--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!


sounds like you are doing a brilliant job for Imi :hugs: I have a lot of respect for you, expressing for your daughter - I tried pumping but found it a miserable experience, quite depressing, actually. if I didn't feel strongly about giving AE some breast milk I'd give up tomorrow because it's a lot harder (ie, painful, tiring, frustrating) than I ever expected it to be.

I know what you mean about missing being pregnant - I definitely do. I miss feeling good about myself, about the way I look. I never minded the pregnancy weight then but I just feel fat now... it's sort of doing my head in because I loved the feeling of not being self-conscious/self-loathing :cry:

I also find myself being envious of pregnant women, in the way I was before I was pregnant - like, all I want is to TTC again and get pregnant, but it wouldn't be a good idea, it goes against what I want for Adam (I want to be his mummy alone for at least his first 18 months) - it's a really really weird envy, almost as though I didn't just have a baby of my own, like I don't have one at all or something. I don't understand it, it's like a yearning. bizarre in the extreme because I adore my Adam baby and he's all I have ever dreamed of! maybe that feeling of wanting is just so ingrained in me?
Thank you so much girls, i don't know what i'd do without you all. It is so nice to be able to speak to people about it who know what I mean. I can't speak to my new mum friends as I just end up crying when i think about it :( And the one friend I wold talk to about it is the one who had to give birth to her sleeping baby and that makes me feel even more guilty for feeling like it :(
Shadowrat - do you fing the DR Browns bottles have made a big difference to Vince's wind problems? Tomos find it really difficult these days getting the wind up especially during the nights and he wakes up sounding like an elephant or dinosaur because of his breathing. I feel so sorry for him :cry:


lol... Sorry, but I can really hardly believe the difference in Vince over the past couple of days, and the only change is the new bottles. I will warn you all though that if you put boiling water in them for the formula, do NOT shake them or even move them roughly with the lid & inner tube in place because they WILL leak. That's the only thing I'm not 100% happy about with them, but it's easy enough to avoid! It happens cos the hot air is drawn up the innder tube and out of the vent holes, and it sucks the liquid up with it and out of the vent holes... So it's kind of unavoidable, it's not cos they are shoddy or anything!!
Also, please remember (it may be obvious!) that they do not eliminate wind completely: You still need to burp :baby: hehe... I'm not sure where the wind does come from now though, as I certainly dont hear him gulping ANY! But he finds it soooo much easier to bring up the small amount that he does have with these bottles. We also still use Dentinox in every feed, and the two things together seem to be working like magic :) I hope those of you giving the dr browns a try will have as much success as we have had!! xxxx
Jeez (((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))) Vici, part of your post actually could have been written by me - I can't believe how scarily similar you sound to the way I am feeling a lot of the time.

I'm pumping too - every feed, and even though Owen is having exclusively breastmilk, I keep beating myself up because I can't seem to give it to him myself. He has taken the odd feed from me - but NEVER settles properly afterwards, it takes ages to even try and feed him, and as for night feeds, by the time I've warmed his bottle of EBM, given it to him, burped him, changed him, settled him and then gone downstairs to pump, each feed is taking like 1 1/2 - 2 hours. I feel like I've just got back to bed when he's waking for the next feed.

The cycle of pumping and bottlefeeding is so exhausting - but most times when I try and BF he either nearly takes my nipple off in frustration or looks at me and screams like I've given him a poisoned lemon to suck on!!

I have formula in 'just in case' but I can't bring myself even to give him a top up feed of it. I'm really beating myself up over it and I wish I could le it go, as I know he would be just great even if we switched to just formula!!

We are also struggling BIG TIME with wind. Does anyine have any tips or solutions? The poor thing SCREAMED for 2 hours non stop this evening - it's both heartbreaking to see/hear and exhausting to try and deal with. He was displaying all the common symptoms of really bad trapped wind / colic. :-( We're giving infacol at every feed ... is there anything else we can try? I know we can't use gripe water until he is a month old. Help!!!
OK, Shadow, just read your Dr Brown's rec. I guess I could try the EBM in those?

Can you give Dentinox from birth do you know? Where can you get hold of it?
I miss feeling good about myself, about the way I look. I never minded the pregnancy weight then but I just feel fat now... it's sort of doing my head in because I loved the feeling of not being self-conscious/self-loathing :cry:

I feel EXACTLY the same on this respect, MJ- I am trying not to worry about it, I sort of feel like it's ok and I'm allowed to be like this (i.e. a fat heiffer beast!!! :rofl:) because I am a mummy. But I don't like it when OH and I are "snuggling" and he puts his hand on my tummy, cos before I was pregnant it was beautifully toned, just a perfect belly, no marks or anything, and whilst preggers it was all special and full of Vincent, but now it is all floppy and stretchmarked and (does anyone else who had a C-Section have this??) still numb from the local anaesthetic.... SIGH, it makes it easier just knowing that so many of you lovely ladies are going through similar things as me, and I'm so proud that we have this wonderful group (and that many of us bonded so well in pregnancy) to share everything and help each other through when it gets tough. I totally agree with Cleck, we are all doing a fantastic job of feeding and caring for our little ones, no matter what methods we're using. The very fact that we post in here about it at all shows how much we care and want to do what is best for our babies. :hugs: to Vici and gwiff and anyone else who needs it for the tears and the trickiness... I can only say the obvious to you lovelies, really: It WILL get easier. For me, I feel quite lucky, as I only had the really really tough bit for about a week after coming home from hospital, and I have finally bonded very strongly with Vince (but only, I think, since he turned about a month old...) but that has made everything a million times easier and more enjoyable. And a massive kudos and :thumbup: to MJ and Cleck and anyone else who is enduring BF through hardship, whether it be for a week or a month or a year!! You girls are fantastic!

Lots of love to you all, I'm off to watch The Office (american version Sky Plussed last night :happydance:) and then to bed! Hope for another easy night hehe!!

Shadow x x x x x
Karen honey, yes, you could of course put EBM in the doc brown's, I think it's well worth trying them :) And yes, you can give Dentinox from birth, but only a maximum of 6 times a day (so if you're giving more feeds than that, then use infacol instead for a couple of them maybe??) You can get Dentinox in Boots or any good pharmacist I think :)

Good luck!! x x x x
Shadow- My incision itself is numb to touch. is this what you mean?

My biggest issue with my belly isnt the extra fat(i wasn't exactly stick thin to begin with), but I have a roll/loose skin/whatever it's called over my incision line, it like hangs there. Super gross. I was chubby before but nothing hung. LOL. I find myself glancing in the mirror all the time to inspect my belly now since I'm always half naked with 'skin-to-skin' with Emma. :blush:
My biggest issue with my belly isnt the extra fat(i wasn't exactly stick thin to begin with), but I have a roll/loose skin/whatever it's called over my incision line, it like hangs there. Super gross. I was chubby before but nothing hung. LOL. I find myself glancing in the mirror all the time to inspect my belly now since I'm always half naked with 'skin-to-skin' with Emma. :blush:

i have this i had it with my son but got rid of it befor i got preg took 4 yrs every 1 calls it a baby apron i hate it and mine seems bigger than it was with rueben even thow i under the wehig i was befor i got preg.congrats on the fully bfing.

Vici sorry youre feeling down it dose get better
i miss being preg miss the little kicks that are just for mummy

shadow glad ur little man is a lot better with the new bottles

kaygeebee i hear u about the amont of time it takes i did it fuly for 3 weeks as i didnt et any help at all of oh it was hard work and i just got so down with it i give up befor i spilt with oh or lost my mind but good on u at lest baby is getting all he needs. i wind lucas every 2oz and it seems to work when i see milk dripping down his chin i know he needs winding

well my little man is being a star he slept all thow agane:happydance: 2 nights now i love it iam going to bed at 10pm and gettiing up at 6am with out waking up bliss! i have not had a full night for about 6 months with all the weeing when preg and then baby but hope iam not talking to soon and he keeps it up.

:hugs: to all u brill mummys keep up the good work every 1 is doing. it is a brill thing rasing these little 1s in to lovely kids and they onlyl asts 9 months as babys so all the nights with no sleep will end some time :hugs:
on the missing being pregnant thing - i have this too, i really really miss my bump and that feeling of having a baby inside you, cant explain it, i look at jess and im so proud and love him unconditionally but i want another baby so much already aha, we originally were going to wait until jesse was 18months before we ttc again but thats already been pushed forward to 10months, i dont know i would just like to complete my family sooner rather than later,

on the wind thing - jess did suffer from wind because of how strong his sucking on the bottle is, to the point were he clamps the teat shut and doesnt get any milk from it,
well my uncle showed my OH this brilliant way of winding him were you set him on the edge of your knee sitting up, pull him up under his arms so his back is straight, keep his body in the same place and sort of rock your knee so his legs move, this brings his wind up brilliantly and weve never had a problem after using this technique i might film OH doing it to show you guys and you can see if it helps cus it has deffo helped us we dont even need to use gripe water anymore,

jesse is sleeping a good 7hours at night now between his bedtime feed and middle of the night one which we find brilliant,
hes now taking 8oz per feed and when he was weighed yesterday he was 10lb 9.5oz
which im not surprised by because of how much he eats aha, i think ill definatly be weaning him younger than 6months because already he isnt satisfied by milk,

OH is going paintballing tomorrow and Jesse is going to his grandmas for the day so im going to go shopping, im in desparate need of new clothes now im inbetween, my pregnancy clothes are way too big and my pre pregnancy ones are still pretty tight so i need some stuff to get me through i think,

hope everyones doing good :) xx
I'm not really missing my bump, but am missing my toned stomach - its not flabby or anything but it does seem to be a little loose. I am starting post pregnancy stomach and back building classes tonight so hopefully this will help get tone the muscles . Will mean DH spending the evening alone with Riya for the first time tonight !

My Dr Brown's bottles arrived this morning, tried Riya on the bottle this morning and she didn't take to the teat. :shrug: :nope: I'm using the level 1 teat as she's only a couple of weeks old. Will try again later.

Her wind does seem to be getting better though, so the suppositieries seem to be working, she actually managed to sleep continuously for a few hours last night. Hopefully this is a turn of the corner.
my stomach isn't so much flabby (it IS, and was prepregnancy) but it bothers me more that I still look at least 5 months pregnant... it's worst at the top of my stomach, like the muscles have just given up and everything is hanging loose. I am fairly certain I have separation of the abdominal muscles and I'm unsure what to do about it. My post-natal check up isn't for another 4 weeks - well, I can't leave things another 4 weeks, it's really doing my head in. I can diet (or eat better) and do some stomach exercises but am wary about doing too much. I feel frustrated. :hissy:

and I found something online about abdominal binding with a girdle in the immediate few weeks after delivery, which helps things go back in place, and I am annoyed that I didn't know about it before, think it's too late now, 4 weeks on :(

AND - I don't know how much I should say here given it's a public forum... but I am having trouble with my MIL (at least she's not technically that yet but OH's mother). I feel the need to rant fulsomely. also at OH for telling me what she's said.

ack. I am not happy with this situation.

but Adam is still a little sweetie. :cloud9:
And yes, you can give Dentinox from birth, but only a maximum of 6 times a day (so if you're giving more feeds than that, then use infacol instead for a couple of them maybe??) You can get Dentinox in Boots or any good pharmacist I think :)

WE went to the doctors about Kelsey's wind/colic and was prescribed imfacol and we have it on repeat so we can just order it on line and pick up at our chemist , they sell it at £3-95. oh we was there to get our milk vouchers form signed apparently we get £6 Worth per week ?

oh the doctor also perscribed this for wind

when lucas wnt bring it up just by rubing his back i lay him back down on my kne sit him up agane and try then hold him under hes arms and up in the air then over my sholder then back to sitting on my knee rubbing pating his back and it comes up a windy dance as my oh calls it.

its so silent in this house rueben is at school and granma has taken lucas out for a walk iv got all my jobs done and had my dinner on my own with out him on my knee bliss
I too have numbness where I had C section, doctor says it will be numb for a while as they cut through nerves so take months for feeling to return. I had my section 5 weeks ago and my wound is still healing and because I have an overhang there is one particular bit that is taking longer to heal as no air can get to it. Gross! Annabelle is a little night owl and we are trying to turn her days and nights around. Anyone else having simular troubles?
Thanks for the reassurance on the poop front! I was getting a bit worried :) Madam slept a bit longer last night as she had a mahoosive feed of expressed milk from a bottle. BUT breastfeeding expert lady says that it's bad to introduce bottles now, as it will effect my milk production. I don't see why, given that I pumped it off, but she's the expert, so I'm pumping for the freezer now :( I've been finding pumping super easy with the tommee tippee manual breast pump - very glad I didn't splash out on the electric one as I can get six or seven ounces in ten minutes (so much quicker than when Imogen does it...). Oh well. At least I can leave her with OH for a bit longer if there's milk in the freezer.

Infacol is working well on her wind, although we're double dosing her as it says on the bottle. One thing that works well for Imogen is lying face down, head sideways, on a cushion on my knee and having her back patted rhythmically (and sometimes her botty too). It brings the wind up, and sometimes she goes to sleep like that and stays asleep for a few hours.

Terries also doing well, although she does get poo on her wraps once or twice a day, which means I'm having to do a wash most days - probably not terribly cost effective, but I'm doing other laundry with them (don't tell OH, he would be grossed out!) to try and defray some of the cost.
Hey girls

Vici - so sorry you are feeling so down honey but you are doing a great job of being a mom, I'm not breast feeding either and it doesn't mean you are doing any less of a job. I still get quiet teary by times, I blame it on hormones as those little buggers are still straighening themselves out after pregnancy.

I dont miss being pregnant but do miss my pre pregnancy body - the little one next door was in yestday and says to me, your tummy is going down isn't it and I was delighted and then she pips up although it still has to go down more doesn't it, you look like your having another baby - I was raging and could have cried - and she said it in pure innocence too.

Well Natasha is still off her feeds from either the thrush or the drops for it, we are chaning the treatment tomorrow as she will need another weeks treatment as its not clearing and the poor thing is down to 2 to 2 and a half ounces for each feed, I phoned the public health nurse yestrday as I'm terrified she is going to start losing weight but she said that not to worry once she is having wet and dirty nappies and settling after each feed not to worry that the reduced feed will be fine for a week or two and that I can bring her down next week to be weighed if I'm worried.

Anybody wondering about the Dr. Browns bottles, I would defo recommend them, we have used them for the start and Natasha has no problem with wind.

Well I may run as she is crying - talk to you all soon and hope you all have a good weekend. Its DH's birthday tomorrow so we are going to venture down the road for a meal and my mam is going to babysit, I'm looking forward to it, but will miss the little lady even though I know she will be in good hands with my mam.
:hugs: Vici - those hormones sound like they are making you sad - you are doing a great job with Imi - especially afterthe tough time you have had. I hope you feel brighter soon and just remember - you are a great mummy!

jelr - gosh aren't kids good at saying just the wrong thing! Although the second time my MIL came to visit after the birth, I answered the door and she patted my tummy and said "when is it due?"!!!!!!!!!!! I was (and quite frankly still am) SOOOOOOOOOOOO angry! How can someone who has been through pregnancy and felt that they looked pregnant still say such a thing to someone else?!?!? So now everything she says winds me up - boy do I hold a grudge!!

MJ - sorry you are havign issues with your "MIL" - hope things get better for you :hugs:

Shadow - you sound on top of the world - that's great!

To everyone who is missing being pregnant - I get ya! I miss having a belly that was acceptably fat, and being able to rub it!!

I had to pack away Sophia's tiny baby clothes yesterday and it was really sad - I want another one!!

So my nipple saga continues - I now have an infection (which hopefully goes some way to explaining why it was not healing) so am on antibiotics. I tried expressing from my sore nip earlier - which was a success. I am throwing away the milk and doing it just to keep up my supply. I was hoping that my good boob would supply enough milk for Sophia for a couple of days while I rested my sore one - but I had to feed her using the sore one! Never mind!! i am hopeful that once the infection clears and with expressing to rest it, it WILL get better!

Enough rambling from me - well done everyone on another day of being a great mummy!:thumbup:
Hey ladies, big hugs :hugs: to all you feeling a bit teary, I felt like that for a while but I'm seeing things in a much clearer light now. Hang in there it'll get better.

As for the tummy, mine is definitely more saggy but being tall it's gone back very well in just under three weeks, i'm also quite chubby so it just looks like a tummy :rofl: but this bf is great for losing weight, if only I can stop eating all that cake when people come round :rofl:

Bit of a tmi question but is anyone finding number twos still a bit difficult?? Nearly three weeks on and I feel healed down there but not when number two calls???

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