Heidi, you definitely need to get a ball pit! I am SO glad I got Bryson one! He LOVES it!!

It's definitely his favorite gift so far!

Here are a few more pics I took last night of him in it after we added the balls we bought.

Yeah, he's just a little bit spoiled.
Angel, I hope they get you the blood work results soon and I hope it's good news! Fingers crossed!

Please let us know what the results are.
Heidi, omg! I'm so glad that Lily was alright!! Did they not even bother to apologize??

I'd of given them a piece of my mind!!
Spidey, hopefully Kira only had a short lived little bug and will be better tomorrow. My 13 year old, Zach, had one of those recently. Right before Thanksgiving actually. He got a fever, and a headache, for a couple of days, and then the 3rd night, the fever finally broke and he felt well again right on Thanksgiving day. Haha. Talk about good timing!

So maybe she got some little minor bug going on and she will be better soon. I'm hoping that's all it is. Sending Kira lots of get well soon vibes!
Cleckner, I agree. I think that hair really does make a big difference in how old our babies look. Bryson's looks like toddler age so he looks that way, except I think he still has baby face so people have a hard time guessing his real age.

I think Emma definitely still looks like a baby but she is SO adorable!!! I could just eat her with a spoon! (Not literally but you know what I mean.)
I think all of our lion cubs wound up being exceptionally cute babies! I've seen a lot of babies over the years but I'll be honest, our cubs are the cutest ones I've ever seen!! How did that happen?? Hehe!
I also spoke to Shadow (Naomi) on FB and she said that she is sorry that her life is so busy these days. But she sends her love to everyone. Vince is getting really big now and is doing pretty well. Right now he's struggling with a bout of asthma/allergies but his doctor is taking care of it.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

I'll be around during the day today off and on but I'll be out this evening for a squadron holiday party. I'll check back with you all again when I return. :wave: