--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

right i am officially back - i wanna catch up but there is like 91 pages?!?! :shock: i have been away that long :cry: gonna try read it but could someone give me a sypnosis on whats going on like we used to in preggo land!?!

Love you all and :hi: :blush: sorry it has taken me so long :kiss:
shiv - I think its ok to move bubs into their own room... For the first few weeks Archie was a proper grunter and it drove me mad! I know they all say six months but thereis a perfect parent guide and no babies are textbook! They are all unique so do whats best for you, baby and your OH

jelr - Sorry about tash's exp with the jabs! Archies are next week - not looking forward to it! Also pleased to hear about the sleeping through as you know from facebook!

tmr - oh my hope things are ok with you and the oh now? Hope you get the result you want to

vici - thats great imi is doing so well! Its great having the sleep through the nights to! :happydance:

shadow - vincent is a big boy now! His soo gorge! Hope you have a fab time in london and hope you keep taking it easy to xx

elly - pleased to hear the swaddling is working !

Sam star - oh my i hope your ok now! So pleased elinor is doing so well hun look forward to seeing pics!

cleck - thats great emma laughing! Its lovely isnt it! :cloud9:

bun in oven! - Each to their own about another baby lol none for me anytime soon! Poor lil man to arhie is the same i swear he got his whole fist in his mouth the other day!

Me - i am fine i suppose, archie is thriving its mummy whose suffering! Epilepsy been playing me up a bit been having some petit mals so seeing the neuro on the 23rd more tablets no doubt! I swear i rattle! I think my BPis still high to from the pre eclampsia as i still get the double vision and headaches. :cry:

Archie though is great really... goes to sleep at 9pm or 10pm then sleeps till 7am, has a feed then sleeps till 11am again...awake most of the da which is nice as his mostly smiling and stuff. His been smiling for a few weeks now and his made noises like cooing and ah ah ah noises for ages everyone seemed shocked he was doing that but i thought it was normal? His cooed for ages when his happy and started laughing about 2 weeks ago! I think somethings going on in the mouth tho. He wakes up in a puddle of slobber (sleeps on his belly) and his constantly drooling and eating his fist poor man... sometimes he gets irritated with it and his cheeks are all flushed!

Hmm also moving on the 4th so wish me luck am surei will be visited b the stress fairy!

Hey Jai_Jai and Bun! :wave:

So it seems that eating of the fist is common. I thought when he was doing that he wanted food so I gave him a little extra this morning.


He projectile vomited on himself (and me). When I put him down for a moment to grab a cloth to try and clean it up, he did it again and got his outfit, hair and ear. Early baths were required for both of us.
:wave: Jai Jai!!

Yup! Emma eats her fist alot too. Since day one. I can't seem to keep it away from her face. She has gotten a horrible habit the past few days of shoving her finger in her throat and gagging herself though. *rolls eyes* You'd think she would learn after the first few times doing it.
:hi: guys!!

awwww ruby sorry the epilepsy is playing up i hope you get the help you need, must be hard taking lots of pills :hugs: keep your chin up and it will get better :) Archie seems to have the exact same sleep pattern as Adriana!! I love it - well done!!

Elly - poor Christian I bet it was a total mess everywhere!!! :hugs:

Cleck - :rofl: silly little Emma gagging herself!! I bet you worry though it can't sound nice!

AFM - Been super super busy!! Out a lot with friends or they have come to me, do something nearly everyday which is lovely. I feel fantastic and think i was feeling so low due to being poorly and the bf was tough, but we hit the 6wk mark and now are soley ff which i am ok with and have accepted so we are all happier :D I am starting to get down about the size of me though :cry: I cant fit into any clothes and have no money to buy a few odds and ends to tide me over - very rubbish, I knew it would take a long time!!

Adriana - super happy and content baby only cries when she is hungry, although gets a bit frustrated now trying to do things. she has been smiling for a few weeks now and is smiling more and more which i love, starting to coo to herself too :cry: so lovely. She is starting to teeth according to dr and she gets upset about that at time but she chomps on my finger to help the pain. She sleeps 10-7ish then again til 11 everyday - except today she is awake now :dohh:

lovely to be back and sorry i have not caught up with everyone!! Hope you are all ok :hugs:
Im sorry for posting quickly again but im so worried about my princess and i have no one to talk too!
She has been off her feeds for a couple of days now just being generally fussy!! And then last night i come home from bingo and Darren said that there was something wrong with her tummy so i had a look and under her ribs on her left side just next to her hernia repair site she has this lump that just pops out as she is moving which kind of looks like a hernia and now im super scared that she will need another surgery!!
Girls im terrified i couldn't bare seeing her like that again not this soon - i keep crying and i feel so guilty for going out when i knew fully well that she was being fussy with her bottles :cry:
Im sorry for rambling but Darren is being an ass and i dont know who else i can talk too!!
Sam, I wouldnt worry too much, my little madam had the same thing and I went to the GP straight away and she said she had a small hernia which is nothing to worry about. She told me that a way of checking it is if you can press the bump down and it comes straight up again then there is nothing wrong, however if you press it and she cries then you need to go to hospital. She said hernias are very common and most of the time they disappear after about 18months when all the muscles around that area have joined up. Don't feel guilty about going out hun, you are a fab mum and these things happen. If she is generally well then there is probably nothing to worry about, however if you need peace of mind then maybe take her to your GP. Best of luck xxx
oh so nice to see people back in here!

Sam star - sorry that you have been so unwell. as for elinor, it must be really scary but sounds like she needs to see her doc asap. it might "just" be an infection that can be cleared up really easy - i hope so. :hugs:

Cleck - can you post the vid of emma? it sounds adorable!

tmr - hope lucas is feeling better

bun - brandon-li sounds like a very good boy! good luck with the wedding, can't wait to see the pics on facebook. you look amazing by the way in your recent pics, what's your secret, im v. jealous!

RR - sorry to hear you are having issues with your epilepsy, my mum has it and i know tricky it can be to get the meds right, hope you get it sorted hon. oh and good luck with the move!

Elly - gross! hope he is swelling sweet again now!

Jai Jai - great to have you back! Sounds like Adriana is an angel! and you sound very happy - glad you made the switch to ff - a hapy mummy and a happy baby - perfect!

as for us - well i just my new swimming cossie through the post - no way i would have got my boobs in my old one (not to mention my arse and belly!). means i can go swimming, and take Sophia swimming as soon as my nipple has healed (next week hopefuly)

is anyone else struggling to lose ANY weight?
Here is the video. Just finally got the time to put it on here last night! :thumbup:

oh my goodness that is precious, Cleck! :D

Sam, my heart goes out to you hun. :hugs:

As for losing weight, I'm not struggling much as I'm able to fit into most of my old clothes that I used to wear before I was pregnant. Mind you, I am longing to be pregnant again.

I'm such a strange gal. :blush:
Sam - sooo sorry to hear about elinor!! You need to see a dr i think to have peace of mind at least - have u been yet? big :hugs:

Shiv - thanks hun :hugs: no I am really struggling with the weight, feel down about that but hey it will go eventually!!! Nice to hear about ur swimming i am too scared to get in a cossie :rofl:

elly - i am longing to preg too :rofl: loved it loads!!!! But 2yrs time is gd enough for me!! are you having more? when do u plan to?

Cleck - that video is LUSH!!
I'm not doing too great with the weight either girls. I gained 40. Lost 20 in the beginning but gained 10 back. :dohh: Fast food is what has been getting me. I have no motivation to cook so I always make DH bring home food on his way home from work. Horrible I know..:blush: And there is no time to exercise with a baby being stuck to my boob most of the day. :rofl:
ah Cleck - that video made me smile from ear to ear! what was Emma laughing at?

Elly and Jai Jai - a part of me wants to be repgnant again as well. My friend is 28 weeks and I feel really jealous!

Elly - good work for being able to fit into your pre-preggo clothes! not a hope in hell that i could!

I haev just arranged a girls night out for next weekend and i haven't a clue what I will wear! Can't fit into any of my old nice stuff and dread shopping and have to buy a size bigger :cry:
ah Cleck - that video made me smile from ear to ear! what was Emma laughing at?

She was sitting on my stomach and I was just raising my head and shoulders up like a half sit-up towards her and I just kept doing that. She found it hilarious for some reason. :rofl: Which is also why the video is so jerky because I was moving so much. LOL!

And I am with you on not having clothes that fit. I was never really skinny before but now my stomach just hangs there and anything I put on looks horrible to me. I still wear my maternity jeans. There is no way I could possibly fit into my old jeans. In the summertime it would be no big deal because a nice flowy dress covers it all. But to me it is hard finding tops that look right. Plus they have to be breastfeeding friendly. I have went shopping a few times after Emma was born and each time I walked away depressed. :wacko:
It's funny how we all want to be pregnant again. It's such an awesome time. Honestly if I hadn't had the c-section I would already be trying again right now. My sister-in-law is pregnant right now, due in april and I'm jealous. My brother and her didn't plan to get pregnant and they aren't even that excited. She had her first ultrasound yesterday and she was just like 'it was okay'. No enthusiasm or anything. :shrug: So that just makes me even more broody about it.
Cleck I knowwhat you mean about tops needing to be BF friendly! They either have to be low cut and lycra or just baggy - nothing smart or pretty! still nevermind - BFing is worth it and it wont be forever.

Oh and well done you being able to do half sit ups! i went to pilates last night for the first time and got well and truly shown up by a bunch of old biddies! I couldn't hold any of the moves for more than a couple of seconds - i have no core!
:D well yay for a fast-moving thread! I got a little shock to see three whole pages since last time I looked!

so... jai_jai, hello and welcome back, lovely to see you! I'm also making an effort to go out every day; because of my history of depression & other stuff, I kind of feel I have to push myself just in case, but thankfully I've been fine. great to hear you're feeling better now, that first 4 weeks or so is a real rollercoaster even when things go well, never mind if they don't :hugs:

as for the weight thing - well, I fit back into my pre-pregnancy jeans but that's no great achievement considering I used to wear them with a belt done up tight and, without the belt of course, they fit me up to about 16 weeks pregnant :rofl: - so I guess I have the belly of a 4-month pregnant lady. marvellous. other clothes... nope, no chance. I'm still wearing a couple of maternity t-shirts but they don't especially look maternity-ish. so I had to go buy new clothes. I didn't want to because I want to lose the weight and fit my old stuff, or if I get new things I want them in my old size... but I had to, I needed something to wear to my parents' 40th anniversary. so I got some trousers and a couple of big thick cardigans (which are serving as coats since I don't have one that fits :cry:) from Sainsbury's, a long sleeved top from H&M and jeans from Next. all size 14 or Large. :cry: :cry: I was a 10 before. it's bothering me. I wish it didn't. and when I tell myself consciously that it doesn't matter because I have my gorgeous little Adam, I do believe it but I still want not to be this big. I've lost about half my extra pregnancy weight, so there's a way to go. but I did take the plunge - heh - and go swimming on Saturday and will be going every Sat hopefully till I go back to work (it's a women only session). I was amazed my cossie fit, it's a tankini and it's ok, boobs are bursting out though (and it doesn't look great). I used to go swimming regularly with my best friend, who is very plus size, but both of us slacked off badly this year, so she also wants to get back into it and we encourage each other.

it's just so hard with Adam around, to do any exercise other than walking. and as I still have pelvic pain and my knees are pretty bad, I can't do as much of that as I want. but Chris can look after him on Saturdays since I only really bf in the morning, and he gets formula plus what I express the rest of the day.

oh and as for wanting to be pregnant again, god, me too. I get so envious of pregnant women! weird, because I was actually so anxious all the time... and in pain with SPD... and my sleep was effed up... and the heartburn... but I miss liking how I looked and feeling him kick and the whole excitement and anticipation. and it's all been a million times more lovely than I ever imagined... maybe I just want to do it all again and really enjoy it as I'm doing it, rather than looking back and thinking, actually, I loved it, but I didn't feel that at the time!

I'd be TTC actively if I didn't feel it'd be unfair on Adam and a potential new baby. I want Adam to have our full attention while he's a little baby, and I'd want that for the new baby, too, I feel I am so in love with Adam and wrapped up in him that how could I give that same love to someone else? I'd feel awful thinking that Adam might miss out... so no TTC till he is at least a year old. that said, we haven't used anything and Chris was convinced I was pregnant, just because I snapped at him one day... so I did a test and thank god it was negative. first time I've poas and wanted there to be no second line!!! I really would be not happy to actually have a child on the way. yet still I long to be pregnant again... *shakes head*
Hubby and I have talked about things a long while ago and wanted to have two kids. It took us a long time to have Christian (we were trying for over two years). I think we may have to wait a bit until we try again but that's mainly because up here, you have to work 600 hrs (I think) in order to be eligible for benefits. That'd mean working for at least 6 months. However, we don't want to wait too long either.

I'm not looking forward to going back to work next summer. Didn't like my job much and was incredibly overqualified for it. That's another story altogether though.
Sorry to double post but...wow.

Four poopy diapers today -- three were very messy. Christian has certainly lived up to the nickname Nana has given him: Download Specialist. :rofl:

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