Booth: omg I'm so so sorry, your poor friend and you. That is just horrific. My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this terrible time. It just doesn't bear thinking about. My blood ran cold when I read that and i told dh and he turned White. I know it can happen anytime but you would think at 20 months, you are over the danger period of something like that happening, it just goes to show like Stuart said none of us know what tomorrow can bring. Huge hugs to you all

I also check natasha during the night and will do it twice as much now. Congrats on getting married sooner now though.
Shiv: I'm so sorry about your mam, I really hope you get good news

to you too, it must be an awful worry.
Angel: congrats on the all clear
Cleck: lovely photo ha ha, that is definitely one to show emma when she is older. I can't get over the colour lol
Heidi: I hope it is just a phase caylee is going through. I would say it is hard though
sorry guys I know I have missed loads but am on my phone so am only messaging the main points and I apologise for spelling as this thing has a mind of it's own.