Hi ladies! Sorry I've been so quiet lately. I finally got started on holiday shopping yesterday. Most of it is done. Unfortunately there were 2 things on Bryson's list that they were out of.

I'm hoping that they come back in stock, soon. Especially since for us, Hanukkah has begun. I got for Bryson, a cute little foot to floor powered ride on toy that plays music, does sounds, and has little lights on it that light up. It's so cute. He loves it!

He prefers pushing it around right now rather than riding on it but I'm sure that will change. I also got him an inflatable ball pit that comes with 25 balls but that isn't quite enough and they were out of the bags of balls for those (100 balls total). We also got him a cute V-Tech piano toy that lights up, plays songs, allows him to make his own songs by pressing the keys, and it has a mic with it and a book too. It's cute and every time he sees it in the store, he loves playing with it. We also got him the Weebles musical treehouse. Now he will have something to play with his weebles with.

We are also waiting for them to get another one of the little spinning speedways in. So all in all, Bry will have some good gifts. Only one per day though. And my family (who does christmas as they aren't jewish) are getting him gifts for christmas time too so he will do quite well this holiday season!

The only sad news is that we just got word today that DH's grandmother (who is 87) is in the hospital and isn't doing well. They aren't sure if she is gonna pull through or not. We have to go see her tonight. They aren't even sure if she will remember her own grandson or not. Poor DH.
Shiv that's so cute! Bless her heart. Is there any way that DH could remove just enough snow that she can be in it just right outside the door? That little kitchen is adorable! You should get that for her.
Andie, same here! I cant wait to do a spring cleaning haha. We've got so much crap that just HAS to go!!
Cleckner, is there an Aquarium there that you can get a membership to? We have 2 of them near us, the GA Aquarium, and the Chattanooga one and Bry loved it last time we went. He was totally fascinated!

Spidey, I cant wait to see pics of Kira playing with her new kitchen. It's so cute how excited they are at this age with something new and fun.
Boothh, I wanna see pics. I like seeing how people choose to organize their LO's rooms. I'm going to have to do the same with Bryson's room. I refuse to keep his ball pit that we bought him anywhere but in his room or he will always have balls all over the place for me to step on and I'm not going through that battle so it's easier if it's in his room where he is at more so than I am. Hehe!
I'm attaching a pic of our "Holiday Tree" for you all to see. (Since it's Hanukkah colors we can get away with it hehe!) Yes, we also have a menorah which I will take a pic of and attach tonight or tomorrow. Unfortunately it's not a fancy one but it's nice enough and it will do.