--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Birthday parties already lol! Though I can't say anything as I've ordered jesses cake from Tracey already haha! Jesse is having a peppa pig/ pirate birthday but were keeping it simple this year, not inviting the whole world like last time just close family and friends with children! Just having a BBQ in the garden I think and I'm not buying him a mental amount of gifts either! He's getting a cosy coupe and a couple of educational toys and some clothes! He has way too much stuff as it is!
Emma's minnie plates came in the mail today!! :dance: They look just as cute in person as in the picture. I'm so freaking excited. :haha: I'm gonna start thinking more about making the banner and stuff now too to get that done. I love doing stuff like this. :D
Cleckner- don't forget to take pictures of the banner after you make it!

Boothh- A cozy coupe!! I always wanted one of those as a kid! I still haven't thought of what to buy Kira, but I'm not going crazy this year either. She's really into play dough, so I might get her another play dough kit. :thumbup:
Don't you mean YOU love playdoh Spidey?!:haha:
:lol: She's calling you out on that one. :winkwink:

Emma is gonna get her first tricycle and those cardboard brick things. I had them as a kid and they lasted FOREVER. And were so much fun to play with.

And I think I'll get her one of these cardboard houses that she can color on. And the good thing is once she destroys it, I can throw it out without feeling guilty. Which means less crap in my house. :rofl:

And than a helmet to go with the tricycle. But that's it. I am seriously going to go around and wrap toys she hasn't played with for a while and that way she has a ton of things to open. Because for easter all she wanted to do was rip open all the paper on the stuff. She didn't really care about what was in any of it. :dohh:
I don't have a clue what we will get Sophia for her Birthday. She has so much stuff already, i would quite like to get her a little plastic table and chair to do arts and crafts on but it seems a bit mean to get her something so practical as a gift!

I like the colouring in house Cleck, she can paint on it and everything!
Kira also really loves her play kitchen too :winkwink:

I've always seen those cardboard building blocks at doctors offices but I never knew if they would be fun since I was a germophobe from a very young age :haha:

We have this playdough set: https://www.amazon.com/Play-Doh-24371-Puppies-Playset/dp/B003CSAGJC and I like to make baby puppies with the puppy mold and then Kira insists that the puppies go into the puppy food maker and then forces me to crank my cute little puppies into dog food! DH taught her it one day and she thought it was the funniest thing ever. :haha:
I thought of you today Cleckner... Kira saw all the christmas wrapping paper in the closet and was saying present (well, actually "pre pre pre pre") and she was quite insistent on playing with the wrapping paper. So I told her my plan and she seemed to approve, and waited patiently outside the door as I wrapped up some of her toys :rofl: She had a blast opening up her presents and was squealing with delight the entire time!
Aww!! :cloud9: That's so cute. See? They don't care about the gifts. They just want to unwrap the stuff. :haha: I'm seriously gonna wrap a ton of random stuff. :rofl:

Okay, I started working on Emma's banner. I made the stencil out of the cheerio box I had in the cabinet. :haha: The thing that sucks is, half an hour after I made the stencil, Emma climbed up to the dining room table and ripped it in pieces. :growlmad: I was so pissed. But I had already cut out a few flowers so I just used them as a stencil instead. And the letters I am drawing out freehand and cutting. I was an idiot with my first letter and realized I need to draw the letters backwards for the ink not to show on the front. :rofl: It's definitely a learn as you go kinda thing.


And here was Emma while I worked. :lol: Her 'crayon box' is my old lunchbox from kindergarten! It has barbie on it. :haha:


I also want to say that Emma has hit her terrible twos. I thought it was a bit of a myth and never thought she'd suddenly become this monster but yesterday it was like a flip switched and she was worse than I've ever seen her. No tantrums. But she ran from one bad deed to the next with this sideways evil grin towards me that I just wanted to smack off her face. I mean it was awful. I put her in time out a few times and she just giggled. She thought it was the funniest thing. I don't know what to do. Seriously it is horrible. And when I get mad I start yelling and I was to the point of yelling at her by the end of the day yesterday. And it would just make her laugh more which makes me even MORE pissed. Because she's basically just laughing in my face. Like a mini-teenager. I emailed my husband and told him he had BETTER hurry up and get home because I'm gonna go crazy. :rofl: Today has been a bit better than yesterday with her. I haven't had to try time outs at all. But I wish I could freeze that look she gave me so I could show you guys what I mean. She knows exactly what she's doing. And she thinks it's funny that I don't want her doing it so she does it anyways. :wacko: GRRRRR!!! Today while I was cooking dinner she climbed up to the dining room table again and she was coloring nicely so I didn't pay too much attention. When I brought the food to the table? She had colored all over the dining room table and on the placemats. :cry: She knows not to do that. She knows she isn't allowed to color on anything but paper. But she did it anyways. I don't get what is going on in her little head right now. Trying to test the boundaries maybe?!
I love the banner!! The "font" that you used for the letters is really nice and makes it look modern and professional! I am definitely making a banner like yours :thumbup:

oh, I can just imagine Emma's sideways "I'm being naughty mommy" look! Is time out something that works for them at this age? I don't think Kira would understand the point of time out, but maybe I'm underestimating her.

Over the past week I've noticed a huge change in Kira too and also thought "hmm, is this the terrible 2's??" She's been very quick to melt down and if I wanted to keep her happy all day I would have to let her run the show. There was once a time that I would say "lets go outside" or "come help mommy cook dinner" and she would gladly follow along. Now she shakes her head no and says "oooo" (which means no) and will melt down onto the floor and scream if I force the issue. I've been taking lots of deep breaths this past week because I've had to juggle normal house work and meal prep with Kira who wants to make her own decisions on when it's bath time or lunch time, etc. If I say "lets go make dinner" and she refuses, I can usually avoid a meltdown if I talk about all the fun vegetables we're going to wash, or how I'll let her play with the sponge, LOL. On days where I'm tired or rushed I don't have the patience to deal with it and it only makes Kira's resistance worse.

Regarding the crayon incident- Kira's the same way when it comes to "forgetting" important rules. I like to think that they forget or get confused sometimes so when they break a rule, it wasn't done to make mommy mad. Who knows though- sometimes it seems like they push all the right buttons to drive us crazy!!

Cleckner- Emma has a tunnel of fun- right?? I think I'm remembering right. Anyways, I'm curious if she plays with it yet. Kira still refuses to go into her tunnel :haha:
For the past month or so I could sit Emma in her time out spot and she would sit there looking sorry for herself and than I'd let her come over, give me a hug and a big kiss and off she'd go playing nicely again. So it was working for her but yesterday suddenly she just thinks it is a big joke.

I didn't yell for the crayon incident. I knew it was probably just a one off but I did say 'OH Emma!' :haha: But I had my hands full of food and it's washable crayons anyways so it just wiped right off. I'm just thankful it wasn't on my furniture or on the walls or something. :lol:

Emma does play in the tunnel. I think it helps that Diesel our dog runs through it too so she follows or she hurries and goes in it and diesel chases her so she laughs. I only get it out every once in a while though. It's stored in her closet atm but when we have a boring day and I want to spice it up, that's when I bring down all the pop up stuff. I love how easy they are to store and hide away! :thumbup:

Oh yeah, more on the neighbor issue too. Yesterday I was on the phone with my parents and Emma was outside playing again and the neighbors little girl was teasing through the fence yet again. This time she was shoving grass through. Well I went around the corner to see what the little girl was doing now and the husband was standing there looking over the fence into my yard. :wacko: He was like 'hi' and I walked towards him because I thought he wanted something and I said hi back. Well than he just stood there looking at me and didn't say anything. Than he looked down to whatever his daughter was doing. It was so F'ing weird! Than today the little girl was out yet again and she slipped food through the crack and I caught it just when Emma was putting whatever it was into her mouth. I rushed over, grabbed it, and threw the food in the garbage. I'm starting to get super angry that the neighbors are just letting their kid mess around at the fence. Emma isn't old enough to know better and this little girl is like 3 or 4 so it wouldn't be that hard to say 'oh don't mess with the fence and the neighbors'. But apparently the parents don't care. It's getting to be ridiculous. I've lived here a year and this is the first time I've even heard anyone in that back yard and now suddenly it's an every day thing. And they are freaking WEIRD!

Edit: I spoke to my parents about it and my dad said I should walk outside in a bikini and than when the neighbors look in my yard I can scream 'OMG YOU PERVERT!' :rofl::rofl::rofl:
How tall is your fence Cleckner? Is it one of those 6 foot high wooden privacy fences? Thats really creepy that he was staring over and didn't say anything. You are absolutely right that they should put a stop to their daughter playing at the fence. From everything you've said, it sounds like the whole family is jealous of you and Emma. The little girl teases Emma and hangs out at the fence watching Emma happily playing with all her fun toys. The mom is obviously jealous of you and thats why she had to put on that show about you not watching Emma that one day- like "see, I AM a better mom". And the dad is just a weirdo, LOL!

I love the bikini idea! I wonder if you could put something against that fence like staple some black plastic to it which would block the girls view and her ability to put food through the fence. I would not be happy with food (and who knows what else) coming through my fence. I have major territorial issues as it is, so I'm getting all worked up just hearing about your screwy neighbors :haha: How big is your yard? If your yard is small enough, you could grow a garden against the fence and it could act as a natural barrier- then you could "water" your garden whenever the girl is teasing Emma :haha:

I am impressed that Emma sits in time out (or use to sit, LOL). I really don't think Kira would understand the concept. So I had the tunnel out yesterday and Kira's stuffed doggy was playing in the tunnel and she still didn't want to go in!
It's a 5 foot fence so tall enough that you can see over if standing right next to it. But I can't see over the fence if I'm a bit back from it. I have to be right up to see into their yard. I was considering using a tarp and nailing it up to cover the area. Today I haven't seen or heard them at all over there. I'm hoping it just stops being an issue. It's so dumb. The more I think about it, the more I just have to laugh because they are so ridiculous. My mom did say I should turn on the sprinkler for Emma to "play" but have it spray towards their yard. :rofl: But I don't want to be mean to the little girl because it's not really her fault, it's more her mom's fault for not disciplining her IYKWIM. The little girl should be told that shoving food through a fence isn't right. I just feel bad because Emma got pretty upset when I rushed over and yanked the food out of her hand. :(

I just LOL'ed at you putting the stuffed dog in the tunnel. :rofl::rofl: Do you have ball pit balls? Maybe she'd chase after those. Can you fit in the tunnel? I'd just crawl in there myself and see if she follows. :haha: You're skinny enough I bet. I can somewhat fit through ours but that's just with me wiggling slowly and I get really claustrophobic because I think I'm gonna get stuck. Could you imagine me getting stuck in there and no one is around to help? :rofl:
Well I am having one of those "OMG my house needs organized' moments. Emma has had great fun throwing her toys all over the living room today. Which I'm okay with but I just keep thinking half of her toys are upstairs in her room too so I would really love if they could all be in one area. I just have small storage cube things now for her toys so they don't hold much. I'm hoping I can sort through and pack away some of her stuff but the rest will go in the living room in this. I just bought it. :shy::

Than the only toy upstairs will be her kitchen and cart that goes with the kitchen. And stuffed animals that aren't really toys and I don't know why we keep collecting so many. :haha: But anyways, I think it'll feel so good to get it all sorted again. I really hate when stuff starts to build up and I never wanted Emma to have this many toys. They seem to multiply themselves though. :haha:
I get those "I need to organize" moments too.

This is how I have Kira's organized right now:

In the livingroom I have a cube organizer with her most used toys. If something isn't played with for a month it goes up to her room and then eventually to storage down my newly organized basement :haha: I have 2 brown ottomans that also contain toys (you can see one here)

We also have her kitchen in the livingroom. That green car needs to go upstairs since she hasn't played with it for a long time. She eats breakfast and does all her playdough stuff at that table so I don't mind having it taking up space.

I have no idea how we ended up with so many toys. We really didn't buy Kira much for her b-day or x-mas's- nothing like what many of the other Lion cubs got.

Ignore the row of dressers- they're empty and I plan to use them in the spare bedroom for a future baby (right now the spare room is filled with DH's hoard of books!). She has a cube organizer in her room too, but filled with less loved toys. If something regains popularity then it gets moved back downstairs. I have my own system :haha:


Cleckner- that toy chest is great :thumbup: I'm always looking for new ideas because I want to keep the toys in the livingroom but I also want to minimize chaos. With the rate at which Kira is getting toys, I will have to build an addition on the house :shock:
I have the exact same brown circle ottoman up beside our bed! It's great for magazines. :thumbup:

I LOVE those cube shelving units. Where did you get them? I thought about something like that in white for downstairs but than I saw the little tikes one and I had to get it instead. It matches her cozy coupe perfectly. :haha: I do love the cube things though. Ikea had some really neat ones. I seriously love looking around your house. :haha: I feel so nosy but it's neat seeing how others organize. I kind of wish we had a playroom but than I know I would REALLY go overboard with toys I think because I'd think 'oh we have this whole room so we can buy more'. :lol: Also, I kind of regret getting the huge play kitchen for Emma. I mean, it's really neat but I think she would've been just as happy with a smaller wall one like you have. And I would probably be happier right now as well because her walk in kitchen seriously takes up too much room. :dohh:

I see a dora pillow in Kira's room. :gun: It's all I can focus on in her room. :rofl::rofl:
The cube shelving units are so great that I went back out and bought a second for Kira's room. They're from Target and aren't too expensive- $39 or $49 I think. They have tons of those cloth square organizing baskets to chose from too. :thumbup:

Even though Emma's kitchen is huge, it is so awesome! It's something that will be fun to play with for many years. But honestly, I have no idea where I would keep that in my house. I use to always make fun of people who buy houses with a family room, livingroom and sitting room, but now I'm wishing I had that many rooms because I could turn one into the playroom. The toys that irritate me the most are the ones that they use for 6 months or less. Like the giant swing I bought (and Kira hated) or the baby activity walker thing. Once I'm done with babies I'll get rid of them but I feel obligated to hang on to them in the meantime. I don't even want to think about the giant crib thats sitting in the spare bedroom right now- what a waste :haha:

LOL about the Dora pillow. When I was uploading the pictures I had a chuckle about that because I knew you would notice it :haha:

That crazy painting is what I call my morning sickness guineapig :haha: I was sooo sick and was laying on the couch all day trying not to move because it would start the dry heave chain reaction. Suddenly I had this crazy urge to paint :rofl: I got up and collected my supplies and then had an hour of intense painting and for whatever reason I painted a guineapig. :lol:
I never even bought a jumperoo or anything bulky like that. Thankfully when Emma was the age to actually use one, I was living back home so we only brought a minimal amount of stuff and we skipped the phase where that would've been appropriate. I really hate to get rid of any of Emma's old toys yet too. I've noticed on this forum that some women are selling the toys on as they go but I can't do that. I just think the next kid(s) can use the toys and I won't have to keep blowing money on more. :haha:

:rofl::rofl: At your morning sickness gerbil. Are you an artist as a hobby? You must be if you have painting supplies like that. :haha: I always wanted to take those classes that teaches people how to paint. I think it'd be fun.

Well, I'll have to post pictures of Emma's toy areas when the toy box gets here. I can't wait. I hope it hurries up. Right now her toys are sitting in a spare plastic tote box. It looks pretty ghetto. :haha:
I can't wait to see pictures of Emma's play area so I can snoop :blush::haha:

I'm not very artistic, but I'm not afraid to do artsy things so I have tons of art supplies from my various ventures. Did you ever see that man on tv who did oil painting? Bob Ross is his name I think. He teaches you to paint nature scenes step by step. Anyways, I did tons of Bob Ross led paintings years ago and they actually look quite good- good enough to be hung all over my parents walls and to give some as gifts :haha: I'm really good at following instructions, but I don't have a good eye to create things from scratch on my own. I'm planning to take an occasional art class at the community college once I lose my job to give me a chance to leave the house occasionally. I took a pottery class once and it was soooo much fun :thumbup: I think the craft stores around here offer classes too- you should take a look at what they have! I know you would be good at painting since you're capable of making a really nice banner for Emma's b-day.

I have a poop question that I should post on the FB group since I'm not sure many people visit here. Kira has always been a difficult pooper, and thankfully we're past having to use suppositories, but recently she's been too busy to poop and holding it in for up to 5-6 days. The only way I've been able to encourage pooping is if I announce "mommy has to poop!!!" and run off to the bathroom to sit on the toilet for up to 30 minutes. Then sometimes she'll hang off my legs and poop. She eats prunes, raisins, lots of veggies.. and last night I put ground up flax in her yogurt. Is pooping an issue with anyone else? Any ideas?

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