--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Shadow!!So nice to see you - hope you are feeling better - how is gorgeous little Vince?
Shiv, I hear you about babies that are so much older and bigger being in the same school year as our little babies... it's weird! but by the time they are at school there won't be such a massive difference, in size anyway! Adam has 2 baby cousins, one of which will be in the same school year - he's 4 months older, huge and eating solids already, looking well on the way to being a toddler. the other is 2.5 weeks younger but will be in the year below his cousins. I kind of wish Adam was going to be the oldest in his year not the youngest but it's a bit late to worry about it now!

I haven't been here much lately either, was away last weekend; otherwise, just been busy doing the same old stuff! I can see why some women could get frustrated or bored but I am not, even though the days are somewhat similar and of course arranged around Adam. last few days I've had nappies on my mind, looking to the next lot of cloth I'll need once AE has grown out of what he's in right now.

this week's excitement is going to be a clinic visit on Wednesday and finding out how much bigger Adam has got in the last 2 weeks :rofl: Might be popping in to work on Friday afternoon to see a few colleagues and introduce Adam... oh and there's a visit from OH's mum on Fri as well, have avoided this for weeks now, can't put it off any longer, I'm afraid.

Shadow, I've missed your blabber! and everyone else as well... we need to get the thread moving again :D
Shiv, I hear you about babies that are so much older and bigger being in the same school year as our little babies... it's weird! but by the time they are at school there won't be such a massive difference, in size anyway! Adam has 2 baby cousins, one of whom will be in the same school year - he's 4 months older, huge and eating solids already, looking well on the way to being a toddler. the other is 2.5 weeks younger but will be in the year below his cousins. I kind of wish Adam was going to be among the oldest in his year not the youngest but it's a bit late to worry about it now!

I haven't been here much lately either, was away last weekend; otherwise, just been busy doing the same old stuff! I can see why some women could get frustrated or bored but I am not, even though the days are somewhat similar and of course arranged around Adam. last few days I've had nappies on my mind, looking to the next lot of cloth I'll need once AE has grown out of what he's in right now.

this week's excitement is going to be a clinic visit on Wednesday and finding out how much bigger Adam has got in the last 2 weeks :rofl: Might be popping in to work on Friday afternoon to see a few colleagues and introduce Adam... oh and there's a visit from OH's mum on Fri as well, have avoided this for weeks now, can't put it off any longer, I'm afraid.

Shadow, I've missed your blabber! and everyone else as well... we need to get the thread moving again :D
I know its been quiet in here MJ but posting twice doesn't count :winkwink:

Do you take bets as to whay weight Adam will be at his weigh in? Me and DH do before each weigh in - i have only ever won one!!!
Haven't taken bets yet as to how much Christian will be when we go to the office. Wonder if we should try...

I took Christian out to the mall today as they had a 'Movies for Mommies' program there. The sound's reduced and they have nappy change tables at the back plus bottle warming services. It was enjoyable!
Elly - I went to a mummies and baby cinema screening - I really enjoyed i t- almost felt "normal" again for a couple of hours!!
Elly: Hope Christian has been sleeping better - What is wrong with your wrist - am having fierce trouble with mine since I had Natasha - Doc is sending me for an x-ray to see if I have damaged it but I reckon it is a tendon playing up myself. The Movies for Mommies sounds like fun.

Cleckner: Hope the packing and cleaning goes well for you.

Shiv: So glad Sophia is sleeping well - it makes all the difference doesn't it. Can't help on the jabs i'm afriad as Natasha has only had her first set.

Shadow: Good to see you, they must do the jabs differently over in the UK - Over in Ireland you get the BCG before you leave the hospital - Then the first set which is 6 and 1 and PCV at 2 months and then 6 and 1 and Men C at 4 months. So glad vince got on well with them all so far.

MJ: Best of luck with Adams weigh in - Hopefully things wont be too bad with your MIL.

AFU - Well Natasha had her 6 in 1 and PCV jabs on Friday and I thought it was terrible - I had to kind of hold her so as she wouldn't move to much and she screamed the place down - she doesn't normally cry even when she is crabby she more grizzles and winges and gives out - She has only really cried a few times when she has had a windy pain and even then she cries and stops for a minute and then starts again but this time she cried so hard with tears for about 15 minutes solid and was actually higging she was so upset - It actually felt like someone had ripped my heart and guts out to see her so upset the poor baby - at least that is one lot over and it is for the best that she get them. Well we had our first night away with babs and went to stay with friends on Saturday night, which was lovely although we literally did have to pack up the whole house minus the kitchen sink lol - I ended up sitting up drinking wine with my friend till 4 in the morning and DH did the night feeds, so I am still wrecked now - although I didn't drink an awful lot I was wrecked the next day and still am, so it wasn't a good idea.

Natasha is now sleeping from 8 at night until 6 in the morning and then she has a bottle and goes back down until 10 which is brilliant - She had gone to the stage where she was awake from 10 in the morning and was not sleeping until about 11 or 12 at night except for maybe 2 10 minute naps as she is such a little nosey so and so, everytime she would fall asleep the minute any of us would move she would open her eyes again and even when she did have a power nap, her eyes were half open, so I started putting her down in the room when she gets tired and turning on the monitor and sensor pad and she falls asleep for an hour or so, so we decided to do the same at night when she starts to show signs of tiredness which is usually around 8 - I expected her to wake around 10.30 for her bottle but she slept straight through till 6 and has done the same all week, so it is brilliant as she was getting so overtired everynight and really cranky. It was really strange for the first night or two - me and DH were a little lost without her, but it is actually lovely to have some time to ourselves now and it has helped a little with my family calling over in the evenings as she is now in bed so they are not calling as much - I'm afraid to speak too soon though as they will probably start calling at even more bizzare times like dinner time or something now to see her lol.

Well I'm off to bed now - Hope you are all well.
shiv~ Rueben is a august baby as well and just turnd 5 every 1 in hes class are turning 6 but he towers over them all. When mums ask when he is 6 and i say hes only just turnd 5 them cnt belive it so even thow they will be the yugest they may not be that small. 1 thing that i did find thow was when he 1st started last yr it seemd he was still really behind in things but now hes been there for a yr he come on leaps and bonds. he can wright really well and spell names of the people he knows and can just about read the books they get from school.


Not a lot been going on rueben is off school this week so got to find things to do every min of the day. lucas is beeing a dream as allways. Hes geting so big hes 12 weeks today OMG where did the time go.

i have a bit of a nightmer going on AF was due 2 days ago but no show as of yet iam not going to test and i DO NOT WANT another baby yet. i am having truble with pnd and me and oh are not getting on at all due to it.
Hi girls, sorry i've been so rubbish in posting, I will try harder I PROMISE :) Have been popping on as i'm trying to have a big clearout which means selling some stuff :rofl:

tmr - sorry to hear you and OH are not doing to well. There are people he can talk to to try and understand whats happening a bit more, not sure if he;s that kind of guy tho!! Happy 12 weeks to Lucas :D

jelr - so glad to see you've got mums visits sorted :) and wow Natasha sounds like she is doing fantastically well :D

elly - glad you had a nice day out :D I'll have to look to see if they do things like that here. Not seen anything advertised anywhere :( I wouldn't worry about size. Imi was 12lb at a touch over 6 weeks and HV was happy with that! They seem to grow at their own rates and if you have no problems then great :D

Shiv - we take bets too and DF is always right, damn him :rofl:

MJ - Like you I am not bored! I wonder how I fit it all in sometimes and i've not even started any baby clubs yet. The time seems to go so quick! How you going with yout nappy thinking? lol @at OHs mum visiting :D

Shadow - hope you are all doing OK hunny and that you are getting pain etc under control xx

cleckner - good to see you are doing well. Hope all the packing goes well, i'd hate doing that and not having all those things for that long :D

RR - i've not put Imi to sleep on her front, altho sometimes when she's had tummy time she falls asleep so I leave her like that to nap :D

AFU - Imi is doing just great! She has her jabs tomorrow so will ask them to weigh her too to see how shes doing. She's doing really well on Aptimal and was going 3 1/2 - 4 hourly but over last 2 days i'm lucky if we get to 2 1/2 hours. I'm figuring its a growth spurt! She's been going to bed at about 9ish and sleeping thru till 4 ish and then going beck down for an hour or 2 after a bottle. But last night she went down at 10 and is still asleep now, she hasn't even stirred bless her :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: We decorated her room pink yesterday so I will take some piccies for you when its all done :D

ASM - i've had a date come thru to see the consultant about my gall bladder operation - its on 20th Nov so should see then when the op is likely :D Other than that I'm doing good, really enjoying being a mummy and feel like i'm doing it a bit better now! Going to try and sort a mother and baby class and massage this week and also should be meeting up with my antenatal ladies next week which will be fab :)

I won't be on anymore today as our electric is out all day for maintainance work so we're off out ALL day :D
lol you guys are too cute, how can I resist coming on here? Hehe.... Won't post huge long posts cos hands are enjoying the break from too much typing and I don't wanna go backwards :winkwink:

I've given up trying to follow Vince's weight gain, Lee seems to have some idea of what he's gonna be when we go and weigh him but I have no clue any more, he's just growing soooo quickly lol... He's in mostly 6-9 month clothes now :shock:

Really wanted to take him swimming this week again, but with it being half term I might wait it out, it'd be a bit mad with loads of kids there I think :wacko:
BUT... This week will be a big week anyway, for two reasons: On Thursday we're getting our beautiful brand new Citroen Grand C4 Picasso :happydance: which is gonna be soooo much fun, we think I may even be able to try driving it... Haven't driven since my knee and shoulder both gave out on an uphill road with heaps of traffic, I had to use my right arm to try to hold the handbrake and it was soooo scary and dangerous that I haven't driven since... But this car does the handbrake for you, and has paddle gear changes (and can be automatic if you prefer!) it basically drives itself!! So might be worth me having a go again, which I'm looking forward to :D

The other big thing this week is that we're taking Vince up to London on Saturday to meet his big sis!!! It'll be the first time I've seen her in years too, we're all so excited!! :)

OK this post is already too long haha, gonna go get some breakfast :) thanks so much for your well wishes guys, I'm getting there on the pain etc, re-learning how to control myself and not do too much!
I'm always reading all your posts even if I don't post as much, I don't like it being so quiet in here, let's get the thread moving!! I'll do my best to still post every now and then :)
Shadow xxx

P.S. https://www.facebook.com/home.php#/...lobal&view=global&subj=650810866&id=650810866 loving my easy-to-manage new hairdo!!! Can't believe I had the courage to let them chop it all off!!! xxx
Christian's facinated right now by his bear mobile so I have a chance to post (yay!).

Jelr, I'm not too sure what's with my wrist but doc thinks it's a tendon issue as she pressed on a couple of areas on my wrist last week and at one point, I had to bite myl iip not to cry out. It hurts to pick Christian up or even some lighter things. Even with the anti-inflammitories they've given me, it's hurting even when still. I have to arrange a visit to the physiotherapist soon to check things out.

Hubby and I are looking to pick up a play mat for Christian (we haven't found a good one yet) but they're so darned expensive! The ones that weren't so bad in cost got some really horrid reviews such as certain parts fell apart or stopped working after less than a month of use.

His sleeping is getting MUCH better. For the past few nights, we've put him to bed at around 8 pm and he's slept up until 5 am (with one dreamfeed inbetween). This morning, he got up at 5 but was only looking for his soother. Gave it to him, patted him down and he was out like a light until 8:30 am this morning. :dance:

Swaddling is helping a lot now and he's not fighting it as much. If we don't, he's bopping himself in the head or scratching his face and waking himself up...poor thing!
Does anyone have a Bumbo seat for their LO's yet? We got one for Emma last week and she is SOOO cute in it. Just sitting there like a big girl looking all around. It says not to put it up on anything but we stick her in the middle of us on the couch when we want to eat. hehe. :haha: I need to post new pictures one of these days. I have pictures on the camera still from weeks ago. :dohh: Time is precious these days. hehe.

Glad to see everyone is back in here! I was getting worried when noone was talking anymore. Seems like barely any of our old group talks in here anymore though. Smith, Heidi, Boothh, etc. Where are you girls?! Seems like everyone popped and than disappeared. :rofl:
Hi everyone!! Gosh i cant believe how fast our babies are growing!!
Im so sorry that i haven't posted much i have been reading but i had some probs and just didnt have the energy to reply!
So hugs to all who need them!!
Well about my little troubles.... After my gorgeous daughter came home we quickly settled into a routine and life was amazing but i was still bleeding :blush: down ther, my scar had healed fine and i had no other problems but after 5 weeks i was still losing!
So i went to see my GP who said that it was normal to bleed a little longer after a c section so basically i had to deal with it! MEN!!!!!
Well the bleeding got worse and worse and by the time Elin was 7 weeks i was quite literally bleeding right down my legs everytime i stood up which made life a little difficult!!
I was too embarrassed to see my GP after my telling off so i was just "dealing with it" until i walked into asda and bled EVERYWHERE then i couldn't deny that there was something wrong any longer!! After being helped out to the car and a waiting darren (i'd only nipped in for a loo roll lol) i came home and phoned the doctor who told me to get down there straight away. He checked me over and then gave me another telling off for not going down sooner as i was badly aneamic and my blood pressure was low due to a severe infection in my uterus he said that it felt like i was 4 months pregnant!! So after 2 rounds of 3 different anti-biotics im now all better and avoided a D&C thank heavens!!

But on a lighter note my lovely little daughter is still doing really well and is the most content baby i have ever met!! I will upload a stack of pics as soon as i can find my USB cable :P

Love to you all xxxx
Sam_star :shock: I'm so glad your doing better now. How scary that must've been! And it is so awesome to hear how good your gorgeous daughter is doing! Can't wait to see your latest pics! :hugs:I know how hard it is to find time to sort them. I feel like I'll never keep up with all the pictures I've been taking. I get one batch sorted just in time for my memory card to be needing unloaded again. :haha:
Okay girls. So Emma has always made somewhat laughing noises but never a full blown belly laugh. Well today I got her laughing and I caught it on camera. :cloud9: I was so excited when I heard her laugh I ran to grab the camera just praying that she would do it again to catch on tape. hehe. DH wasn't home unfortunately and we spent all night trying to get her to do it for him but she just won't. LOL! It makes me so happy but sad at the same time when she does all these amazing new things. Time for another I say! :rofl:
Sam_star~ OMG how scary or you glad you are on the mend and ur LO is doing good

cleckner~ i was out of the room the outher day and rueben and Lucas was in one room and lucas started laughing loads but will only do it for rueben he only has to look at him to get him going so cute.

bubs has a cold i was awake 1/2 the night making sure he was ok even thow he slept from 5:45 pm untill 5:45am.The :witch: got me late yesterday i was so happy to see her i dnt think i could do a nother bubs just yet. me and oh had a talk and still on rocky grounds but better then the outher day i didnt talk or go in the same room as him for 2 days. i think iam just a right bich :haha:

some pics of my 2 boys not put any pics of them up sins lucas was born bad mummy lol


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Sam, that is quite frightening and glad to hear you're on the mend!

TMR, Cleck, good that your little ones are having full on laughs. Mine's not doing that just yet but hopefully soon.

Christian had his first jabs today and tried to take it as a trooper. He did cry a bit after the second one but is now resting in his playpen. Hopefully he won't be too cranky when he gets up...
I feel like a horrible mommy. Emma still hasn't had two month shots(jabs). She isn't on our insurance until November 1 so we haven't been able to make an appointment yet unless we want to pay ungodly amounts out of pocket. :nope:So she has not had anything yet besides one checkup. :blush: As long as it gets done by 2 years of age I'm fine though right?! I plan on making an appointment next week but I still feel bad for delaying it so long.
(((((Sam))))) Hope you're all better now, how scary!!! :hugs:

P.S. I love your shortened version of Elinor's name.. Elin, so pretty!! lol just had to say.... :blush: xx
hi ladies!! lika alot of you im abit of a lurker now!!! things are majorly hectic as some of you will know whos friends with me on FB!.
in regards to B he goes down good at night now at 7pm when jack also goes bed, i always put him down awake and leave him to cry, been having problems the past week or so during the night as hes cutting teeth although theyve not actually broke through his gums yet so theres massive amounts of slober, crying and him ramming his hands in his mouth, hes also started sucking his thumb which is cute, and he does laugh quite alot now which is also majorly cute!!
still kinda wanting another one!!! the next 2 months will soon tell! as both of my boys were concieved in november!! not sure if it's because of me only having 1 tube?.
anyway just a flying visit nice to see everyone posting again!!!
take care!! xxxx

ooooh and ive got my mums and dads wedding on saturday well renewing of their vows!! im bridesmaid and jacks paige boy hes got his own tail suit so im sure ill be crying!!lol.

hope all you ladies are well!! xx

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