Yeah the problem with Natashas walking is mainly slipping at the moment, I take off her socks in the evening when the house is nice and warm and she can walk the full lenght of the room, but during the day when her socks are on, she will take a good few steps but will slip with her socks, so I think I'm going to opt for the pre-walkers.
I was also looking at the shoes in the shops here and they do seem pretty hard and the girl in the shop explained that the pre-walkers are softer until they are walking well to get used to just having shoes on. She also wants to be down and holding our hands outside at the moment so at least she can wear the pre-walkers outside too as it is far too cold and wet here to go in stocking feet, although with the weather at the moment I dont think that will be happening as she would need welly boots to walk lol.
Lentils are really good for Iron too and they can be just added to potatoes and veg and they go really mushy and soft and mash in with the other
I love that kitchen Shiv it is adorable. I am really bored now too. I have been in for a week now and only gotten to the shops once and over to my mams and cabin fever is really setting in. I think Natasha is getting really bored too and is sick of looking at me lol - ah no she is just used to being over in my mams with all my brothers for the few days I am working and we are usually in around town or down at the shops with her too, where as she has been stuck in all week as well and just needs a change of scenery I think.
We are covered in snow again here, although I guess it is better than the start of the week, where we were basically snowed in but without the snow ha ha as it started 5 mins away and the rest of the county was covered but our salt air kept melting it, so at least Natasha gets to look at it out the window and she is so cute doing like a itsy bitsy spider thing with her hands and saying swish when you say what is the snow doing. She is starting to want to go out in it too, but it is so cold we can only venture out for a few minutes and because I haven't been able to get to town to get the shoes she can't get down on the ground, plus she wouldn't be steady enough yet.
The forecast is that we are to have this for another week and I think I will crack up then because DH is in work but only in the office and all my groups have been cancelled but it means no pay also - one week was fine but it will put us under pressure if it continues with Christmas coming and I really need to get out and do some Christmas shopping or it will be panic stations in the last week, We also were meant to go to a party at the weekend and have two on this saturday night as well which Id say we may skip as its not safe to travel, but I dont mind that too much if I could only get in and get the shopping done. Well that is my rant over, sorry girls ha ha
Cleck I really hope you are feeling a bit better
I was also looking at the shoes in the shops here and they do seem pretty hard and the girl in the shop explained that the pre-walkers are softer until they are walking well to get used to just having shoes on. She also wants to be down and holding our hands outside at the moment so at least she can wear the pre-walkers outside too as it is far too cold and wet here to go in stocking feet, although with the weather at the moment I dont think that will be happening as she would need welly boots to walk lol.
Lentils are really good for Iron too and they can be just added to potatoes and veg and they go really mushy and soft and mash in with the other
I love that kitchen Shiv it is adorable. I am really bored now too. I have been in for a week now and only gotten to the shops once and over to my mams and cabin fever is really setting in. I think Natasha is getting really bored too and is sick of looking at me lol - ah no she is just used to being over in my mams with all my brothers for the few days I am working and we are usually in around town or down at the shops with her too, where as she has been stuck in all week as well and just needs a change of scenery I think.
We are covered in snow again here, although I guess it is better than the start of the week, where we were basically snowed in but without the snow ha ha as it started 5 mins away and the rest of the county was covered but our salt air kept melting it, so at least Natasha gets to look at it out the window and she is so cute doing like a itsy bitsy spider thing with her hands and saying swish when you say what is the snow doing. She is starting to want to go out in it too, but it is so cold we can only venture out for a few minutes and because I haven't been able to get to town to get the shoes she can't get down on the ground, plus she wouldn't be steady enough yet.
The forecast is that we are to have this for another week and I think I will crack up then because DH is in work but only in the office and all my groups have been cancelled but it means no pay also - one week was fine but it will put us under pressure if it continues with Christmas coming and I really need to get out and do some Christmas shopping or it will be panic stations in the last week, We also were meant to go to a party at the weekend and have two on this saturday night as well which Id say we may skip as its not safe to travel, but I dont mind that too much if I could only get in and get the shopping done. Well that is my rant over, sorry girls ha ha
Cleck I really hope you are feeling a bit better