--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

I am totally healed down in the ladyparts, for 2.5 weeks it was horrible then all of a sudden it turned the corner and it's definitely better now, no more pain or discomfort whatsoever! so much so that OH and I actually did it... heh... I thought it was going to be months and months till we would, so it was cool - and contrary to his expectations, it was not like thowing a chipolata down Oxford Street!! oh, and he thinks I'm pregnant again because we didn't use anything (it was very spur of the moment); am sure am not but never know...

but anyway, Pip, sorry to hear about the poo issue. weirdly I never had trouble there. not even the first time (which scared me - erm, shitless before the event). guess we ripped in different places!
Hahahaha MJ love the oxford street comment, I wondered too. LO hasn't given me time to do it with oh yet but I'm dreaming some very naughty dreams :rofl:

I miss being pregnant so much I wouldn't mind an accident iykwim but the thoughts of two under one!!! OH MY GOD just too much to handle. Finding it hard enough with one, imagine this and morning sickness :rofl: teehee
oh my god, no, thinking about it properly, I want my boobs to have time to recover before I subject them to another baby's grubbing little hard gummy mouth!!

though imagine putting myself through diet and exercise to regain a semblence of a figure and then get knocked up again... thinking THAT way and I'd rather have another now and do the work sometime in 2011!
MJ & Pips - too funny!! :)

I was really really lucky on the ladybits front - I only had two stitches for a tiny nick in the side of my labia and didn't have any trouble with no 2s, sitting down or healing - I healed fully in about 10 days :) I still have my lochia, but I'm looking forward to getting back to :sex: sooner rather than later as long as our little man gives us time!! tee hee!!

I do have a flabby belly, but the BF is helping me lose weight, so even though I'm pumping most of the time, weight seems to be dropping off at the moment! :shock:

We are doing OK today. I think we do have colic - just in the evenings, all the classic symptoms are there..... still, if so, we will have to ride it out. :(
Hi everyone. It seems like a lot of us are going through the same things. BF is touch and go for me and Makayla. She is really good at latching on but I'm not producing enough to satisfy her. So we are supplementing with formula. I wish we could do either or but I'm going to gove it another week or 2 now that I'm on domperidone to increase my supply and see how it goes. How are people finding BFing in public? I haven't done it yet but if my supply gets better and I plan to just BF so I guess I will have to get used to the idea. It just seems weird to be half naked, even though your covered up, in public.
sorry girls.. it has been a rough week for me and I haven't caught up with everyone yet but thought I would post about my week...

Monday night... Luke my 2.5yr old cries all night....

Tuesday... notice goo coming from his ear... go to dr.. ear infection has ruptured his ear drum and sinus infection too... antibiotics for him

Wednesday night... 4.5 year old cries all night holding his head and ear.... Gage cries all night (chalked it up to gas as I ate tons of blackberry cobbler that evening)

Thursday.... 4.5 yr old gets diagnosed with ear infection and sinus infection and given antiobiotics... Gage is fussy but seems better than he was that night..

Thursday night... 2am wake up to Gage having a 100.7 degree temp... call on call dr.. they say... take him to er... spend all night in er.. blood draw.. chest xray..urine culture.. all seems to be okay.. has ear infection too... sent home with antibiotics and to wait on blood cultures...

Friday night... 12:15am... er dr. calls and says... gage has bacteria in his blood you need to bring him in for iv antiobiotics and to be admitted for more test...
so we drive in and they admit us right away... do a lumbar tap for spinal fluid..and take more urine and blood... then get him an iv.... spinal fluid is clear but he does have bacteria in his blood so we will be in here a week on IV antiobiotics... I have cried most of the day... as I feel bad I can't be with my other sick little boys.. and I missed my 6 yr olds first flag football (not soccor) game.... and my 4.5 yr olds first day of preschool is on monday.. I will miss it too... and my baby is sick...:cry:

:cry: :cry: seriously... when it rains it pours...:cry:

Hope you are all well.. and have good health...:hugs:

OMG Laura :hugs: to you hunny hope all ur boys get better fast. it must be so hard for u :hugs:

on the lady bits thing i heald within a week didnt need stich's thank god as i had loads with my older son and omg they hurt. but i was bleeding for allmost 5weeks so we couldnt do any beding but we did on tues and it felt so good to be so close to oh we felt like we was drifting apart.

as for :baby: sleeping dnt know what happen he slept throw for 3 nights and last night he woke at 3:30am for 3 oz and went back off. still i dnt mind he woke agane at 6am and now n my arms as allways i feel as thow he is allways there

:shock: Oh Laura, you poor thing :cry: :hugs2: :hugs2: That must be so stressful, you are amazing to be so strong for all your boys, you seriously need a Supermom badge or something! I'm so sorry little Gage is poorly, and that you have to be at the hospital for so long, everything is so much harder in hospital I think. I really hope he gets better nice and quickly so that you can get home to your other boys!! Big :hug: to you sweetheart!

Obviously, I haven't had any trouble with lady bits (having had a caesarean), but on the "flap" above the section scar, I had that too for a while, but it is now starting to tighten up and it's just a very slight "bulge" above the scar now :happydance: Although I'm not losing weight at all yet, I am definitely toning up a little, my tummy muscles are finally waking up!! I'm sure I should start thinking about exercise and stuff soon, but I just can't be bothered right now, and there is way too much else to do and think about!!

So :witch: has made an appearance, and MAN has she made an appearance!!! :shock: It's the heaviest I have ever had, my poor Mooncup is really being tested!! :rofl: :rofl: hahahaha.... I've got through more pairs of knickers than I did in the week after Vincent was born! :nope: lol... sorry, I'm done with the TMI now...

Also, my poor boobies are still dribbling a teeny tiny bit after 5 weeks of no BF, when Vince is crying for a feed and I'm holding him waiting for the formula to be ready, one or other of my boobs tends to give a feeble little dribble, if I'm in my PJs it makes this pathetic little wet patch... It's kinda sad really :( I wonder when they will stop doing that???

Oh, and yesterday Vince had his very first trip to the beach!! OH and I had ice creams, it was just lovely :D And then when we got home, he promptly started screaming and screaming and didn't stop for about 4 hours!!! When I was finally able to rock him into an exhausted sleep in my arms, it was time for a bath and then bed! He LOVES his bathtime, so that was lovely, and when we finally put him to bed he slept for SEVEN AND A HALF HOURS!!!! :wohoo: :bunny: :D :D I was amazed!! It seems that he's stretching it out little by little, and although like Lucas, tmr, he does have days when he seems to go backwards and only sleep for about 5 hours, I think the general trend is towards sleeping right through! I hope it happens soon :)

Anyway, hoping you're all ok today. Rivanprincess, well done with the BF, I hope your supply increases so that Makayla can get more lovely boobie juice hehe :) And Karen, sorry to hear about the colic honey :( I'm not sure what that was with Vincent last night, but if it carries on and it IS colic, like you say I think you just have to ride it out! As long as you have support and you can keep sane somehow, it DOES pass eventually, right?? Good luck sweetie :)
Hi girls

just been having a catch up as things have been pretty busy.

Some of you are having a really tricky time:hugs:

I am just a cow at the moment in 2 ways! All i seem to do is feed Rose, at all times of the day and night. I am exhausted, and because of that i must be horrible to be around as my dh seems to be having trouble tolerating me!:wacko:

Thankfully Rose is a joy to be around,you have no idea how much you can love your babes do you?

Take care all x
grumpymoo I hear you on the feeding thing, he's been at my boob for hours now and has even missed his afternoon nap to feed very odd. God knows what this means for tonight.

Laura so sorry hon :hugs: Hope he recovers quickly. xxxx

As for us Sam's eye is manky again and now it's gone to the other eye so doctors for us next week. Sigh.

Shadow I hear you with the doing things approach when we did our big trip to Grandma's he slept from 11-6:30. Guess we need to do more trips out to tire him. As for bleeding, I thought I'd stopped but it started again yesterday sooooo hope this is't the start of a period I was hoping bfeeding would keep that at bay.

rivanprincess bfeeding in public is one of my fears. I have et to do it but i hear family rooms in department stores are brilliant.
hiya ladys hope all babys are settling a bit more when the all night thing has gone out the window but still he only woke at 2:30 and i was back asleep by 3am and he woke at 6 for a feed iam so loving being a mummy to a new born agan.

i want 1 more but not yet when lucas is about 1 yr 6months but oh seid no as he is 39 in dec iam only just 25 he thinks hes to old need away to talk him around but on a good thing we are getting married next yr he finly seid last night to set a date its only been 5 yrs coming lol

got my sister wedding in 2ish weeks and i need to lose my belly as iam bridsmaid and th dress fits nice but i think my belly sticks out. got rueben a lovely gold cravt and wast coat he looks so cute in it dnt know what to put on lucas any iders????

Ooooh Stacey honey, sounds exciting about the wedding! You can dress your boys up so cute hehe!

I found this site with little baby formal wear, not too expensive really... You said Rueben's wearing a gold cravat and waistcoat: Lucas could match him, what about something like this? (Size is 0-3 months :) )

The site is sazoo.co.uk :D They have other stuff there too, very cute!

As for sleeping through the night, sorry Lucas is going backwards again, but I guess one night feed isn't too bad huh? Vince is reeeeally getting there now, touch wood! He slept for 7 1/4 hours last night, hopefully it continues to stretch out! :yipee:

I'm sick to death of my bloody period already, I'm leaking on everything :rofl: it's the heaviest I've ever had!! Sorry... tmi haha... But it's cos I'm back on the pill. Anyone else on the pill? Had a period yet? Expecting one soon? Bleagh :dohh: I kinda wish I was pregnant again, but couldn't cope with two babies at once!!

Aww, last night OH said he still fancied me and thought my belly looked really good despite the huuuge stretchies! So sweet hehe... My stretchies got really big at the end, and now they are all soft and weird, I don't like them much but equally I'm not too bothered as long as OH isn't, which he isn't! :happydance:

Ok, breakfast is needed, so I'm off :winkwink:
Lots of love to everyone :kiss:
Shadow xxx
Ooooh Stacey honey, sounds exciting about the wedding! You can dress your boys up so cute hehe!

I found this site with little baby formal wear, not too expensive really... You said Rueben's wearing a gold cravat and waistcoat: Lucas could match him, what about something like this? (Size is 0-3 months :) )


that is the same as iv got rueben for my sis wedding

iam on the pill was on mini pill but it didnt like me got 13 days befor 1st af should come not looking 4wd to it if it is ne thing like urs
afternoon ladies... well, today is my last day of being looked after (though I have to say OH has recently reduced the quality and quantity of the looking after, though my mum was fabulous) and AE and I are flying solo tomorrow! Am a bit scared - not that I won't cope but that I simply will not like not having someone to pass him over to when I need to go to the loo or whatever... or not having someone to get me things when I am feeding AE. oh well, it's just for 3 days this week and 3 next week, then 4 the week after.

AE has been having some fairly good nights, sleeping from midnight to 4am and one night from 11.30pm to 5am, but the night before last he only slept 3 and a quarter hours and last night about 3 and a half. I'm sure he wasn't hungry last night so I checked his nappy and he was wet all up his back :( I bought a sleeping bag from Mothercare that's for babies of 7lb+ and he seems to like it but it's already been washed once and needs washing again now and that's after 3 nights! Am going to have to rethink the night nappies because the Pampers Newborn size 1 are not holding all his wee. I'm thinking about trying a bamboo Little Lamb with a booster and fleece liner to keep him feeling dry, even if it's a little bit big for him still, as it won't matter so much at night time when he isn't moving round much. (I hope.)

health visitor is coming in a little while. hopefully this is the last home visit from her and we'll start going to the clinic to have AE weighed. it's stressful her coming round here as she is petrified (I think it must be a phobis, she's over-reacted to such an extreme degree) of Betty (my cat). And she is such a sweet and gentle cat who is usually scared of visitors herself and hides away! I think she sensed something when the woman first came round, though, and rather than hiding in her hidey-hole (under a folding chair that's covered by a fleece throw) she came out and introduced herself. I have never seen anything like the way this hv freaked out. And I find it so strange that someone whose job involves visiting people's homes does not get treatment for a fear such as this - since it's not unusual for a cat to be in a house!

ok, a couple of hours later and hv has been and gone and all is fine, AE has gained half a pound in the last week, so she's pleased. :D
maryjo i had a prob with pampers as well not holding evey thing then smith seid try the newborn size 2 did that and they have been good not had any spil out and he can have them on from 9:30pm untill 6am and be fine.

hes been asleep all day woke for a feed at 1:30 and went back out but think hes waking now coz rueben is making noise
I have a grizzly baby today - lots of visitors yesterday, for whom she was very good, and now I'm paying for it. She isn't sleeping longer than three hours at night, which I'm finding a bit hard to deal with. Does anyone else want to thump their OH at night? When he rolls onto my side of the bed when I'm feeding her, I actually want to hit him. I still like him during the day, I just want to beat him to death at night...

I didn't like my health visitor, especially when she said Imogen had to have the BCG at six weeks. B******* to that. I don't care if there's a high incidence of TB in this area, Imogen doesn't meet anyone from E2, she doesn't go to playgroup, she won't go to a childminder, we don't socialise with the neighbours and we're moving in a month (hopefully). I'm going to refuse on her behalf, it's a really painful vaccination and the chances of her catching TB are miniscule. She can have it at twelve like I did. I wish my HV was afraid of cats. I could sic my five and the kittens on her. Anyway, she won't come again.

I haven't BF'd in public, because Imogen pulls away so much during feeds it would look like I was attacking her. If she gets better at latching on and staying on, then I'll consider it, but I've been expressing bottles for when other people come to visit, or for when we go out. We're off to a thirtieth birthday on saturday, so I'm building up a supply of three feeds for then. I can normally express an extra feed a day, depending on when I pump, so I should be ok to produce enough by then. I've been microwaving refridgerated milk to bring it up to room temp, but a couple of books seem to disapprove of this, anyone else doing it?
LOL Aunty E, I've missed your wacky humour! You do crack me up... LOL @ setting your army of cats on the HV! :rofl: We got really lucky with our HV, she's soooo sweet and very easy going. We haven't had to see her in ages now, I think the next thing is Vince's 8-week check up at the doctor's surgery. Is that when he'll have his first jabs? I assumed so...

On the nighttime nappies, Vince has been fine with the bio nappies at night (we're using pretty much exclusively terries during the day :yipee: I'm so glad I got over my doubts and just jumped on in with them, I really love using them!) But then just last night when I got up to do the night feed, whilst I was feeding him he wee'd, and it started pissing out all over my legs!!! But I had to finish his feed (if I disturb him then he WILL NOT burp after the feed!) and burp him before I could change it and change my PJs! It was pretty gross, it was all over the outside of his nappy somehow, I really wondered how he could have gone 7 1/4 hours in the nappy with no leaks (he was dry before I fed him), then suddenly it was just everywhere! So i'm also wondering whether to change his nappies for nighttime... But I don't really want to use Pampers or anything like that (with all the plastic and stuff...) and I don't think he'd be comfortable enough to sleep in a cloth nappy all night (not the ones we're using at the moment, anyway: Though the bamboo is very absorbent, it's still very wet against his skin, as of course cloth nappies can't "lock" it away!)

Hmmm, Vince not behaving for Daddy, got to jump in and rescue them both :rofl: ...

Hi everyone - hope everyone had a good weekend

Smith I am so happy that they are letting Gage go home (must be such a relief) - hope it all clears up well with the antibiotics

TMR - how cute will your little boy look in that outfit!

Shadow - over 7 hours sleep at night is amazing - you lucky lady - what is your secret?

MJ - you'll be fine on your own hon, I must admit I never get as much done as I had planned but who cares about the house work as long as our LO's are fed and cuddles plenty!

Sophia seems to have gine backwards a bit this week and is sleeping less at night (I mean she still goes down for 3.5 - 4 hours so not horrendous) but just not the 5-6 hours I was kinda getting used to. She has been feeding loads and then bringing it all back up again which is a bit worrying and frustrating as she then wants to feed again. I wonder if she is just sucking cos she has wind? Anyone else had this?

My nipple (touch wood) looks like it might be getting a bit better (either that or wishful thinking!) and hopefully the antibiotics will clear up the infection will give it a chance to heal.

What do you ladies plan on doing on a reglaur basis during the week in terms of any classes or clubs? Do any of you go to baby massage, if so do you rate it?

Has anyone started exercising yet? Am I allowed to before 6 weeks (didn't have a C-sec or anything)? I feel the need to do sit ups!!

Anyhooooo - enough rambing from me, hope everyone is havng a peaceful time of it x

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