Hey ladies,
Forgot to say in my last post that we went to weigh Vince yesterday and he is now 3.765kg (about 8lb 4oz i think?), which is just about perfect for his age on the charts, so we're happy
Joey, re: heart murmurs and holes... I had a hole between my atria for 17 years (since birth) and nobody noticed it till then!! It did affect me in little ways,a nd cos it was so big I had to have open heart surgery to patch it up because it would've caused big probs later if not... BUT it's really not a very scary thing, though it does sound like it- That they have spotted it this early is really good, and I know that it is very common for babies to have it in their first year and they can close up themselves if they're only small, so fingers crossed George will have no problems at all with it. But even if it did get bigger and they had to go in and close it up, they can do soooo much these days and it really wouldn't be a big deal even then

So hope it hasn't worried you too much, but ugh at the messed up routine!!
As for Vince, his routine is all over the place now

He WILL NOT settle in his moses basket, so we try to leave him there whinging and moaning but if it escalates we just have to have him with us, either in our bed or in our arms if we're up. It's really hard

I just wish he would settle...
But we're starting to wonder whether it's because he's just too hungry for the SMA gold, he doesn't seem content with it really and although he drains the 120ml we make up each feed and seems very full afterwards, he has been going less and less time between feeds again and is back down to under 2 hours

The health visitor specifically said not to feed him again before 2 hours had gone by, but we're already giving him much bigger amounts than the box suggests, so we're thinking of changing formula....
Anyone have any ideas? We're thinking about trying SMA white (for hungrier babies) to see if that satisfies him for longer...
Hope you're all well
