...I put one on Adam the other day but it was too big for him - he couldn't sit up in it properly, poor baby, it was all stiff round his waist! ... I've put them away for a couple more weeks, hopefully next time I try them they'll fit better.
oh and Shadow, I went to a big Mothercare yesterday and bought a Close baby carrier! haven't tried it on AE yet (he was just post-feed and I was worried he'd do a sick on it when I had a go) but I will later.![]()
shadow, yes lighting is low at night and is silent, it just feeling like hes never really content enough to sleep, i let him sleep downstairs during the day and he stops downstairs untill 10pm. ive read that you can start controlled crying from 4 months old, so i think im just going to grin and bear it untill he reaches that age and then go for it!!!!, i havent really got a routine whilst OH is off work, he started him paternity on tues!!, hes had the school holidays off (hes a special needs teaching assistant) so although hes been here and its been great i need him to get back to work so i can sort myself out!! lol. starting to feel very teary again but have had a letter from my PND councillor so that should help, think things just seem more intense at the minut although im sure things will soon get into a routine!, i feel like a 1st time mum again, its very wierd! its great that vince is doing so well huni, you must be fantastic parents and have him in a very steady routine!! unfortunately for me ive had 2 very intense babies, was kinda hoping i was gonna get a easy ride of it this time as they say no two are the same! my two are! lol,
lots of love
She does seem to poo ALL DAY though, every nappy is a dirty one. I though babies were only supposed to poo once or twice a day?
Hi girls, sorry i've been MIA for a while, things are certainly taking some getting used to. Imi is doing really well and is so good. HV came today and said she;s way ahead for her age and she had also put on 11oz since birth so all goodBut mummy is not so good. Getting very teary ALOT
and often I don't even know what for. I know a huge part of it is being unable to BF. She just will not latch, even with all the support from MW, HV, BF lady - she just does not like boobie. I have exclusively expressed for her (which adds alot of time into the day!!) and so she has all my milk and I have no problem with her having a bottle as it means DF and my mum etc can help BUT i feel this little voice all the time telling me I should BF - I then try over and over and get myself and her worked up
DF has said he'll buy me a double electric pump to cut down on time and effort but i can't bring myself to order it as it feels like i'm defeated
I also seem to have this real problem with not being pregnant anymoreAs awful as my pregnancy was, I miss it so so much. I don't know if this is because it took us so long to get pregnant that for almost the last 3 1/2 yrs we have been either waiting to get PG or being PG and now all of a sudden its gone! Don't get me wrong, I love Imi more than anything but i feel i have a big void
Sorry for the self indulgent post, seems i'm having more and more of them recently