--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

cleck~ belly to back is a roll lucas started doing it at about 6 weeks now thinks its funny that when i put him on hes belly he rolls over then i have to put him back so he can get hes back stronger.

RR~ my mil is starting to do are head in she lives 2 min away from us my mum and dad are 25mils away and thinks she can just come round when ever she feels like and take lucas out for 2-3HRS! the last 2 weeks she has rang up to ask but we have not picked the phone up lol but on monday she came round at 3:30 rueben had not been to school coz he had to go to the hospital and he had dropps so couldnt see proper and she seid o if i knew i would of come with you i couldnt belive it she really thinks we cant cope. also lucas was crying she got hold of him and rueben seid come and play granma and she seid i cant iam trying to stop lucas from crying coz youer mum cant.I took him off her when she couldnt stop him and he stp and went strat to sleep. then rueben seid come on the floor he reply its mucky on the floor callin my house ok i hadnt hoverd up that day but OMG bich bich bich.
Cleckner I WANT ANOTHER BABY TOO - WHY??????? God I miss being pregnant and love being a mum and not working. But no hope while bf (well only slim) as I haven't had a period yet. Ahhhhh damn these hormones making me broody, I'm jealous of every preggers lady I see :saywhat:

RR I have discovered the wonders of putting Sam down at 7:30pm now, I actually have even more of the evening to myself now :yipee: although tonight he was a bit of a bugger but that's the fist time. Stupid me thought he could go without his bath, more fool me!!!!
TMR - glad that Lucas is sleeping so well for you, I can't believe he has teeth already! Glad he has not been grizzling with it though
Bun- sorry you got a BFN but it sounds like you might be a tad relieved! Sorry that B hasn't been settling too well, hope it gets better - no real tips I'm afraid!
jelr - so sorry to hear that Natasha's appt did not get as well as we all hoped. I hope that it is not serious and that you get a definitive asnwer asap. big hugs x
OC - I too hate my parenting skills being questioned! We will put Sophia in her own room once she has settled intonot waking suring the night for a feed. And that is pure laziness on my behalf becasue I can't be bothered to get up and go into another room to feed her! Yu do what you feel is best x
MJ - hope you had a lovely time at your parents party and that Adam behaved himself ;op It made me giggle the thought of him doing a poo at the shock of having his injection, did the trick though!
Aunty E - hope the packing is going well for your move
Elly - hope Christian is over his cold now x
Shadow - we'll miss you but hope you feel better soon x
Pip- wel done on establishing a routine for Sam - we haven't even tried yet but feel that I should! So glad you are feeling like you are getting your old self back as well.
Cleck - sounds like Emma is rolling over to me, what a clever girl you've got there! and yes I am feeling broody as well, whenever I see a baby younger than Sophia, I yearn for another! Not sure how that would work in practice though!!
RR - glad you got an apology from your MIL, even if it was half hearted. Also glad Archie's colic is beter

As for us - Sophia has slept from 11pm - 7am 3 nights in a row now!! hooray that is 8 hours, a full nights sleep - and then she goes back down until 11am again! I think she is a teenager already! My husband has got the week off work so I a looking forward to chilling out as a family!
Hi all - hope everyone had a great weekend.

MJ: Sorry you didn't manage to have the christening when you wanted - I'm so glad I finally have ours all arranged, we both have big families and a lot of friends that we have been to their childrens christenings so it is ending up bigger than expected but thankfully everything is done now and we are also using my christening gown so I have it all washed and white again - all I need to do now is find something to wear for myself. So glad you are feeling on top of things the last few weeks - I'm also starting to feel back to myself and having more energy and a little more sleep - I am loving being a mum.

Shadow: So sorry to hear you will be away from us for a while we will definitely all miss you but your health is more important chick - Hope you are feeling better soon.

Pippin: So glad you have turned a corner and are feeling more like yourself and yay for Sams routine, thats really good - Even though Natasha is sleeping from 11 until 6 now she is mostly awake until 11 and is even a bit cranky as she is usually overtired by then and just wont sleep. I love her so much but it will be nice to have some time back in the evenings with DH. I do end up doing most of the caring for Natasha but that is because DH is out at work from 7 am until 6 pm but he does feed and change her and sterilise all the bottles in the evenings and we both bath her together and he usually does the 6 am feed in the morning to give me a rest - but when it comes to remembering things like the medicine she was getting for her thrush that is down to me as he is useless at stuff like that. You are probably doing a lot more due to BF too.

Overcomer: Natasha also seems to be chewing her hands lately and even though LO's may not get teeth until they are 4 to 6 months old I think their gums can still become tender at 6 weeks onwards.

Elly: Sophia the giraffe sounds like it would be really good for small babies - My friend used a thing called gummy teether that Tomee Tipee make for early teething - Here is a link https://www.tommeetippee.co.uk/product/gummy_teether_early_teething_ - It looks quiet big but is actually only the size of a soother and can be kept in the fridge.

TMR: Hope lucas's teeth aren't bothering him too much.

Mollyapple: Excellent info.

Cleckner: I would say Emma is definitely rolling over - Ah she is a clever girl - Natasha never stays on her tummy too long as she hates it and just gives out so I dont tend to leave her too long.

Ruby: Christening isn't until 21st November but I have the priest and church all booked and all the forms filled in and the hotel for after is booked and the food sorted too. So glad you got an apology from your MIL even if it was half hearted at least it is a start. So glad the OJ is working for Archie and he is happier.

Shiv: Hope you enjoy your week with hubby, I wish mine had a week off so we could get some time together as it seems that any time we do have lately just the three of us as a family - sombody seems to call.

AFu: I just tried to put Natasha down in the cot to see if she would sleep better with no noise around as she is staying awake now for most of the day and is getting very overtired and when she does sleep she seems to have one eye half open lol and fully awakes with any noise, but unfortunatly it didn't work as she kept loosing her soother and then crying for it. Ah well she is such a good sleeper at night I wont complain.

Just wondering about your opinions on this girls my mum has been so good since Natasha has been born and did our washing and ironing for the first couple of weeks and helped around the house, so dont get me wrong I love her to bits but I am finding it all a bit much lately - she only lives around the corner so calls every day which is fine but she has started now to call back over in the evenings again and me and we just dont have any time as a family - its like she can't get enough of LO - On Saturday she asked could she bring her down to see my brothers match so I said no problem and even gave her over a little early and let her dress and feed her that morning but then that night she phoned and asked would it be okay to call for 10 mins and DH didn't have the heart to say no and then she ended up staying for an hour and a half so by the time she went we were nearly heading to bed - I dont know what to do as I dont want to hurt her feelings - what do you all think is it me being selfish or is it a bit much??
Well I started packing this morning! Woo!

I've been reading about you all putting bubs on tummy for tummy time, apparently I am awful, as I've never done this! But Imogen has pretty decent head control (being carted round in the wrap all the time) so I'll try her when she wakes up this evening and let you know what she does :)

She's started sleeping a bit longer, and spending slightly less time in bed with us - normally she'd be fed at around 12.30 or 1am and then would lie on the bed with us until she was asleep, then get put in her crib and she'd wake up around 5.30 for a feed. Well the last week or so she's stayed asleep progressively longer, until last night she didn't wake up until NINE! Of course this morning, she woke me at six for a feed, but she fed really went and settled back in her crib rather than having to stay in bed with us.

AF turned up yesterday, and I've been trying my old mooncup. Suspect from the feel of things that I might have to pop out this week to get the larger size. Bye bye lovely pelvic floor :( Well, I'll see how I go. I was a bit worried about being pregnant, simply because we're rubbish with condoms, and the pill won't have started working until a couple of days ago, but obviously we're fine. I'm a tiny tad broody for being pregnant, and I would love another one, but I can't imagine sharing Imogen's time with another child. I know they bring their own love, etc etc, but I'm from a large family and I know there's only so much time you can give to each child when you have five of them for example. Anyhoo, there's no way we can afford the childcare. I have no idea how we're going to manage with just Imogen, but we have to wait until I'm earning a bit more before we have another and double our childcare costs!

So current hunt is for nice baby tights, thick ones for winter, which aren't pink. I'd prefer block colours, but I'm having trouble even finding plain white ones that will fit.
jelr - defo sounds like your mum can't get enough of Natasha!! I would find my mum coming around everyday (never mind twice a day) too much. Unfortunately I think the only way to resolve it is to be honest with her! Which I can imagine must be really hard for you, it is either that or start lying and saying you are out when you aren't!! I am sure she will understand. Maybe give her some set time with Natasha each week (that way you and OH can make plans to have some time together)?!?!?

Sophia had her jabs this morning - a minute of screaming the doctors office down and she has been asleep since! phew!
Jelr - I was in the same position as you with my mum and luckily we ended up moving somewhere far, still in london but far from her house. I was picking her up each afternoon when she finished work while I was on the school run but found that a bit too much too as she was helpful yes but also got on my nerves. As AuntyE suggested just be honest with her, although I wasnt entirely and take it from there. Good luck

Aunty E, there are some really nice block tights and also plain thick tights in Baby Gap, they are two for ten pounds or seven pounds for one
I think I have spoken to soon, today has been stressful and tonight he is shouting his head off up stairs not liking his bed time. I'm trying to keep firm and stay down and let him sort himself out but I fear I'll be up and down those stairs like a yoyo tonight. I feel bad for letting him cry but I feel so frustrated, grrrrr.

Oh pants it's gone up a pitch best go sort him out, so much for my time to write a long post. :dohh:
The brooding bug has struck again. Both hubby and I are talking about having another one but I think we're going to wait a bit more before thinking about trying again.

Christian's about over his cold but still gets a little stuffed up from time to time. The humidifier's worked wonders though. Thank you everyone for your well wishes and support.


Managed to get a dream feed in for him at about 10:30 last night but think he didn't eat enough (that or the wet diaper he had at the time hampered things). However, he did sleep up until 2:30 am (!) and then didn't want another feeding until 6 am this morning. He got up a couple other times during the night wondering where we were but we picked him up, consoled him and then he fell asleep on his own.
Hi everyone, anyone else sometimes let their babies sleep on their tummies? I know its a big no no but in my time (the 80's) all us babies were told to sleep on their bellies. We put Archie on his tummy the ther day and he slept for 6 hours straight. He semeed so content, no grunting or wriggling, I think as he is a gassy baby its a relief for him and im sure he has some sort of acid reflux as ive heard him make choking noises on his back in the night and gone to check him and his fine and gone back to sleep, im asking my gp about this nxt week to!

Anyway it was so nice to see my lil man have a good nights sleep he was soo happy the next day really lovely but i had him sleeping on his tum next to me and i barely got a wink just incase but ive been watching him when he cries on his belly and if his head goes down he just turns it to the side again but im stll not sure. I love seeing archie happy but dunno if its any good for my sleep as im worrying about him!

Anyone got any tips on putting bubs on their back? I tried putting him on his belly to fall asleep then lifting him up slowly on his back but he wakes open 2 secs later. On his back he wakes every 2 hours but on his belly he sleeps 6 - 8 hour patches so i dont know what to do. :-(
rr~ if he is sleeping better on his tummy i would say let him and maybe get a monater that has a movement pad i have 1 with lucas and i love it . my mum used to put me on my tummy as i would never sleep on my back.

jelr~ my mil was like that but then we just stoped picking the phone up or saying somthing like we are gunna try and get things done tonight or in the day why no one is coming around she got the pont to not come round every day but she came round for 3-4hrs a time 2-3 times aday.

pip~ Hope he went bk down ok

I would love to be preg agane as i loved it with lucas not so much with my 1st thow and really want another child but i want to get the wedding over with 1st so in about 2yrs.

lucas is doing brill he is sleeping 6pm-6am ish and then going bk to sleep after hes 9:45am feed untill 1pm feed then will have a sleep for 5-10min a few times untill 6pm. hes really smily and get really happy and rigles about when he sees you after hes been asleep. hes teeth have been no prob he bit rueben last night on hes hand lol I think hes top 2 will be throw in a wk or so.
RR, if he's resting on his tummy and finds it comfy, then that sounds like the way to go. However, as TMR mentioned, you might want to pick up a monitor to be on the safe side.

Jelr, my mother is like that but I think that it's also due to this being her first grandchild and we had a rough beginning when she was over a lot at first. However, things are better now between us. My FIL though doesn't come over a lot (when he does, it is unannounced) but calls every day. However, with that, our phone conversations aren't very long as there is a bit of a language barrier (either that or just a conflict in ways that Christian should be raised). He tends to talk with hubby more but in a different language.

Pip, how'd things turn out with putting the little one down? Hopefully you weren't running up and down the stairs. :hugs:

Shiv, I hope my little guy is just as brave as Sophia when he goes in for his shots.

Aunty E, I hope the move goes well and that the whole experience isn't too stressful on anyone. :hugs:

Christian's christening is this weekend and seems like a lot of the family will be able to come. I still have to call two relatives though to see if they'll be able to come.
RR - I've had all my three kids sleeping on their tums from day one. Yes I know its a no no over here but that is what we do in my country. I've found that they sleep so much better and also develop stronger tummy muscles which makes it easier for them when they start crawling ( no scientific research though). Glad your LO is sleeping much better
Just a quick post girls as Natasha has just fallen asleep and I'm shattered after being in town all day and need to get some zzz's - Just wanted to say thanks though for all the replies, think I'm gonna have to be honest with her, I so dont want to hurt her feelings though, but I think its more important that we have time as a family - I know Natasha is her first grandchild and she is excited but its just all a bit much - have tried giving her time to mind her but that hasn't helped and she passes my door to go to the shop or anywhere so knows I'm here when the car is here and I would have to hide down in the bedroom as our sitting room window is in the front of the house and she passes it when calling to the door - so I think honesty is going to have to be the only way - will have a think about it how I will go at it as I really dont want to fall out with her and she can be very defensive - ahh bet I will chicken out - It was really good to here everyones opinions though and at least I know that I'm not being selfish now.

Cheers again girls :hugs: to you all. Xx
Feels like we've taken a few steps back. After the past two wonderful days (and one night), Christian has become a major fussbucket. Trying to put him to sleep is now a challenge as soon as we put him down, he'll start crying his head off. Even when I hold him in my arms, he cries. He'll demand a dummy and rocking in order to fall asleep. I know he's over tired but won't settle down for naps either.

His eating has now changed from 4 hrs to about 2-3 hrs between feedins. The amount for each feed hasn't changed (about 120-180 mL per feed so about 4-6 oz).

I'm wondering if it's a growth spurt? He's feeling a bit heavier in my arms and trying to get him to sleep has shattered me and killing my wrist which is still acting up.

Any thoughts? Suggestions?
Sounds like a growth spurt to me, I am sure archie has been having one to! My only trick is letting them sleep on their bellies! x
You might be right about growth spurt. If that's the case, should be done in a day or so.

Thanks again! :hugs:

As for sleeping on his tummy, seems like a no go as he's hating tummy time right now.

Today, we went to the doctor and he weighed in at 12 lbs, 6 oz! Apparently as well, he's very strong in moving his head, etc which is a good thing. However, they're saying that he's big for being about 2 months. Is there any way to check that out?

His jabs will happen next week which I'm not looking forward to.

Doc checked my wrist out and I'm to go to physio and likely will need a brace for it (joy).

Hope you ladies are all well!
elly I wouldn't worry too much about weight. Your LO sounds spot on to me. My LO is actually too small compared to charts. Just a little over 9 pounds now. :wacko: But I'm trying not to be too concerned because she is very content and is still gaining each week just not an incredible amount. I never realized how much worry would be put into gaining weight on these LO's though! :dohh:

I haven't been on here much lately. Trying to get some cleaning done here at home. Our things are getting shipped out in a few months and I'm freaking out. I won't actually be moving until April or later so our things will be sitting in storage over in California until my husband gets back from being out to sea. And in the meantime I'll be back living with my family. DH's parents to be exact. YIKES! haha. :haha: But we all get along well. I'm sad for my DH though because he'll miss about 4 months or more of Emma's first year. :nope:
Gosh it's been quiet on here recently - I hope this is because everyone is off doing fun and exciting things and not because their babies are causing trouble!

I might just be talking to myself here - but anyhoooooooooo, things are going well with us - Sophia is sleeping between 9 and 10 hours a night which is a dream! she still makes a load of noise in her sleep - so I am not sleeping through :shrug: Might have to consider moving her into her own room soon!

For those of you whos babies have had their second set of jabs - did they react any diferently to when they had their first set? I mean afterwards - did they get any more sickly or grumpier? We are planning on going away teh same day as Sophia has her second set planned - and she was fine after her first set but would hate to get her in the car and have her upset or ill!

We haev been pretty busy, this weekend we went to a wedding on Saturday and then my Nephew's 1st birthday party yesterday. I can't believe that Sophia will be in the same school year as him - he is walking and talking and she is so tiny!

Anyway - I hope you are all doing ok - hugs all round :hugs:
Gosh it's been quiet on here recently

I know, I'm feeling really guilty now cos I'm not filling this place with blabber anymore!

For those of you whos babies have had their second set of jabs - did they react any diferently to when they had their first set? I mean afterwards - did they get any more sickly or grumpier?

Nope, Vince was fine with first and just as fine with second jabs :winkwink: Hope Sophia is the same! xxxx

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