ok, read back a few pages...
Boothh, oh my god.

I am SO SORRY to hear about your friend's little girl. What a tragedy, your poor friend. It's my absolute worst nightmare, even once Adam was out of the "risk" age range for SIDS, I was (and am) still paranoid. He still sleeps in his cot in our bedroom but more often than not (98% of the time) he ends up in with us, and it suits me fine (we have a big bed and he doesn't disturb me).
Shiv, also so sorry to hear about your mum's adrenal gland problem. Really hope it is nothing serious. What a time she has had, and you're right, it's really shitty when bad things happen to great people.
AFU - well, we went to Norway last weekend for my little niece Sofie's christening. I was very anxious before we went that the weather would mess it all up for us, but in the end there were no delays apart from coming back, when it didn't matter anyway. Adam was so well behaved the whole time, into everything of course (and annoyingly my brother and sister in law's house is no longer toddler-proofed because their older kids are 5 and 3; they have much work to do in the next few months when Sofie gets moving. She is just 6 months and rolling over but no signs of crawling just yet). So I had to chase after him most of the time to stop him going in the cupboards, etc. But he LOVED playing with his older cousins and their toys. He especially liked their toy kitchen, so that is definitely on the list for the future (still no room right now).
no further forward with moving. it's depressing.
as for Christmas - we're getting Adam a toy vacuum cleaner because he just goes mad for the real ones. also some little things, jigsaws, books, that sort of thing. he is getting a Leapfrog laptop from my parents, REALLY hope he will like it and leave mine alone. at the moment he is obsessed with opening and closing mine many many times in a row. and he wants to lift it off the settee as well, and considering it is quite heavy and fragile, I don't want him to do that! and so we have tantrums when mummy reminds him it's NOT FOR ADAM.
what else? oh, it's my sister in law's wedding on Sat, and Adam is being a pageboy! really hope he will be good. he was great at the christening, fell asleep on my mum's lap for the entire service. we were very very envious because it was not a short service - 1 hour 15 mins - and entirely in Norwegian.
oh, and Shiv, I finally got my arse in gear and dieted properly, have lost almost a stone; I'd gained a bit since my wedding (when I was 10st), up to 10st 4-6lb, now I am 9st 5.5lb.

aim was to be pre-preg weight by Dec 18th (this wedding), and that's 9st 4lb, so almost there. near as makes no difference. still would like to be 9st. but my body shape seems to have changed because I have some black trousers that I bought in 2006 when I was about 9st, which were always too tight at 9st 7lb, and they are strangely loose now. very weird.
Adam is 16 months old today! He's such a little sweetie. Shiv, you asked what we love most about our babies... I love that he understands everything I say, when I ask him something (like: shall we change your nappy, is it time for a sleepy lie down) he goes to the gate and when I open it he climbs the stairs and goes into the bedroom. It's so easy to get him to nap because I ask if he wants a nap and if he doesn't he won't go to the gate. Loads of other things as well. It's just so cute. And he is a lot more cuddly, comes and sit on the settee next to me and wraps his arms round me and snuggles in. I love him so much!