Awwww Cleck. I'm so sorry hun!

Maybe the girls are right and he is putting on a brave front or just isn't thinking straight. I'm sure he misses you and Emma but that must also be hard for him to admit if one of his buddies is shoulder surfing. Hopefully he will come to his senses soon. Although you will probably have to spell it out for him. Men!

I still have to deal with DH having a short fuse at times or the way that he reacts to things in a defensive manner as though he has to protect the fort or his comrades from the enemy. It's not even in an obvious way. It's subtle, but I see it in him at times and I just try to remind myself that he is a war vet. That I love him and that he is a good hubby and it may annoy me at times but he deals with it well overall and that it could be a lot worse. I know I may sound like a broken record or a nag

but I am here for you. Feel free to call me or text me and cry, whine, complain, vent, or whatever anytime. Big
Shiv, I'd probably go nuts on anyone who tried to feed Bry something without my knowledge or permission. It's all part of being a protective and loving parent.
Heidi, that must be so rough.

I dunno if it's an consolation but my DH saw action (and actually killed many enemy combatants) in Desert Storm during the Bush Sr. Presidency. He was in the 82nd Airborne and was a paratrooper. MY DH has his moments of impatience, and a short fuse and such but overall he seems to be as normal as one gets after being in a war. How long ago was it that Ross was in Iraq? It may take him a few years or many years to get close to being who he was before hand. But I think if you give him time it will get better. I wish I knew my DH before he went to war to know who he was then, but from what he tells me, his mom tells me, and from what I can tell, he is now who he was then for the most part. Mind you Desert Storm was many years ago. So I think that there is hope for Ross if you give him time and if he is able to sort himself out with time. I am sorry that you have had to deal with all of this as a result though.
Shiv, I did end up going to Cary's for a little while for Thanksgiving. But I ONLY went because my brother wanted to see us and had told me that he'd only show up there if I did. So I went for him. No one else. By and large Cary minded her p's and q's but things are far from being "ok" with us. Fact is that they never will be "ok" again. The damage is done and it's not repairable. There is just too much over too many years and too much betrayal. There is more harm than good and at this point she just isn't worth it to me anymore. As cruel as that sounds. I have to think about my own heart and that of my own family now. They come first! I'm fine to behave and be civil though. I just won't ever be chummy with her or mother/daughterly.
Bry really does love his ball pit. It's so cute!

Hanukkah has been pretty peaceful so far. Other than my grandmother in law being so sick and in the hospital but we're praying for a full recovery instead of her going the other way. She's 87 though and in very poor shape and her health is never that strong so it's been touch and go lately.
I agree that Bry does look a bit older than his age with his full mouth of teeth but with his baby face too it always throws people off and they cant guess his age hehe.

Oh, and I added you on FB!
Boothh, I haven't tried Bry on eggs yet as I'm kinda afraid to. I get that way with new foods with him. I'm always afraid of him reacting badly too it even though I have no reason to worry as he's had no bad reactions at all yet.

Yeah, I'm an overprotective worry wort.

But if it's something that I like to eat and enjoy then I'm always eager to let him try it too. Go figure!
Did I miss anyone else? If so, forgive me!! Lots of

all around!
AFU, Since the rest of my family isn't Jewish, they of course celebrate xmas and they buy things for the boys. I cant just tell them not to though. So we will still be going around to visit them on xmas day and exchange gifts. Oh the joys of having to deal with two very different preferences in the family. But that's ok. They do respect our beliefs and never try to dissuade us. So that is good. So other than what we bought for Bryson and Zach, they will both be getting even more stuff from the rest of the family.
If only I could figure out how to organize Zach's bedroom to where it's easier for him to keep it clean and he'd be more willing to. He's a typical teenager and throws his clothes on the floor instead of in his laundry bin. Leaves DVD cases and DVDs lying around instead of putting them on the shelf in their cases. And his blankets lying on the floor.

Not to mention his toys. They are constantly all over the floor, or his dresser, etc. It's starting to drive me crazy! I'm already trying to train Bryson early to clean up his toys. He is good about helping me clean it up and put them into his toy bin, but when we're done, he likes to dump it back out again.

I keep telling him he is missing the point of this entire endeavor haha.

Oh well. It's a start at least.