Oh Laura, you poor thing

That must be so stressful, you are amazing to be so strong for all your boys, you seriously need a Supermom badge or something! I'm so sorry little Gage is poorly, and that you have to be at the hospital for so long, everything is so much harder in hospital I think. I really hope he gets better nice and quickly so that you can get home to your other boys!! Big

to you sweetheart!
Obviously, I haven't had any trouble with lady bits (having had a caesarean), but on the "flap" above the section scar, I had that too for a while, but it is now starting to tighten up and it's just a very slight "bulge" above the scar now

Although I'm not losing weight at all yet, I am definitely toning up a little, my tummy muscles are finally waking up!! I'm sure I should start thinking about exercise and stuff soon, but I just can't be bothered right now, and there is way too much else to do and think about!!

has made an appearance, and MAN has she made an appearance!!!

It's the heaviest I have ever had, my poor Mooncup is really being tested!!

hahahaha.... I've got through more pairs of knickers than I did in the week after Vincent was born!

lol... sorry, I'm done with the TMI now...
Also, my poor boobies are still dribbling a teeny tiny bit after 5 weeks of no BF, when Vince is crying for a feed and I'm holding him waiting for the formula to be ready, one or other of my boobs tends to give a feeble little dribble, if I'm in my PJs it makes this pathetic little wet patch... It's kinda sad really

I wonder when they will stop doing that???
Oh, and yesterday Vince had his very first trip to the beach!! OH and I had ice creams, it was just lovely

And then when we got home, he promptly started screaming and screaming and didn't stop for about 4 hours!!! When I was finally able to rock him into an exhausted sleep in my arms, it was time for a bath and then bed! He LOVES his bathtime, so that was lovely, and when we finally put him to bed he slept for SEVEN AND A HALF HOURS!!!!

I was amazed!! It seems that he's stretching it out little by little, and although like Lucas, tmr, he does have days when he seems to go backwards and only sleep for about 5 hours, I think the general trend is towards sleeping right through! I hope it happens soon
Anyway, hoping you're all ok today. Rivanprincess, well done with the BF, I hope your supply increases so that Makayla can get more lovely boobie juice hehe

And Karen, sorry to hear about the colic honey

I'm not sure what that was with Vincent last night, but if it carries on and it IS colic, like you say I think you just have to ride it out! As long as you have support and you can keep sane somehow, it DOES pass eventually, right?? Good luck sweetie