Hey everyone?
Ive not been on for a wee while been engrossed in new computer game "world of warcraft" anyone else play?.... but not got too much to catch up on phew!! hope all you ladies are well??
Angel thats great news about amber getting the all clear!! means you can get on with having a good xmas

i keep meaning to ask you where abouts in Ayrshire you are?
Cleck how great that Emma isnt letting her sore hand get her down business as usual...climb play with toys etc
Spidey Kira is just adorable i loved her video shes so clever!!
Booth- love jesse's new shoes
Shiv- was wondering DO U WANNA PLAY PICNICS pweeeese

As for all the things that you love about your little ones....Its so nice to hear what they are all doing i think toddlers just cant help being double cute ive said it before but i love the age they are now.
our tree went up on saturday and Kiera loves it especially the lights every time they go on she points and shouts mummy wow! im reluctant to say this but she has been nowhere near as annoying about grabbing things etc off of the tree as i expected her to be but there is time yet i suppose lol We went to see santa yesterday too, she sat on santa's knee with her sister, had a good look at him with a frown on her face then pointed at him while turning to me with this wee chuckle and look on her face as if who is this joker

me and my other half were in stitches!! I LOVE CHRISTMAS! teehee
Well like the rest of you guys its hard to narrow it down to one thing coz Kiera is doing so many cute things just now but the thing i would say is my fav is when she does actions to head shoulders knees and toes every time the advert for baby looney tunes comes on even when in they're song they are actually singing something along the lines of " head shoulder beaks and snouts beaks and snouts" lol she gets so pleased with herself too