I'm still in here too! I just don't always get time to come in here and address everyone's replies.
Bryson has a mouth full of teeth now. The only ones he is missing is the 2nd molars. Other than that he's got 'em all. Thank G-d I'm not bf'ing him still! LOL!!

Poor Cleck, that MUST hurt!! Can you not teach her to not "bite" mommy?
Hi Jai Jai!!

Long time no see hun!! Sounds like everything is going very well for you!

I don't blame you on the broody subject. I am too and DH and I are actually TTC again.
Boothh, poor Jesse. He does look like he's been in a prize fight.

From the looks of it, the hoover won.

I wish I knew what our toddlers are thinking at times. They do the strangest things sometimes.
Heidi, Bryson has been cranky too lately but no signs of new teeth nor illness so who knows. Maybe it's just the frustration of being a toddler now.

Angel, freshly painted walls and new carpets sound wonderful! I'm slightly jealous. This place needs that too so badly! We've had the same carpets for a few years now and they need to go! Vacuuming them doesn't make them look that much better.

I might have to try to get the landlords to switch them out for us early next year. We've all had bad allergies lately and I think it's all the dust mites in the carpet and padding that is causing it. I wish we could afford hard wood. Oh well.
Spidey, I understand how you feel about him not acknowledging Kira.

None of my relatives have done so with Bryson either. Matter of fact my grandmother made a special stop here to meet my sister's little boy after he was born. But even though she was crossing through the state when Bryson was born, she wouldn't stop to meet him. Not only that but for the first time since his birth she finally sent us a card (a holiday card) and sent money with it for Zach (my oldest), DH, and myself and didn't even bother to remember or mention Bryson at all!!

It really does piss me off! It's not that she didn't send money for him, too. It's that she didn't even acknowledge his existence!!! You wanna diss me, fine, screw you, I'll get over it. But DON'T diss my kids!!!! I'm pissed about this!!!!

So please know that you're not alone in that at all.

Some people are so pathetic, I swear.
Shiv, poor Sophia! I hope they get done coming through soon for her so that the pain can stop. It really is lousy that our little ones have to suffer so during this.
Cleck, poor little Emma!! Last weekend we were at the mall and were watching kids with Santa and every time it was a baby or a toddler they all screamed and cried. Haha. I think it's the age. I'm sure she will love him when she gets older and understands more what it's all about.

Also, with the teething thing, can you not somehow teach her to not bite you when bf'ing? Like suddenly and sharply saying "owch!" and see if that gets her attention or something. There must be some way of teaching her to be gentle.

We managed to teach Bry to be gentle when petting the kitty cat who he loves. He used to just grab a handful of her fur and pull on it.

I shouldn't laugh but she's been a pain in the ass lately so she kinda deserves it. Hehe.