well yay for a fast-moving thread! I got a little shock to see three whole pages since last time I looked!
so... jai_jai, hello and welcome back, lovely to see you! I'm also making an effort to go out every day; because of my history of depression & other stuff, I kind of feel I have to push myself just in case, but thankfully I've been fine. great to hear you're feeling better now, that first 4 weeks or so is a real rollercoaster even when things go well, never mind if they don't
as for the weight thing - well, I fit back into my pre-pregnancy jeans but that's no great achievement considering I used to wear them with a belt done up tight and, without the belt of course, they fit me up to about 16 weeks pregnant

- so I guess I have the belly of a 4-month pregnant lady. marvellous. other clothes... nope, no chance. I'm still wearing a couple of maternity t-shirts but they don't especially look maternity-ish. so I had to go buy new clothes. I didn't want to because I want to lose the weight and fit my old stuff, or if I get new things I want them in my old size... but I had to, I needed something to wear to my parents' 40th anniversary. so I got some trousers and a couple of big thick cardigans (which are serving as coats since I don't have one that fits

) from Sainsbury's, a long sleeved top from H&M and jeans from Next. all size 14 or Large.

I was a 10 before. it's bothering me. I wish it didn't. and when I tell myself consciously that it doesn't matter because I have my gorgeous little Adam, I do believe it but I still want not to be this big. I've lost about half my extra pregnancy weight, so there's a way to go. but I did take the plunge - heh - and go swimming on Saturday and will be going every Sat hopefully till I go back to work (it's a women only session). I was amazed my cossie fit, it's a tankini and it's ok, boobs are bursting out though (and it doesn't look great). I used to go swimming regularly with my best friend, who is very plus size, but both of us slacked off badly this year, so she also wants to get back into it and we encourage each other.
it's just so hard with Adam around, to do any exercise other than walking. and as I still have pelvic pain and my knees are pretty bad, I can't do as much of that as I want. but Chris can look after him on Saturdays since I only really bf in the morning, and he gets formula plus what I express the rest of the day.
oh and as for wanting to be pregnant again, god, me too. I get so envious of pregnant women! weird, because I was actually so anxious all the time... and in pain with SPD... and my sleep was effed up... and the heartburn... but I miss liking how I looked and feeling him kick and the whole excitement and anticipation. and it's all been a million times more lovely than I ever imagined... maybe I just want to do it all again and really enjoy it as I'm doing it, rather than looking back and thinking, actually, I loved it, but I didn't feel that at the time!
I'd be TTC actively if I didn't feel it'd be unfair on Adam and a potential new baby. I want Adam to have our full attention while he's a little baby, and I'd want that for the new baby, too, I feel I am so in love with Adam and wrapped up in him that how could I give that same love to someone else? I'd feel awful thinking that Adam might miss out... so no TTC till he is at least a year old. that said, we haven't used anything and Chris was convinced I was pregnant, just because I snapped at him one day... so I did a test and thank god it was negative. first time I've poas and wanted there to be no second line!!! I really would be not happy to actually have a child on the way. yet still I long to be pregnant again... *shakes head*