Hi girls, sorry i've been so rubbish in posting, I will try harder I PROMISE

Have been popping on as i'm trying to have a big clearout which means selling some stuff
tmr - sorry to hear you and OH are not doing to well. There are people he can talk to to try and understand whats happening a bit more, not sure if he;s that kind of guy tho!! Happy 12 weeks to Lucas
jelr - so glad to see you've got mums visits sorted

and wow Natasha sounds like she is doing fantastically well
elly - glad you had a nice day out

I'll have to look to see if they do things like that here. Not seen anything advertised anywhere

I wouldn't worry about size. Imi was 12lb at a touch over 6 weeks and HV was happy with that! They seem to grow at their own rates and if you have no problems then great
Shiv - we take bets too and DF is always right, damn him
MJ - Like you I am not bored! I wonder how I fit it all in sometimes and i've not even started any baby clubs yet. The time seems to go so quick! How you going with yout nappy thinking? lol @at OHs mum visiting
Shadow - hope you are all doing OK hunny and that you are getting pain etc under control xx
cleckner - good to see you are doing well. Hope all the packing goes well, i'd hate doing that and not having all those things for that long
RR - i've not put Imi to sleep on her front, altho sometimes when she's had tummy time she falls asleep so I leave her like that to nap
AFU - Imi is doing just great! She has her jabs tomorrow so will ask them to weigh her too to see how shes doing. She's doing really well on Aptimal and was going 3 1/2 - 4 hourly but over last 2 days i'm lucky if we get to 2 1/2 hours. I'm figuring its a growth spurt! She's been going to bed at about 9ish and sleeping thru till 4 ish and then going beck down for an hour or 2 after a bottle. But last night she went down at 10 and is still asleep now, she hasn't even stirred bless her

We decorated her room pink yesterday so I will take some piccies for you when its all done
ASM - i've had a date come thru to see the consultant about my gall bladder operation - its on 20th Nov so should see then when the op is likely

Other than that I'm doing good, really enjoying being a mummy and feel like i'm doing it a bit better now! Going to try and sort a mother and baby class and massage this week and also should be meeting up with my antenatal ladies next week which will be fab
I won't be on anymore today as our electric is out all day for maintainance work so we're off out ALL day