--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Yeah DH has like 20 pictures of him growing up. It's crazy. My mom on the other hand was picture crazy because she has very few pictures of herself as a kid. My problem is I take all the pictures but I've changed computers in between which means an entirely different format since I went from a PC to a Mac. :dohh: So everything gets organized differently halfway through.

As for the baby book, my mom was pretty thorough with mine and I do pull it out a lot to compare to Emma. She even kept my hair from my first haircut. :haha: It's nice to have but I don't think it'd be that bad without it IYKWIM. The pictures hold more memories.
So I just realized today while dressing Emma for her appointment, she is STILL in the first shoes that we bought her back in August. She hasn't grown out of them. :shrug: The lady said they will only last 1-2 months at the most. I'm confused. I asked the doctor and she was shocked too. She even felt her feet in the shoes and she was like 'well were they big on her when you bought them?' But no they weren't. How weird is that? :wacko: But since I was worried they measured her height and weight. She's now 31 inches tall and 22.5 lbs!! :dance: So she has grown 2 inches in the past two months but only gained 1 lb. :dohh:

Also..she doesn't have to have her hand wrapped anymore!!! :happydance::happydance: They said I did an amazing job and that it'll be fine without now. Thank goodness! I need to get an updated picture of her hand and I might post the timeline of it because I have taken a few as it heals. Phew! One less thing to worry about.
Aw great news about Emma's hand - you are such a good mum!

As for shoes, Sophia is still in her first pair as well, i have taken her to be measured twice since and they ahve said hershoes are fine!
Shoes are strange. But I bet when money is a bit tight she will suddenly grow 2 full sizes. Thats what all mine do!
Cleck, Adam is still in his first shoes, which we got in October - been back twice for them to be checked, and he is up half a size but they are still ok. Think about the money saving - I am just glad he is getting some wear out of them!

Good news about her hand. :happydance:
Shoes are strange. But I bet when money is a bit tight she will suddenly grow 2 full sizes. Thats what all mine do!

:rofl: Yeah you're probably right! They tend to pick horrible times to have growth spurts.

I am officially out of bigger size clothes. So I need to go shopping when she starts outgrowing her 12 month clothes. I only bought 0-12 month stuff before she was born so never thought too far ahead. :haha: I'm waiting for the spring stuff to come out so I can get pretty 18 month spring dresses. :D
Aw Cleck - i thought you meant YOU were officially out of bigger size clothes, was gonna congratulate you!! :haha: how is the weightloss going this week?

We have been buying a few bits and pieces of clothing for Sophia in size 18-24 month. She is so weird, the other day she was in a size 18-24 months top and size 9-12 month trousers :wacko: I must admit i don't like the little girls clothes as much as I did the little baby clothes, they are way too grown up, all mini skirts and hotpants which is all a bit wrong IMO for a 1 year old!
Oh yeah I guess i worded that weird. LOL! My weightloss is at a standstill this week. But I haven't been eating the best this week so I'll try harder next week. :lol: My clothes do fit looser now. But I'm still in maternity clothes so that doesn't mean much. ;)

Yeah I don't like some of the clothes out there. I have one skirt for Emma and I only put it on her with thick tights. I hate the looks of little teeny halter top types of clothes on little girls. Or bikinis. I don't like bikinis on kids either. Emma has tankinis but I'd never put a little bikini on her. :wacko: I do think little girls dress way too sexy sometimes. It's a bit off isn't it? Like little girls want to look like Hannah Montana. But miley cyrus dresses slutty. :shrug:
heh, Shiv, we have had that exact same thing - Adam in an 18-24 month top and 9-12 month trousers. just the one pair of trousers, though, the rest went the distance a long time ago, but this was a pair of jeans that had been a gift and I didn't like them that much, BUT he was being a page boy at his auntie's wedding last month and he and his cousins were asked to wear jeans... I didn't have any in 12-18 months (and didn't want to buy some as I'm not that keen on him in jeans), so dug these out. I think because they had never been washed they hadn't shrunk at all, and over a disposable nappy they fit well (over cloth the button wouldn't do up :lol: ).

we've been lucky, since my SIL had my niece, and they aren't planning any more children, she's given us a load of my nephew's cast-offs. we have tonnes, actually too much - about 7 or 8 jumpers, fleeces and hoodies, trousers, cotton tops, babygros... so we won't have to buy a thing for a long time, other than vests. saved us a fortune. all really nice stuff as well.

I also prefer clothes to look "younger". especially I hate characters on everything. I'm sure one day he will insist on wearing Lightning McQueen pyjamas, so I'm keeping him in fluffy lambs and bunnies while I can. :p

Cleck, are you saying you bought all Emma's clothes before she was born? how to you restrain yourself? (or don't you?) you must also have a lot of space! we have one drawer for Adam, but he's burst out of that now (literally, the bottom has collapsed) so I need to be creative (will probably involve me losing some of my own space). he also has some hanging space, and more will be going up there, had to buy hangers today.
Yeah I bought most before she was born but have added things when needed like I figured she woulda been out of her 12 month stuff by this point so all of her 12 month clothing was summery. So I've had to buy some long sleeve things. But I can still put her in short sleeve most days here. :dohh: California weather is weird. We do have tons of space. Her closet in her room is huge. I try to use every single inch of space also with plastic totes so it's all organized and stuffed full but labeled so I know what is what. And we have a shed attached to our apartment that has junk stacked on shelves. Plus a garage if we need more room but so far we've managed to keep it clean with just auto tools and parts mostly. Although the glider I had in Emma's room has made it's way out there. And our coffee table ended up out there as well because I like Emma to have room to run in our living area. I think it will be a huge relief to unload all of the baby stuff some day. Because we really do have a lot of junk.
Hey girls I'm glad I'm not the only one had a problem with the baby book. Natasha'a has loads of space underneath the different things so that was handy because I have put one date for when she rolled one way another date for when she rolled the other and another for when she did a 360o roll. I thik I have hers almost done except for using a spoon because even though she has held a spoon and dips in in the bowl when I feed her she is not able to use it properly so I haven't filled it in yet. I have forgotten loads of dates too because of this as I would never have thought to write down when she used a spoon first so it will probably go something like I did for her sitting. I always took sitting as when she would pull herself up to sitting but then when I went to fill it in I wasn't sure which it meant as it said sat by herself and she went from being propped to sitting for a couple of seconds and onwards so how long do define when she sat by herself 10 seconds - 10 mins so I ended up putting the date of when she pulled herself up to sitting and said you pulled yourself up to sitting on ** date but were sitting by yourself for a couple of months before this. ha ha I'm such a perfectionist and anal about things like that I actually give myself more stress.

The only reason I managed to get most of the dates in is because when I was pregnant I had a pregnancy journal and never remembered to fill it in and a friend of mine used to keep a notepad of her babies feeds and nappies and I asked her how come she did it and she said it was handy when your DH was so involved that some nights he would get up and do the night feeds and would be gone to work in the morning so it was handy to have the notepad to see how much feed was taken and she quickly realised if LO was constipated or anything like that because sometimes she would forget when the last dirty nappy was, so because I thought this was a great idea I did up a sheet with the date and a table columns for feed and nappies and photocopied loads of them and put them in a folder and we did actually fill it out - and I found she was right that you do forget because half the time I would end up filling it in at the end of the day and would have to think when she had a dirty nappy or how much she had taken at each feed and I found it really handy to go back on if I thought she was off her food or anthing to check over things so I ended up doing until she was a year and even added in what foods she had when she started on solid foods.

So I would then jot down any milestones she would reach in that day and then transfer it over to the baby book every now and again.

I wouldn't feel bad Shiv because when I was finishing mine the other day I had wrote stuff in it that I can't even remember writing or Natasha doing so when she looks at it in 20 years time and asks me about some of the things I have written I will have no clue what I was on about ha ha.

Regarding clothes: Wow cleck you are organised, I had nothing bought for Natasha before she was born only babygrows but then I didn't know I was having a girl. We have been lucky though and got so much 0-3 and 3-6 months when she was born as presents and then again 12 to 18 months when it was her birthday that we haven't had to buy too much. My stash is running low though so I will have to get loads of 18 to 24 month ones.

I dont like children in bikinis either - but I dont mind skirts or even denim shorts when they are worn with tights but not mini skirts - they grow up quick enough without making it quicker.

I love putting Natasha in dresses if we are going anywhere so I am looking forward to buying dresses again in the summer as I found she didn't get the wear out of them last year because she would get caught up in them when she was crawling, but now that she is walking that can change again.

Natasha is funny in sizes too. I have to turn up the ends of her 12-18 month jeans - 9-12 months would fit her in the the leg but are a bit too snug on the belly and she is growing out of some of her 12-18 month t-shirts but that could be because I'm lazy and dry everything in the dryer so I could have shrunk them as I hate going to the washing line lol and DH works in insulation and has a thing about drying clothes on the radiators causing damp.

Regarding Shoes: I am glad to hear that others are getting so long out of the shoes. Natasha is in pre-walkers or I think they are called cruisers in the UK and they alone cost €30 and the proper shoes here are €50 to €70 a pair and I reckon she will need a dark and light pair to match everything so that adds up to a lot if she is going to grow out of them every two months.

Well I'm going to hit the hay. I'm shattered as Natasha has an ear and chest infection and is smothering and was up half the night and was in really bad form today and had temper tantrums for everything, she even spit back the antibiotics this morning and refused them this afternoon so it took lots of bribing and cajoling to eventually get her to take them. I think she could be getting some of her eye teeth too as she is chewing on everything again and is saying teeth ouch sometimes but she has the 4 back ones now - well at least I think they are all through - I can't really check though or she bites the finger off of me but there is definitely 2 of them completely through and 3/4's at least of the other two.

Night girls. xx
I have baby books for both Caylee and Lily and I fill them out all the time. I know my mom was so great about my baby book that I love looking through it and seeing when I did all my stuff and Ross does not have one, so everytime the girls do something or they have a first and every appointment I fill it out..:blush:I even write when they had a first solid turd haha.

I have a bikini for Caylee..my nephew bought it for her and I thought it was so cute because she was so chubby. I don't see an issue with babies in bikinis but :shrug: that's just me ;)

I wish Caylees feet didnt grow..we have been through 4 pairs of shoes and 3 pairs of boots...it's getting ridiculous!
Emma's baby book goes up to 5 years old! It's mainly filled out now. Just gotta fill out a few more pages and she'll be caught up. I'm just glad to have all the milestones in one place now. I gotta finish typing it out on my computer too so I have it in two places just in case.

jelr- I love Emma in dresses too! I think I may only buy her dresses for this spring/summer. :haha: Because when she's older she might not let me dress her girly so this may be my last chance before she gets an opinion of her own. :rofl: I hope Natasha feels better soon. :hugs::hugs:

heidi- Eek! That many pairs of shoes?! That'd suck. But now that I say that, Emma will probably have a major foot growth spurt. :haha:
Caylee is like the 'grownup' of our group. :D Is Lily as advanced as Caylee was? Or is it too early to tell still? I keep trying to think of middle names for Ava which is what I'd name a daughter if I have another girl and I keep going back to Ava Lily...:blush::haha:
Amber is in 18-24month clothes, she even has some 2-3 years stuff!

Very unfair as she seemed to hop from 9-12 to 18-24 and I got a load of pretty pumkin patch stuff in 12-18 month on sale. So I gave it all away.

She doesn't look that big but her legs are so long and she has a wee fat belly. :D She grew strangely, she was in 0-3months till 6 months then went into 9-12 overnight almost! stayed in them till just after her birthday. Then suddenly she got huge.

MIL bought her a lot of bigger stuff so she should be okay to her birthday. I am trying to stop spending so much.

Shoes wise, she has a pair of clarks boots in purple that pretty much match most stuff. She only wears shoes when out. At nursery and home she is in slippers so I won't have anymore than 1 pair of fitted shoes. I may have ordered a couple pairs of ballet pumps from sales (before the new year so it doesn't count) for special occasions (ie, not walking that far).

My eldest has 3 oairs, school shoes, sketchers and walking boots. DS2 has one pair of boots and its all he can have because he has inserts.
I do love Ava Grace but it's super popular. There is even a girl on here with a daughter with that name. Plus my cousin's daughter is Grace so wouldn't want to copy. Although she is the one that copied Emma's bedding set a few months back. :dohh: I love Ava Elizabeth too but don't know if it flows right. Putting two vowels together like that isn't quite right. Unless I'm crazy. :haha:

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