--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

hey shadow its cool isnt it? hehe thanks. i tried bf with josh, he just seems to play with it,so im just expressing what i can and mw said its ok to add it to his formula,so thats what were doing,milk wont laqst long,but at least he getting some,dont stress about not bfing aslong as you got a happy baby xx
Hey ladies,

Forgot to say in my last post that we went to weigh Vince yesterday and he is now 3.765kg (about 8lb 4oz i think?), which is just about perfect for his age on the charts, so we're happy :)

Joey, re: heart murmurs and holes... I had a hole between my atria for 17 years (since birth) and nobody noticed it till then!! It did affect me in little ways,a nd cos it was so big I had to have open heart surgery to patch it up because it would've caused big probs later if not... BUT it's really not a very scary thing, though it does sound like it- That they have spotted it this early is really good, and I know that it is very common for babies to have it in their first year and they can close up themselves if they're only small, so fingers crossed George will have no problems at all with it. But even if it did get bigger and they had to go in and close it up, they can do soooo much these days and it really wouldn't be a big deal even then :) So hope it hasn't worried you too much, but ugh at the messed up routine!!

As for Vince, his routine is all over the place now :( He WILL NOT settle in his moses basket, so we try to leave him there whinging and moaning but if it escalates we just have to have him with us, either in our bed or in our arms if we're up. It's really hard :( I just wish he would settle...
But we're starting to wonder whether it's because he's just too hungry for the SMA gold, he doesn't seem content with it really and although he drains the 120ml we make up each feed and seems very full afterwards, he has been going less and less time between feeds again and is back down to under 2 hours :( The health visitor specifically said not to feed him again before 2 hours had gone by, but we're already giving him much bigger amounts than the box suggests, so we're thinking of changing formula....

Anyone have any ideas? We're thinking about trying SMA white (for hungrier babies) to see if that satisfies him for longer...

Hope you're all well :) xx
Thanks Shadow for sharing your experience. They didn't seem too concerned at the hospital so I'm hoping it will close or at least not get bigger. Its just so many tests he has to have and be stripped for and then have funny cold things stuck to him. We didn't get him to settle till about 11 last night but he did similar wake ups to usual - I didn't do his "sleeping feed" (didn't dare risk it and he had his other feeds a bit late) so he woke a bit earlier but not too bad - 2am and 5:30am seems much more himself today :happydance:

less than 2hours def sounds a bit too often between feeds to me Shadow. I know 2hours is considered OK for BF, although some manage longer, but I thought FF were meant to be 3hours minimum. Are you getting woken every 2hours overnight or does he manage longer then? I'd maybe have a chat with your HV - are they allowed hungry baby formula this young - sorry I don't know much about FF
Thanks Joey, yes they can have SMA white from birth but it's recommended that you start off on gold, when you change over there's apparently no need to "wean" them onto the new formula, you can just change over right away. He was going 3-4 hours at night time until just the last couple of days, when it has shrunk right down, and last night he went about 3 and a half hours as the longest break but much closer to 2 hours as the shortest :( Which is not good!
So OH bought a little tester carton of SMA white today, and Vince took 120ml very happily at his last feed and is now zonked in his moses basket :happydance: but we're starting to think it might be worth also looking into getting some dentinox to see if it's a wind problem that's stopping him from settling...
With winding him, it's so hard, does anyone else have this problem? ... Basically, he will finish his feed and will look totally contented and sleepy, eyes tight shut and mouth all podgy and shut too, but then we have to get him all woken up again to try to burp him and so by the time we go to put him down after a feed he's all awake and just whinges and cries!! So what do you do, not burp them?? Sometimes we will just not try to burp him straight after a feed and instead we'll put him right down whilst he's all dozey from a feed and then 10 mins or so later, if he starts moaning and isn't settling, we will try to burp him then and often a burp will come right up. But by then he has woken himself up again! :dohh:

:shrug: what's the magic solution eh ladies?!? :dust:

Hopefully we will figure it out a bit better soon. Do all of you stick to a timed routine each day? Or do you just let the baby dictate it like us?

Hope you're all having a good Saturday :) Think of MJ today, she has finally had her little boy and as far as I know all is going well :) :)

could you maybe try a different brand Shadow??

i find burping quite difficult, i try to burp Summer throughout her feed and then she has a little bit of milk between last burping her and she falls asleep on that then. if that makes sense?? i also found that giving her a dummy helped her settle longer - if she wakes up and cries an hour or so before her next due feed she takes her dummy and goes back to sleep.
hiya shadow it could be he is having a groth spert they do feed every 2-3hrs for afew days then go back to 3-4 Lucas went throw it the last 2 days sems to be geting better today hes been 4hrs sins last night.

for any 1 that is expressing iam only expressing and the m/w told me to pump 8times a day it could be 8 times spased out or 8 times with in a few hrs and it bilds up ur milk i now express 6 times aday and get 6oz a time so iam a full day ahead with hes milk.

what birth control is every 1 on or thinking of going on?
iv been given the mini pill to sart when hes 3wks but not sure about it.


Ooooh, that sounds hopeful tmr! And actually, the HV told us he was due a growth spurt, so that makes some sense :) We did a bit of a test last night, we gave him some SMA gold feeds and some SMA white, and on the white he did seem to be lasting more like 3 hours between feeds, so we think it'd worth giving it a go for a bit longer :) OH is gonna get more today and we'll see how he does on that for a bit.
tmr, Lucas os so cute!! Is he fair haired? Are you all fair? We're still waiting to see if Vincent's hair will get lighter, OH says he thinks it is already but I think he's just seeing what he wants to see tbh!!! :rofl: But one thing's for sure: He has my eyes! They're definitely turning brown now, which is sweet :)

Soph, are you using SMA? OH does your burping technique and says he thinks it works well for him, so I will give it a go too :)

Shadow... I don't know what your thoughts on a pacifier are... but babies love to suck on things... I use a pacifier to get Gage to settle back down... the sucking calms him and he falls back to sleep... I always take the pacifier away around 6-7 months so it isn't a struggle later.... it has always worked for me... but no guarentees... just an idea...LOL
Caylee loves her pacifier! She used one from the hospital and still does, it calms her so much. I agree to take them away around 6 months, but it is a life saver for me!
Shadow i am using cow and gate. i also use a dummy so if Summer is crying i try that on her first to see if she settles if her feed isnt due for another hour or so.
Yes, you guys are so right on the pacifier (we call them dummies here hehe)
We've had a MUCH better day today: I've been doing every feed and for some reason he seems to like me better for feeding (sorry daddy!!) But I've tackled it from all angles really: We're giving him SMA white, doing Soph's trick of taking the bottle away before the last 10/20ml ish for a burping session and then giving it back for the last bit to send him to sleep, putting him straight down and giving him the dummy (pacifier) whether he is cranky or not when we put him down. Seems to be working for now!! He went 3 and a half hours between feeds earlier :shock: it was awesome! And he's been down for 2 solid hours now since last feed and is showing no signs of stirring just yet. So whatever it is that's working, it seems to have done the trick :)

Laura and Heidi: Are you guys formula or breast feeding? How are your little ones for sleeping? Do you have a good nighttime routine yet?

Lovely to see you both in here!! :)

Shadow i am using cow and gate. i also use a dummy so if Summer is crying i try that on her first to see if she settles if her feed isnt due for another hour or so.

:thumbup: Yep, I did this earlier with Vince and he fell asleep on me for about an hour and a half, in the end I had to put him in my sling so that I could get stuff done, but it was so lovely hehe! Some real mummy bonding time :cloud9:
awww sounds lovely hun. glad it worked for you. :hugs:

Summer is being really cranky now she had an extra 30ml than usual i done her bum, tried her dummy and she just cries :cry: makes me feel so useless
I am breast feeding and formula feeding. We switch between the two. My pump is....a nightmare and I have been having issues with it, so when we go out and when daddy is alone with her we formula feed her. She does really well. She has no nipple confusion and latches on really well with me and takes the bottle like a champ with daddy.

She sleeps well. She goes to bed around 11 pm and wakes at 3:30 and goes back to bed at 4 and then wakes at 7:00 am. She is a good baby, but boy does she make a lot of noise at night haha, she is sleeping but she sounds like a racetrack haha. The past two nights she didn't poop at all, but she was so gassy, her poor little tummy was ROCK hard and she was screaming and crying in pain :( FINALLY today she has had the poops all night after I took a bath with her and soaked her up to her chest and did the tummy massage and took her temp with the rectal thermometer (which she HATED) :( I did whatever it took to make her poop though, and we got it finally, so now she is so much more calm.
Awww Soph :( Maybe she is going through the "growth spurt" tmr mentioned?? She's the exact same age as Vince, so we may hit things like that at roughly the same time I figure!! We had a crazy night with Vince again last night, I was totally exhausted even though I only took one of the night feeds, and he woke up 5 times in total, so daddy gave him 3 feeds and one of the waking-up sessions we just brought him to our bed in despair (it was nowhere near feed time!)

I'm so jealous of you, Heidi! she only wakes at 3:30 and 7:00?!? Gawd, I wish Vinnie would do that!!

OH keeps saying that pretty soon it will all start to come together and we will feel much better about it all, but it's pretty tough at the moment :dohh:
But I did have my lovely bonding session with him yesterday, it's much easier during the day cos you can play and cuddle and stuff to keep them happy...
Oh yea, and WELCOME to ZoeBunny and George!! :yipee:

We have two Georges now :D Must be a popular name choice lately!

Hope Vince starts sleeping better soon Shadow.

Summer went 5 hours straight last night having last feed at 11.10 waking at 4.45 then again at 8.30. :happydance: probs had something to do with her winging constantly yesterday evening. doubt she will do it again tonight though.
Gage eats at 11.... then 3.... then 6.... and around 8-9... he loves to eat... I am breastfeeding... and so far so good... but when I leave my baby with grandma I have them give the baby formula... haven't left Gage yet... but that is what I did with my other boys..

Sounds like Vince and Gage are on the same schedule...:rofl:

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