--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Oh I used to love to watch that guy paint on tv!! I think they still show him back home on tv occasionally on pbs. :thumbup: It's so neat watching because it's never what you think it's gonna be.

As for pooping. I can't really help because Emma has the complete opposite problem. I gave her prunes because I needed them for myself and she wanted some. And now she's having pooplosions all the time. Even blowing out of her diapers. :sick: Does Kira drink a lot of water throughout the day? I know when I drink a lot of water that's when things start 'moving' for me. I am the type that doesn't poo very often either. I've been known to go a week without one. Especially on vacation. Something about being in a hotel scares me from pooing. :lol:
LOL, I'm not one to poop often either. It's the same with me- a glass of water in the morning will often get me moving :blush: eeeek.. I don't know what is worse, constipation or poo-spolsions! :haha:

But you might be onto something because Kira's not a big drinker. She has her booby and an occasional sip of my water, but thats it. I'll have to try to push more drinks on her and see if that helps enough to get things going. The only time over the last 12 months that she's had soft poop is when she was on antibiotics. Formed poo's save tons of money on wipes :haha:
:rofl: That's a seriously good point. I use like five wipes most times when wiping Emma because it's so soft and exploded all over a lot of the time. :sick::rofl: I bet it feels good to her though. I always think forceful poops feel the best. :rofl::rofl:

I made a joke with DH yesterday because Emma pooped out her diaper and ruined another white onesie. Pretty much every time she wears a white onesie, she explodes out her diaper. So I told him "I put some spray n' wash cleaner on it so hopefully the stain comes out. But usually shit never comes out. You should know, look at your underwear" :rofl::rofl::rofl: I couldn't stop laughing while I typed it to him and her responded back about him laughing and I laughed all over again. I think poop is funny. :lol:
Getting poop on a white onesies is waaaay better than a poop-splosion on the couch or rug :haha: I wouldn't know about poo stains because Kira's never leak out (and I'm not one to stain my underwear either) :rofl:. The diaper is barely dirty after she poops and I just shake the poo into the toilet and we say "bye bye" and flush it away. I miss those runny newborn poops sometimes. I use to call them apocalypses because they would go everywhere!! It was always the most exciting part of my day :blush::haha:
Did someone say POO???????????/

I love Poo talk! Mainly because it completely freaks David out :haha:

I think trying to get Kira to drink more water is a really good idea and I am sure it would help.

Sophia is having poo issues as well at the moment. for the last week her poo time has moved later. So she used to have a poo late afternoon/ early evening but now she is having one half an hour after she is put to bed so sheis waking up and crying to be changed - VERY annoying! We tried keeping her up late one night on holiday to see if she would go, but she didn't and then went half an hour after we put her down :haha: So I basically need to reschedule her poo somehow :dohh:

Spidey I love your house! We have never brought Sophia many toys, just really one at Christmas and one at birthday, and same for her family. But she has tons, a load in her playroom, a load in the lounge. But other than teddies in her cot she doesn't have any in her room as we wanted to keep it for sleeping only. However when we move we are thinking of putting her into a double bed and having some toys in her room for when she gets up in the morning. So we need to find a low double bed as I worry about her falling out of a normal height one. The reason we are goign double is so that she can have the 2nd bedroom in the new house (rather than the tiny box room) - then when we have guests she can sleep on a "toy" bed (don't know what else to call it) in our room. otherwise we won't have anywhere for guests to sleep.

This is what I mean by toy bed
Shiv- we haven't had a nighttime poop since Kira was a little baby. Poor Sophia- I wouldn't be happy with a poo in my pants! Are you eating dinner later than normal? I wonder if she's too busy to poo so she holds it until bedtime. My only suggestion is to talk about poop and see if she'll understand enough to try and poop earlier :haha:

I might be a weirdo but I've been talking about pee and poop for a couple of months now and whenever I have to use the bathroom I'll shout "mommy needs to ___" and then I prance off to the toilet. :haha: But of course I don't while company is visiting :rofl: Kira will stand next to me in the bathroom and she tries to peak in the crack between the toilet seat and toilet bowl. Sometimes she'll get into the tampons and pads that I keep in the bathroom and she'll try cramming them into my underwear because she knows I stick them somewhere down there :rofl: LOL about David not liking poop talk :rofl: My DH doesn't allow Kira to keep him company when he poops, but he's okay with poop talk or poopy diapers.

Still no poop for Kira and its been since Wednesday. I've been giving her more drinks than normal and keeping a cup next to me all day. Unfortunately I have to work this Monday so I won't have a chance to pretend to poop all morning to encourage her to push out her poo.

Shiv- A double bed sounds like a good idea :thumbup: She'll have plenty of room to toss around at night and then in the mornings hopefully entertain herself with toys. You could shove it against the wall and then put up a baby barrier on the other side, so she would only have a chance to fall off the end.
Shiv- Emma has a full mattress which I think is similar to a double but I'm not sure. :haha: That 'toy bed' looks really cool! Is it an air bed that you blow up? I wonder if they sell anything like those here. It looks like something Emma would love laying on just around the living room here. :thumbup:

Emma doesn't poop at night either. She doesn't even pee at night. I sometimes let her sleep diaperless all night long. Even while cosleeping. :haha: I know I"m brave right? But when I wake up, I just go grab a diaper and put it on her and she has her morning pee. :thumbup: There has only been a few times that I didn't get out of bed in time and she peed all over me. :rofl:

Well, I've ordered all of Emma's birthday stuff. Now it's just a waiting game and I get the fun of wrapping it all. :haha: I decided against the cardboard house thing. I will get that for her for christmas instead. Her doll stroller is looking rough so I bought her a new doll stroller. Which means I can throw out the old one and that means I'm not adding anything to the toy 'pile'. :D The one I got is freaking amazing too. I actually ordered it from the UK! Because I couldn't find it anywhere in the US. Which means she's gonna be one seriously cool baby with a unique doll stroller. :haha: I fully admit it was more for me than her because I want to play with it. :blush:


Than I got her blocks.

And her very first bike with helmet.

And that's it! :dance: I am still seriously gonna wrap other random toys up that she hasn't played with much lately. And that's that! I wanted to get it all bought and out of the way because now I want to save up for a Los angeles vacation for this summer. I figure we might as well squeeze it in while we still live on the west coast.
That is a CUTE stroller!!! The bike is cute too, and the helmet is a great idea. I need to get Kira a helmet for her bike. You are psycho for buying Emma's b-day stuff already :haha:

I'm still not sure what I'm going to get Kira. I can't think of any "big" purchases that she needs. hmmmm....

Thats awesome that Emma doesn't pee at night too. You are brave for letting her sleep diaper less. I thinking holding pee through the night is the first sign that they're ready for potty training :thumbup:
Sophia still had a very full nappy in the morning so she is certainly not anywhere near ready for potty training! I am in no hurry, I imaet gine it is much more hassle having to ask LO "do you want a wee wee" every ten minutes, than changing a nappy! Lazy me!

Those presents are amazing Cleck, Emma is one lucky girl! No idea what we will get Sophia this year, something small hopefully!
spidey- :rofl: Well think of it like this, my DH is home next month so we'll be busy getting reacquainted and I probably won't be thinking of Emma's birthday;), and in July we go home for 2 weeks to visit. So now is the best time for me to buy them when I know I"ll be home for the stuff to be delivered. :D I'll have to stash it all in the garage but at least I'll know it's all here. :haha:

Shiv- I'm in no hurry to potty train either. The few times I've asked Emma if she wants to sit on the potty, she's not even slightly interested so I'm not worried about it. I can imagine trying to train this early is far more stressful than waiting until an older age. For me, Emma doesn't even speak enough to say 'mom I gotta pee'. :rofl:
Oh my gosh - too busy having nooky to buy presents! that's a lot of nooky! I wonder if Emma will let you get it on very often?
hahaha. No not just that. When DH is around we always explore the area as much as possible. Museums, hiking, random beach visits, etc. And I don't do that kind of stuff with him gone so we'll be super busy probably with him back. :thumbup: We just want to see everything in this city and area that we can before we have to move again.

Well this time around Emma actually has a bedtime. Before he left, she didn't have a bedtime. So at least now we'll know we can always squeeze in :sex: after 10 pm. :haha:
LOL Shiv about getting Sophia something small :haha: That's how I feel too, but I'm sure we'll end up with something big. A dollhouse might be fun.

It's good Emma has a bedtime now.. Kira's bedtime is creeping later and later into the night so we haven't had much time for nooky these last couple of weeks. :blush:
I'm starting to panic a bit about taking Emma in an airplane in july. Someone else posted a thread in the toddler section and it's got me thinking now. Anyone else fly with their toddlers yet? It helps to think DH will be there with me but I just know people will get so pissed and think 'who brought the BABY on the plane' if she acts up at all. :(
I saw that thread too Cleck. We haven't taken Sophia on a plane yet as i am too scared! How long will the flight be Cleck? you always have booby to help calm her down!

Spidey - a dolls house sounds fun. David has wanted to buy like a massive one for Sophia since she was born, but i have managed to put him so far!
I'd have to check the itinerary but I know the first flight is 4 hours and than we connect in chicago and the rest is an hour I think. So the 4 hour bit is the part that scares me the most. We leave stupidly early in the morning too. 6:45 am I think is when the flight leaves which means we'll have to be up probably 2 hours before that to get around and check in at the airport. :dohh: I'm hoping she'll be so exhausted that she'll just sleep the entire time.

I'm also scared about how the time change is going to affect our schedule. It's taken me so long to get her a proper bedtime so this will probably blow it all to shit. :(

I keep eyeing dollhouses too but I am waiting another year or two I think because it's not quite age appropriate for the wooden kind of dollhouses that I'm admiring. :haha: Screw what Emma wants right? :muaha:
A few of my friends have flown with LO's and it's not easy, but not impossible. If it were me, I would try to pack some small toys that she's never seen before (perhaps even wrapped so they're more exciting) and that'll give you atleast 30 minutes. You also have booby which is always a life saver. If you bring your laptop you could play videos too. Kira can watch an entire hour of tv and not blink once :haha: Screw what the other's on the plane think because if Emma has a bad moment its not because you aren't trying to keep her happy.

The no poop saga is over. Yesterday Kira was a little miserable and I gave her a suppository to get things going since it has almost been a week. She pooped right away and then was fine. Then around 2am this morning Kira woke up screaming and she was having tummy pain because she was wiggling around and kicking her legs. After 30 minutes of this we decided to do another suppository. Then for the next hour she pooped 3 times- soooo much poop!!! The poor thing was exhausted but she felt better once it was all out. The 2nd and 3rd poops were nice and soft, so I'm going to keep up with the water, prunes and ground flax seed. I also gave her some water with Karo syrup yesterday.
Aww poor kira. :hugs: I bet that felt good for her to get out though. She must be 5 lbs. lighter now. :haha:

Yeah I've been thinking a new toy would probably be just the trick. I'd only bring out the new toy if things started getting rocky. So it could be our in case of emergency plan. :haha: I have my iphone that has games on it for her that she loves to sit and play. With videos that she watches too. I think they would still work while my phone is in 'airplane mode' right? I know I'll need a bunch of random snacks. I'll probably bring candy that she's never had before so it's something new. Like a dum dum sucker or something. I'm really just hoping that she naps through a lot of it. I know the worst part is going to be the moment her ears pop with the elevation. But I think some booby would pop them for her. AHHH. I'm so nervous about it. Just thinking about it makes my stomach do somersaults.
Cleck- don't feel bad for feeling nervous when you think about the flight. I've never even flown on a plane before :blush: :haha: I'm sure it'll be fine. You'll be with Corey so he can help entertain Emma too. One of these days I'll have to fly to Washington to visit my brother... he moved out there 5 or 6 years ago and I still haven't visited. One of these days he'll have kids too and then I'll have no excuse because I'll have to see my nieces or nephews.
I've only flown a few times. I think four but only two round trip flights if that makes sense. haha. Once from VA to home and once to las vegas and back. I would much prefer to just take a long road trip but it's not really practical now that we live so far. :haha:

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