--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

So I'm pretty tearful today. DH can be so insensitive. His latest email was saying how easy it is on the ship and he has written one before this saying it's so much easier than he thought it'd be. Is it wrong for me to hope he suffers? I mean we suffer every day missing him. I just told him I'm done emailing for a while. I just can't deal with him rubbing it in my face how easy it is for him. :(:(
that is a really insensitive thing to say - what a jerk! I'd be pissed off too. He shoud be missing you like crazy and telling you so! It will be easier for him being away because he doesn't have a baby to look after and all the household stuff, I imagine he is being kept busy. If I were you (and I am a very cruel person) next time you email i woudl tell him Emma has forgotten who he is! just kidding but it might make him think twice about what he writes next time! big hugs hun :hugs:
Maybe he is just telling you what he thinks you want to hear? That he is okay and coping. (when all you want to hear is that he misses you both like crazy)
yeah angelstardust might be right cleck he is probably just putting on a brave face you know what men are like sometimes they dont think! :hugs:

shiv - iv been buying for months and everything has been hidden away so i didnt realise how much he had, there arnt many big toys though most of it is books, bedroom stuff or clothes :/ iv still spent nearly £600 though and stuart has gone absolutly ape shit lol x
Yeah I don't know what goes on in his head sometimes. I don't think he's clever enough to be saying it to make me feel better. I truly wonder sometimes if he even remembers us when he's gone. I know I'm horrible for even saying that I want him to be miserable. :blush: Every time he deploys it's like he turns into this different person. It's hard to explain but he gets around all these guys and than turns into this idiot highschool kid basically. He once admitted that him and a few buddies would stand around and every time a woman would walk past, they'd say how many beers it'd take before they'd sleep with her. :nope: What married guy does that? He didn't understand when I flipped out at him. He thought it was all a funny game. Ugh! But that's bringing up a completely different kind of hurt.

I'm probably just being oversensitive today..:blush:
Shiv I am the same way, if you want to feed my kid, just ask me first, I probably won't have an issue with it, I would just like it if you ask me.

Cleck :( Honey :hugs: Military men can usually be really insensitive. I blame the military for that. I can't imagine having to have him gone and having all those emotions and having Emma alone, I think DH is just getting in the hang of everything, like you said he goes back to that teenage stage and hangs out with the guys, but I bet you any money, when he is alone in bed at night he can't get you and Emma out of his head. He is a man, he puts on that "Im good" face and keeps chill about things, when really all we want to hear is how much they miss us and the kids. :hugs:

I still don't think I will ever get "The real Ross" back after is deployment in Iraq...I think that man is gone, and now I am left with the shell of who he used to be and he is trying to re-program himself and it's just...impossible. Sometimes I get so angry at him and it's not his fault but it's like "Why can't you just be sensitive?!" "Why can't you show SOME emotion when the girls and I are gone!?" I swear the Army-Navy-MC-Etc will screw any man up...I hate it so much.
I hope you girls are right and it's just an act.

Heidi- :hugs: My DH has never seen any 'real' action so I can't even imagine how Ross has been changed by it. We military wives/girlfriends put up with a lot of crap that's for sure. I know your old ross may never come back, but I hope he becomes an even better Ross with time. :hugs::hugs:
Cleckner- :hugs: He probably changes in order to fit in and not feel completely isolated and miserable. We all need companionship in our lives and being on a ship with a bunch of men 24/7 will lead to immature man stuff. I know exactly what you mean about being mad because you want him to sound more miserable from missing you and Emma. DH takes trips for his work and he took one when Kira was 6 weeks old and I remember him calling and going on and on about the fun time he was having. I would rather have him whine about how much he missed me and the baby and tell me how bored he was- or ask how I was doing. I felt stupid for being mad because I really do want him to be happy, but I couldn't help my feelings.

Shiv- Since Kira has a few allergies, it's easy for me to scare guests into not feeding her :haha: I always say that I need to be careful what I feed her otherwise she'll break out in hives (which is true) and thats enough to keep them away!
i forgot to say shiv about the food i was really annoyed with my mum cus jesse doesnt have eggs as hes had a few reactions to them but while we were on holiday she gave him an omelette, though shes said he didnt hasve a reaction she couldnt see my point that its up to me to try him with foods he's had reactions to not her! :dohh:
another things she always does is give him chocolate, she keeps it in her bag and he knows and always goes for it she thinks its funny though i said time and again i dont like him eating chocolate apart from very occasionally, xx
Awwww Cleck. I'm so sorry hun! :hugs: Maybe the girls are right and he is putting on a brave front or just isn't thinking straight. I'm sure he misses you and Emma but that must also be hard for him to admit if one of his buddies is shoulder surfing. Hopefully he will come to his senses soon. Although you will probably have to spell it out for him. Men! :dohh: I still have to deal with DH having a short fuse at times or the way that he reacts to things in a defensive manner as though he has to protect the fort or his comrades from the enemy. It's not even in an obvious way. It's subtle, but I see it in him at times and I just try to remind myself that he is a war vet. That I love him and that he is a good hubby and it may annoy me at times but he deals with it well overall and that it could be a lot worse. I know I may sound like a broken record or a nag :blush: but I am here for you. Feel free to call me or text me and cry, whine, complain, vent, or whatever anytime. Big :hugs:

Shiv, I'd probably go nuts on anyone who tried to feed Bry something without my knowledge or permission. It's all part of being a protective and loving parent. :winkwink:

Heidi, that must be so rough. :( I dunno if it's an consolation but my DH saw action (and actually killed many enemy combatants) in Desert Storm during the Bush Sr. Presidency. He was in the 82nd Airborne and was a paratrooper. MY DH has his moments of impatience, and a short fuse and such but overall he seems to be as normal as one gets after being in a war. How long ago was it that Ross was in Iraq? It may take him a few years or many years to get close to being who he was before hand. But I think if you give him time it will get better. I wish I knew my DH before he went to war to know who he was then, but from what he tells me, his mom tells me, and from what I can tell, he is now who he was then for the most part. Mind you Desert Storm was many years ago. So I think that there is hope for Ross if you give him time and if he is able to sort himself out with time. I am sorry that you have had to deal with all of this as a result though. :hugs:

Shiv, I did end up going to Cary's for a little while for Thanksgiving. But I ONLY went because my brother wanted to see us and had told me that he'd only show up there if I did. So I went for him. No one else. By and large Cary minded her p's and q's but things are far from being "ok" with us. Fact is that they never will be "ok" again. The damage is done and it's not repairable. There is just too much over too many years and too much betrayal. There is more harm than good and at this point she just isn't worth it to me anymore. As cruel as that sounds. I have to think about my own heart and that of my own family now. They come first! I'm fine to behave and be civil though. I just won't ever be chummy with her or mother/daughterly.
Bry really does love his ball pit. It's so cute! :D Hanukkah has been pretty peaceful so far. Other than my grandmother in law being so sick and in the hospital but we're praying for a full recovery instead of her going the other way. She's 87 though and in very poor shape and her health is never that strong so it's been touch and go lately.
I agree that Bry does look a bit older than his age with his full mouth of teeth but with his baby face too it always throws people off and they cant guess his age hehe. :haha: Oh, and I added you on FB! :flower:

Boothh, I haven't tried Bry on eggs yet as I'm kinda afraid to. I get that way with new foods with him. I'm always afraid of him reacting badly too it even though I have no reason to worry as he's had no bad reactions at all yet. :dohh: Yeah, I'm an overprotective worry wort. :blush: But if it's something that I like to eat and enjoy then I'm always eager to let him try it too. Go figure! :haha:

Did I miss anyone else? If so, forgive me!! Lots of :hugs: all around! :flower:

AFU, Since the rest of my family isn't Jewish, they of course celebrate xmas and they buy things for the boys. I cant just tell them not to though. So we will still be going around to visit them on xmas day and exchange gifts. Oh the joys of having to deal with two very different preferences in the family. But that's ok. They do respect our beliefs and never try to dissuade us. So that is good. So other than what we bought for Bryson and Zach, they will both be getting even more stuff from the rest of the family.
If only I could figure out how to organize Zach's bedroom to where it's easier for him to keep it clean and he'd be more willing to. He's a typical teenager and throws his clothes on the floor instead of in his laundry bin. Leaves DVD cases and DVDs lying around instead of putting them on the shelf in their cases. And his blankets lying on the floor. :dohh: Not to mention his toys. They are constantly all over the floor, or his dresser, etc. It's starting to drive me crazy! I'm already trying to train Bryson early to clean up his toys. He is good about helping me clean it up and put them into his toy bin, but when we're done, he likes to dump it back out again. :dohh: I keep telling him he is missing the point of this entire endeavor haha. :haha: Oh well. It's a start at least. :thumbup:
Ross was in Iraq when he was 19 until he was 21 and he is now 25. We have certain triggers that we can't have in the house, we can't have anything that makes a lous buzzing sound like an alarm clock, ours has to do a soft beep or the dryer buzzer gets him too. It's really sad :( He has TBI from the war because his tank hit a roadside bomb and he was in the gunner seat and it knocked him out and cut up his leg good and he lost some hearing in his right ear, he did get the purple heart though so :( I hate hearing about the lives he had to take, I think it's just terrible. I hope he gets better, with counseling and medication I do believe we can get there.
Ambers appointment was cancelled because all the doctors are stuck in Glasgow due to the snow.

But they should be calling me at some point.
jesse just had health visitor appointment and he weighs 23lb 12oz (10.80kg) :)

yesterday we gave him his advent calendar and he kept making oink oink noises and we didnt realise why then looked and he was pointing at peppa pig on his advent calendar making piggie noises, soo cute <3
I swear Emma and I went to bed last night and she woke up as the devil. Crying and whining all morning. So I finally just dressed her and opened the back door. She can run around. :haha: I couldn't take the whining anymore. Thank god for a fenced in, tiny back yard. And a puppy that stays by her side the whole time to keep her occupied and happy. Although that puppy is nearly as tall as her now. :rofl:
Jesse is a good weight! Woohoo. :D I love that he makes piggy noises :haha:

Hope you hear something soon Angel.

Cleck, maybe it's something in the air :haha: Caylee seriously was evil all night. She went to bed at 8:00 pm, and woke up at 11:30 pm and was up until 6:00 am... screaming and yelling and throwing things and laying on the floor kicking...oh yeah did I ever say how much I HATEEEEEE toddler beds?...I HATE THEM haha
Angel- any word on Amber's results?

Boothh- thats really cute about Jesse making oink noises :-)

Cleckner- I wish we weren't having such cold weather because going outside can entertain Kira for hours. Even on her grumpiest day it will make her happy. Tomorrow Emma might be a little sweetie and have one more tooth perhaps?

Heidi- Oh my- that sounds like a nightmare! Were you able to sleep at all?

Kimberly- I've been meaning to ask you- are you still delaying Bryson's vaccines? What does your pediatrician think about that? Mine is okay with it since it's my choice but I always leave feeling so guilty since she has to give me all the warnings of the awful diseases Kira could get.

Kira has been "that"-ing us constantly these last few weeks! She is so interesting in everything and will point and say "that" and sometimes she says "that that that that that that that" and it's truly never ending! Even in the middle of the night she will say "that" outloud because she must be dreaming of ordering me around. :haha: Is anyone else being ordered around all day? Also, she's very clingy recently. She would be happy sitting on my lap all day and she's never more than an arms reach away from me. I feel a little left out because I've never had a toddler who runs around and gets into mischief. :haha:
Aw Kira, :D I can't wait for Caylee to do that.

And honestly no. I went to bed like at 6:30 am and Ross let me sleep until like 1:45 haha, I felt terrible because he was up as well and he had to go to work tonight haha. Boooo. I hope this stage is over soon, because this shit is driving me insane.
Sorry, they called yesterday and...


So we went out (I have flu) grabbed dinner from KFC and bought our Christmas Tree to celebrate. Then after having a 5ft frozen nordic fir between my legs on the way home, got home and collapsed on the sofa. Christmas can now begin in this little home stead :D

Tell you what though, I am feeling so much better today. Wonder if frozen thighs by 5ft frozen christmas tree is a flu cure? Think it will catch on?
gosh I've had a few things between my legs in my time but never a 5ft fir tree!:haha:

So glad Amber got the all clear - bring on Christmas!

Spidey - Sophia bosses me around ALL day!

At the moment she is OBSESSED with pretend tea parties with her teddies (David introduced her to the idea and now we haveto have them all day long. First she gets theblanket out (which is the picnic rug!) and oreders me to lay it out. Then she points at her tea tray and I have to put that on the picnic. Then she gets each of her teddies in turn and gets me to sit them around the blanket. Then the tea party begins, everyone has "tea" and "sandwiches" then we all have to have a dance afterwards! It is really cute , the first time, now it is driving me nuts! It is the first thing she does in the morning, even before milk!
Kimberly- I've been meaning to ask you- are you still delaying Bryson's vaccines? What does your pediatrician think about that? Mine is okay with it since it's my choice but I always leave feeling so guilty since she has to give me all the warnings of the awful diseases Kira could get.

Yeah, we're still holding off for right now. I know I feel bad too but the fact is that the doctors make money every time they prescribe a drug/use a vaccine as well as get perks from the pharmaceutical companies. I need to be 100% certain that Bryson is getting a vaccine because it's needed and not because it's what doctors are trained to do. I also bet you anything that there isn't a doctor out there who is willing to put their medical license where their mouth is. In other words I doubt that they'd sign a form saying that they guarantee the safety of the vaccine that they are giving or you have the right to sue them for it. I too worry about all of the scary diseases out there. But I think if we hold off until Bryson is 2 years old, his neurological system will then be well established enough that the heavy metals in the vaccines wont impact it as hard as it would with a younger baby. Besides, he already got a lot of immunities from me because I breastfed him and it's not like I'm taking him to Africa or anything.

Angel, so glad that you got good news! Bring on christmas for you guys!

Cleck, how is Emma today? Hopefully less cranky.

Heidi, that was nice of Ross to keep the girls and let you sleep. :thumbup: Sometimes us Mommies need some rest too.

Oh gosh Shiv! Hehehe! Poor you!! LOL! :haha: That really is cute. I do see how it could get annoying though. Time to teach her a new game. :winkwink:

AFU, I wish Bryson would talk more. He says mama, dadda, bu bu, za za, ya ya ya, nmm nmm. He isn't pointing yet either. I hope that's ok. Usually if he wants something he just reaches for it or cries. :dohh: I wish he'd say "that" or "this". I talk to him all the time and try to encourage new words but he never says them. Now he knows a lot of words and will do whatever action is necessary when we say them but he wont say them himself. Examples, "where is your ball?" he goes and gets his ball. We tell him "sit down please" he sits, "get it", he gets whatever, "kiss please", he kisses us (if he's in the mood to), "play peek a boo", he will play peek a boo, "blow me a kiss", he will blow a kiss. I dunno, I kinda hope he talks soon. I still worry about him getting behind developmentally. His pincer grasp is good now but he still cant feed himself with fork or spoon. He'd rather chew on them and play with them. :dohh: Isn't it funny how we spend the first two years of their life how to walk and talk and then we spend the rest of it trying to get them to sit down and be quiet? LOL! :haha: I wouldn't trade my curious little toddler for anything in the world! I love him and being a mommy so much! :cloud9:

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