--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

LMAO :rofl: poor emma hahahah im sorry thats just too good! jesse loves santa! he fights other kids away to get to him first! he's seen three santas this year so far! xx
Hi Jai Jai- enjoy your little break!

We might go see Santa from a distance tonight! Kira loves Santa in pictures and tv but I don't think she'll like the idea of sitting on him :haha:

I got a Christmas card from DH's father today. He lives 20 minutes away and hasn't called, sent an email, sent a card... nothing at all! We didn't hear from him after Kira was born and I'm not even sure if he's seen a picture of her. :dohh: This is the first time he's even acknowledged her since he put her name in the card too. So atleast he knows her name and spelled it right :haha: A big part of me doesn't care, but a tiny part gets really mad about it. I can't understand how someone can have no interest at all in knowing their only grandchild.
Good lord I just felt around Emma's mouth just because I haven't in a long time. She has 2 more teeth that popped through the gums!! :shock: And one on the bottom that is visible but not quite through yet. So that's 9 teeth now!! 10 once the bottom one comes in. EEK! And they are her first molars. She completely skipped the canine teeth. :wacko: I wondered why she kept biting my nipple lately. My poor nips are so sore.
What's Santa doing to that baby?! lol!

DH has his brown wings, but we have a rule which makes it very worth it ;)

How is everyone? I'm just recovering from flu that started on the 3rd! Everyone has had it in the house and the two littlest ones stil have it. Amber can't even get paracetamol still so she has to make do with her limit of 5mls ibuprofen a day. End up giving her 2.5mls at dinner time then another 2.5mls before bed. she has scared me a few times, last night she was rolling about screaming like she did when she got ill. Luckily it was more temper than anything else.

As well as getting ready for Christmas we are decorating still! It's been held up 2 weeks so we have tomorrow to paint a ceiling and walls before a carpet goes down on Wednesday. Then we can get the boys moved into the big room and hopefully get some space!!!
wow Emma has caught up! Canines usually come in after the first molars I think! If Emma hasn't been a MASSIVE grump then think yourslef lucky, Sophia has been so unhappy with her first 2 molars. They are taking 4 weeks each to come through (a quater at a time) - they are SO big!
Emma's getting all caught up with her teeth! Kira has been stuck at 7 teeth for a long time now. I think it's been almost 2 months since her 7th tooth came in! DH keeps feeling around in there and saying we'll have to take her to a specialist since her teeth must be stuck in her jaw :haha: He worries about everything! I'm not looking forward to the molars coming in! (and neither are my nipples!!)
Yeah so far it's just the tip of one side of the molars. If that makes sense. lol. So they are just barely peeking out. But she hasn't been grumpy. I had no clue they were even coming in. I've been busy checking the bottom one because I can see it but it's taking weeks to come in. So she has 6 teeth on the top. And only 3 on the bottom. :dohh:
Caylee is a total grump with her teeth..ah my she is getting her back teeth now and its terrible..we have the poops, the rash, the screaming, no sleeping, eating EVERYTHING plastic she can get her hands on, forget frozen rags, teethers...she just wants hard plastic..drives me bonkers taking it away from her all day
jesse is chewing his megabloks constantly heidi i know how you feel!

he has started using an adult fork to eat his meals with and im so proud of him, hes definatly ready cus he just picked mine up and started using it no problem, he has some waybuloo cutlery for christmas so he can eat his christmas dinner with his new perfectly sized fork and spoon :)

he had a fight with my mums hoover and came out with a black eye and huge deep scratch just under his eye :( gunna look great on his christmas pics!
my mum said he took a running jump at it lol!

poor babyyy :(
I'm still in here too! I just don't always get time to come in here and address everyone's replies. :wacko:

Bryson has a mouth full of teeth now. The only ones he is missing is the 2nd molars. Other than that he's got 'em all. Thank G-d I'm not bf'ing him still! LOL!! :haha:
Poor Cleck, that MUST hurt!! Can you not teach her to not "bite" mommy?

Hi Jai Jai!! :hi: Long time no see hun!! Sounds like everything is going very well for you! :thumbup: I don't blame you on the broody subject. I am too and DH and I are actually TTC again. :blush:

Boothh, poor Jesse. He does look like he's been in a prize fight. :wacko: From the looks of it, the hoover won. :haha: I wish I knew what our toddlers are thinking at times. They do the strangest things sometimes. :haha:

Heidi, Bryson has been cranky too lately but no signs of new teeth nor illness so who knows. Maybe it's just the frustration of being a toddler now. :shrug::shrug:

Angel, freshly painted walls and new carpets sound wonderful! I'm slightly jealous. This place needs that too so badly! We've had the same carpets for a few years now and they need to go! Vacuuming them doesn't make them look that much better. :wacko: I might have to try to get the landlords to switch them out for us early next year. We've all had bad allergies lately and I think it's all the dust mites in the carpet and padding that is causing it. I wish we could afford hard wood. Oh well.

Spidey, I understand how you feel about him not acknowledging Kira. :( :hugs: None of my relatives have done so with Bryson either. Matter of fact my grandmother made a special stop here to meet my sister's little boy after he was born. But even though she was crossing through the state when Bryson was born, she wouldn't stop to meet him. Not only that but for the first time since his birth she finally sent us a card (a holiday card) and sent money with it for Zach (my oldest), DH, and myself and didn't even bother to remember or mention Bryson at all!! :growlmad: :grr: It really does piss me off! It's not that she didn't send money for him, too. It's that she didn't even acknowledge his existence!!! You wanna diss me, fine, screw you, I'll get over it. But DON'T diss my kids!!!! I'm pissed about this!!!! :gun: :trouble:
So please know that you're not alone in that at all. :hugs: Some people are so pathetic, I swear. :growlmad:

Shiv, poor Sophia! I hope they get done coming through soon for her so that the pain can stop. It really is lousy that our little ones have to suffer so during this. :(

Cleck, poor little Emma!! Last weekend we were at the mall and were watching kids with Santa and every time it was a baby or a toddler they all screamed and cried. Haha. I think it's the age. I'm sure she will love him when she gets older and understands more what it's all about. :hugs:
Also, with the teething thing, can you not somehow teach her to not bite you when bf'ing? Like suddenly and sharply saying "owch!" and see if that gets her attention or something. There must be some way of teaching her to be gentle. :flower: We managed to teach Bry to be gentle when petting the kitty cat who he loves. He used to just grab a handful of her fur and pull on it. :haha: I shouldn't laugh but she's been a pain in the ass lately so she kinda deserves it. Hehe. :blush:
Aw poor Jesses eye! Yeah Caylee looks to chew on Mega Blocks haha. Why buy a teether :shrug: :rofl:

Soooo I found out why I have been so sick lately..I started taking me PP medication at night and I was withdrawing during the day..Oooofta it was TERRIBLE. So now I am back to taking it in the AM and feel much better. Stupid medication. I hope to be off it soon, but my doctor wants me on it for at least 6 months.

MERRY CHRISTMAS (EVE) everyone. Hope our babies love this second Christmas for them!! I want pictures. (Merry Christmas to you too Miss Emma ;) ) I know she already celebrated but still..its her Christmas here too haha
Yeah we did!

So I'm filling out Emma's baby book finally. LOL!!! :rofl: And I should've done it from the start because I can't remember all the dates and what was popular at the time and all that so I've been looking through our old August mummy threads and through my blog and googling what was popular than. :dohh: It's taking forever to even finish one page but I figure I can start doing at least one page a day and eventually I'll catch up with it. And I have random stuff written in so many different places because when she'd do something new I would just write it on scrap paper and her weights and stuff. :haha: I'm so disorganized with it. Which is funny because i"m usually SO anal about having things organized.
I'm the same, Cleck, I have a few gaps in Adam's book, or places where I have estimated an age range of when he did something. I hate that it's not totally accurate because I always thought I'd note every single milestone properly. I have a sticky on my computer with some stuff (first roll, time he sat up alone, etc) but I can't say when he first crawled because I have an issue with defining "crawling" - army crawl or all-fours??! and speaking - first time he babbled "mama" or first time he used a word with meaning? gah, who'd have thought it would end up a source of stress?!
Same here! I have a few stickies saved on here with random milestones on them. I have written specifically army crawled- xx months xx weeks. Full crawling- xx months xx weeks. So I have two things for crawling. Same with walking. I don't know what to tell people when they ask because she took steps at 11 months. But didn't full blown walk everywhere without crawling until 12 months. So I just wrote down both. :dohh: There is such a fine line between stuff. I wrote down says mama but than later have it written down says mama with meaning behind it. :haha:
I have the same problem with the milestones too. Kira can take steps on her own now, but she's not walking places... but does she get credit for "walking" now? Her baby book sucks because I haven't kept up on it. I decided to stop beating myself up about it about it since I have a few other things that I plan to print up and put together in a book for her. Back when I was a baby my mom would get a slip of paper after each pediatrician appointment and on the back she wrote a summary of what I was doing at the time. I love reading them so I'm doing something similar for Kira. At the end of each month I write a paragraph summary and print them up. One day I'll make them into a book or something and ditch the baby book altogether!
yeah, with walking - I noted down 11 months 1 week because that was when *I* noticed he took two or three steps alone, but C and my mother both said he'd taken one or two steps several times before, only I never saw. But, same as you, Cleck, it wasn't till just over 12 months that he walked more than he crawled. On his 1st birthday we had a party in his auntie's garden and he crawled most of the time, in fact I don't think his family saw him walk at all, but when we got home that night C was taking a video of him playing with some new toys and he took about 12 steps, which he got on video... so that was the first recorded time, but he'd done 5-7 steps loads before his birthday. I'd note that in his book as 11 months 1 week, though.

I wish I'd kept better notes. It's amazing how you forget, little things you think you couldn't and wouldn't forget!
Well i feel terrible becaus eI haevn't really kept a note of anything! Do you all have special baby books? I wrote a few things in her red book but nothing else! I have never seen a baby book for me so I guess I neverreally thought how cool it would be for Sophia to read when she is older.

But I am not gonna beat myself up about it...........there are worse things I could have forgotten to do!:haha:
I have a special baby book but its not really filled out properly. I don't think you should feel bad though. If you compare your babyhood with Sophia's, I bet you have thousands of more pictures of Sophia. She can always look back thru the digital photos to get memories. When I was a baby my parents didn't have digital camera's (because they weren't invented, LOL) so there aren't too many pictures. I think there are only 10 pictures total of my DH as a baby.

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