--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Poor Emma :hugs: You are not a bad mommy, always remember that. Kids do things all the time that make us go "GASP" and break our hearts..I guess it's part of being a mommy. Hope she continues to do well with the bandages!

Emma does still look so young to me too, she is just so petite, I LOVE it.
Aww cleckner, you are not a shitty mom. A shitty mom would have finished her run and showered first!

Glad she is okay, but accidents do happen honey so don't beat yourself up about it (which you will but still, not that much right?).

And next time you know firstly where the hospital is and secondly to ask for a supository ;)

On that note I'm off to take my baby to be bled and demand blood test results because I am going mad waiting till Tuesday.
aw cleck :hugs: i already said this but your a great mummy! toddlers are adventerous and they dont have a sense of danger and accidents happen! dont blame yourself hun and hope shes feels better soon xx
Aww cleck I wish I could jump over the pond and give you a big hug, you are a great mother but as booth said these little ones are adventerous and you need eyes in the back and side of your head to prevent everything that can happen to them, I hope your feeling a bit better today. I reckon you had had your share of bad luck in the last while and things are going to be great now. Big hugs :hugs:

angelstardust: best of luck with the bloods, I hope you get good results and that you get them soon.
angelstardust- keep us updated on the results from the blood tests. I really hope everything is fine because you've been thru enough worry already :hugs:

Cleckner- I can't imagine having to change a bandage myself either so its good your doctor will do it.

I think you're right Cleckner about the hair making Emma look younger. I think Caylee looks older because she has such long hair! Kira doesn't have much hair either so she still looks more like a baby than a toddler to me.

Poor Kira is sick and it's her first illness and I am so unprepared! DH was searching the entire house for a thermometer and I was trying to read the directions on the fever medicine at 1am! Of course we are all exhausted and I had to get up at 5am to go to work, but fortunately I only had to stay a few hours. It's a runny nose and a fever.. so only a matter of time before I get sick too. But atleast its not a tummy bug like what you had Heidi!
angelstardust- Good luck at the doctors hun! I hope they can give you some results today. :hugs::hugs: I can never understand why it takes so long for results. It's ridiculous.

spidey- Oh no! :( I hope she feels better soon. :hugs: I always end up sick whenever Emma gets sick too. Which makes it even worse because you can't be to your full potential. Hopefully you don't catch it.

And I definitely think the hair has everything to do with how old our babies look. Caylee has a TON of hair so she has always looked older to me. But that works because she is so advanced too so she could easily pass as a 2 year old. :lol: Whenever people ask me how old Emma is, they are shocked when I give them an answer. Either because of her lack of hair, or her size. But really she is starting to be average in size because she's catching up to all the other babies. Yesterday she weighed 21.1 lbs. :shrug: So she's not as teeny as she used to be. It'd be interesting to see all our babies together side by side. They are probably different than we picture them.

ETA- I just looked it up and Emma was 21.2 lbs. a month ago. So she actually lost a little. Or is the exact same since they are from different scales.
Spidey, poor Kira. :( It's not fun seeing our LO's sick. I know I always feel so helpless. :( I hope she feels better very soon!! :flower:

Boothh, thanks and yes, "Happy Hanukkah" is what you say. The best way I can explain about what Hanukkah is is to give you this link to read from. :flower:
Btw, Jesse's room is adorable! :D You've done a great job of it! I bet it doesn't stay that tidy looking for long! :winkwink:

jelr, thanks for your kind comment hun. :)

Cleck, awww hun!! Don't blame yourself. It was an accident and the fact that you were freaking out proves that you love little Emma very much and are a wonderful caring mommy! :hugs: I hope her little hand feels better soon! I also hope it doesn't result in a yucky scar. :nope: It's all part of being an adventurous toddler. At least she will know better from now on and wont try it again. Oh and I doubt that DH will notice a white tree since he isn't gonna be back in time to find out hehe. :winkwink:
Oh and Cleck, hun, feel free to get in touch with me anytime. I'm pretty late most of the time so no worries of waking me haha. Poor you. What a rough start right after DH's deployment. Big :hugs:

Lurker, :hi: hun! Please post and say a hello. It really is kinda unfair to us that you are getting to know all of us and yet we don't get to get to know you. :flower: Please join in the chat and introduce yourself. I promise none of us bite and are extremely non judgmental. As you can tell by us all reassuring Cleckner. ;) Please say a quick hello if nothing else. We always love meeting new friends! :D :thumbup: :flower:

Everyone else, :hi: and :hugs: all around because a :hugs: is always a nice thing to be given! :)


We gave Bryson another present yesterday evening. The ball pit! He loves it! He also likes carrying one or two of the balls around in his hands hehe. It's got little round windows with it too so he likes to have us peek at each other through them and do peek a boo haha. :haha: Unfortunately it only came with 20 balls which isn't enough so I've got a bag of 100 balls for it on the way. I cant wait for it to come in and make his ball pit even more fun. It sure is cute and I sure enjoy watching him climbing in and out of it and watching tv while sitting in it hehe. :cloud9: I'll try to post a couple pics later for you all to see.

We gave Zach 2 new fighter jet toys which he loves. He still loves planes and trucks and cars and such. I guess some things boys just don't outgrow. ;)
Spidey: :hugs: Hope she feels better, we just got over it and it was terrible. Poor baby girl. :cry:

I bet Bryson is LOVING the gifts haha. I am so getting a ball pit now :haha:

Angel- For sure keep us updated hon!!!

Yeah I think Caylee has always looked older to me too, I just want to hug and squeeze Emma though haha, I just think she is stunning!
I took this picture of Caylee and was shocked at how old she looked, kind of made me sad :(


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Well, paed doctor we saw today can't interpret the 'Big Blood Test' results, so he says. He was very nice to me and very appologetic. He saw Amber on her last visit to that hospital (she was up 3 times over 4 days) before she vomited blood, checked her over and said she had a tummy bug. He said he was very, very sorry that he didn't spot anything at that stage but it did seem like just a tummy bug. Bla bla bla.

She threw a screaming tantrum getting bloods taken, I have never seen her scream like that! Full body was getting thrashed about (I was sitting on a chair holding her on my knee cuddled into me and the blood was being taken from a hand), I laughed at one point, that nervous with an edge of panic laugh... Then after ot all we went for lunch at the supermarket and one of the staff members was talking to her and touched her arm (we go there a lot so he does know her a little, not a stranger). She went loopy, screamed, arms and hands got pulled in and she turned bodily away from him.

Anyway, liver enzymes are down again but not yet normal. So we have to continue the meds and wait till Tuesday for Big Blood Test Results.

They do take so long to come back becuase it is a full screen. Viral, bacterial, fungal (which take time to culture) as well as looking at each cell type within the blood sample and chromose screening. Big Bloods lol! Those ones were fun getting done, took about 30mins and the bed was like a horror film afterwards. 2 nurses, 2 haematologists, a nurse and me all holding this little 15 month baby down and trying to get blood!
GAAAHHH. We bought Lily the Ingenuity cradle and sway swing and it BROKE while she was in it, the stupid swing seat FELL off! Shes not hurt thank god, but wth? I am so ticked, the company is being total nuggets about it as well..they are like "Box it up and send it back!" yeah because right now we are in a massive snow storm and I am going to pack up my two kids in my damn mini van to find a giant box, screw off! Stupid Bright Starts products
angel- Today did not sound like a fun day for Amber :cry: It's awful that they're not old enough for us to explain why they need to get blood taken and once they sit still for their blood test then they will be rewarded... etc. I hope the results come back soon and you can hopefully put your mind at ease.

Heidi I love that picture of Caylee. You posted another picture recently with her hair pulled back in a ponytail and braided. I was shocked at how long her hair is and how she looks almost 3 in those pictures!

Kira weighed 22 pounds last week at the doctor so her and Emma are basically the same weight now. She was 35th percentile for weight and 85th percentile for height so tall and thin!

A ball pit sounds like so much fun! Thats the one toy I haven't bought yet but so far it seems that all the babies love them :thumbup: I'm glad Bryson enjoys his.

Kira is in bed now and seems to be doing better. It's a bizarre cold or virus so far. She had a watery runny nose Thursday but thats all gone and today she just had a fever. No other symptoms yet. The fever was high though, so I know its not just teething. I hope its over and doesn't turn into something else tomorrow.
This one? Haha yeah she looks so old.


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yep thats the one! It looks like she's going to start Kindergarten soon!
jesse has a ball pool and he loves his, he likes to carry balls around with him too lol!

aw jeez heidi that must have been so scary! i cant believe that would even happen i woulda thought there would be safety mechanisms that would stop that from happening cus it couldve really hurt her!! :hugs:
Heidi, you definitely need to get a ball pit! I am SO glad I got Bryson one! He LOVES it!! :happydance: :cloud9: It's definitely his favorite gift so far! :) Here are a few more pics I took last night of him in it after we added the balls we bought. :thumbup: Yeah, he's just a little bit spoiled. :blush:


Angel, I hope they get you the blood work results soon and I hope it's good news! Fingers crossed! :flower: Please let us know what the results are.

Heidi, omg! I'm so glad that Lily was alright!! Did they not even bother to apologize?? :wacko: I'd of given them a piece of my mind!!

Spidey, hopefully Kira only had a short lived little bug and will be better tomorrow. My 13 year old, Zach, had one of those recently. Right before Thanksgiving actually. He got a fever, and a headache, for a couple of days, and then the 3rd night, the fever finally broke and he felt well again right on Thanksgiving day. Haha. Talk about good timing! :) So maybe she got some little minor bug going on and she will be better soon. I'm hoping that's all it is. Sending Kira lots of get well soon vibes! :flower:

Cleckner, I agree. I think that hair really does make a big difference in how old our babies look. Bryson's looks like toddler age so he looks that way, except I think he still has baby face so people have a hard time guessing his real age. :haha: I think Emma definitely still looks like a baby but she is SO adorable!!! I could just eat her with a spoon! (Not literally but you know what I mean.)

I think all of our lion cubs wound up being exceptionally cute babies! I've seen a lot of babies over the years but I'll be honest, our cubs are the cutest ones I've ever seen!! How did that happen?? Hehe! :cloud9:

I also spoke to Shadow (Naomi) on FB and she said that she is sorry that her life is so busy these days. But she sends her love to everyone. Vince is getting really big now and is doing pretty well. Right now he's struggling with a bout of asthma/allergies but his doctor is taking care of it.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. :flower: I'll be around during the day today off and on but I'll be out this evening for a squadron holiday party. I'll check back with you all again when I return. :wave:
i already said on FB but yaaay toy story ballpit! :D
jesse is at my mums tonight so me and stuart are just waiting for chinese and then were going to watch harry potter :)

hope everyone has a fun weekend!
I need to get on fb more often to check up on the latest pictures. I'm seriously so awful about looking and commenting these days. I haven't even updated my own piccies for so long! I think I'll make it my mission today to get FB all up to date and check up on you girlies. ;)

Heidi- I cannot believe it just broke like that!! :shock: That's horrible. :hugs:

Emma is running around this divider wall that we have in huge circles with diesel chasing her. lol. Emma is also completely naked. :rofl: Why is it they are so cute when naked? If I were to run in circles naked people would probably throw up. :rofl::rofl:
lmao jesse is always running in circles, and i actually love his little bum its soo good and he has more cellulite than i do :rofl:
HAHAHA Caylee has soooooooo much cellulite and so does Lily, Im like...where did this come from haha. Its so cute on babies and then when I show mine off I get the...Oh dear god put it back on look :lol:
i love naked babies - not in a wierd way :haha: Their bums are just too darn cute!

lots to catch up on:
Heidi - eek about the swing , that is terrible! Glad Lily is ok :hugs:
Caylee does look a bit older than some of the other babies, she is just SO beautiful.

Kim - Bryson looks as though he loves his ball pit. I hope youa re having a great Hannukah.
What did you do for thanksgiving in the end? Did you see your mum?
i don't have you on fb, if you want to add me then I am Siobhan Minor :hugs:
I think Bry looks a bit older beacuse he has so many teeth!

Angel - i hope you get the best results from Amber's bloods :hugs:

Cleck - how are you doing honey, i saw your status on fb about saying "daddy". i hope it gets easier for you hon. Emma is diddy but as beautiful as always :hugs:

Boothh - I just saw your pile of presents for Jesse on fb :shock: they must have taken you forever to wrap! lucky Jesse - I wish I got that many presents :haha:

Spidey - Kira is gonna be a supermodel with those stats!

Who have i missed? sorry and hi!

I think Sophia is the giant of the group (well between her and Caylee I reckon :haha:) She is approx 11kg and 82 cm tall!

I spent last night babysitting my two nephews (aged 4 and 2) and had Sophia with me (and DH!) so that is 3 children under the age of 5 and it was actually a lot better than I expected! They all went to bed fine -phew!

Does anyone else hate it when people give LO food without asking? Today we were round MIL house and they were in tehkitchen while I was in the lounge. Sophia walked in to see me with a lump of cheese. Now I don't mind her having cheese (althogh she had aleady had some that day) it was the fact that MIL didn't ask first. Does that make me a control freak?

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