her a warm bath, and put clean sheets and blankets and a new pillow and pillow case on her bed and got her all tucked in, but its so sad. I hate the flu!
Awwww, bless her, hope shes better soon :hugs: Imogen was up all last night hardly able to breathe bless her. She only just got over a terrible sicky bug :( Bless our little babies xx
aww i hope shes better soon :hugs: jesse has a bad cough and cold and his nose is just super gunky at the moment, and he wont let me wipe it so i have to catch him off guard! x
Gunky cold, cough and a double ear infection here. Got home last night and neither my mum or OH had noticed that Imogen was bright red, absolutely boiling, breathing rapidly and mewling. Took her temp and it was 39 degrees so rushed her to the doctors. She's a lot better now she's had some calpol and antibiotics, but honestly, how could they not notice? I walked in and saw she was sick straight away. Poor baby.
Add Emma to the cold list. Runny nose and slight cough so far. :( I'm hoping that's all that she gets. We don't really need anything else to add to our plate right now.

Lots of poorly lion cubs :hugs: to all xx

Jler- CONRGATULATIONS!! on Natasha's walking thats fantastic!! ...............I hope things dont get too difficult for you with regards to economy etc and ill be keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't directly affect your job xx

Vici- Hope the stuff with your vision gets sorted out quickly and that its not anything serious:hugs: Ive had similar problems in the past but dont want to assume its the same thing but please let us know how it goes xx

The parent and toddler thing?? we have been going to one for a few weeks now and was just curious to know what you guys all thought about them and really just to make conversation:blush: but as no one else seems to go to one that conversation dyed fast hahahaha i cant believe that i manage to crash and burn with conversation even online lol im such a geek:dohh::dohh:

AFU- Kiera is a bit of a babbler too it sounds like she is rambling in a foreign language most of the time then she will get really stroppy when i dont understand lol we do have some clear words that she is quite consistant with they are: mammy, daddy, hiya, yeah, na for no,nana for banana, in, up,me,juice,shoes and the latest Barbie from the films that Kayleigh watches lol so now she calls all dolls even in books or pictures barbie.

Shiv- sorry to hear your mums not well hope she gets better real soon:hugs: x

Hope ive not missed anything its that time of the month and my brain always goes on holiday for a good week lol xx
jelr - I have been keepign up to date with the situation oin Ireland - I hope it doesn't directly affect you too badly :hugs:

Vici - hope you get your eyes sorted without any trouble - Ireally need otget my eyes tested again as i am sure my prescription got worse since I got pregnant with Sophia

Andie - I have been to a few mother and baby groups but find them to be very cliquey and to be honest I have lost the ability to talk to people I don't know since I stopped working :blush: so I find them quite awkward.

can't remember what else is happening in here - I hope all the babies (and mummies) who are unwell feel better soon.

A.f.u. well my mum now has a secondary infection and a suspected bowel obstruction so she has been for x-rays and ultrasounds today but i have not heard the results yet. Apparently the infection is quite a worry especially as she is vomitting so isn't keeping any antibiotics down, I guess she will be put back on the drip. Not good :nope:
Aw Shiv that doesn't sound good...must be such a worry for you all...I hope the results of the ultra sound and xray come back with something that is easily sorted so that they can get on top of the infection and help get your mum on the mend i dont mean to be nosey or sound ignorant but i must have missed what your mum is in hospital for origionally? xxxx

The toddler group we are going to is a lot the same its very cliquey and doesnt feel too welcoming but Kiera seems to like it so im gona try stick it for as long (might not be that long lol) as i can but i know what you mean it does feel a bit akward xx
Shiv- I'm sorry about your mom :hugs: Hopefully this turns out to be a minor bump in the road and she's back on the mend soon.

Knock on wood but luckily Kira isn't sick right now. All the illnesses sound awful :cry:

Andie- I think the awful pictures of Cleckners car thru us off on answering your baby group question, LOL. I haven't been to a baby group, but perhaps if I stopped working I would try one out. I'm introverted and find it hard to chat with new people at first, but for Kira's sake I would try it. Perhaps I would just take Kira to the park and meet some other moms there instead of having a formal group. :shrug: Are you planning on joining one?

Nutty- I'm glad Kira's not the only baby who screams at strangers. Kira also screams at my BIL when he visits :haha: I feel like I need to apologize and make excuses all the time though because I'm afraid of hurting other peoples feelings because she reacts to people so awful! Thats neat how Abbi and Kai are so different. I bet Abbi is just fine- she's probably just really laid back (minus the stranger anxiety) so she's not in a big hurry to master walking or talking. With how she will entertain herself as you take a few minutes to cook- I bet that is the case.
Lots of poorly babies in here!

Mothers intution does play a large part in identifying when your child is sick. Many times I collected DS2 from nursery (I've chosen him because he was sick a lot). LOts of times he would be tired but I could take one look at him and know he was ill, whereas the nursery staff just saw him as tired. However, I think failing to spot a temperature is worthy of a telling off.

Today I dragged Amber out a ball pit, neurotic mother style! I noticed the little boy in with her had chicken pox sores all over his face, not yet scabbed over. Usually I wouldn't bother but since her liver enzyme levels are not yet back to normal and any illness will mean blood tests (and no paracetamol) I over-reacted slightly... Too late though, if she is going to get it she will nothing I can do now.

Whoever said about stranger anxiety, they do seem go through it at this age. Amber has a bit, mostly focused upon anyone wearing blue (colour of doctors scrubs here) or a nurse type uniform, which is expected. But also she gets it with people she knows but doesn't see on a regular basis. A few of my friends, realatives we don't see often etc.

Anyone making treasure bags for their lions christmas? I've picked up wooden pegs and some egg cups, juts need to find a cute bag.
Shiv- Oh no!! I hope your mom heals up in no time. :( That must be so scary for her and everyone who loves her. :hugs:

Baby groups- As everyone knows I've had my run in with the worst playgroup around. :haha: That didn't end well. But I get together with 2 friends fairly regularly with their kids ranging from 15 months-6 years of age. So it's nice for Emma. And we go to the park quite often so she plays with random kids there.

Stranger anxiety- I WISH! Emma seriously runs up to anyone and lifts her arms up towards them. In our own house she is clingy and wants me all the time, but once we get out in public she just runs wild. She smiles at everyone and laughs and tries to get attention. It's only with men that she grabs my legs and hides if a man starts trying to talk to her. Which I'm sure just stems from her only being around me most of the time bc DH is gone so much. She doesn't really get that male interaction. Although she loves little boys. Gets this flirty little sideways look at them. :dohh: It starts so young! :haha:

AFU- with our car situation, we've decided it's best to just fix the jeep up a bit before DH leaves and we won't bother buying another car quite yet. I've gotten Emma's new carseat that should be here tomorrow so that is nice and safe for her, and DH is going to replace the shocks on the Jeep this weekend so it will ride better. We'll worry about another car when he gets back. Or not. Honestly I don't need a car when a grocery store is in walking distance and a call to 911 is easy enough if something bad happened. And also the good news of all this happening, I've dropped 5 lbs. :rofl: Out of nowhere it all dropped off. I think it's because I've been worrying so much the past few days that I can barely eat. But today I made up for it by eating at mcdonalds for lunch and jack in the box for dinner. :haha:
angelstar- I love how you said 'neurotic mother style' :haha: I can totally picture that!

are treasure bags like Christmas stockings?

Heidi- feel better soon :hugs:

Cleck- what a little flirt you have! Kira flirts at strangers too from the safety of the grocery cart or stroller :haha: I just can't imagine Kira ever going up to strangers to be picked up. Its neat how their personalities come out so young.

DH is off work the rest of the week for Thanksgiving so we have a busy day planned with shopping and prepping some food for tomorrow!
Awwww gosh, it seems like everyone is getting sick right now already. :( Zach had a fever yesterday and wasn't feeling well then last evening it seemed to have broke and he felt cool and well. Today he feels well but he still feels warm to the touch, to me. But then again he's been laying in bed playing video games with his blanket over him because it's a little cool downstairs (the heater is on but keeping the downstairs warm is difficult because warm air rises). So he might be feeling warm to me because of being under the blanket. At least I hope that's all it is. He said he feels good so hopefully it was a mild 24 hour thing. As for the rest of our sick cubs, I hope they all get feeling better soon. It's so rough when our kids are sick. :cry: I kept Bry away from his big brother all day yesterday in hopes to keep him well. Bry did get mad at me for it though because he loves his big brother and likes to play with him hehe. Oh well, it's for his own good.

Heidi, oh no!!! Poor you!! :( I hope you all get well soon. Kick Ross in the pants and make him get up and take care of his family (and not just financially either)! :trouble: You need rest too or you will take longer to get well also.

Cleckner, that little flirt! Hehe! Bry also already makes eyes at pretty girls haha. However, luckily he is stranger shy when it comes to adults he doesn't know.

Spidey, hope Kira stays well over the holidays!

Angel, omgosh! I don't blame you for dragging Amber out of the ballpit like that. I would of done the same! How irresponsible of that mother to have her kid out when hes not 100% better yet! Doesn't she know that he is still contagious until the sores heal and fully scab over? :growlmad: You'd think the doc woulda told her that. Hell, she could have looked it up online even. Geez...some people are so irresponsible! I hope Amber doesn't catch it! You did the right thing and don't feel bad for flipping out. I would of too! Only I also would have given the parent a piece of my mind before storming off. :grr:

Andie, wow, sounds like Kiera has a good vocabulary so far! :thumbup: Don't worry about feeling like a geek. I admit, that I'm a geek also. But I'm literally a geek. Haha. I'm obsessed with anything that "lights up". :blush: As you can imagine, I'm a nut when it comes to holiday lights and holiday decorations that light up lol. My poor hubby. :haha: We were in walmart the other evening and we were browsing through the christmas decorations section and I found these light up yo-yo toys for $1 each. I grabbed one. LOL! :haha: :blush: My DH saw it and rolled his eyes LOL!
As for conversation, I'm usually pretty chatty. Unless it's a topic I know nothing about. :haha:

Shiv, I am so sorry that your mom is not doing well. I hope they can fix her up and get her well. What a worry for you and your family. I will keep her in my prayers. :hugs:

Nutty, awwww poor little Abbi. She's a shy one. Bry is pretty shy too but will only cry if the new person gets too close. Heck at the mall just a couple weekends ago he got to meet 2 of his favorite tv personalities live and in person and he did the same thing, put himself over my shoulder crying. Normally when he sees them on tv, he literally stands in front of the tv and wont budge or with his hands on the tv. Haha. I think he didn't realize that the people are real and that shocked him hehe. Give her time, I'm sure she will do better with people when she gets older. What's especially funny is that Bryson won't really "play" or interact with anyone other than me, daddy, and Zach (big brother). But when we go to my brother and SIL's house, he will totally grin at my SIL and play with her. It's so funny! Especially since she says that normally she makes babies cry. :haha: Bryson just adores her though! :) Even I was painfully shy as a kid, you wouldn't know it now though hehe. :haha:

AFU, we're all hanging in there. I'm just trying to keep us all well. I get to do my holiday shopping on Dec.1st and my DH's boss is letting him have that day off so he will get to come with me for that so it should be fun and I'm looking forward to it. :)
Also, I will be going over to Cary's tomorrow (mother's) for part of the day. My brother will be there and he wants to see us. Matter of fact he told me he'd only go if I went. So between him and his wife, and another close friend of the family who just texted me to tell me she will be there too, hopefully they will help keep me busy so I wont have to interact with insane woman most of the time. Then we have to head out from there and drive 2 counties away to my in laws and eat more. Ugh! I have a feeling I'm gonna be stuffed silly until next week haha. So much for my weight loss of 5 lbs as of late hehe. Oh well. :haha:
Is anyone else having any trouble with their toddlers throwing food off of their tray once they are full? Lately Bryson has begun to throw his cheerios off of his high chair try once he is full and doesn't wanna eat anymore. I know cheerios are no big deal and not terribly messy but I'm afraid it's going to be something far messier next. Also, I don't want him thinking it's ok to throw our food around just because we are full. I'm afraid he will try that in public and I'll be so embarrassed as people will think Ive not been teaching him proper table manners. :dohh: When I tell him "NO" firmly he just looks and me and does it again. I tried popping his hand just barely hard enough to get his attention and he still does it!! HELP! :help: Anyone have any ideas/advise for me? He's got to stop this before it gets out of hand. :wacko:

I hope all of my American friends have a Happy Thanksgiving!! :flower:
Hey girls

Quick pop in before I finish work.

Spidey: I think that is so cute that Kira gets upset when she hurts you - not that I like to know she is upset but it is nice that she doesn't like to hurt you. Natasha is very careful too, not as much as that - she doens't seem to mind getting hurt and has been experimenting with pulling her hair lately lol but she seems to think about things before diving in like most children do, although she does seem to be gaining more confidence in the last few weeks and is getting into more and more lol

Heidi: Natasha also loves kissing everyone - she will pucker up in the supermarket to everyone and we are trying to explain to her that kissing is only for mammy and daddy and nana and the people we know but I know she doesn't understand, but hopefully she will some day ha ha or she will be just kissing random people ha ha. Hope the girls are better soon.

Vici: Hope Imi's cough is better soon and that there is nothing serious wrong with your eyes.

Booth - AuntyE - I hope Jessie and Imogen are better soon - I hate this time of year there is so much sickness around - Natasha had a bad cough and antibiotics last week - knock on wood it is all cleared up this week though.

Cleck: Natasha is the same and doesn't have any stranger anxiety - I know exactly what you mean about that flirty sideways look because Natasha does it to all men and seems to have more time for the men than the women, It could be because she is around my 4 brothers when my mam is minding her - She really flirts with my sisters husband and the poor guy gets really embarassed. What will she be like in her teen eeek. Hope Emma's cold is better soon. Yay for dropping 5lbs.

Angelstardust: I can also picture you dragging Amber out of the ball pen neurotic mother style. FX you got her out in time and she doesn't get the chicken pox.

Shiv: Thanks I hope it doesn't affect us too badly either, but then I think everyone is going to be affected really - FX it wont be too bad. It is all a bit mad aint it. I really hope your mam is better soon, you must be so worried.

Nutty: Natasha gets very constipated too. I thought it was something I was giving her so I took out pasta first, then rice and so on until all she had left was fruit and veg and then figured out it seemed to happen everytime she cut a tooth and at the moment she is constipated every couple of days as her back teeth are taking forever to come in. Could that be the problem? I wouldn't worry about her though, I know its hard, but I honestly think she will just be full of talk one of these days. Natasha didn't say much at all until a few weeks ago, it was only really dada, lala, hiya and yaya and babble and only mama once in a blue moon and then a couple of weeks ago all these diferent words (or I should say sounds as only we know what words she is saying lol) started all in the one week, so I bet Abbi will be the same.

Andie: I'm a bit like that - I will talk and talk (as you can tell by my posts lol) when I have something in commen with people or people I know well. But I am so bad on making small talk with people I dont know well. Hopefully as you get to know the women more it will get better.

Kim: I hope Zach is better soon and tomorrow goes okay for you with no drama. Natasha also throws her food when she has had enough sometimes or she will sit there and squish it - I think part of it is learning and playing though, I tend not to make too big of a deal and if she does start I just take it all away from her, so as it can't be fired everywhere.

Regarding the slapping, I think most of the time she doesn't mean it, but I will always say no we dont slap or its not nice to slap as it hurts ouch and sometimes she will bury her head in my shoulder and even cry and other times she will do this and then she gets this look of divelment on her face and slaps me again - Hopefully it is just a phase.

Well not much news from us, Natasha is still only doing 4 or 5 steps and then goes back to crawling. When I phoned my mam earlier Natasha was in the background saying ho ho ho - I think one of my brothers taught her.

Well gotta run and finish work and go pick up little miss - I know Thanksgiving for you all in the US is soon. So hope you all have a great day. Xx
Kimberly- Emma throws food too. She's done it forever now. She thinks it's funny and feeds the dogs who are eagerly waiting below her. :dohh: The dogs love it. I could do without it. We ignore it because we don't want to reward her bad behavior with attention IYKWIM. I think they all go through it as a phase and grow out of it eventually.

jelr- :rofl: at Natasha saying ho ho ho. How cute is that?! And I'm glad Emma isn't the only super-friendly baby. I have to keep a very close eye on her because she loves to wander off too in public. :dohh:

I'm in a cleaning frenzy today. Not really sure why but probably because I've let things go the past few days while we are running around dealing with the car. And thanksgiving is tomorrow so I need to prepare for that. :happydance: That lost 5 pounds will be EASY to gain back. :rofl:
Congrats on losing 5 pounds cleck!!!!! :happydance: That's awesome. 5 pounds is so hard to drop, it always seems for me the first pounds are the hardest. That's why I am keeping it all for the winter, I need my extra coating haha. :haha:

I love that she says Ho Ho Ho, sooo cute :cloud9: I can't wait for Caylee to say that, I want to take her and Lily to see Santa Clause here soon, Caylee did so great with him last year, hopefully this year we have the same luck!:thumbup:

Caylee has thrown food on the floor literally since shes been in ahigh chair, no matter what we do, she still does it. I ignore it now, I don't let her get a rise out of me, when she starts I take her out, tell her she is all done and she can eat that again when she is hungry, which usually is 5-10 minutes later :dohh:

Hope all of you have an AMAZING Thanksgiving with friends and family.

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