--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

...I put one on Adam the other day but it was too big for him - he couldn't sit up in it properly, poor baby, it was all stiff round his waist! ... I've put them away for a couple more weeks, hopefully next time I try them they'll fit better.

This is just how it was for Vince at first, and I put them away again till now (he's 6 weeks and MUCH bigger as you know!!) and it fit sooooo much better this time. He has had 3 cloth nappies today now, and OH is very happy to try to use cloth nappies every day now - It's easier for us cos Vince poos once every day without exception (so far!) and it is always in the morning. So once he's done his poop for the day, we will put him in cloth nappies (unless we're going out somewhere) until the evening, when we'll put him back in bios again. So that way we can pretty much guarantee that they'll be only wet (and MAN are they wet: He is DEFINITELY a "heavy wetter" lol) and we won't have to worry too much about messy poos in cloth nappies! :thumbup:

oh and Shadow, I went to a big Mothercare yesterday and bought a Close baby carrier! haven't tried it on AE yet (he was just post-feed and I was worried he'd do a sick on it when I had a go) but I will later. :D

:happydance: Awesome! What colour did you get?? Aren't they LUSH?? I loooove mine hehe!! And it is still easy to use and comfortable for me despite Vince's ever-increasing weight!!!

On that topic, actually, we had him weighed again today, and he is now 5.280kg / 11lb 11oz :D He's growing beautifully! :)

Elly honey, I am EXACTLY the same... I deal terribly with night feeds if they don't go perfectly (which is rare) and I often end up in tears. When I think of it in daylight I feel a bit silly, but I don't beat myself up about it: It's hard work when all you want is a bit of sleep and things are stressful (especially with winding for me!) But please know that you're not alone by any means :) I'll think of you tonight sweetie, hope you have an easier night!

Jelr, really hope Natasha gets better soon honey :( Poor little thing!

Bun, I'm not sure what to suggest for Brandon-Li's sleeping... I know that Vince was very unsettled with his sleeping until just recently really (and it's still not water-tight!!), so I'm guessing that Brandon is maybe just a little slower to pick up on the difference between night and day? Do you keep it very calm and quiet for him during night feeds? And do you keep the lighting low? How much does he nap during the day, do you put him somewhere quiet for his daytime naps or keep him with you guys wherever you are? For us, we keep Vinnie with us all the time during the day, so even if he is napping, there is noise around him and he's in a light room etc. We also leave him to fall asleep on his own when we first put him down for the night, I'm not sure whether that helps or not but he seems to settle well in there on his own. Good luck, I'm sure he will start to sort out night from day some time soon!

Well Vince had his last feed at 8:30 and went down well in his cot after that (OH burped him after the feed, and it was soooo easy lol he literally sat him upright and it all just came out! I hope my night feed burping is that easy tonight!!!) so I'm off to bed in a minute and hoping for a good night again!! So great to chat to you all in here, I love my Lion Cubs mummies!! :dance:

Goodnight all, and happy night feeding!!

hiya ladys hope every 1 had a better night

well me and lucas have a cold but its not a bad 1 thank god.
iam so happy with him he had 6oz at 9:30pm went bed at 10pm and he woke at 6am he slept ALL NIGHT yay!!!!! hope it is the 1st of many.
Thanks for that girls!

MJ - Archie will NOT sit on the boob! I don't know whether its cause my boobies are humongous and like giant cushions to him but he falls asleep on them! :dohh: His poos have been the same yellow with grainy bits though i reckon he only has two 90mls of breast milk a day and the rest is formula! He doesnt seem to be bothered with either lol.

tmr - hope you and lucas get better honey x

shadow - I feel your frustration hun with the night feeds.... Archie feeds well in the night but getting him to burp takes ages sometimes and you do just want to :cry: out of frustration for yourself and bubs

jelr - thanks for replying hun, i am off to get dr browns bottles myself later as archie is such a windy baby i am hoping they help!

Sorry i didnt answer everyone Archie's crying so need to feed!
shadow, yes lighting is low at night and is silent, it just feeling like hes never really content enough to sleep, i let him sleep downstairs during the day and he stops downstairs untill 10pm. ive read that you can start controlled crying from 4 months old, so i think im just going to grin and bear it untill he reaches that age and then go for it!!!!, i havent really got a routine whilst OH is off work, he started him paternity on tues!!, hes had the school holidays off (hes a special needs teaching assistant) so although hes been here and its been great i need him to get back to work so i can sort myself out!! lol. starting to feel very teary again but have had a letter from my PND councillor so that should help, think things just seem more intense at the minut although im sure things will soon get into a routine!, i feel like a 1st time mum again, its very wierd! its great that vince is doing so well huni, you must be fantastic parents and have him in a very steady routine!! unfortunately for me ive had 2 very intense babies, was kinda hoping i was gonna get a easy ride of it this time as they say no two are the same! my two are! lol,

lots of love
Hi ladies! Imogen has decided that I was getting too much sleep at night and startd waking up every three hours or so :( Not a happy bunny and I suck at night feeding. OH told me this morning that I was rough with her last night, which I didn't think I was, but now I'm scared that I'm taking out my frustration on Imogen :( She's asleep now and I'm going to try pumping off enough for a massive feed before bed, in the hope that she'll settle for a bit longer. She takes it better from the bottles and doesn't get bored so quickly, so maybe we'll get more milk inside her.

Terries still going swimmingly, really glad I cut a few down for her, although if she keeps putting on weight like this, they won't fit for very much longer. She does seem to poo ALL DAY though, every nappy is a dirty one. I though babies were only supposed to poo once or twice a day?
shadow, yes lighting is low at night and is silent, it just feeling like hes never really content enough to sleep, i let him sleep downstairs during the day and he stops downstairs untill 10pm. ive read that you can start controlled crying from 4 months old, so i think im just going to grin and bear it untill he reaches that age and then go for it!!!!, i havent really got a routine whilst OH is off work, he started him paternity on tues!!, hes had the school holidays off (hes a special needs teaching assistant) so although hes been here and its been great i need him to get back to work so i can sort myself out!! lol. starting to feel very teary again but have had a letter from my PND councillor so that should help, think things just seem more intense at the minut although im sure things will soon get into a routine!, i feel like a 1st time mum again, its very wierd! its great that vince is doing so well huni, you must be fantastic parents and have him in a very steady routine!! unfortunately for me ive had 2 very intense babies, was kinda hoping i was gonna get a easy ride of it this time as they say no two are the same! my two are! lol,

lots of love

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Hang in there sweetheart, I'm sure you are doing a marvellous job!!! It's a bit unfair that the old saying "no two are ever the same" didn't hold true for you! I hope you get a bit of a break soon when Brandon-Li starts to settle a bit. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Sending much love! xx

She does seem to poo ALL DAY though, every nappy is a dirty one. I though babies were only supposed to poo once or twice a day?

:shrug: I guess they always say that each baby is different, but for us, Vince only ever poops once a day... But I think it is quite different on formula to breast milk pooing, so I will leave one of our boobie-mummies to answer you on that one I think!! :mamafy: <--- :haha: hehehe I missed that cow!!!
Aunty E Sam poos all day too and he's bf. Most are dirty nappies and apparently that's fine. Xxxx
Aunty E - generally breast fed babies do poo a lot more than formula fed babies so bubs is quite normal! :-)
AE is mixed feeding and he's mixed pooing as well - he goes in the morning, pretty regular (so I *might* start the cloth nappies same as you Shadow, with disposable through the night and into the morning till the poo is out of the way :rofl: ) but he likes to keep me on my toes and go more often sometimes - yesterday he did three pooey nappies.

my Close carrier is in Charcoal, Shadow - I tried out the first position with him today and - as per usual - he screamed my ear off!! kid does NOT like new things. which positions do you like/find comfy? I found it ok, I was a bit nervous he'd drop out or he wasn't comfy... but I can see that it'll be great once we're both accustomed to it :D
Hey girls! :wave: Glad to see everyone is doing well. Things are pretty good here. I see someone mentioned pooing. Emma has been pooing after almost every feed. She is 100% breastfed now! :happydance: She feeds most of the day and night still but I am super happy to be exclusive again. We've been at it for four days now. She still struggles a bit at the breast when my letdown doesn't come fast enough for her but otherwise she is fine. Tomorrow it will be my month milestone of it and I'm super proud! It really is pretty hard and time consuming but I'm still trying to stick it out. How long do those of you that are breastfeeding plan to stick with it? I feel if I can make it to six months than I'm good. I really doubt I'll do it alot longer than that but I've said alot of things that I wouldn't do and I am so who knows. haha. :haha:

I am just now finally sorting through pictures as I really haven't had a chance to just sit down and do it. So hopefully I'll have some new ones up on myspace/facebook sometime today!
well done, cleck!!! I doubt I'll attempt to go 100% breast with AE, not if it'd mean feeding was all I'd be doing, I am already finding it tiring/draining at times, not to mention boring (though I feel like a bad mother for even using that word..).

am not thinking about the future and how long I'll carry on, am taking it one feed at a time. I have one herniated nipple and it is AGONY when he latches on, sometimes it doesn't get better and I cannot bear to feed him from that side. the other is not so bad, it hurts at the beginning of the feed but fades away and becomes tolerable. Adam has been annoying today, he latches on ok but very quickly pulls away to just bite on the nipple and I can't stand it; also he's fighting me a lot - I'm not sure why (he grabs at me with his little hands and needle-sharp nails, and pulls off completely and then can't get back on so needs help and cries) - don't know whether he's peed off because he's not getting enough or excited because there's plenty...

so... we'll see. it'll be a month for us on Saturday and I am happy we've made it this far!
I know exactly what your saying about them pulling off or pulling down to the nipple. It feels like she is grinding her little gums on them sometimes too. I think maybe they get frustrated that the milk isn't coming fast enough. At least I think that is the case with Emma. She'll sometimes just tug and tug at my nipple like she's trying to rip it off. I really do feel like a dairy cow at times. LOL! :rofl:

I know what you mean too about it being boring. Everyone keeps telling me its normal for them to feed all the time at this age and that they will slowly start eating less often. So I am just waiting for the 'less often' part. haha. I really do enjoy feeding her for the most part though. Just as long as I have a book handy. I've already read a few books just during feeding sessions. :dohh:
Well done Cleck and MJ for your upcoming one month of breastfeeding (exclusive or not it is still an impressive milestone!):thumbup:
Okay girls... I was brave and posted a BF picture in the 'BF pic' thread.. :blush: Im slightly embarassed but Emma is just too cute in it so I had to share. :haha:
Hi girls, sorry i've been MIA for a while, things are certainly taking some getting used to. Imi is doing really well and is so good. HV came today and said she;s way ahead for her age and she had also put on 11oz since birth so all good :) But mummy is not so good. Getting very teary ALOT :cry: and often I don't even know what for. I know a huge part of it is being unable to BF. She just will not latch, even with all the support from MW, HV, BF lady - she just does not like boobie. I have exclusively expressed for her (which adds alot of time into the day!!) and so she has all my milk and I have no problem with her having a bottle as it means DF and my mum etc can help BUT i feel this little voice all the time telling me I should BF - I then try over and over and get myself and her worked up :( DF has said he'll buy me a double electric pump to cut down on time and effort but i can't bring myself to order it as it feels like i'm defeated :(

I also seem to have this real problem with not being pregnant anymore :cry: As awful as my pregnancy was, I miss it so so much. I don't know if this is because it took us so long to get pregnant that for almost the last 3 1/2 yrs we have been either waiting to get PG or being PG and now all of a sudden its gone! Don't get me wrong, I love Imi more than anything but i feel i have a big void :( Sorry for the self indulgent post, seems i'm having more and more of them recently :(
ps. I promise I will catch up with all you girls soon xxx
Hi girls, sorry i've been MIA for a while, things are certainly taking some getting used to. Imi is doing really well and is so good. HV came today and said she;s way ahead for her age and she had also put on 11oz since birth so all good :) But mummy is not so good. Getting very teary ALOT :cry: and often I don't even know what for. I know a huge part of it is being unable to BF. She just will not latch, even with all the support from MW, HV, BF lady - she just does not like boobie. I have exclusively expressed for her (which adds alot of time into the day!!) and so she has all my milk and I have no problem with her having a bottle as it means DF and my mum etc can help BUT i feel this little voice all the time telling me I should BF - I then try over and over and get myself and her worked up :( DF has said he'll buy me a double electric pump to cut down on time and effort but i can't bring myself to order it as it feels like i'm defeated :(

I also seem to have this real problem with not being pregnant anymore :cry: As awful as my pregnancy was, I miss it so so much. I don't know if this is because it took us so long to get pregnant that for almost the last 3 1/2 yrs we have been either waiting to get PG or being PG and now all of a sudden its gone! Don't get me wrong, I love Imi more than anything but i feel i have a big void :( Sorry for the self indulgent post, seems i'm having more and more of them recently :(

Vici, sorry you're feeling so down. I was exactly the same and I still get teary for no reason (Tomos is 6weeks old!). Sometimes I just feel so overwhelmed and scared I can't help but cry.
I started bf but found it too draining and tiring because Tomos would be at the boob almost constantly, so after loads of guilty feelings, loads and loads of tears I decided to go for the formula. I still feel extremely guilty about it three weeks later (the pump is still on the kitchen windowsill - I just can't bring myself to put it away 'just in case' even though I know that's impossible). Tomos is thriving on formula so I know I should'nt feel so bad. I'm just glad that I tried and gave him the first few weeks of boob juice.

I also miss being pregnant. (I thought I was the only one). The thing I miss most is not having that magical bond with him anymore. I miss talking to him - I used to talk to my bump everywhere I went. I had a bath the other day and found myself talking to my fat belly out of habit!! :wacko: I also really miss feeling him move and kick inside me. I think that's what I found most amazing throughout the pregnancy. Although I couldnt imagine being without him now.

Hang on in there, you're doing a fab job :hugs:

Tomos was weighed yesterday. He's 10lbs 14oz so he's doing very well :happydance:
Last night he slept for 5 hours - the first time ever:happydance:

Shadowrat - do you fing the DR Browns bottles have made a big difference to Vince's wind problems? Tomos find it really difficult these days getting the wind up especially during the nights and he wakes up sounding like an elephant or dinosaur because of his breathing. I feel so sorry for him :cry:
Vici- :hugs: to you hun. Sorry your having such a rough time. It sounds like you are doing an amazing job to be exclusively pumping and feeding. I have a little experience with those godawful pumps and I know how exhausting it can be. I share your feelings a bit with the missing the pregnancy. Its wonderful having a baby in there and feeling them move around. I was never one that was in much of a hurry for her to come out because I just enjoyed having her in there all to myself. Now I have to share her with the world. It's amazing but at the same time it is like the end of an era.

It seems like none of us are doing things the way we imagined as far as feeding, etc. We all want the best for our babies and so far I think we are all doing a damned good job from what I've read. :winkwink: Its funny how we all used to get on here like clockwork and now its hard to get even five minutes to catch up. :haha:

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