--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

oh yes, Elly, there's the money issue as well, of course :rofl: - we'd be up the creek if I was up the duff. to qualify for statutory maternity pay in the UK you need to have worked basically from before you were pregnant to week 25. so yes, 6 months. if I got pregnant before going back - no SMP. am planning to go back to work in March or April so no TTC till then at the earliest. Adam would be 7-8 months old. but I'd only do 2 days a week max. not that I think I'd get pregnant quickly or anything... OH and I never used anything the whole time we've been together and theres only one baby in the flat!!
Still no more kids for me but i admit i am starting to miss my bump! I seem to only think of the good sides though like the excitement, kicking etc... i try not to remind myself or the heartburn, sickness, tiredness and pelvic pain!

I was 10 stone 9lbs just after i had archie and i was 9 stone 7 pre pregnancy. I am down to 10 stone now so 7lbs to go! I fit into a couple of pairs of pre pregnancy jeans but i really want to get down to my fave pair!
Evening girls, hope you are all well. I just had the most relaxing bath!! Think I was in there for about 2 hours - DF even came to check on me as he thought I might have drowned :rofl: Was so nice to shave my legs, do my bikini line, have a face mask, properly condition my hair AND read my book. Haven't done that since I was pregnant :happydance::happydance:

We're doing well although I'm getting so so stressed trying to find bedding sets for Imis nursery. We painted it pink the other day with one wall papered and it looks fab!! I want to get Imi in there within the next few weeks but i want it all completely finished. I really love the pink spotty elephant set from Babies R Us but its out of stock everywhere including online!! I have emailed them and they said its not discontinued but they have no dates when they'll be getting stock from their supplier!! SO, i then found Izziwotnot Humphrey's Lottie Fairy Princess but its sooo expensive! I've found one cheaper place but yep you guessed it - out of stock :growlmad::dohh: O well, I will just keep looking!!

Imi has been fab today, but my god has she being a pooing machine!! Nearly every nappy has been dirty!! She was a little star at her jabs yesterday. Had a few tears but she was soon OK after a cuddle :cloud9: She was a madam tonight. Happily having some nappy free time and fell asleep, so I woke her up. She cried for a minute and then carried on fine on her mat! Got her nappy and sleepsuit on at about half 8 and as soon as she got into daddys arms for bedtime bottle she was asleep!! :dohh: He managed to get about 70ml in to her so i guess she'll be starving by midnight!! And all after she'd been doing so well at night!!

Sam - hope Elinor is OK. Did you go to doctors?

RR - great to hear Archie is doing so well :D Imi does that with her fist. She's also dribbling alot too! To start with I thuoght it was coz she was hungry but now I know its not! I've had a feel and no obvious teeth so i'm assuming it must be down to tender gums? :shrug: Hope the move all goes OK hun :thumbup:

Jai jai - lovely to see you back hun and to see you are both getting on so well!! Know what you mean about the weight thing, i'm the same! Doc has referred me to weight clinic as i said it was getting me down but dreading going :(

Bun - hope your mum and dads renewal all goes OK, you'll have to post us some piccies of you all in your gladrags :D

Cleck - that vid is just gorgeous. We've had cooing from Imi but no signs of laughing :) I'm not in my pre preg jeans either! I wear one pair of mat jeans and I bought a new pair in a size bigger than I was pre preg and thats all i have to go out. At home i live in trackies :( Sooo attractive :( With you on tops, i just feel they all show off my flabby belly which just hangs over my scar!!!! I was never small either (a comfotable UK 18) but now i'm in a 20, which to me looks much bigger than an 18. Even at an 18, i was in proportion and toned and now i just feel like my mum :(

Shiv - ooo, that reminds me, i must find out my old cossie as it was bigger than the one i have out ATM. I must take Imi swimming as she loves water! She hates the washing bit of a bath so i figure by going swimming she doesn't have to do that bit :rofl: And I know what you mean about going out! I have awedding next weekend and i'm dreading looking like a big fat frumpy thing :(

elly - glad its not only me being broody! My sister is pregnant and I sooo wish it was me. I've had it since the day I came out of hospital and its not gone away! Have gone on pill now and we said we'd wait and see how we go until we try again!! We want at least one more :)

MJ - perhjaps we all have to encourage each other to go swimming as I used to go too, and love it! Shaun would have no problem watching Imi one evening a week so i could go but winter makes it so so hard to be motivated!! We've been discussing money too as I applied for our tax credits today! We might get £15 a week which is better than nothing! I'd l;ove to not have to go back to work but if anything I may have to go back earlier than July (which would have given me a yr off :()
vici- I just had a giggle when you said now you just feel like your mum. I feel the same thing. Like I'm just frumpy and not put together right anymore. Which is offensive to my mom but she is an old lady nowadays and I don't want to look like her. :rofl: I bet your bath was amazing. It SOUNDS amazing. I rarely have time to shave my legs lately. Seems like as soon as I get in the shower and have DH take the baby, she screams for food.

Does anyone else have issues with their hair? I'm finding that I have very little time to sit there and brush my hair so I end up with this huge mess of tangled hair on the back of my head. LOL! And it takes FOREVER to comb out. I'm thinking about taking a cue from Shadow and just chopping it all off. :thumbup:
lol, I know, my mum is fab and i love her to bits but I do remember her belly from when I was little (she had twins and then a full hyterectomy after 7 miscarriages) and now mine just hangs over my C section scar in a mess :( Even if i shift the weight i can't see it going anywhere!! It was fab!! Very relaxing :D

Know what you mean about hair! Think i've oly straightened mine about 5 times since Imi was born!!
The thing I hate most that I have of my moms is her double chin now. haha. I got this huge double chin from the pregnancy and I don't notice it from the front but when DH takes pictures I see it in the picture and just about gag because I don't realize its so big. :haha: I have the c-section overhang as well. I sit there and wiggle it around asking my DH if he thinks I'm sexy. LOL! :rofl:
Anyone else see that there will be a sister site to BnB?! It's for UK only though. :cry::haha: I wonder why they are making a second site. I could never keep up with being on more than one forum. I'm suprised the amount I've been on here today. Emma has been napping tons today though. :haha:
ohh yes i used to wash my hair every day as its prone to greasiness now i rarely have time to it gets pulled back with a hair band! And my legs look like a blokes at the mo and dont get me started on down there...im sure i saw lions and other jungle animals in there the other day!
oooh, a sister site? where did you see about that? this site is so massive, I must only go in about 10% of the forums... - eta: hmmm. just found something about this - am a little confused. does this mean people won't be posting about pregnancy here any more?

eta2: am even more gobsmacked now... looking at the top posters here... someone has averaged 55 posts a DAY. how???? I know we chatted up a storm in 2nd and 3rd tri, but 55 a day????????!!!!! maybe they are very short posts?

as for looking like your mum - oooooh. I had an experience when I was at home that I hadn't had in YEARS... envy of my mum's figure :cry: - that is bad, she is 60! but 20 years ago I was about the weight I am now, only I was 15 not 35 and I hadn't just had a baby, and my mum was about a stone and a half lighter than me, and taller, and I hated it and lost weight, never to go back up till now! and I was envious of my mother's figure. even though it was a "mum" body. gah. she gained weight in the last 20 years but has lost it again (she's never had food issues, her weight gain was due to thyroid trouble, which is now being treated) and she is so much thinner than I am. oh well. *little grump*

(I'm not used to being overweight! it's weird.)

vici, I like your idea of keeping each other motivated to go swimming. it is one benefit of FF (Adam is 80% FF now) - I like being able to leave him with his daddy for more than 20 mins. much as I adore Adam, when OH comes home from work, if we haven't gone out during the day, the first thing I do is hand him over and escape to the shops! (the co-op, nowhere exciting, and just for 20 mins or so - we always need something, even if it's just - JUST - chocolate). so saturday was the first time I've been out longer than an hour. they dropped me at the baths at midday, then my friend and I went for coffee and to the supermarket after, and I was home about 3.30pm. I was so happy to see AE, but it was also so lovely to have a little while with my friend and it not be all about AE.

I also like my baths - oh my goodness, I have never appreciated a hot bath like I do now. every night. it is part of our bedtime routine! I make AE's bottle up and fill a hot water bottle to warm his cot (I get it later), OH takes him up and gets him into his night nappy, babygro and sleeping bag, feeds him and put him to bed, while I have a bath and read my book. I do miss reading books, there never seems time, or if there is time, I am doing something more pressing, or if I am feeding I am generally on my laptop, as it's easier to manage one handed. but I NEEEEEED my baths. I ache at the end of the day. knees mostly but now my back as well. am hoping it's just from the swim last week (though it's 5 days ago, surely it can't be still causing me grif), or maybe its from lugging this increasingly heavy baby around... hmmmmm. I think I need to get stronger. do wish I had time for pilates classes...
MJ- I wondered the same thing about the sister site. Like what is the purpose of it. And I completely agree about girls posting so much on here. I was on here quite a bit today and feel like I posted a ton but really only posted maybe 20 posts. There is no way I could do that every day. Let alone 55! :wacko: That's just insane.
Hi girls

not been in here for a while so just been having a little catch up read. everyone seems so busy!

Things seem to be calming down a bit for us, I left Rose for the first time (apart from her hospital stay, which is why i had a thing about leaving her i think) to go to the docs! yawn. was only gone an hour and she was so full of smiles when i got back.
She is also sleeping between 5 and 7 hours in one go each night:happydance: and i am starting to feel human again. it makes such a difference getting some sleep.
Am still trying to express and getting dismal amounts. very strange as feeding is not a problem. any ideas girls?
I think i need to stop eating chocolate:nope: i am not loosing weight and my body is soo yuk. Am a bit upset over the change in my boobs as well, i know its worth it but they look droopy already:cry:

Take care all x
MJ - i'm happy to be 100% FF now (and not having to sit for hours on end expressing!!) as I get to go to bingo every fortnight which i love :D We are also going to a wedding in Wolverhampton next weekend and Imi is staying with mum from Friday until Sunday - looking forward to some us time but dreading it also!!

RR - turned more from a lady garden to a lady jungle :rofl:

Grumpy - not sure opn your expressing hun as I never had a problem. Some people just don't express much. My cousin has had 5 kids and BF all of them upto a year and she could never express. Maybe get some tips from BF forum as maybe it's to do with my boobies knew what to do as i couldn't BF aswell!! Do you sit with Rose when you do it as thats supposed to help by releasing hormones :)

O and good news from me!! AF arrived last night!! This may be awful for some, but for me its a nezr on miracle having had to take Provera to bring on periods for years!! I even think i ovulated as about 2 weeks ago I had lost of EWCM - maybe having Imi has kick started my body into working :happydance:
I wish I felt like my mum - she's a size 8 ;op

Cleck - would you really consider cutting all that goregous hair off?

RR - that made me chuckle!

MJ - I would be up for motivating each other to go swimming!

Grumpymoo - do you express from one boob while you feed your LO from the other? It takes a bit of arranging but I get tonnes more than if my LO isn't feeding.

Vici - a whole weekend away, that sounds exciting and daunting! And great news about you getting a period - I hope they keep coming nice and regular for you (well until you are TTC again that is!)

As for us - not much going on here, went out for lunch today, had salad (good), ceasar salad (not so good - with chicken and bacon and cheese!) and about to have pizza for dinner - and I wonder why I am not losingany weight!

Have a lovely weekend ladies x
lol Shiv, i'm about to have a Chinese!! oops x
ack, fish and chips, home-made lasagne and 2 Wispas today.

multipack Wispas = badness

swimming tomorrow. yes. :)
Cleck - would you really consider cutting all that goregous hair off?

I actually did it once back when I first got married. I had moved here by the ocean and the saltwater was just killing my hair and I could never get all the tangles out and it was getting ridiculous. So one day while DH was at work I said enough and I got out the scissors and chopped it all off. :rofl: It didn't look TOO bad but I got it fixed by a professional after a few days. :blush: It was super short but not pixie short. I later regretted it because long hair just takes so long to grow out and it was sad to see it all go. So nah I probably won't really be able to do it again. I've done it one other time to donate my hair. They cut off about 14 inches of hair. :wacko: My only issue is that my hair tangles easy especially because I must rub my head back and forth when I sleep at night so it just gets horrible at the back of my head by morning.

Also..you said your mom is a size 8?! Geez!! I was a size 8 at my smallest a few years ago. I worked out like CRAZY while DH was out to sea and lost 45 pounds in secret so I could suprise him when he got back. I still have all those jeans and the other day when cleaning I went through those old clothes. :cry: The waistband of those things look like they just cover half of me now. :rofl: I honestly can't see myself ever being that size again. I'd be happy to fit a 14 these days. And UK sizes are different than US too. :blush:
Cleck - a UK size 8 is a U.S size 4 - so yes my mum is a skinny cow!!! ggggrrrrrr, how annoying!

MJ have fun swimming - I am guessing i won't be going as my hubby is ridiculously hungover today. I am assuming I will be looking after Sophia all day. Still I am off out next Friday so it will behis turn this time next week to look after her whilst I suffer (although hopefully i won't be suffering as much as he is!)

My Nan was diagnosed with cancer last week, and was only given 2 weeks to live and has now been moved to a hospice. I am not massively close to her, and I am relieved that she won't be suffering for months (she is 93 so is very frail) - she has never met Sophia (her and my grandad live about 4 hours away), I am unsure whether to go down and visit ASAP to see her. What do you think? I reckon I might feel guilty if she dies and has never even seen SOphia. However I am unsure how "with it" she is and think it will be really upsetting as I know I will be saying goodbye. Hmmm I KNOW I should go and it would only be selfishness that stops me. It is not so much my nan dying that upsets me (although this is obviously very sad) it is my poor grandad, I don't thinkmen cope very well on their own once their spouse dies and I can't imagine how he must be feeling. It is always the people left behind that I feel sorry for.

Sorry for that depressing rant xx
Awww, Shiv, sorry to hear about your Nan :hug: - just wondering, as you say it's your Grandad you're concerned about, do you think it would mean a lot to him to know she'd got to meet Sophia? I know it is hard to see someone knowing that it'll be the last time - I had that with my grandmother, who died 18 months ago; she lived in the north of Scotland. She had Alzheimer's though so she didn't know who I was the last time I saw her anyway. :( I feel sorry for those left behind as well. How old is your grandad? I do agree that women seem to cope better when their partner dies.

Am off swimming in a few min, Adam is sound asleep and we have to move him to his car seat as OH is giving me a lift to the pool. Am really really happy that Adam has stuck to his morning routine, he's basically done everything by his own book - woke, boob, bottle, play in bouncing seat, poo, change, nap - sometimes at the weekend things go a little to pot because OH is involved. Now I don't want him to feel excluded but I do love knowing what my boy wants and will be happy with :D It means I have been able to say to OH - you'll be able to do x, y, z at whatever time because he will be happy in his chair/having a nap then. :D he's never been predictable before. I feel I am doing something right.
MJ - I hope swimming went well. I went this mornign for the first time - and discovered 2 things 1) my boobs have a mind of their own and I shoudl wear a bikini top under my swimsuit and 2) my pelvic floor is not as good as I had hoped, I had to constantly tense it to ensure no accident! Not good!

My grandad is 87 so no spring chicken, and I worry how he will cope. He is also not very well, has COPD and arthritis and has had a heart attack. I have decided to go down and visit tomorrow, i think my grandad would like to see Sophia (and me!) even if my Nan doesn't know too much about it. I am dreading it though!

Hope you've all had a good weekend - I assume so as it has gone a bit quiet in here again!
Hi Shadow - i see you lurking! hope your ok hon x

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