
That's so cute. See? They don't care about the gifts. They just want to unwrap the stuff.

I'm seriously gonna wrap a ton of random stuff.
Okay, I started working on Emma's banner. I made the stencil out of the cheerio box I had in the cabinet.

The thing that sucks is, half an hour after I made the stencil, Emma climbed up to the dining room table and ripped it in pieces.

I was so pissed. But I had already cut out a few flowers so I just used them as a stencil instead. And the letters I am drawing out freehand and cutting. I was an idiot with my first letter and realized I need to draw the letters backwards for the ink not to show on the front.

It's definitely a learn as you go kinda thing.
And here was Emma while I worked.

Her 'crayon box' is my old lunchbox from kindergarten! It has barbie on it.
I also want to say that Emma has hit her terrible twos. I thought it was a bit of a myth and never thought she'd suddenly become this monster but yesterday it was like a flip switched and she was worse than I've ever seen her. No tantrums. But she ran from one bad deed to the next with this sideways evil grin towards me that I just wanted to smack off her face. I mean it was awful. I put her in time out a few times and she just giggled. She thought it was the funniest thing. I don't know what to do. Seriously it is horrible. And when I get mad I start yelling and I was to the point of yelling at her by the end of the day yesterday. And it would just make her laugh more which makes me even MORE pissed. Because she's basically just laughing in my face. Like a mini-teenager. I emailed my husband and told him he had BETTER hurry up and get home because I'm gonna go crazy.

Today has been a bit better than yesterday with her. I haven't had to try time outs at all. But I wish I could freeze that look she gave me so I could show you guys what I mean. She knows exactly what she's doing. And she thinks it's funny that I don't want her doing it so she does it anyways.

GRRRRR!!! Today while I was cooking dinner she climbed up to the dining room table again and she was coloring nicely so I didn't pay too much attention. When I brought the food to the table? She had colored all over the dining room table and on the placemats.

She knows not to do that. She knows she isn't allowed to color on anything but paper. But she did it anyways. I don't get what is going on in her little head right now. Trying to test the boundaries maybe?!